2022-11-10 18:36:41 +01:00

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What are the differences to Drone?

Apart from Woodpecker staying free and OpenSource forever, the growing community already introduced some nifty features like:

Why is Woodpecker a fork of Drone version 0.8?

The Drone CI license was changed after the 0.8 release from Apache 2 to a proprietary license. Woodpecker is based on this latest freely available version.

How to debug clone issues:

(And what to do with an error message like fatal: could not read Username for 'https://<url>': No such device or address)

This error can have multiple causes. If you use internal repositories you might have to enable WOODPECKER_AUTHENTICATE_PUBLIC_REPOS:

      - [...]

If that does not work, try to make sure the container can reach your git server. In order to do that disable git checkout and make the container "hang":

skip_clone: true

    image: debian:stable-backports
      - apt update
      - apt install -y inetutils-ping wget
      - ping -c 4 git.example.com
      - wget git.example.com
      - sleep 9999999

Get the container id using docker ps and copy the id from the first column. Enter the container with: docker exec -it 1234asdf bash (replace 1234asdf with the docker id). Then try to clone the git repository with the commands from the failing pipeline:

$ git init
$ git remote add origin https://git.example.com/username/repo.git 
$ git fetch --no-tags origin +refs/heads/branch: 

(replace the url AND the branch with the correct values, use your username and password as log in values)