
269 lines
7.8 KiB

use crate::functions::CoreError;
use crate::{disp_drv_register, disp_get_default, get_str_act};
use crate::{Box, RunOnce};
use crate::{Color, Obj};
use core::cell::RefCell;
use core::mem::MaybeUninit;
use core::ptr::NonNull;
use core::{ptr, result};
use parking_lot::const_mutex;
use parking_lot::Mutex;
pub const DISP_HOR_RES: usize = lvgl_sys::LV_HOR_RES_MAX as usize;
pub const DISP_VER_RES: usize = lvgl_sys::LV_VER_RES_MAX as usize;
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum DisplayError {
type Result<T> = result::Result<T, DisplayError>;
pub struct Display {
pub(crate) disp: NonNull<lvgl_sys::lv_disp_t>,
impl Display {
pub(crate) fn from_raw(disp: NonNull<lvgl_sys::lv_disp_t>) -> Self {
Self { disp }
pub fn register<F, const N: usize>(
draw_buffer: &'static DrawBuffer<N>,
display_update: F,
) -> Result<Self>
F: FnMut(&DisplayRefresh<N>) + 'static,
let mut display_diver = DisplayDriver::new(draw_buffer, display_update)?;
Ok(disp_drv_register(&mut display_diver)?)
pub fn get_scr_act(&self) -> Result<Obj> {
impl Default for Display {
fn default() -> Self {
disp_get_default().expect("LVGL must be INITIALIZED")
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct DefaultDisplay {}
impl DefaultDisplay {
/// Gets the screen active of the default display.
pub fn get_scr_act() -> Result<Obj> {
pub struct DrawBuffer<const N: usize> {
initialized: RunOnce,
refresh_buffer: Mutex<RefCell<[MaybeUninit<lvgl_sys::lv_color_t>; N]>>,
impl<const N: usize> DrawBuffer<N> {
pub const fn new() -> Self {
Self {
initialized: RunOnce::new(),
refresh_buffer: const_mutex(RefCell::new([MaybeUninit::uninit(); N])),
fn get_ptr(&self) -> Option<Box<lvgl_sys::lv_disp_buf_t>> {
if self.initialized.swap_and_check() {
// TODO: needs to be 'static somehow
// Cannot be in the DrawBuffer struct because the type `lv_disp_buf_t` contains a raw
// pointer and raw pointers are not Send and consequently cannot be in `static` variables.
let mut inner: MaybeUninit<lvgl_sys::lv_disp_buf_t> = MaybeUninit::uninit();
let primary_buffer_guard = self.refresh_buffer.lock();
let draw_buf = unsafe {
primary_buffer_guard.borrow_mut().as_mut_ptr() as *mut _ as *mut cty::c_void,
N as u32,
} else {
pub struct DisplayDriver {
pub(crate) disp_drv: lvgl_sys::lv_disp_drv_t,
impl DisplayDriver {
pub fn new<F, const N: usize>(
draw_buffer: &'static DrawBuffer<N>,
display_update_callback: F,
) -> Result<Self>
F: FnMut(&DisplayRefresh<N>) + 'static,
let mut disp_drv = unsafe {
let mut inner = MaybeUninit::uninit();
// Safety: The variable `draw_buffer` is statically allocated, no need to worry about this being dropped.
disp_drv.buffer = draw_buffer
.map(|ptr| Box::into_raw(ptr) as *mut _)
disp_drv.user_data = Box::into_raw(Box::new(display_update_callback)) as *mut _
as lvgl_sys::lv_disp_drv_user_data_t;
// Sets trampoline pointer to the function implementation that uses the `F` type for a
// refresh buffer of size N specifically.
disp_drv.flush_cb = Some(disp_flush_trampoline::<F, N>);
// We do not store any memory that can be accidentally deallocated by on the Rust side.
Ok(Self { disp_drv })
/// Represents a sub-area of the display that is being updated.
pub struct Area {
pub x1: i16,
pub x2: i16,
pub y1: i16,
pub y2: i16,
/// It's a update to the display information, contains the area that is being updated and the color
/// of the pixels that need to be updated. The colors are represented in a contiguous array.
pub struct DisplayRefresh<const N: usize> {
pub area: Area,
pub colors: [Color; N],
#[cfg(feature = "embedded_graphics")]
mod embedded_graphics_impl {
use crate::{Color, DisplayRefresh};
use embedded_graphics::drawable;
use embedded_graphics::prelude::*;
impl<const N: usize> DisplayRefresh<N> {
pub fn as_pixels<C>(&self) -> impl IntoIterator<Item = drawable::Pixel<C>> + '_
C: PixelColor + From<Color>,
let area = &self.area;
let x1 = area.x1;
let x2 = area.x2;
let y1 = area.y1;
let y2 = area.y2;
let ys = y1..=y2;
let xs = (x1..=x2).enumerate();
let x_len = (x2 - x1 + 1) as usize;
// We use iterators here to ensure that the Rust compiler can apply all possible
// optimizations at compile time.
.map(move |(iy, y)| {
xs.clone().map(move |(ix, x)| {
let color_len = x_len * iy + ix;
let raw_color = self.colors[color_len];
drawable::Pixel(Point::new(x as i32, y as i32), raw_color.into())
unsafe extern "C" fn disp_flush_trampoline<F, const N: usize>(
disp_drv: *mut lvgl_sys::lv_disp_drv_t,
area: *const lvgl_sys::lv_area_t,
color_p: *mut lvgl_sys::lv_color_t,
) where
F: FnMut(&DisplayRefresh<N>) + 'static,
let display_driver = *disp_drv;
if !display_driver.user_data.is_null() {
let callback = &mut *(display_driver.user_data as *mut F);
let mut colors = [Color::default(); N];
let mut color_len = 0;
for color in &mut colors {
let lv_color = *color_p.add(color_len);
*color = Color::from_raw(lv_color);
color_len += 1;
let update = DisplayRefresh {
area: Area {
x1: (*area).x1,
x2: (*area).x2,
y1: (*area).y1,
y2: (*area).y2,
// Indicate to LVGL that we are ready with the flushing
impl From<CoreError> for DisplayError {
fn from(err: CoreError) -> Self {
use DisplayError::*;
match err {
CoreError::ResourceNotAvailable => NotAvailable,
CoreError::OperationFailed => NotAvailable,
mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::tests;
fn get_scr_act_return_display() {
let _screen = get_str_act(None).expect("We can get the active screen");
fn get_default_display() {
let display = Display::default();
let _screen_direct = display
.expect("Return screen directly from the display instance");
let _screen_default =
DefaultDisplay::get_scr_act().expect("Return screen from the default display");
fn register_display_directly() -> Result<()> {
let display = Display::default();
let _screen = display
.expect("Return screen directly from the display instance");