Convert more languages

This commit is contained in:
Jeremy Benoist 2016-03-18 23:40:11 +01:00
parent 1381db4835
commit f92b5de7ac
14 changed files with 2851 additions and 1064 deletions

View file

@ -1,130 +1,417 @@
Keep me logged in: 'Forbliv logget ind'
Forgot your password?: 'Glemt adgangskoden?'
Login: 'Log ind'
Back to login: 'Tilbage til login'
Send: 'Send'
"Enter your email address below and we'll send you password reset instructions.": "Indtast din emailadresse nedenfor, så vil du modtage instrukser om at nulstille adgangskoden."
# page_title: 'Welcome to wallabag!'
keep_logged_in: 'Forbliv logget ind'
forgot_password: 'Glemt adgangskoden?'
submit: 'Log ind'
# register: 'Register'
username: 'Brugernavn'
password: 'Adgangskode'
# cancel: 'Cancel'
description: "Indtast din emailadresse nedenfor, så vil du modtage instrukser om at nulstille adgangskoden."
# page_title: 'Create an account'
# go_to_account: 'Go to your account'
# Menu
unread: 'ulæst'
starred: 'favoritter'
archive: 'arkiv'
all: 'alle artikler'
tags: 'tags'
config: 'Opsætning'
howto: 'how-to'
logout: 'log ud'
Filtered: 'Filtreret'
About: 'Om'
unread: 'Ulæst'
starred: 'Favoritter'
archive: 'Arkiv'
all_articles: 'Alle artikler'
config: 'Opsætning'
tags: 'Tags'
# internal_settings: 'Internal Settings'
# import: 'Import'
howto: 'KUow-to'
# developer: 'Developer'
logout: 'Log ud'
about: 'Om'
search: 'Søg'
# save_link: 'Save a link'
back_to_unread: 'Tilbage til de ulæste artikler'
add_new_entry: 'Tilføj ny artikel'
search: 'Søg'
filter_entries: 'Filtrer artikler'
# export: 'Export'
input_label: 'Indtast søgning'
# Header
Back to unread articles: 'Tilbage til de ulæste artikler'
Add a new entry: 'Tilføj ny artikel'
Search: 'Søg'
Filter entries: 'Filtrer artikler'
Enter your search here: 'Indtast søgning'
Save new entry: 'Gem ny artikel'
# elsewhere: 'Take wallabag with you'
# social: 'Social'
# powered_by: 'powered by'
about: 'Om'
# Config screen
Settings: 'Indstillinger'
User information: 'Brugeroplysninger'
Password: 'Adgangskode'
Add a user: 'Tilføj bruger'
Theme: 'Tema'
Items per page: 'Poster pr. side'
Language: 'Sprog'
Save: 'Gem'
RSS token: 'RSS-Token'
Name: 'Navn'
Email: 'Emailadresse'
No token: 'Intet token'
Reset your token: 'Nulstil token'
Create your token: 'Opret token'
Rss limit: 'RSS-grænse'
RSS links: 'RSS-Links'
'RSS feeds provided by wallabag allow you to read your saved articles with your favourite RSS reader. You need to generate a token first.': 'RSS-feeds fra wallabag gør det muligt at læse de artikler, der gemmes i wallabag, med din RSS-læser. Det kræver, at du genererer et token først.'
Old password: 'Gammel adgangskode'
New password: 'Ny adgangskode'
Repeat new password: 'Gentag adgangskode'
Username: 'Brugernavn'
page_title: 'Opsætning'
settings: 'Indstillinger'
rss: 'RSS'
user_info: 'Brugeroplysninger'
password: 'Adgangskode'
# rules: 'Tagging rules'
new_user: 'Tilføj bruger'
save: 'Gem'
theme_label: 'Tema'
items_per_page_label: 'Poster pr. side'
language_label: 'Sprog'
description: 'RSS-feeds fra wallabag gør det muligt at læse de artikler, der gemmes i wallabag, med din RSS-læser. Det kræver, at du genererer et token først.'
token_label: 'RSS-Token'
no_token: 'Intet token'
token_create: 'Opret token'
token_reset: 'Nulstil token'
rss_links: 'RSS-Links'
unread: 'ulæst'
starred: 'favoritter'
archive: 'arkiv'
# rss_limit: 'Number of items in the feed'
# two_factor_description: "Enabling two factor authentication means you'll receive an email with a code on every new untrusted connexion"
name_label: 'Navn'
email_label: 'Emailadresse'
# twoFactorAuthentication_label: 'Two factor authentication'
old_password_label: 'Gammel adgangskode'
new_password_label: 'Ny adgangskode'
repeat_new_password_label: 'Gentag adgangskode'
# if_label: 'if'
# then_tag_as_label: 'then tag as'
# delete_rule_label: 'delete'
# rule_label: 'Rule'
# tags_label: 'Tags'
# faq:
# title: 'FAQ'
# tagging_rules_definition_title: 'What does « tagging rules » mean?'
# tagging_rules_definition_description: 'They are rules used by Wallabag to automatically tag new entries.<br />Each time a new entry is added, all the tagging rules will be used to add the tags you configured, thus saving you the trouble to manually classify your entries.'
# how_to_use_them_title: 'How do I use them?'
# how_to_use_them_description: 'Let assume you want to tag new entries as « <i>short reading</i> » when the reading time is inferior to 3 minutes.<br />In that case, you should put « readingTime &lt;= 3 » in the <i>Rule</i> field and « <i>short reading</i> » in the <i>Tags</i> field.<br />Several tags can added simultaneously by separating them by a comma: « <i>short reading, must read</i> »<br />Complex rules can be written by using predefined operators: if « <i>readingTime &gt;= 5 AND domainName = ""</i> » then tag as « <i>long reading, github </i> »'
# variables_available_title: 'Which variables and operators can I use to write rules?'
# variables_available_description: 'The following variables and operators can be used to create tagging rules:'
# meaning: 'Meaning'
# variable_description:
# label: 'Variable'
# title: 'Title of the entry'
# url: 'URL of the entry'
# isArchived: 'Whether the entry is archived or not'
# isStarred: 'Whether the entry is starred or not'
# content: "The entry's content"
# language: "The entry's language"
# mimetype: "The entry's mime-type"
# readingTime: "The estimated entry's reading time, in minutes"
# domainName: 'The domain name of the entry'
# operator_description:
# label: 'Operator'
# less_than: 'Less than...'
# strictly_less_than: 'Strictly less than...'
# greater_than: 'Greater than...'
# strictly_greater_than: 'Strictly greater than...'
# equal_to: 'Equal to...'
# not_equal_to: 'Not equal to...'
# or: 'One rule OR another'
# and: 'One rule AND another'
# matches: 'Tests that a <i>subject</i> is matches a <i>search</i> (case-insensitive).<br />Example: <code>title matches "football"</code>'
username_label: 'Brugernavn'
password_label: 'Adgangskode'
repeat_new_password_label: 'Gentag adgangskode'
plain_password_label: '????'
email_label: 'Emailadresse'
# Entries
'estimated reading time': 'estimeret læsetid'
original: original
Toggle mark as read: 'Marker som læst'
Toggle favorite: 'Skift favoritstatus'
Delete: 'Slet'
# unread: 'Unread entries'
# starred: 'Starred entries'
# archive: 'Archived entries'
# filtered: 'Filtered entries'
# number_on_the_page: '{0} There is no entry.|{1} There is one entry.|]1,Inf[ There are %count% entries.'
reading_time: 'estimeret læsetid'
reading_time_minutes: 'estimeret læsetid: %readingTime% min'
reading_time_less_one_minute: 'estimeret læsetid: <small class="inferieur">&lt;</small> 1 min'
original_article: 'original'
toogle_as_read: 'Marker som læst'
toogle_as_star: 'Skift favoritstatus'
delete: 'Slet'
# export_title: 'Export'
title: 'Filtre'
status_label: 'Status'
archived_label: 'Arkiveret'
starred_label: 'Favorit'
preview_picture_label: 'Har et vist billede'
preview_picture_help: 'Forhåndsvis billede'
language_label: 'Sprog'
label: 'Læsetid i minutter'
from: 'fra'
to: 'til'
domain_label: 'Domænenavn'
label: 'Oprettelsesdato'
from: 'fra'
to: 'til'
clear: 'Ryd'
filter: 'Filter'
# back_to_top: 'Back to top'
back_to_homepage: 'Tilbage'
set_as_read: 'Marker som læst'
# set_as_unread: 'Mark as unread'
set_as_favorite: 'Marker som favorit'
view_original_article: 'Originalartikel'
# re_fetch_content: 'Re-fetch content'
delete: 'Slet'
add_a_tag: 'Tliføj et tag'
share_content: 'Deling'
# share_email_label: 'Email'
download: 'Download'
# print: 'Print'
label: 'Problemer?'
description: 'Vises artiklen forkert?'
