Divya Jain e2ab8a46ed
Header and Tabs UI Improvements (#1290)
Some improvements to the Page Header and Tab UI.

Original |  New






- Create a new Scaffold component, which includes the header and tabs
required for a page.
- Use this component to wrap all the views that have a header.
- Ensures consistency in headers between different pages.
- [x] Add support to use custom html/component in place of title (for
repo page, pipeline page, etc)
- [x] Add support of right icon buttons (for repo page, pipeline page,
- [x] Refactor tabs handling using compositions (useTabsProvider, useTabsClient)
- [x] Make new header ui resposive
2022-10-28 00:55:07 +02:00

101 lines
3.3 KiB

<!-- Navbar -->
<div class="flex bg-lime-600 text-neutral-content p-4 dark:bg-dark-gray-800 dark:border-b dark:border-gray-700">
<!-- Left Links Box -->
<div class="flex text-white dark:text-gray-400 items-center space-x-2">
<!-- Logo -->
<router-link :to="{ name: 'home' }" class="flex flex-col -my-2 px-2">
<img class="w-8 h-8" src="../../../assets/logo.svg?url" />
<span class="text-xs">{{ version }}</span>
<!-- Repo Link -->
<router-link v-if="user" :to="{ name: 'repos' }" class="navbar-link navbar-clickable">
<span class="flex md:hidden">{{ $t('repos') }}</span>
<span class="hidden md:flex">{{ $t('repositories') }}</span>
<!-- Docs Link -->
<a :href="docsUrl" target="_blank" class="navbar-link navbar-clickable hidden md:flex">{{ $t('docs') }}</a>
<!-- Right Icons Box -->
<div class="flex ml-auto -m-1.5 items-center space-x-2 text-white dark:text-gray-400">
<!-- Dark Mode Toggle -->
:title="$t(darkMode ? 'color_scheme_dark' : 'color_scheme_light')"
class="navbar-icon navbar-clickable"
@click="darkMode = !darkMode"
<i-ic-baseline-dark-mode v-if="darkMode" />
<i-ic-round-light-mode v-else />
<!-- Admin Settings -->
class="navbar-icon navbar-clickable"
:to="{ name: 'admin-settings' }"
<i-clarity-settings-solid />
<!-- Active Pipelines Indicator -->
<ActivePipelines v-if="user" class="navbar-icon navbar-clickable" />
<!-- User Avatar -->
:to="{ name: 'user' }"
class="navbar-icon navbar-clickable !p-1.5"
<img v-if="user && user.avatar_url" class="rounded-md" :src="`${user.avatar_url}`" />
<!-- Login Button -->
<Button v-else :text="$t('login')" @click="doLogin" />
<script lang="ts">
import { defineComponent } from 'vue';
import { useRoute } from 'vue-router';
import Button from '~/components/atomic/Button.vue';
import useAuthentication from '~/compositions/useAuthentication';
import useConfig from '~/compositions/useConfig';
import { useDarkMode } from '~/compositions/useDarkMode';
import ActivePipelines from './ActivePipelines.vue';
import NavbarIcon from './NavbarIcon.vue';
export default defineComponent({
name: 'Navbar',
components: { Button, ActivePipelines, NavbarIcon },
setup() {
const config = useConfig();
const route = useRoute();
const authentication = useAuthentication();
const { darkMode } = useDarkMode();
const docsUrl = window.WOODPECKER_DOCS;
function doLogin() {
const version = config.version?.startsWith('next') ? 'next' : config.version;
return { darkMode, user: authentication.user, doLogin, docsUrl, version };
<style scoped>
.navbar-link {
@apply px-3 py-2 -my-1 rounded-md;
.navbar-clickable {
@apply hover:bg-black hover:bg-opacity-10 dark:hover:bg-white dark:hover:bg-opacity-5 transition-colors duration-100;