[0.1.0] * Initial version [0.2.0] * Fix app title [0.3.0] * Fix first run command [1.0.0] * Initial stable version [1.1.0] * Use base image v3 [1.2.0] * Update prometheus to 2.23.0 * [Full changelog](https://github.com/prometheus/prometheus/releases/tag/v2.23.0) * UI: Make the React UI default. #8142 * Remote write: The following metrics were removed/renamed in remote write. #6815 * Remote: Do not collect non-initialized timestamp metrics. #8060 * Remote write: Added a metric prometheus_remote_storage_max_samples_per_send for remote write. #8102 * TSDB: Make the snapshot directory name always the same length. #8138 * TSDB: Create a checkpoint only once at the end of all head compactions. #8067 * TSDB: Avoid Series API from hitting the chunks. #8050 * TSDB: Cache label name and last value when adding series during compactions making compactions faster. #8192 [1.3.0] * Update Prometheus to 2.24.1 * [Full changelog](https://github.com/prometheus/prometheus/releases/tag/v2.24.0) [1.4.0] * Update Prometheus to 2.25.0 * [Full changelog](https://github.com/prometheus/prometheus/releases/tag/v2.25.0) * Add optional name property to testgroup for better test failure output. #8440 * Add warnings into React Panel on the Graph page. #8427 * TSDB: Increase the number of buckets for the compaction duration metric. #8342 * Remote: Allow passing along custom remote_write HTTP headers. #8416 * Mixins: Scope grafana configuration. #8332 [1.4.1] * Update Prometheus to 2.25.2 * [Full changelog](https://github.com/prometheus/prometheus/releases/tag/v2.25.2) * Fix the ingestion of scrapes when the wall clock changes, e.g. on suspend * Enable basicAuth so it can work with apps like grafana [1.5.0] * Update Prometheus to 2.26.0 * [Full changelog](https://github.com/prometheus/prometheus/releases/tag/v2.26.0) * Remote: Add support for AWS SigV4 auth method for remote_write. #8509 * Scaleway Discovery: Add Scaleway Service Discovery. #8555 * PromQL: Allow negative offsets. Behind --enable-feature=promql-negative-offset flag. #8487 * experimental Exemplars: Add in-memory storage for exemplars. Behind --enable-feature=exemplar-storage flag. #6635 * UI: Add advanced auto-completion, syntax highlighting and linting to graph page query input. #8634 [1.6.0] * Update Prometheus to 2.27.0 * [Full changelog](https://github.com/prometheus/prometheus/releases/tag/v2.27.0) * UI: Add a dark theme. #8604 [1.6.1] * Update Prometheus to 2.27.1 * [Full changelog](https://github.com/prometheus/prometheus/releases/tag/v2.27.1) [1.7.0] * Update Prometheus to 2.28.0 * [Full changelog](https://github.com/prometheus/prometheus/releases/tag/v2.28.0) * [CHANGE] UI: Make the new experimental PromQL editor the default. #8925 * [FEATURE] Linode SD: Add Linode service discovery. #8846 * [FEATURE] HTTP SD: Add generic HTTP-based service discovery. #8839 * [FEATURE] Kubernetes SD: Allow configuring API Server access via a kubeconfig file. #8811 * [FEATURE] UI: Add exemplar display support to the graphing interface. #8832 #8945 #8929 * [FEATURE] Consul SD: Add namespace support for Consul Enterprise. #8900 * [ENHANCEMENT] Promtool: Allow silencing output when importing / backfilling data. #8917 * [ENHANCEMENT] Consul SD: Support reading tokens from file. #8926 * [ENHANCEMENT] Rules: Add a new .ExternalURL alert field templating variable, containing the external URL of the Prometheus server. #8878 * [ENHANCEMENT] Scrape: Add experimental body_size_limit scrape configuration setting to limit the allowed response body size for target scrapes. #8833 #8886 [1.7.1] * Update Prometheus to 2.28.1 * [Full changelog](https://github.com/prometheus/prometheus/releases/tag/v2.28.1) * [BUGFIX]: HTTP SD: Allow charset specification in Content-Type header. #8981 * [BUGFIX]: HTTP SD: Fix handling of disappeared target groups. #9019 * [BUGFIX]: Fix incorrect log-level handling after moving to go-kit/log. #9021 [1.8.0] * Update Prometheus to 2.29.0 * [Full changelog](https://github.com/prometheus/prometheus/releases/tag/v2.29.0) [1.8.1] * Update Prometheus to 2.29.1 * [Full changelog](https://github.com/prometheus/prometheus/releases/tag/v2.29.1) [1.8.2] * Update Prometheus to 2.29.2 * [Full changelog](https://github.com/prometheus/prometheus/releases/tag/v2.29.2) [1.9.0] * Update Prometheus to 2.30.0 * [Full changelog](https://github.com/prometheus/prometheus/releases/tag/v2.30.0) [1.9.1] * Update Prometheus to 2.30.1 * [Full