edit_title: 'Rediger titel'
original_article: 'original'
# annotations_on_the_entry: '{0} No annotations|{1} One annotation|]1,Inf[ %nbAnnotations% annotations'
page_title: 'Gem ny artikel'
placeholder: ''
url_label: Url
# page_title: 'Edit an entry'
# title_label: 'Title'
url_label: 'Url'
# is_public_label: 'Public'
save_label: 'Gem'
# Filters
Filters: 'Filtre'
Status: 'Status'
Archived: 'Arkiveret'
Starred: 'Favorit'
Preview picture: 'Forhåndsvis billede'
Has a preview picture: 'Har et vist billede'
Reading time in minutes: 'Læsetid i minutter'
from: 'fra'
to: 'til' ''
Domain name: 'Domænenavn'
Creation date: 'Oprettelsesdato'
dd/mm/yyyy: 'åååå'
Clear: 'Ryd'
Filter: 'Filter'
page_title: 'Om'
who_behind_wallabag: 'Hvem står bag wallabag'
getting_help: 'Find hjælp'
helping: 'Hjælp wallabag'
contributors: 'Bidragsydere'
# third_party: 'Third-party libraries'
developped_by: 'Udviklet af'
website: 'Hjemmeside'
many_contributors: 'Og mange andre bidragsydere ♥ <a href="">på Github</a>'
project_website: 'Projektets hjemmeside'
license: 'Licens'
version: 'Version'
documentation: 'Dokumentation'
bug_reports: 'Bugs'
support: '<a href="">På vor support-side</a> eller <a href="">på GitHub</a>'
description: 'wallabag er gratis og Open source. Du kan hjælpe os:'
by_contributing: 'ved at bidrage til projektet:'
by_contributing_2: 'et Github-issue fortæller om alt, hvad vi har brug for:'
by_paypal: 'via Paypal'
# description: 'Thank you to contributors on wallabag web application'
# description: 'Here are the list of third-party libraries used in wallabag (with their licenses):'
# package: 'Package'
license: 'Licens'
# About
Who is behind wallabag: "hvem står bag wallabag"
Getting help: "Find hjælp"
Helping wallabag: "hjælp wallabag"
Developed by: "Udviklet af"
website: "Hjemmeside"
And many others contributors ♥: "Og mange andre bidragsydere ♥"
on GitHub: "på GitHub"
Project website: "Projektets hjemmeside"
License: "Licens"
Version: "Version"
Documentation: "Dokumentation"
Bug reports: "Bugs"
On our support website: "På vor support-side"
or: "eller"
"wallabag is free and opensource. You can help us:": "wallabag er gratis og Open source. Du kan hjælpe os:"
"by contributing to the project:": "ved at bidrage til projektet:"
an issue lists all our needs: "et Github-issue fortæller om alt, hvad vi har brug for:"
via Paypal: "via PayPal"
page_title: 'How-to'
# page_description: 'There are several ways to save an article:'
browser_addons: 'Browserudvidelser'
mobile_apps: 'Apps'
bookmarklet: 'Bookmarklet'
description: 'Tak gennem denne formular'
firefox: 'Standardudvidelse til Firefox'
chrome: 'Chrome-udvidelse'
via_f_droid: 'via F-Droid'
via_google_play: 'via Google Play'
# ios: 'on the iTunes Store'
# windows: 'on the Microsoft Store'
description: 'Træk dette link til din bogmærkeliste:'
# Howto
Form: Formular
Thanks to this form: "Tak gennem denne formular"
Browser addons: "Browserudvidelser"
Mobile apps: "Apps"
Bookmarklet: "Bookmarklet"
Standard Firefox Add-On: "Standardudvidelse til Firefox"
Chrome Extension: "Chrome-udvidelse"
download the application: "Download"
"Drag &amp; drop this link to your bookmarks bar:": "Træk dette link til din bogmærkeliste:"
# page_title: 'Quickstart'
# intro:
# title: 'Welcome to wallabag!'
# paragraph_1: "We'll accompany you to visit wallabag and show you some features which can interest you."
# paragraph_2: 'Follow us!'
# configure:
# title: 'Configure the application'
# language: 'Change language and design'
# rss: 'Enable RSS feeds'
# tagging_rules: 'Write rules to automatically tag your articles'
# admin:
# title: 'Administration'
# description: 'As an administrator, you have privileges on wallabag. You can:'
# new_user: 'Create a new user'
# analytics: 'Configure analytics'
# sharing: 'Enable some parameters about article sharing'
# export: 'Configure export'
# import: 'Configure import'
# first_steps:
# title: 'First steps'
# new_article: 'Save your first article'
# unread_articles: 'And classify it!'
# migrate:
# title: 'Migrate from an existing service'
# description: "Are you using another service? We'll help you to retrieve your data on wallabag."
# pocket: 'Migrate from Pocket'
# wallabag_v1: 'Migrate from wallabag v1'
# wallabag_v2: 'Migrate from wallabag v2'
# developer:
# title: 'Developers'
# create_application: 'Create your third application'
# docs:
# title: 'Full documentation'
# annotate: 'Annotate your article'
# export: 'Convert your articles into ePUB or PDF'
# search_filters: 'See how you can look for an article by using search engine and filters'
# fetching_errors: 'What can I do if an article encounters errors during fetching?'
# all_docs: 'And so many other articles!'
# support:
# title: 'Support'
# description: 'If you need some help, we are here for you.'
# github: 'On GitHub'
# email: 'By email'
# gitter: 'On Gitter'
# Flash messages
Information updated: "Oplysninger opdateret"
"Config saved. Some parameters will be considered after disconnection.": "Opsætning gemt. Visse ændringer vil først fremgå ved næste login."
RSS information updated: "RSS-oplysninger opdateret"
Password updated: "Adgangskode opdateret"
Entry starred: "Artikel markeret som favorit"
Entry unstarred: "Artikel ikke længere markeret som favorit"
Entry archived: "Artikel arkiveret"
Entry unarchived: "Artikel ikke længere arkiveret"
Entry deleted: "Artikel slettet"
page_title: 'Tags'
# number_on_the_page: '{0} There is no tag.|{1} There is one tag.|]1,Inf[ There are %count% tags.'
# Entry
Mark as read: 'Marker som læst'
Favorite: 'Marker som favorit'
back: 'tilbage'
original article: 'Originalartikel'
Add a tag: 'Tliføj et tag'
Share: 'Deling'
Download: 'Download'
Does this article appear wrong?: "Vises artiklen forkert?"
Problems?: 'Problemer?'
Edit title: "Rediger titel"
# page_title: 'Import'
# page_description: 'Welcome to wallabag importer. Please select your previous service that you want to migrate.'
# action:
# import_contents: 'Import contents'
# form:
# mark_as_read_title: 'Mark all as read?'
# mark_as_read_label: 'Mark all imported entries as read'
# file_label: 'File'
# save_label: 'Upload file'
# pocket:
# page_title: 'Import > Pocket'
# description: "This importer will import all your Pocket data. Pocket doesn't allow us to retrieve content from their service, so the readable content of each article will be re-fetched by wallabag."
# config_missing:
# description: "Pocket import isn't configured."
# admin_message: 'You need to define %keyurls%a pocket_consumer_key%keyurle%.'
# user_message: 'Your server admin needs to define an API Key for Pocket.'
# authorize_message: 'You can import your data from your Pocket account. You just have to click on the below button and authorize the application to connect to'
# connect_to_pocket: 'Connect to Pocket and import data'
# wallabag_v1:
# page_title: 'Import > Wallabag v1'
# description: 'This importer will import all your wallabag v1 articles. On your config page, click on "JSON export" in the "Export your wallabag data" section. You will have a "wallabag-export-1-xxxx-xx-xx.json" file.'
# how_to: 'Please select your wallabag export and click on the below button to upload and import it.'
# wallabag_v2:
# page_title: 'Import > Wallabag v2'
# description: 'This importer will import all your wallabag v2 articles. Go to All articles, then, on the export sidebar, click on "JSON". You will have a "All articles.json" file.'
# page_title: 'Developer'
# welcome_message: 'Welcome to the wallabag API'
# documentation: 'Documentation'
# how_to_first_app: 'How to create my first application'
# full_documentation: 'View full API documentation'
# clients:
# title: 'Clients'
# create_new: 'Create a new client'
# existing_clients:
# title: 'Existing clients'
# field_id: 'Client ID'
# field_secret: 'Client secret'
# field_uris: 'Redirect URIs'
# field_grant_types: 'Grant type allowed'
# no_client: 'No client yet.'
# remove:
# warn_message_1: 'You have the ability to remove this client. This action is IRREVERSIBLE !'
# warn_message_2: "If you remove it, every app configured with that client won't be able to auth on your wallabag."
# action: 'Remove this client'
# client:
# page_title: 'Developer > New client'
# page_description: 'You are about to create a new client. Please fill the field below for the redirect URI of your application.'
# form:
# redirect_uris_label: 'Redirect URIs'
# save_label: 'Create a new client'
# action_back: 'Back'
# client_parameter:
# page_title: 'Developer > Client parameters'
# page_description: 'Here are your client parameters.'
# field_id: 'Client ID'
# field_secret: 'Client secret'
# back: 'Back'
# read_howto: 'Read the howto "Create my first application"'
# howto:
# page_title: 'Developer > How to create my first application'
# description:
# paragraph_1: 'The following commands make use of the <a href="">HTTPie library</a>. Make sure it is installed on your system before using it.'
# paragraph_2: 'You need a token to communicate between your 3rd application and wallabag API.'
# paragraph_3: 'To create this token, you need <a href="%link%">to create a new client</a>.'
# paragraph_4: 'Now, create your token (replace client_id, client_secret, username and password with the good values):'
# paragraph_5: 'The API will return a response like this:'
# paragraph_6: 'The access_token is useful to do a call to the API endpoint. For example:'
# paragraph_7: 'This call will return all the entries for your user.'
# paragraph_8: 'If you want to see all the API endpoints, you can have a look <a href="%link%">to our API documentation</a>.'
