Robert Kaussow dca01e6817
Use consistent woodpecker color scheme (#2003)
Fixes: https://github.com/woodpecker-ci/woodpecker/issues/1079

What do you think about using a consistent `woodpecker` color scheme?
Right now, the `lime` color scheme from windicss is used that does not
really fit the primary color used for the documentation website. I have
used the primary color `#4CAF50` from the docs and created a color
palette with https://palettte.app/:

  <summary>JSON source</summary>

    "paletteName": "New Palette",
    "swatches": [
        "name": "New Swatch",
        "color": "166E30"
        "name": "New Swatch",
        "color": "248438"
        "name": "New Swatch",
        "color": "369943"
        "name": "New Swatch",
        "color": "4CAF50"
        "name": "New Swatch",
        "color": "68C464"
        "name": "New Swatch",
        "color": "8AD97F"



I have added this color scheme to the windicss config and replaced the
use of `lime` in the UI. While `woodpecker-300` would be the primary
color that is used for the docs, I currently use `woodpecke-400` as
primary color for the UI to fix some contrast issues.



What do you think? If you would like to stay with the current colors,
that's fine for me, I can just use the custom CSS feature in this case.


Co-authored-by: 6543 <6543@obermui.de>
2023-08-02 09:09:12 +02:00

321 lines
10 KiB

<div v-if="pipeline" class="flex flex-col pt-10 md:pt-0">
class="fixed top-0 left-0 w-full md:hidden flex px-4 py-2 bg-wp-background-100 dark:bg-wp-background-200 text-wp-text-100"
@click="$emit('update:step-id', null)"
<span>{{ step?.name }}</span>
<Icon name="close" class="ml-auto" />
class="flex flex-grow flex-col code-box shadow !p-0 !rounded-none md:m-2 md:mt-0 !md:rounded-md overflow-hidden"
@mouseover="showActions = true"
@mouseleave="showActions = false"
<div v-show="showActions" class="absolute top-0 right-0 z-40 mt-4 mr-6 hidden md:flex">
v-if="step?.end_time !== undefined"
v-if="step?.end_time === undefined"
autoScroll ? $t('repo.pipeline.actions.log_auto_scroll_off') : $t('repo.pipeline.actions.log_auto_scroll')
:start-icon="autoScroll ? 'auto-scroll' : 'auto-scroll-off'"
@click="autoScroll = !autoScroll"
v-show="hasLogs && loadedLogs"
class="w-full max-w-full grid grid-cols-[min-content,1fr,min-content] p-4 auto-rows-min flex-grow overflow-x-hidden overflow-y-auto"
<div v-for="line in log" :key="line.index" class="contents font-mono">
class="text-wp-text-alt-100 whitespace-nowrap select-none text-right pl-2 pr-6"
'bg-opacity-40 dark:bg-opacity-50 bg-red-600 dark:bg-red-800': line.type === 'error',
'bg-opacity-40 dark:bg-opacity-50 bg-yellow-600 dark:bg-yellow-800': line.type === 'warning',
'bg-opacity-30 bg-blue-600': isSelected(line),
underline: isSelected(line),
>{{ line.number }}</a
<!-- eslint-disable vue/no-v-html -->
class="align-top whitespace-pre-wrap break-words text-sm"
'bg-opacity-40 dark:bg-opacity-50 bg- dark:bg-red-800': line.type === 'error',
'bg-opacity-40 dark:bg-opacity-50 bg-yellow-600 dark:bg-yellow-800': line.type === 'warning',
'bg-opacity-30 bg-blue-600': isSelected(line),
<!-- eslint-enable vue/no-v-html -->
class="text-wp-text-alt-100 whitespace-nowrap select-none text-right pr-1"
'bg-opacity-40 dark:bg-opacity-50 bg-red-600 dark:bg-red-800': line.type === 'error',
'bg-opacity-40 dark:bg-opacity-50 bg-yellow-600 dark:bg-yellow-800': line.type === 'warning',
'bg-opacity-30 bg-blue-600': isSelected(line),
>{{ formatTime(line.time) }}</span
<div class="m-auto text-xl text-wp-text-alt-100">
<span v-if="step?.error">{{ step.error }}</span>
<span v-else-if="step?.state === 'skipped'">{{ $t('repo.pipeline.actions.canceled') }}</span>
<span v-else-if="!step?.start_time">{{ $t('repo.pipeline.step_not_started') }}</span>
<div v-else-if="!loadedLogs">{{ $t('repo.pipeline.loading') }}</div>
v-if="step?.end_time !== undefined"
class="flex items-center w-full bg-wp-code-100 text-md text-wp-text-alt-100 p-4 font-bold"
<PipelineStatusIcon :status="step.state" class="!h-4 !w-4" />
<span class="px-2">{{ $t('repo.pipeline.exit_code', { exitCode: step.exit_code }) }}</span>
<script lang="ts" setup>
import '~/style/console.css';
import { useStorage } from '@vueuse/core';
import AnsiUp from 'ansi_up';
import { debounce } from 'lodash';
import { computed, inject, nextTick, onMounted, Ref, ref, toRef, watch } from 'vue';
import { useI18n } from 'vue-i18n';
import { useRoute } from 'vue-router';
import Button from '~/components/atomic/Button.vue';
import Icon from '~/components/atomic/Icon.vue';
import PipelineStatusIcon from '~/components/repo/pipeline/PipelineStatusIcon.vue';
import useApiClient from '~/compositions/useApiClient';
import useNotifications from '~/compositions/useNotifications';
