Markus Heiser fd814aac86 [mod] isolation of botdetection from the limiter
This patch was inspired by the discussion around PR-2882 [2].  The goals of this
patch are:

1. Convert plugin searx.plugin.limiter to normal code [1]
2. isolation of botdetection from the limiter [2]
3. searx/{tools => botdetection}/ and drop
4. in URL /config, 'limiter.enabled' is true only if the limiter is really
   enabled (Redis is available).

This patch moves all the code that belongs to botdetection into namespace
searx.botdetection and code that belongs to limiter is placed in namespace

Tthe limiter used to be a plugin at some point botdetection was added, it was
not a plugin.  The modularization of these two components was long overdue.
With the clear modularization, the documentation could then also be organized
according to the architecture.


To test:

- check the app works without the limiter, check `/config`
- check the app works with the limiter and with the token, check `/config`
- make .. and read

Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
2023-11-01 06:44:56 +01:00

1.7 KiB


    base_url:  # change this!
    port: 8888
    bind_address: ""
    secret_key: "ultrasecretkey"           # change this!
    limiter: false
    image_proxy: false
      X-Content-Type-Options : nosniff
      X-XSS-Protection : 1; mode=block
      X-Download-Options : noopen
      X-Robots-Tag : noindex, nofollow
      Referrer-Policy : no-referrer
base_url : $SEARXNG_URL buildenv <make buildenv>

The base URL where SearXNG is deployed. Used to create correct inbound links. If you change the value, don't forget to rebuild instance's environment (utils/brand.env <make buildenv>)

port & bind_address: $SEARXNG_PORT & $SEARXNG_BIND_ADDRESS buildenv <make buildenv>

Port number and bind address of the SearXNG web application if you run it directly using python searx/ Doesn't apply to a SearXNG services running behind a proxy and using socket communications. If you change the value, don't forget to rebuild instance's environment (utils/brand.env <make buildenv>)

secret_key : $SEARXNG_SECRET

Used for cryptography purpose.

limiter :

Rate limit the number of request on the instance, block some bots. The limiter requires a settings redis database.

image_proxy :

Allow your instance of SearXNG of being able to proxy images. Uses memory space.

default_http_headers :

Set additional HTTP headers, see #755