changelog](https://github.com/prometheus/prometheus/releases/tag/v2.30.1) [1.9.2] * Update Prometheus to 2.30.2 * [Full changelog](https://github.com/prometheus/prometheus/releases/tag/v2.30.2) [1.9.3] * Update Prometheus to 2.30.3 * [Full changelog](https://github.com/prometheus/prometheus/releases/tag/v2.30.3) [1.9.4] * Set default retention_time to 15 days [1.9.5] * Update Prometheus to 2.31.0 * [Full changelog](https://github.com/prometheus/prometheus/releases/tag/v2.31.0) * [CHANGE] UI: Remove standard PromQL editor in favour of the codemirror-based editor. #9452 * [FEATURE] PromQL: Add trigonometric functions and atan2 binary operator. #9239 #9248 #9515 * [FEATURE] Remote: Add support for exemplar in the remote write receiver endpoint. #9319 #9414 * [FEATURE] SD: Add PuppetDB service discovery. #8883 * [FEATURE] SD: Add Uyuni service discovery. #8190 * [FEATURE] Web: Add support for security-related HTTP headers. #9546 * [ENHANCEMENT] Azure SD: Add proxy_url, follow_redirects, tls_config. #9267 * [ENHANCEMENT] Backfill: Add --max-block-duration in promtool create-blocks-from rules. #9511 * [ENHANCEMENT] Config: Print human-readable sizes with unit instead of raw numbers. #9361 * [ENHANCEMENT] HTTP: Re-enable HTTP/2. #9398 * [ENHANCEMENT] Kubernetes SD: Warn user if number of endpoints exceeds limit. #9467 * [ENHANCEMENT] OAuth2: Add TLS configuration to token requests. #9550 * [ENHANCEMENT] PromQL: Several optimizations. #9365 #9360 #9362 #9552 * [ENHANCEMENT] PromQL: Make aggregations deterministic in instant queries. #9459 * [ENHANCEMENT] Rules: Add the ability to limit number of alerts or series. #9260 #9541 * [ENHANCEMENT] SD: Experimental discovery manager to avoid restarts upon reload. Disabled by default, enable with flag --enable-feature=new-service-discovery-manager. #9349 #9537 * [ENHANCEMENT] UI: Debounce timerange setting changes. #9359 * [BUGFIX] Backfill: Apply rule labels after query labels. #9421 * [BUGFIX] Scrape: Resolve conflicts between multiple exported label prefixes. #9479 #9518 * [BUGFIX] Scrape: Restart scrape loops when __scrape_interval__ is changed. #9551 * [BUGFIX] TSDB: Fix memory leak in samples deletion. #9151 * [BUGFIX] UI: Use consistent margin-bottom for all alert kinds. #9318 [1.9.6] * Update Prometheus to 2.31.1 * [Full changelog](https://github.com/prometheus/prometheus/releases/tag/v2.31.1) * Fix a panic when the experimental discovery manager receive targets during a reload [1.9.7] * Update Prometheus to 2.31.1 * [Full changelog](https://github.com/prometheus/prometheus/releases/tag/v2.31.1) [1.10.0] * Update Prometheus to 2.32.0 * [Full changelog](https://github.com/prometheus/prometheus/releases/tag/v2.32.0) [1.10.1] * Update Prometheus to 2.32.1 * [Full changelog](https://github.com/prometheus/prometheus/releases/tag/v2.32.1) [1.11.0] * Update Prometheus to 2.33.0 * [Full changelog](https://github.com/prometheus/prometheus/releases/tag/v2.33.0) [1.11.1] * Update Prometheus to 2.33.1 * [Full changelog](https://github.com/prometheus/prometheus/releases/tag/v2.33.1) [1.11.2] * Update Prometheus to 2.33.2 * [Full changelog](https://github.com/prometheus/prometheus/releases/tag/v2.33.2) [1.11.3] * Update Prometheus to 2.33.3 * [Full changelog](https://github.com/prometheus/prometheus/releases/tag/v2.33.3) [1.11.4] * Update Prometheus to 2.33.4 * [Full changelog](https://github.com/prometheus/prometheus/releases/tag/v2.33.4) [1.12.0] * Update Prometheus to 2.33.5 * [Full changelog](https://github.com/prometheus/prometheus/releases/tag/v2.33.5) [1.13.0] * Update Prometheus to 2.34.0 * [Full changelog](https://github.com/prometheus/prometheus/releases/tag/v2.34.0) * TSDB: Disable the chunk write queue by default and allow configuration with the experimental flag --storage.tsdb.head-chunks-write-queue-size. #10425 * HTTP SD: Add a failure counter. #10372 * Azure SD: Set Prometheus User-Agent on requests. #10209 * Uyuni SD: Reduce the number of logins to Uyuni. #10072 * Scrape: Log when an invalid media type is encountered during a scrape. #10186 * Scrape: Accept application/openmetrics-text;version=1.0.0 in addition to version=0.0.1. #9431 * Remote-read: Add an option to not use external labels as selectors for remote read. #10254 * UI: Optimize the alerts page and add a search bar. #10142 * UI: Improve graph colors that were hard to see. #10179 * Config: Allow escaping of $ with $$ when using environment variables with external labels. #10129