
65 lines
1.7 KiB

<div class="space-y-4">
<template v-if="branches.length > 0">
v-for="branch in branchesWithDefaultBranchFirst"
:to="{ name: 'repo-branch', params: { branch } }"
{{ branch }}
<Badge v-if="branch === repo?.default_branch" :label="$t('default')" class="ml-auto" />
<div v-else-if="loading" class="flex justify-center text-wp-text-100">
<Icon name="spinner" />
<Panel v-else class="flex justify-center">
{{ $t('empty_list', { entity: $t('repo.branches') }) }}
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { computed, inject, Ref, watch } from 'vue';
import Badge from '~/components/atomic/Badge.vue';
import ListItem from '~/components/atomic/ListItem.vue';
import useApiClient from '~/compositions/useApiClient';
import { usePagination } from '~/compositions/usePaginate';
import { Repo } from '~/lib/api/types';
const apiClient = useApiClient();
const repo = inject<Ref<Repo>>('repo');
if (!repo) {
throw new Error('Unexpected: "repo" should be provided at this place');
async function loadBranches(page: number): Promise<string[]> {
if (!repo) {
throw new Error('Unexpected: "repo" should be provided at this place');
return apiClient.getRepoBranches(repo.value.id, { page });
const { resetPage, data: branches, loading } = usePagination(loadBranches);
const branchesWithDefaultBranchFirst = computed(() =>
branches.value.toSorted((a, b) => {
if (a === repo.value.default_branch) {
return -1;
if (b === repo.value.default_branch) {
return 1;
return 0;
watch(repo, resetPage);