# back: 'Back'
password_must_match: 'De indtastede adgangskoder skal være ens'
password_too_short: 'Adgangskoden skal være mindst 8 tegn'
# password_wrong_value: 'Wrong value for your current password'
# item_per_page_too_high: 'This will certainly kill the app'
# rss_limit_too_hight: 'This will certainly kill the app'
config_saved: 'Opsætning gemt. Visse ændringer vil først fremgå ved næste login.'
password_updated: 'Adgangskode opdateret'
# password_not_updated_demo: "In demonstration mode, you can't change password for this user."
user_updated: 'Oplysninger opdateret'
rss_updated: 'RSS-oplysninger opdateret'
# tagging_rules_updated: 'Tagging rules updated'
# tagging_rules_deleted: 'Tagging rule deleted'
# user_added: 'User "%username%" added'
# rss_token_updated: 'RSS token updated'
# entry_already_saved: 'Entry already saved on %date%'
# entry_saved: 'Entry saved'
# entry_updated: 'Entry updated'
# entry_reloaded: 'Entry reloaded'
# entry_reload_failed: 'Failed to reload entry'
entry_archived: 'Artikel arkiveret'
entry_unarchived: 'Artikel ikke længere arkiveret'
entry_starred: 'Artikel markeret som favorit'
entry_unstarred: 'Artikel ikke længere markeret som favorit'
entry_deleted: 'Artikel slettet'
# tag_added: 'Tag added'
# failed: 'Import failed, please try again.'
# failed_on_file: 'Error while processing import. Please verify your import file.'
# summary: 'Import summary: %imported% imported, %skipped% already saved.'
# client_created: 'New client created.'
# client_deleted: 'Client deleted'

View file

@ -1,129 +1,417 @@
Keep me logged in: 'Angemeldet bleiben'
Forgot your password?: 'Kennwort vergessen?'
Login: 'Anmelden'
Back to login: 'Zurück zur Anmeldung'
Send: 'Senden'
"Enter your email address below and we'll send you password reset instructions.": "Gib unten deine E-Mail-Adresse ein und wir senden dir eine Anleitung für das Zurücksetzen deines Kennworts."
# page_title: 'Welcome to wallabag!'
keep_logged_in: 'Angemeldet bleiben'
forgot_password: 'Kennwort vergessen?'
submit: 'Anmelden'
# register: 'Register'
username: 'Benutzername'
password: 'Kennwort'
# cancel: 'Cancel'
description: "Gib unten deine E-Mail-Adresse ein und wir senden dir eine Anleitung für das Zurücksetzen deines Kennworts."
# page_title: 'Create an account'
# go_to_account: 'Go to your account'
# Menu
unread: 'ungelesen'
starred: 'favoriten'
archive: 'archiv'
all: 'alle artikel'
tags: 'tags'
config: 'konfiguration'
howto: 'how-to'
logout: 'abmelden'
Filtered: 'Gefiltert'
About: 'Über'
unread: 'Ungelesen'
starred: 'Favoriten'
archive: 'Archiv'
all_articles: 'Alle artikel'
config: 'Konfiguration'
tags: 'Tags'
# internal_settings: 'Internal Settings'
# import: 'Import'
howto: 'How-to'
# developer: 'Developer'
logout: 'Abmelden'
about: 'Über'
search: 'Suche'
# save_link: 'Save a link'
back_to_unread: 'Zurück zu ungelesenen Artikeln'
add_new_entry: 'Neuen Artikel hinzufügen'
search: 'Suche'
filter_entries: 'Artikel filtern'
# export: 'Export'
input_label: 'Suchbegriff hier eingeben'
# Header
Back to unread articles: 'Zurück zu ungelesenen Artikeln'
Add a new entry: 'Neuen Artikel hinzufügen'
Search: 'Suche'
Filter entries: 'Artikel filtern'
Enter your search here: 'Suchbegriff hier eingeben'
Save new entry: 'Neuen Artikel speichern'
# elsewhere: 'Take wallabag with you'
# social: 'Social'
# powered_by: 'powered by'
about: 'Über'
# Config screen
Settings: 'Einstellungen'
User information: 'Benutzer-Information'
Password: 'Kennwort'
Add a user: 'Benutzer hinzufügen'
Theme: 'Theme'
Items per page: 'Einträge pro Seite'
Language: 'Sprache'
Save: 'Speichern'
RSS token: 'RSS-Token'
Name: 'Name'
Email: 'E-Mail-Adresse'
No token: 'Kein Token'
Reset your token: 'Token zurücksetzen'
Create your token: 'Token erstellen'
Rss limit: 'RSS-Limit'
RSS links: 'RSS-Links'
'RSS feeds provided by wallabag allow you to read your saved articles with your favourite RSS reader. You need to generate a token first.': 'Die RSS-Feeds von wallabag erlauben es dir, deine gespeicherten Artikel mit deinem bevorzugten RSS-Reader zu lesen. Vorher musst du jedoch einen Token erstellen.'
Old password: 'Altes Kennwort'
New password: 'Neues Kennwort'
Repeat new password: 'Neues Kennwort wiederholen'
Username: 'Benutzername'
page_title: 'Config'
settings: 'Einstellungen'
rss: 'RSS'
user_info: 'Benutzer-Information'
password: 'Kennwort'
# rules: 'Tagging rules'
new_user: 'Benutzer hinzufügen'
save: 'Speichern'
theme_label: 'Theme'
items_per_page_label: 'Einträge pro Seite'
language_label: 'Sprache'
description: 'Die RSS-Feeds von wallabag erlauben es dir, deine gespeicherten Artikel mit deinem bevorzugten RSS-Reader zu lesen. Vorher musst du jedoch einen Token erstellen.'
token_label: 'RSS-token'
no_token: 'Kein Token'
token_create: 'Token erstellen'
token_reset: 'Token zurücksetzen'
rss_links: 'RSS-Links'
unread: 'ungelesen'
starred: 'favoriten'
archive: 'archiv'
# rss_limit: 'Number of items in the feed'
# two_factor_description: "Enabling two factor authentication means you'll receive an email with a code on every new untrusted connexion"
name_label: 'Name'
email_label: 'E-Mail-Adresse'
# twoFactorAuthentication_label: 'Two factor authentication'
old_password_label: 'Altes Kennwort'
new_password_label: 'Neues Kennwort'
repeat_new_password_label: 'Neues Kennwort wiederholen'
# if_label: 'if'
# then_tag_as_label: 'then tag as'
# delete_rule_label: 'delete'
# rule_label: 'Rule'
# tags_label: 'Tags'
# faq:
# title: 'FAQ'
# tagging_rules_definition_title: 'What does « tagging rules » mean?'
# tagging_rules_definition_description: 'They are rules used by Wallabag to automatically tag new entries.<br />Each time a new entry is added, all the tagging rules will be used to add the tags you configured, thus saving you the trouble to manually classify your entries.'
# how_to_use_them_title: 'How do I use them?'
# how_to_use_them_description: 'Let assume you want to tag new entries as « <i>short reading</i> » when the reading time is inferior to 3 minutes.<br />In that case, you should put « readingTime &lt;= 3 » in the <i>Rule</i> field and « <i>short reading</i> » in the <i>Tags</i> field.<br />Several tags can added simultaneously by separating them by a comma: « <i>short reading, must read</i> »<br />Complex rules can be written by using predefined operators: if « <i>readingTime &gt;= 5 AND domainName = ""</i> » then tag as « <i>long reading, github </i> »'
# variables_available_title: 'Which variables and operators can I use to write rules?'
# variables_available_description: 'The following variables and operators can be used to create tagging rules:'
# meaning: 'Meaning'
# variable_description:
# label: 'Variable'
# title: 'Title of the entry'
# url: 'URL of the entry'
# isArchived: 'Whether the entry is archived or not'
# isStarred: 'Whether the entry is starred or not'
# content: "The entry's content"
# language: "The entry's language"
# mimetype: "The entry's mime-type"
# readingTime: "The estimated entry's reading time, in minutes"
# domainName: 'The domain name of the entry'
# operator_description:
# label: 'Operator'
# less_than: 'Less than...'
# strictly_less_than: 'Strictly less than...'
# greater_than: 'Greater than...'
# strictly_greater_than: 'Strictly greater than...'
# equal_to: 'Equal to...'
# not_equal_to: 'Not equal to...'
# or: 'One rule OR another'
# and: 'One rule AND another'
# matches: 'Tests that a <i>subject</i> is matches a <i>search</i> (case-insensitive).<br />Example: <code>title matches "football"</code>'
username_label: 'Benutzername'
password_label: 'Kennwort'
repeat_new_password_label: 'Neues Kennwort wiederholen'
plain_password_label: '????'
email_label: 'E-Mail-Adresse'
# Entries
'estimated reading time': 'geschätzte Lesezeit'
original: original
Toggle mark as read: 'Gelesen-Status ändern'
Toggle favorite: 'Favoriten-Status ändern'
Delete: 'Löschen'
# unread: 'Unread entries'
# starred: 'Starred entries'
# archive: 'Archived entries'
# filtered: 'Filtered entries'
# number_on_the_page: '{0} There is no entry.|{1} There is one entry.|]1,Inf[ There are %count% entries.'
reading_time: 'geschätzte Lesezeit'
reading_time_minutes: 'geschätzte Lesezeit: %readingTime% min'
reading_time_less_one_minute: 'geschätzte Lesezeit: <small class="inferieur">&lt;</small> 1 min'
original_article: 'original'
toogle_as_read: 'Gelesen-Status ändern'
toogle_as_star: 'Favoriten-Status ändern'
delete: 'Löschen'
# export_title: 'Export'
title: 'Filters'
status_label: 'Status'
archived_label: 'Archiviert'
starred_label: 'Favorisiert'
preview_picture_label: 'Vorschaubild vorhanden'
preview_picture_help: 'Vorschaubild'
language_label: 'Sprache'
label: 'Lesezeit in Minuten'
from: 'von'
to: 'bis'
domain_label: 'Domain-Name'
label: 'Erstellungsdatum'
from: 'von'
to: 'bis'
clear: 'Zurücksetzen'
filter: 'Filter'
# back_to_top: 'Back to top'
back_to_homepage: 'Zurück'
set_as_read: 'Als gelesen markieren'
# set_as_unread: 'Mark as unread'
set_as_favorite: 'Favorisieren'
view_original_article: 'Original-Artikel'
# re_fetch_content: 'Re-fetch content'
delete: 'Löschen'
add_a_tag: 'Tag hinzufügen'
share_content: 'Teilen'
# share_email_label: 'Email'
download: 'Herunterladen'
# print: 'Print'
label: 'Probleme?'