import { Pipeline, Repo } from '~/lib/api/types';
import { findStep, isStepFinished, isStepRunning } from '~/utils/helpers';
type LogLine = {
index: number;
number: number;
text: string;
time?: number;
type: 'error' | 'warning' | null;
const props = defineProps<{
pipeline: Pipeline;
stepId: number;
(event: 'update:step-id', stepId: number | null): true;
const notifications = useNotifications();
const i18n = useI18n();
const pipeline = toRef(props, 'pipeline');
const stepId = toRef(props, 'stepId');
const repo = inject<Ref<Repo>>('repo');
const apiClient = useApiClient();
const route = useRoute();
const loadedStepSlug = ref<string>();
const stepSlug = computed(() => `${repo?.value.owner} - ${repo?.value.name} - ${pipeline.value.id} - ${stepId.value}`);
const step = computed(() => pipeline.value && findStep(pipeline.value.workflows || [], stepId.value));
const stream = ref<EventSource>();
const log = ref<LogLine[]>();
const consoleElement = ref<Element>();
const loadedLogs = computed(() => !!log.value);
const hasLogs = computed(
() =>
// we do not have logs for skipped steps
repo?.value && pipeline.value && step.value && step.value.state !== 'skipped' && step.value.state !== 'killed',
const autoScroll = useStorage('log-auto-scroll', false);
const showActions = ref(false);
const downloadInProgress = ref(false);
const ansiUp = ref(new AnsiUp());
ansiUp.value.use_classes = true;
const logBuffer = ref<LogLine[]>([]);
const maxLineCount = 500; // TODO: think about way to support lazy-loading more than last 300 logs (#776)
function isSelected(line: LogLine): boolean {
return route.hash === `#L${line.number}`;
function formatTime(time?: number): string {
return time === undefined ? '' : `${time}s`;
function writeLog(line: Partial<LogLine>) {
index: line.index ?? 0,
number: (line.index ?? 0) + 1,
text: ansiUp.value.ansi_to_html(line.text ?? ''),
time: line.time ?? 0,
type: null, // TODO: implement way to detect errors and warnings
// SOURCE: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/30106476/using-javascripts-atob-to-decode-base64-doesnt-properly-decode-utf-8-strings
function b64DecodeUnicode(str: string) {
return decodeURIComponent(
.map((c) => `%${`00${c.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)}`.slice(-2)}`)
function scrollDown() {
nextTick(() => {
if (!consoleElement.value) {
consoleElement.value.scrollTop = consoleElement.value.scrollHeight;
const flushLogs = debounce((scroll: boolean) => {
let buffer = logBuffer.value.slice(-maxLineCount);
logBuffer.value = [];
if (buffer.length === 0) {
if (!log.value) {
log.value = [];
// append old logs lines
if (buffer.length < maxLineCount && log.value) {
buffer = [...log.value.slice(-(maxLineCount - buffer.length)), ...buffer];
// deduplicate repeating times
buffer = buffer.reduce(
(acc, line) => ({
lastTime: line.time ?? 0,
lines: [
time: acc.lastTime === line.time ? undefined : line.time,
{ lastTime: -1, lines: [] as LogLine[] },
log.value = buffer;
if (route.hash.length > 0) {
nextTick(() => document.getElementById(route.hash.substring(1))?.scrollIntoView());
} else if (scroll && autoScroll.value) {
}, 500);
async function download() {
if (!repo?.value || !pipeline.value || !step.value) {
throw new Error('The repository, pipeline or step was undefined');
let logs;
try {
downloadInProgress.value = true;
logs = await apiClient.getLogs(repo.value.id, pipeline.value.number, step.value.id);
} catch (e) {
notifications.notifyError(e, i18n.t('repo.pipeline.log_download_error'));
} finally {
downloadInProgress.value = false;
const fileURL = window.URL.createObjectURL(
new Blob([logs.map((line) => b64DecodeUnicode(line.data)).join('')], {
type: 'text/plain',
const fileLink = document.createElement('a');
fileLink.href = fileURL;
async function loadLogs() {
if (loadedStepSlug.value === stepSlug.value) {
loadedStepSlug.value = stepSlug.value;
log.value = undefined;
logBuffer.value = [];
ansiUp.value = new AnsiUp();
ansiUp.value.use_classes = true;
if (!repo) {
throw new Error('Unexpected: "repo" should be provided at this place');
if (stream.value) {
if (!hasLogs.value || !step.value) {
if (isStepFinished(step.value)) {
const logs = await apiClient.getLogs(repo.value.id, pipeline.value.number, step.value.id);
logs?.forEach((line) => writeLog({ index: line.line, text: b64DecodeUnicode(line.data), time: line.time }));
if (isStepRunning(step.value)) {
stream.value = apiClient.streamLogs(repo.value.id, pipeline.value.number, step.value.id, (line) => {
writeLog({ index: line.line, text: b64DecodeUnicode(line.data), time: line.time });
onMounted(async () => {
watch(stepSlug, () => {
watch(step, (oldStep, newStep) => {
if (oldStep && oldStep.name === newStep?.name && oldStep?.end_time !== newStep?.end_time) {
if (autoScroll.value) {