use fang::runnable::Runnable; use fang::serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use fang::typetag; use fang::FangError; use fang::Queueable; use fang::Scheduled; #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)] #[serde(crate = "fang::serde")] pub struct MyCronTask {} #[typetag::serde] impl Runnable for MyCronTask { fn run(&self, _queue: &dyn Queueable) -> Result<(), FangError> { log::info!("CRON !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"); Ok(()) } fn task_type(&self) -> String { "cron_test".to_string() } fn cron(&self) -> Option { // sec min hour day of month month day of week year // be careful works only with UTC hour. // let expression = "0/20 * * * Aug-Sep * 2022/1"; Some(Scheduled::CronPattern(expression.to_string())) } fn uniq(&self) -> bool { true } }