description: 'Erscheint dieser Artikel falsch?'
edit_title: 'Titel ändern'
original_article: 'original'
# annotations_on_the_entry: '{0} No annotations|{1} One annotation|]1,Inf[ %nbAnnotations% annotations'
page_title: 'Neuen Artikel speichern'
placeholder: ''
url_label: Url
# page_title: 'Edit an entry'
# title_label: 'Title'
# url_label: 'Url'
# is_public_label: 'Public'
save_label: 'Speichern'
# Filters
Filters: 'Filter'
Status: 'Status'
Archived: 'Archiviert'
Starred: 'Favorisiert'
Preview picture: 'Vorschaubild'
Has a preview picture: 'Vorschaubild vorhanden'
Reading time in minutes: 'Lesezeit in Minuten'
from: 'von'
to: 'bis' ''
Domain name: 'Domain-Name'
Creation date: 'Erstellungsdatum'
dd/mm/yyyy: ''
Clear: 'zurücksetzen'
Filter: 'Filter'
page_title: 'Über'
who_behind_wallabag: 'Wer steht hinter wallabag'
getting_help: 'Hilfe bekommen'
helping: 'wallabag unterstützen'
contributors: 'Contributors'
third_party: 'Third-party libraries'
developped_by: 'Entwickelt von'
website: 'Webseite'
many_contributors: 'Und vielen anderen Unterstützern ♥ <a href="">auf Github</a>'
project_website: 'Projektwebseite'
license: 'Lizenz'
version: 'Version'
documentation: 'Dokumentation'
bug_reports: 'Bugs'
support: '<a href="">Auf unserer Support-Webseite</a> oder <a href="">auf GitHub</a>'
description: 'wallabag ist kostenlos und Open-Source. Du kannst uns helfen:'
by_contributing: 'indem du zu dem Projekt beiträgst:'
by_contributing_2: 'ein Issue listet alle unsere Bedürfnisse:'
by_paypal: 'via Paypal'
# description: 'Thank you to contributors on wallabag web application'
# description: 'Here are the list of third-party libraries used in wallabag (with their licenses):'
# package: 'Package'
license: 'Lizenz'
# About
Who is behind wallabag: "Wer steht hinter wallabag"
Getting help: "Hilfe bekommen"
Helping wallabag: "wallabag unterstützen"
Developed by: "Entwickelt von"
website: "Webseite"
And many others contributors ♥: "Und vielen anderen Unterstützern ♥"
on GitHub: "auf GitHub"
Project website: "Projektwebseite"
License: "Lizenz"
Version: "Version"
Documentation: "Dokumentation"
Bug reports: "Bugs"
On our support website: "Auf unserer Support-Webseite"
or: "oder"
"wallabag is free and opensource. You can help us:": "wallabag ist kostenlos und Open-Source. Du kannst uns helfen:"
"by contributing to the project:": "indem du zu dem Projekt beiträgst:"
an issue lists all our needs: "ein Issue listet alle unsere Bedürfnisse:"
via Paypal: "via PayPal"
page_title: 'How-to'
# page_description: 'There are several ways to save an article:'
browser_addons: 'Browser-Addons'
mobile_apps: 'Apps'
bookmarklet: 'Bookmarklet'
description: 'Danke an dieses Formular'
firefox: 'Firefox-Erweiterung'
chrome: 'Chrome-Erweiterung'
via_f_droid: 'via F-Droid'
via_google_play: 'via Google Play'
# ios: 'on the iTunes Store'
# windows: 'on the Microsoft Store'
description: 'Ziehe diesen Link in deine Lesezeichenleiste:'
# Howto
Form: Formular
Thanks to this form: "Danke an dieses Formular"
Browser addons: "Browser-Addons"
Mobile apps: "Apps"
Bookmarklet: "Bookmarklet"
Standard Firefox Add-On: "Firefox-Erweiterung"
Chrome Extension: "Chrome-Erweiterung"
download the application: "herunterladen"
"Drag &amp; drop this link to your bookmarks bar:": "Ziehe diesen Link in deine Lesezeichenleiste:"
# page_title: 'Quickstart'
# intro:
# title: 'Welcome to wallabag!'
# paragraph_1: "We'll accompany you to visit wallabag and show you some features which can interest you."
# paragraph_2: 'Follow us!'
# configure:
# title: 'Configure the application'
# language: 'Change language and design'
# rss: 'Enable RSS feeds'
# tagging_rules: 'Write rules to automatically tag your articles'
# admin:
# title: 'Administration'
# description: 'As an administrator, you have privileges on wallabag. You can:'
# new_user: 'Create a new user'
# analytics: 'Configure analytics'
# sharing: 'Enable some parameters about article sharing'
# export: 'Configure export'
# import: 'Configure import'
# first_steps:
# title: 'First steps'
# new_article: 'Save your first article'
# unread_articles: 'And classify it!'
# migrate:
# title: 'Migrate from an existing service'
# description: "Are you using another service? We'll help you to retrieve your data on wallabag."
# pocket: 'Migrate from Pocket'
# wallabag_v1: 'Migrate from wallabag v1'
# wallabag_v2: 'Migrate from wallabag v2'
# developer:
# title: 'Developers'
# create_application: 'Create your third application'
# docs:
# title: 'Full documentation'
# annotate: 'Annotate your article'
# export: 'Convert your articles into ePUB or PDF'
# search_filters: 'See how you can look for an article by using search engine and filters'
# fetching_errors: 'What can I do if an article encounters errors during fetching?'
# all_docs: 'And so many other articles!'
# support:
# title: 'Support'
# description: 'If you need some help, we are here for you.'
# github: 'On GitHub'
# email: 'By email'
# gitter: 'On Gitter'
# Flash messages
Information updated: "Information aktualisiert"
"Config saved. Some parameters will be considered after disconnection.": "Konfiguration gespeichert. Einige Einstellungen werden erst nach einer erneuten Anmeldung übernommen."
RSS information updated: "RSS-Informationen aktualisiert"
Password updated: "Kennwort aktualisiert"
Entry starred: "Artikel favorisiert"
Entry unstarred: "Artikel defavorisiert"
Entry archived: "Artikel archiviert"
Entry unarchived: "Artikel dearchiviert"
Entry deleted: "Artikel gelöscht"
page_title: 'Tags'
# number_on_the_page: '{0} There is no tag.|{1} There is one tag.|]1,Inf[ There are %count% tags.'
# Entry
Mark as read: 'Als gelesen markieren'
Favorite: 'Favorisieren'
back: 'zurück'
original article: 'Original-Artikel'
Add a tag: 'Tag hinzufügen'
Share: 'Teilen'
Download: 'Herunterladen'
Does this article appear wrong?: "Erscheint dieser Artikel falsch?"
Problems?: 'Probleme?'
Edit title: "Titel ändern"
# page_title: 'Import'
# page_description: 'Welcome to wallabag importer. Please select your previous service that you want to migrate.'
# action:
# import_contents: 'Import contents'
# form:
# mark_as_read_title: 'Mark all as read?'
# mark_as_read_label: 'Mark all imported entries as read'
# file_label: 'File'
# save_label: 'Upload file'
# pocket:
# page_title: 'Import > Pocket'
# description: "This importer will import all your Pocket data. Pocket doesn't allow us to retrieve content from their service, so the readable content of each article will be re-fetched by wallabag."
# config_missing:
# description: "Pocket import isn't configured."
# admin_message: 'You need to define %keyurls%a pocket_consumer_key%keyurle%.'
# user_message: 'Your server admin needs to define an API Key for Pocket.'
# authorize_message: 'You can import your data from your Pocket account. You just have to click on the below button and authorize the application to connect to'
# connect_to_pocket: 'Connect to Pocket and import data'
# wallabag_v1:
# page_title: 'Import > Wallabag v1'
# description: 'This importer will import all your wallabag v1 articles. On your config page, click on "JSON export" in the "Export your wallabag data" section. You will have a "wallabag-export-1-xxxx-xx-xx.json" file.'
# how_to: 'Please select your wallabag export and click on the below button to upload and import it.'
# wallabag_v2:
# page_title: 'Import > Wallabag v2'
# description: 'This importer will import all your wallabag v2 articles. Go to All articles, then, on the export sidebar, click on "JSON". You will have a "All articles.json" file.'
# page_title: 'Developer'
# welcome_message: 'Welcome to the wallabag API'
# documentation: 'Documentation'
# how_to_first_app: 'How to create my first application'
# full_documentation: 'View full API documentation'
# clients:
# title: 'Clients'
# create_new: 'Create a new client'
# existing_clients:
# title: 'Existing clients'
# field_id: 'Client ID'
# field_secret: 'Client secret'
# field_uris: 'Redirect URIs'
# field_grant_types: 'Grant type allowed'
# no_client: 'No client yet.'
# remove:
# warn_message_1: 'You have the ability to remove this client. This action is IRREVERSIBLE !'
# warn_message_2: "If you remove it, every app configured with that client won't be able to auth on your wallabag."
# action: 'Remove this client'
# client:
# page_title: 'Developer > New client'
# page_description: 'You are about to create a new client. Please fill the field below for the redirect URI of your application.'
# form:
# redirect_uris_label: 'Redirect URIs'
# save_label: 'Create a new client'
# action_back: 'Back'
# client_parameter:
# page_title: 'Developer > Client parameters'
# page_description: 'Here are your client parameters.'
# field_id: 'Client ID'
# field_secret: 'Client secret'
# back: 'Back'
# read_howto: 'Read the howto "Create my first application"'
# howto:
# page_title: 'Developer > How to create my first application'
# description:
# paragraph_1: 'The following commands make use of the <a href="">HTTPie library</a>. Make sure it is installed on your system before using it.'
# paragraph_2: 'You need a token to communicate between your 3rd application and wallabag API.'
# paragraph_3: 'To create this token, you need <a href="%link%">to create a new client</a>.'
# paragraph_4: 'Now, create your token (replace client_id, client_secret, username and password with the good values):'
# paragraph_5: 'The API will return a response like this:'
# paragraph_6: 'The access_token is useful to do a call to the API endpoint. For example:'
# paragraph_7: 'This call will return all the entries for your user.'
# paragraph_8: 'If you want to see all the API endpoints, you can have a look <a href="%link%">to our API documentation</a>.'
# back: 'Back'
# password_must_match: 'The password fields must match.'
# password_too_short: 'Password should by at least 8 chars long'
# password_wrong_value: 'Wrong value for your current password'
# item_per_page_too_high: 'This will certainly kill the app'
# rss_limit_too_hight: 'This will certainly kill the app'
config_saved: 'Konfiguration gespeichert. Einige Einstellungen werden erst nach einer erneuten Anmeldung übernommen.'
password_updated: 'Kennwort aktualisiert'
# password_not_updated_demo: "In demonstration mode, you can't change password for this user."
user_updated: 'Information aktualisiert'
rss_updated: 'RSS-Informationen aktualisiert'
# tagging_rules_updated: 'Tagging rules updated'
# tagging_rules_deleted: 'Tagging rule deleted'
# user_added: 'User "%username%" added'
# rss_token_updated: 'RSS token updated'
# entry_already_saved: 'Entry already saved on %date%'
# entry_saved: 'Entry saved'
# entry_updated: 'Entry updated'
# entry_reloaded: 'Entry reloaded'
# entry_reload_failed: 'Failed to reload entry'
entry_archived: 'Artikel archiviert'
entry_unarchived: 'Artikel dearchiviert'
entry_starred: 'Artikel favorisiert'
entry_unstarred: 'Artikel defavorisiert'
entry_deleted: 'Artikel gelöscht'
# tag_added: 'Tag added'
# failed: 'Import failed, please try again.'
# failed_on_file: 'Error while processing import. Please verify your import file.'
# summary: 'Import summary: %imported% imported, %skipped% already saved.'
# client_created: 'New client created.'
# client_deleted: 'Client deleted'

View file

@ -1,242 +1,417 @@
Keep me logged in: 'Mantenme conectado'
Forgot your password?: '¿Ha olvidado su contraseña?'
Login: 'Conectarse'
Back to login: 'Revenir au formulaire de connexion'
Send: 'Envíar'
"Enter your email address below and we'll send you password reset instructions.": "Introduce tu dirección de email y le enviaremos las instrucciones para resetear la contraseña"
Register: 'Registrarse'
page_title: 'Bienvenido a wallabag !'
keep_logged_in: 'Mantenme conectado'
forgot_password: '¿Ha olvidado su contraseña?'
submit: 'Conectarse'
register: 'Registrarse'
username: 'Nombre de usuario'
password: 'Contraseña'
# cancel: 'Cancel'
description: "Introduce tu dirección de email y le enviaremos las instrucciones para resetear la contraseña"
# page_title: 'Create an account'
# go_to_account: 'Go to your account'
# Menu
unread: 'Sin leer'
starred: 'Favoritos'
archive: 'Archivo'
all: 'Todos los artículos'
tags: 'Tags'
config: 'Configuración'
internal settings: 'Configuración interna'
import: 'Importar'
howto: 'Ayuda'
logout: 'Desconectarse'
Filtered: 'Articulos filtrados'
About: 'Acerca de'
unread: 'Sin leer'
starred: 'Favoritos'
archive: 'Archivo'
all_articles: 'Todos los artículos'
config: 'Configuración'
tags: 'Tags'
internal_settings: 'Configuración interna'
import: 'Importar'
howto: 'Ayuda'
# developer: 'Developer'
logout: 'Desconectarse'
about: 'Acerca de'
search: 'Buscar'
# save_link: 'Save a link'
back_to_unread: 'Volver a los artículos sin leer'
add_new_entry: 'Añadir un nuevo artículo'
search: 'Buscar'
filter_entries: 'Filtrar los artículos'
export: 'Exportar'
input_label: 'Introduce tu búsqueda aquí'
# Header
Back to unread articles: 'Volver a los artículos sin leer'
Add a new entry: 'Añadir un nuevo artículo'
Search: 'Buscar'
Filter entries: 'Filtrar los artículos'
Enter your search here: 'Introduce tu búsqueda aquí'
Save new entry: 'Guardar un nuevo artículo'
Export: 'Exportar'
elsewhere: 'Llevate wallabag contigo'
social: 'Social'
# powered_by: 'powered by'
about: 'Acerca de'
# Config screen
Settings: 'Configuración'
User information: 'Información de usuario'
Password: 'Contraseña'
Add a user: 'Añadir un usuario'
Theme: 'Tema'
Items per page: "Número de artículos por página"
Language: 'Idioma'
Save: 'Enregistrer'
RSS token: 'RSS token'
RSS token updated: 'RSS token actualizado '
Name: 'Nombre'
Email: 'Direccion e-mail'
No token: 'Aucun jeton généré'
Reset your token: 'Resetear token'
Create your token: 'Crear token'
Rss limit: "Límite de artículos en feed RSS"
RSS links: 'URL de su feed RSS'
"RSS feeds provided by wallabag allow you to read your saved articles with your favourite RSS reader. You need to generate a token first.": "Los feeds RSS de wallabag permiten leer los artículos guardados con su lector RSS favorito. Necesita generar un token primero"
Old password: 'Contraseña actual'
New password: 'Nueva contraseña'
Repeat new password: 'Confirmar la nueva contraseña'
Username: "Nombre de usuario"
Two factor authentication: "Autentificación de dos factores"
"Enabling two factor authentication means you'll receive an email with a code on every new untrusted connexion": "Con la autentificación de dos factores recibirá código mediante email en cada nueva conexión que no sea de confianza"
page_title: 'Configuración'
settings: 'Configuración'
rss: 'RSS'
user_info: 'Información de usuario'
password: 'Contraseña'
rules: 'Reglas de etiquetado automáticas'
new_user: 'Añadir un usuario'
save: 'Guardar'
theme_label: 'Tema'
items_per_page_label: 'Número de artículos por página'
language_label: 'Idioma'
description: 'Los feeds RSS de wallabag permiten leer los artículos guardados con su lector RSS favorito. Necesita generar un token primero'
token_label: 'RSS token'
# no_token: 'No token'
token_create: 'Crear token'
token_reset: 'Resetear token'
rss_links: 'URL de su feed RSS'
unread: 'sin leer'
starred: 'favoritos'
archive: 'archivo'
rss_limit: 'Límite de artículos en feed RSS'
two_factor_description: "Con la autentificación de dos factores recibirá código mediante email en cada nueva conexión que no sea de confianza"
name_label: 'Nombre'
email_label: 'Direccion e-mail'
twoFactorAuthentication_label: 'Autentificación de dos factores'
old_password_label: 'Contraseña actual'
new_password_label: 'Nueva contraseña'
repeat_new_password_label: 'Confirmar la nueva contraseña'
# if_label: 'if'
# then_tag_as_label: 'then tag as'
# delete_rule_label: 'delete'
rule_label: 'Regla'
tags_label: 'Tags'
title: 'FAQ'
tagging_rules_definition_title: '¿Qué significa reglas de etiquetado autómaticas?'
tagging_rules_definition_description: 'Son las reglas usadas por Wallabag para etiquetar automáticamente los nuevos artículos.<br />Cáda vez que un nuevo artículo es añadido, todas las reglas de etiquetado automáticas serán usadas para etiquetarlo, ayudandote a clasificar automáticamente los artículos.'
how_to_use_them_title: '¿Cómo se utilizan?'
# how_to_use_them_description: 'Let assume you want to tag new entries as « <i>short reading</i> » when the reading time is inferior to 3 minutes.<br />In that case, you should put « readingTime &lt;= 3 » in the <i>Rule</i> field and « <i>short reading</i> » in the <i>Tags</i> field.<br />Several tags can added simultaneously by separating them by a comma: « <i>short reading, must read</i> »<br />Complex rules can be written by using predefined operators: if « <i>readingTime &gt;= 5 AND domainName = ""</i> » then tag as « <i>long reading, github </i> »'
variables_available_title: '¿Qué variables y operadores se pueden utilizar para escribir las reglas?'
variables_available_description: 'Las siguientes variables y operadores se pueden utilizar para crear las reglas de etiquetado automáticas:'
meaning: 'Significado'
label: 'Variable'
title: 'Titúlo del artículo'
url: 'URL del artículo'
isArchived: 'El artículo está guardado o no'
isStarred: 'Si el artículo es un favorito o no'
content: "El contenido del artículo"
language: "El idoma del artículo"
mimetype: "Tipo MIME del artículo"
readingTime: "El tiempo estimado de lectura del artículo, en minutos"
domainName: 'El dominio del artículo'
label: 'Operador'
less_than: 'Menos que…'
strictly_less_than: 'Estrictámente menos que…'
greater_than: 'Más que…'
strictly_greater_than: 'Estrictámente mas que…'
equal_to: 'Egual a…'
not_equal_to: 'Diferente de…'
or: 'Una regla O otra'
and: 'Una regla Y la otra'
matches: 'Prueba si un <i>sujeto</i> corresponde a una <i>busqueda</i> (insensible a mayusculas).<br />Ejemplo : <code>título coincide "football"</code>'
username_label: 'Nombre de usuario'
password_label: 'Contraseña'
repeat_new_password_label: 'Confirmar la nueva contraseña'
plain_password_label: '????'
email_label: 'Email'
# Tagging rules
Tagging rules: "Reglas de etiquetado automáticas"
What does « tagging rules » mean?: "¿Qué significa reglas de etiquetado autómaticas?"
"They are rules used by Wallabag to automatically tag new entries.<br />Each time a new entry is added, all the tagging rules will be used to add the tags you configured, thus saving you the trouble to manually classify your entries.": "Son las reglas usadas por Wallabag para etiquetar automáticamente los nuevos artículos.<br />Cáda vez que un nuevo artículo es añadido, todas las reglas de etiquetado automáticas serán usadas para etiquetarlo, ayudandote a clasificar automáticamente los artículos."
How do I use them?: "¿Cómo se utilizan?"
"Let assume you want to tag new entries as « <i>short reading</i> » when the reading time is inferior to 3 minutes.<br />In that case, you should put « readingTime &lt;= 3 » in the <i>Rule</i> field and « <i>short reading</i> » in the <i>Tags</i> field.<br />Several tags can added simultaneously by separating them by a comma: « <i>short reading, must read</i> »<br />Complex rules can be written by using predefined operators: if « <i>readingTime &gt;= 5 AND domainName = \"\"</i> » then tag as « <i>long reading, github </i> »": "Imaginons que voulez attribuer aux nouveaux articles le tag « <i>lecture courte</i> » lorsque le temps de lecture est inférieur à 3 minutes.<br />Dans ce cas, vous devriez mettre « readingTime &lt;= 3 » dans le champ <i>Règle</i> et « <i>lecture courte</i> » dans le champ <i>Tag</i>.<br />Plusieurs tags peuvent être ajoutés simultanément en les séparant par des virgules : « <i>lecture courte, à lire</i> »<br />Des règles complexes peuvent être créées en utilisant des opérateurs prédéfinis: si « <i>readingTime &gt;= 5 AND domainName = \"\"</i> » alors attribuer les tags « <i>lecteur longue, github </i> »"
Which variables and operators can I use to write rules?: "¿Qué variables y operadores se pueden utilizar para escribir las reglas?"
The following variables and operators can be used to create tagging rules:: "Las siguientes variables y operadores se pueden utilizar para crear las reglas de etiquetado automáticas:"
Variable: "Variable"
Meaning: "Significado"
Operator: "Operador"
Title of the entry: "Titúlo del artículo"
Less than…: "Menos que…"
URL of the entry: "URL del artículo"
Strictly less than…: "Estrictámente menos que…"
Whether the entry is archived or not: "El artículo está guardado o no"
Greater than…: "Más que…"
Whether the entry is starred or not: "Si el artículo es un favorito o no"
Strictly greater than…: "Estrictámente mas que…"
The entry's content: "El contenido del artículo"
Equal to…: "Egual a…"
The entry's language: "El idoma del artículo"
Not equal to…: "Diferente de…"
The entry's mime-type: "Tipo MIME del artículo"
One rule or another: "Una regla o otra"
The estimated entry's reading time, in minutes: "El tiempo estimado de lectura del artículo, en minutos"
One rule and another: "Una regla y la otra"
The domain name of the entry: "El dominio del artículo"
"Tests that a <i>subject</i> is matches a <i>search</i> (case-insensitive).<br />Example: <code>title matches \"football\"</code>": "Prueba si un <i>sujeto</i> corresponde a una <i>busqueda</i> (insensible a mayusculas).<br />Ejemplo : <code>título coincide \"football\"</code>"
Rule: "Regla"
# unread: 'Unread entries'
# starred: 'Starred entries'
# archive: 'Archived entries'
# filtered: 'Filtered entries'
number_on_the_page: '{0} No hay artículos.|{1} Hay un artículo.|]1,Inf[ Hay %count% artículos.'
reading_time: 'tiempo estimado de lectura'
reading_time_minutes: 'tiempo estimado de lectura: %readingTime% min'
reading_time_less_one_minute: 'tiempo estimado de lectura: <small class="inferieur">&lt;</small> 1 min'
original_article: 'original'
toogle_as_read: 'Marcar cómo leído/ no leído'
toogle_as_star: 'Marcar cómo favorito/ no favorito'
delete: 'Suprimir'
export_title: 'Exportar'
title: 'Filtros'
status_label: 'Estatus'
archived_label: 'Archivado'
starred_label: 'Favorito'
preview_picture_label: 'Hay una foto'
preview_picture_help: 'Foto de preview'
language_label: 'Idioma'
label: 'Duración de lectura en minutos'
from: 'de'
to: 'a'
domain_label: 'Nombre de dominio'
label: 'Fecha de creación'
from: 'de'
to: 'a'
clear: 'Limpiar'
filter: 'Filtrar'
# back_to_top: 'Back to top'
back_to_homepage: 'Volver'
set_as_read: 'Marcar como leído'
# set_as_unread: 'Mark as unread'
set_as_favorite: 'Marcar cómo favorito'
view_original_article: 'Artículo original'
re_fetch_content: 'Redescargar el contenido'
delete: 'Suprimir'
add_a_tag: 'Añadir una etiqueta'
share_content: 'Compartir'
share_email_label: 'Direccion e-mail'
download: 'Descargar'
# print: 'Print'
label: '¿Algún problema?'
description: '¿Este artículo no se muestra bien?'
edit_title: 'Modificar el título'
original_article: 'original'
annotations_on_the_entry: '{0} Sin anotaciones|{1} Una anotación|]1,Inf[ %nbAnnotations% anotaciones'
page_title: 'Guardar un nuevo artículo'
placeholder: ''
url_label: Url
page_title: 'Editar una artículo'
title_label: 'Título'
url_label: 'Url'
is_public_label: 'Es Público'
save_label: 'Guardar'
# Entries
"estimated reading time: %readingTime% min": "tiempo estimado de lectura: %readingTime% min"
"estimated reading time: %inferior% 1 min": "tiempo estimado de lectura: %inferior% 1 min"
original: "original"
Toggle mark as read: 'Marcar cómo leído/ no leído'
Toggle favorite: 'Marcar cómo favorito/ no favorito'
Delete: 'Suprimir'
"{0} There is no entry.|{1} There is one entry.|]1,Inf[ There are %count% entries.": "{0} No hay artículos.|{1} Hay un artículo.|]1,Inf[ Hay %count% artículos."
http://website: "http://website"
"{0} No annotations|{1} One annotation|]1,Inf[ %nbAnnotations% annotations": "{0} Sin anotaciones|{1} Una anotación|]1,Inf[ %nbAnnotations% anotaciones"
page_title: 'Acerca de'
who_behind_wallabag: 'Equipo de desarrollo de wallabag'
getting_help: 'Conseguir ayuda'
helping: 'Ayudar a wallabag'
contributors: 'Contribuidores'
third_party: 'Librerías de terceeros'
developped_by: 'Desarrollado por'
website: 'Sitio web'
many_contributors: 'Y muchos otros contribuidores ♥ <a href="">en Github</a>'
project_website: 'Web del proyecto'
license: 'Licencia'
version: 'Version'
documentation: 'Documentación'
bug_reports: 'Reporte de errores'
support: '<a href="">En nuestra web de soporte website</a> o <a href="">en GitHub</a>'
description: 'wallabag es libre y gratuito. Usted puede ayudarnos :'
by_contributing: 'contribuyendo al proyecto :'
by_contributing_2: 'nuestras necesidades están en un ticket'
by_paypal: 'via Paypal'
description: 'Gradias a los contribuidores de la aplicación web de wallabag'
description: 'Aquí está la lista de las dependencias utilizadas por wallabag (con sus licencias) :'
package: 'Paquete'
license: 'Licencia'
# Edit entry
Edit an entry: "Editar una artículo"
Title: "Título"
Is public: "Es Público"
page_title: 'Ayuda'
# page_description: 'There are several ways to save an article:'
browser_addons: 'Extensiones de navigador'
mobile_apps: 'Applicaciones para smartphone'
bookmarklet: 'Bookmarklet'
description: 'Gracias a este formulario'
firefox: 'Extensión Firefox'
chrome: 'Extensión Chrome'
via_f_droid: 'via F-Droid'
via_google_play: 'via Google Play'
# ios: 'on the iTunes Store'
# windows: 'on the Microsoft Store'
description: 'Desplazar y soltar este link en la barra de marcadores :'
# tag
Tags: Tags
"{0} There is no tag.|{1} There is one tag.|]1,Inf[ There are %count% tags.": "{0} No hay ningun tag.|{1} Hay un tag.|]1,Inf[ Hay %count% tags."
page_title: 'Comienzo rápido'
title: 'Bienvenido a wallabag !'
paragraph_1: "Le acompañaremos a su visita de wallabag y le mostraremos algunas características que le pueden interesar."
paragraph_2: '¡Siganos!'
title: 'Configure la aplicación'
language: 'Cambie el idoma y el diseño de la aplicación'
rss: 'Activar los feeds RSS'
# tagging_rules: 'Write rules to automatically tag your articles'
# title: 'Administration'
# description: 'As an administrator, you have privileges on wallabag. You can:'
# new_user: 'Create a new user'
# analytics: 'Configure analytics'
# sharing: 'Enable some parameters about article sharing'
# export: 'Configure export'
# import: 'Configure import'
title: 'Prieros pasos'
new_article: 'Guarde su primer artículo'
unread_articles: '¡Y clasifiquelo!'
title: 'Migrar de un servicio existente'
description: "¿Está usando otro servicio? Le ayudaremos a migrar sus datos a wallabag."
pocket: 'Migrar desde Pocket'
wallabag_v1: 'Migrar desde wallabag v1'
wallabag_v2: 'Migrar desde wallabag v2'
# title: 'Developers'
# create_application: 'Create your third application'
title: 'Documentación completa'
# annotate: 'Annotate your article'
export: 'Convierta sus artículos a ePub o a PDF'
search_filters: 'Aprenda a utilizar el buscador y los filtros para encontrar el artículo que le interese'
# fetching_errors: 'What can I do if an article encounters errors during fetching?'
all_docs: '¡Y muchos más artículos!'
title: 'Soporte'
description: 'Sí necesita ayuda, estamos disponibles para usted.'
github: 'En GitHub'
email: 'Por email'
gitter: 'En Gitter'
# Filters
Filters: 'Filtros'
Status: 'Estatus'
Archived: 'Archivado'
Starred: 'Favorito'
Preview picture: 'Foto de preview'
Has a preview picture: 'Hay una foto'
Reading time in minutes: 'Duración de lectura en minutos'
from: 'de'
to: 'a' ''
Domain name: 'Nombre de dominio'
Creation date: 'Fecha de creación'
dd/mm/yyyy: 'dd/mm/aaaa'
Clear: 'Limpiar'
Filter: 'Filtrar' ""
page_title: 'Tags'
number_on_the_page: '{0} No hay ningun tag.|{1} Hay un tag.|]1,Inf[ Hay %count% tags.'
# About
About: "Acerca de"
Who is behind wallabag: "Equipo de desarrollo de wallabag"
Getting help: "Conseguir ayuda"
Helping wallabag: "Ayudar a wallabag"
Developed by: "Desarrollado por"
website: "Sitio web"
And many others contributors ♥: "Y muchos otros contribuidores ♥"
on GitHub: "en GitHub"
Project website: "Web del proyecto"
License: "Licencia"
Version: "Versión"
Documentation: "Documentación"
Bug reports: "Reporte de errores"
On our support website: "En nuestra web de soporte"
or: "o"
"wallabag is free and opensource. You can help us:": "wallabag es libre y gratuito. Usted puede ayudarnos :"
"by contributing to the project:": "contribuyendo al proyecto :"
an issue lists all our needs: "nuestras necesidades están en un ticket"
via Paypal: "via Paypal"
Take wallabag with you: "Llevate wallabag contigo"
Social: "Social"
powered by: "propulsé par"
Contributors: "Contribuidores"
Thank you to contributors on wallabag web application: "Gradias a los contribuidores de la aplicación web de wallabag"
Third-party libraries: "Librerías de terceeros"
"Here are the list of third-party libraries used in wallabag (with their licenses):": "Aquí está la lista de las dependencias utilizadas por wallabag (con sus licencias):"
Package: Paquete
License: Licencia
page_title: 'Importar'
page_description: 'Bienvenido al útil de migración de wallabag. Seleccione el servicio previo del que usted quiera migrar.'
import_contents: 'Importar los contenidos'
# mark_as_read_title: 'Mark all as read?'
# mark_as_read_label: 'Mark all imported entries as read'
file_label: 'Fichero'
save_label: 'Importar el fichero'
page_title: 'Importar > Pocket'
description: "Va a importar sus datos de Pocket. Pocket no nos permite descargar el contenido de su servicio, así que el contenido de cada artículo será redescargado por wallabag."
description: "La importación de Pocket no está configurada."
admin_message: 'Debe definir %keyurls%una clava del API Pocket%keyurle%.'
user_message: 'El administrador de vuestro servidor debe definir una clave API Pocket.'
authorize_message: 'Puedes importar sus datos desde su cuenta de Pocket. Sólo tienes que pulsar en el botón para autrizar que wallabag se conecte a'
connect_to_pocket: 'Conectese a Pocket para importar los datos'
page_title: 'Importar > Wallabag v1'
description: 'Va a importar sus artículos de wallabag v1. En su configuración de wallabag v1, pulse sobre "Exportar JSON" dentro de la sección "Exportar sus datos de wallabag". Usted tendrá un fichero "wallabag-export-1-xxxx-xx-xx.json".'
how_to: 'Seleccione el fichero de su exportación de wallabag v1 y puelse en el botón para subirla y importarla.'
page_title: 'Importar > Wallabag v2'
description: 'Va a importar sus artículos de otra instancia de wallabag v2. Vaya a Todos los artículos, entonces, en la barra lateral, clickee en "JSON". Usted tendrá un fichero "All articles.json"'
# Howto
Form: "Formulario"
Thanks to this form: "Gracias a este formulario"
Browser addons: "Extensiones de navigador"
Mobile apps: "Applicaciones para smartphone"
Bookmarklet: "Bookmarklet"
Standard Firefox Add-On: "Extensión Firefox"
Chrome Extension: "Extensión Chrome"
download the application: "descargar la aplicación"
"Drag &amp; drop this link to your bookmarks bar:": "Desplazar y soltar este link en la barra de marcadores :"
# page_title: 'Developer'
# welcome_message: 'Welcome to the wallabag API'
# documentation: 'Documentation'
# how_to_first_app: 'How to create my first application'
# full_documentation: 'View full API documentation'
# clients:
# title: 'Clients'
# create_new: 'Create a new client'
# existing_clients:
# title: 'Existing clients'
# field_id: 'Client ID'
# field_secret: 'Client secret'
# field_uris: 'Redirect URIs'
# field_grant_types: 'Grant type allowed'
# no_client: 'No client yet.'
# remove:
# warn_message_1: 'You have the ability to remove this client. This action is IRREVERSIBLE !'
# warn_message_2: "If you remove it, every app configured with that client won't be able to auth on your wallabag."
# action: 'Remove this client'
# client:
# page_title: 'Developer > New client'
# page_description: 'You are about to create a new client. Please fill the field below for the redirect URI of your application.'
# form:
# redirect_uris_label: 'Redirect URIs'
# save_label: 'Create a new client'
# action_back: 'Back'
# client_parameter:
# page_title: 'Developer > Client parameters'
# page_description: 'Here are your client parameters.'
# field_id: 'Client ID'
# field_secret: 'Client secret'
# back: 'Back'
# read_howto: 'Read the howto "Create my first application"'
# howto:
# page_title: 'Developer > How to create my first application'
# description:
# paragraph_1: 'The following commands make use of the <a href="">HTTPie library</a>. Make sure it is installed on your system before using it.'
# paragraph_2: 'You need a token to communicate between your 3rd application and wallabag API.'
# paragraph_3: 'To create this token, you need <a href="%link%">to create a new client</a>.'
# paragraph_4: 'Now, create your token (replace client_id, client_secret, username and password with the good values):'
# paragraph_5: 'The API will return a response like this:'
# paragraph_6: 'The access_token is useful to do a call to the API endpoint. For example:'
# paragraph_7: 'This call will return all the entries for your user.'
# paragraph_8: 'If you want to see all the API endpoints, you can have a look <a href="%link%">to our API documentation</a>.'
# back: 'Back'
# Flash messages
Information updated: "Su información personal ha sido actualizada"
"Config saved. Some parameters will be considered after disconnection.": "Configuración guardada. Algunos parámetros serán recargados cuando se vuelva a conectar."
RSS information updated: "La configuración de los feeds RSS ha sido actualizada"
Password updated: "Contraseña actualizada"
Entry starred: "Artículo guardado en los favoritos"
Entry unstarred: "Artículo retirado de los favoritos"
Entry archived: "Artículo archivado"
Entry unarchived: "Artículo desarchivado"
Entry deleted: "Artículo suprimido"
Tagging rule deleted: "Regla de etiquetado borrada"
Tagging rules updated: "Regla de etiquetado actualizada"
User "%username%" added: 'Usuario "%username%" añadido'
In demonstration mode, you can't change password for this user.: 'En modo demo, no puedes cambiar la contraseña del usuario.'
password_must_match: 'Las contraseñas no coinciden'
password_too_short: 'La contraseña debe tener al menos 8 carácteres'
# password_wrong_value: 'Wrong value for your current password'
# item_per_page_too_high: 'This will certainly kill the app'
# rss_limit_too_hight: 'This will certainly kill the app'
# Entry
Mark as read: 'Marcar como leído'
Favorite: 'Marcar cómo favorito'
back: 'Volver'
original article: 'Artículo original'
Add a tag: 'Añadir una etiqueta'
Share: 'Compartir'
Download: 'Descargar'
Does this article appear wrong?: "¿Este artículo no se muestra bien?"
Problems?: '¿Algún problema?'
Edit title: "Modificar el título"
Re-fetch content: "Redescargar el contenido"
Tag added: "Etiqueta añadida"
# Import
Welcome to wallabag importer. Please select your previous service that you want to migrate.: "Bienvenido al útil de migración de wallabag. Seleccione el servicio previo del que usted quiera migrar."
"This importer will import all your Pocket data. Pocket doesn't allow us to retrieve content from their service, so the readable content of each article will be re-fetched by wallabag.": "Va a importar sus datos de Pocket. Pocket no nos permite descargar el contenido de su servicio, así que el contenido de cada artículo será redescargado por wallabag."
"This importer will import all your wallabag v1 articles. On your config page, click on \"JSON export\" in the \"Export your wallabag data\" section. You will have a \"wallabag-export-1-xxxx-xx-xx.json\" file.": "Va a importar sus artículos de wallabag v1. En su configuración de wallabag v1, pulse sobre \"Exportar JSON\" dentro de la sección \"Exportar sus datos de wallabag\". Usted tendrá un fichero \"wallabag-export-1-xxxx-xx-xx.json\"."
"This importer will import all your wallabag v2 articles. Go to All articles, then, on the export sidebar, click on \"JSON\". You will have a \"All articles.json\" file.": "Va a importar sus artículos de otra instancia de wallabag v2. Vaya a Todos los artículos, entonces, en la barra lateral, clickee en \"JSON\". Usted tendrá un fichero \"All articles.json\""
"You can import your data from your Pocket account. You just have to click on the below button and authorize the application to connect to": "Puedes importar sus datos desde su cuenta de Pocket. Sólo tienes que pulsar en el botón para autrizar que wallabag se conecte a"
Import > Pocket: "Importar > Pocket"
Pocket import isn't configured.: "La importación de Pocket no está configurada."
You need to define %keyurls% a pocket_consumer_key %keyurle%.: "Debe definir %keyurls% una clava del API Pocket %keyurle%."
Your server admin needs to define an API Key for Pocket.: "El administrador de vuestro servidor debe definir una clave API Pocket."
Connect to Pocket and import data: "Conectese a Pocket para importar los datos"
Please select your wallabag export and click on the below button to upload and import it.: "Seleccione el fichero de su exportación de wallabag v1 y puelse en el botón para subirla y importarla."
File: "Fichero"
Upload file: "Importar el fichero"
Import contents: "Importar los contenidos"
Import: "Importar"
Import > Wallabag v1: "Importar > Wallabag v1"
Import > Wallabag v2: "Importar > Wallabag v2"
# Quickstart
Quickstart: Comienzo rápido
Welcome to wallabag!: "Bienvenido a wallabag !"
We'll accompany you to visit wallabag and show you some features which can interess you.: "Le acompañaremos a su visita de wallabag y le mostraremos algunas características que le pueden interesar."
Follow us!: "¡Siganos!"
Configure the application: "Configure la aplicación"
Change language and design: "Cambie el idoma y el diseño de la aplicación"
Enable RSS feeds: "Activar los feeds RSS"
First steps: "Prieros pasos"
Save your first article: "Guarde su primer artículo"
And classify it!: "¡Y clasifiquelo!"
Migrate from an existing service: "Migrar de un servicio existente"
You're using an other service? We'll help you to retrieve your data on wallabag.: "¿Está usando otro servicio? Le ayudaremos a migrar sus datos a wallabag."
Migrate from Pocket: "Migrar desde Pocket"
Migrate from wallabag v1: "Migrar desde wallabag v1"
Full documentation: "Documentación completa"
Convert your articles into ePUB or PDF: "Convierta sus artículos a ePub o a PDF"
See how you can look for an article by using search engine and filters: "Aprenda a utilizar el buscador y los filtros para encontrar el artículo que le interese"
And so many other articles!: "¡Y muchos más artículos!"
Support: "Soporte"
If you need some help, we are here for you.: "Sí necesita ayuda, estamos disponibles para usted."
On GitHub: "En GitHub"
By email: "Por email"
On Gitter: "On Gitter"
config_saved: 'Configuración guardada. Algunos parámetros serán recargados cuando se vuelva a conectar.'
password_updated: 'Contraseña actualizada'
password_not_updated_demo: "En modo demo, no puedes cambiar la contraseña del usuario."
user_updated: 'Su información personal ha sido actualizada'
rss_updated: 'La configuración de los feeds RSS ha sido actualizada'
tagging_rules_updated: 'Regla de etiquetado borrada'
tagging_rules_deleted: 'Regla de etiquetado actualizada'
user_added: 'Usuario "%username%" añadido'
rss_token_updated: 'RSS token actualizado'
# entry_already_saved: 'Entry already saved on %date%'
# entry_saved: 'Entry saved'
# entry_updated: 'Entry updated'
# entry_reloaded: 'Entry reloaded'
# entry_reload_failed: 'Failed to reload entry'
entry_archived: 'Artículo archivado'
entry_unarchived: 'Artículo desarchivado'
entry_starred: 'Artículo guardado en los favoritos'
entry_unstarred: 'Artículo retirado de los favoritos'
entry_deleted: 'Artículo suprimido'
tag_added: 'Etiqueta añadida'
# failed: 'Import failed, please try again.'
# failed_on_file: 'Error while processing import. Please verify your import file.'
# summary: 'Import summary: %imported% imported, %skipped% already saved.'
# client_created: 'New client created.'
# client_deleted: 'Client deleted'

View file

@ -1,129 +1,417 @@
Keep me logged in: 'مرا به خاطر بسپار'
Forgot your password?: ' رمزتان را گم کرده‌اید؟'
Login: 'ورود'
Back to login: 'بازگشت به صفحهٔ ورود'
Send: 'بفرست'
"Enter your email address below and we'll send you password reset instructions.": "نشانی ایمیل خود را بنویسید تا راهنمای تغییر رمز را برایتان بفرستیم."
# page_title: 'Welcome to wallabag!'
keep_logged_in: 'مرا به خاطر بسپار'
forgot_password: ' رمزتان را گم کرده‌اید؟'
submit: 'ورود'
# register: 'Register'
username: 'نام کاربری'
password: 'رمز'
# cancel: 'Cancel'
description: "نشانی ایمیل خود را بنویسید تا راهنمای تغییر رمز را برایتان بفرستیم."
# page_title: 'Create an account'
# go_to_account: 'Go to your account'
# Menu
unread: 'خوانده‌نشده'
starred: 'برگزیده'
archive: 'بایگانی'
all: 'همه'
tags: 'برچسب‌ها'
config: 'پیکربندی'
howto: 'خودآموز'
logout: 'خروج'
Filtered: 'فیلترشده'
About: 'درباره'
unread: 'خوانده‌نشده'
starred: 'برگزیده'
archive: 'بایگانی'
all_articles: 'همه'
config: 'پیکربندی'
tags: 'برچسب‌ها'
# internal_settings: 'Internal Settings'
# import: 'Import'
howto: 'خودآموز'
# developer: 'Developer'
logout: 'خروج'
about: 'درباره'
search: 'جستجو'
# save_link: 'Save a link'
back_to_unread: 'بازگشت به خوانده‌نشده‌ها'
add_new_entry: 'افزودن مقالهٔ تازه'
search: 'جستجو'
filter_entries: 'فیلترکردن مقاله‌ها'
# export: 'Export'
input_label: 'جستجوی خود را این‌جا بنویسید:'
# Header
Back to unread articles: 'بازگشت به خوانده‌نشده‌ها'
Add a new entry: 'افزودن مقالهٔ تازه'
Search: 'جستجو'
Filter entries: 'فیلترکردن مقاله‌ها'
Enter your search here: 'جستجوی خود را این‌جا بنویسید:'
Save new entry: 'ذخیرهٔ مقالهٔ تازه'
# elsewhere: 'Take wallabag with you'
# social: 'Social'
# powered_by: 'powered by'
about: 'درباره'
# Config screen
Settings: 'تنظیمات'
User information: 'اطلاعات کاربر'
Password: 'رمز'
RSS: 'آر-اس-اس'
Add a user: 'افزودن کاربر'
Theme: 'پوسته'
Items per page: 'تعداد مقاله در هر صفحه'
Language: 'زبان'
Save: 'ذخیره'
RSS token: 'کد آر-اس-اس'
Name: 'نام'
Email: 'نشانی ایمیل'
No token: 'بدون کد'
Reset your token: 'بازنشانی کد'
Create your token: 'کد خود را بسازید'
Rss limit: 'محدودیت آر-اس-اس'
RSS links: 'پیوند آر-اس-اس'
'RSS feeds provided by wallabag allow you to read your saved articles with your favourite RSS reader. You need to generate a token first.': 'با خوراک آر-اس-اس که wallabag در اختیارتان می‌گذارد، می‌توانید مقاله‌های ذخیره‌شده را در نرم‌افزار آر-اس-اس دلخواه خود بخوانید. برای این کار نخست باید یک کد بسازید.'
Old password: 'رمز قدیمی'
New password: 'رمز تازه'
Repeat new password: 'رمز تازه را دوباره بنویسید'
Username: 'نام کاربری'
page_title: 'پیکربندی'
settings: 'تنظیمات'
rss: 'آر-اس-اس'
user_info: 'اطلاعات کاربر'
password: 'رمز'
# rules: 'Tagging rules'
new_user: 'افزودن کاربر'
save: 'ذخیره'
theme_label: 'پوسته'
items_per_page_label: 'تعداد مقاله در هر صفحه'
language_label: 'زبان'
description: 'با خوراک آر-اس-اس که wallabag در اختیارتان می‌گذارد، می‌توانید مقاله‌های ذخیره‌شده را در نرم‌افزار آر-اس-اس دلخواه خود بخوانید. برای این کار نخست باید یک کد بسازید.'
token_label: 'کد آر-اس-اس'
no_token: 'بدون کد'
token_create: 'کد خود را بسازید'
token_reset: 'بازنشانی کد'
rss_links: 'پیوند آر-اس-اس'
unread: 'خوانده‌نشده'
starred: 'برگزیده'
archive: 'بایگانی'
rss_limit: 'محدودیت آر-اس-اس'
# two_factor_description: "Enabling two factor authentication means you'll receive an email with a code on every new untrusted connexion"
name_label: 'نام'
email_label: 'نشانی ایمیل'
# twoFactorAuthentication_label: 'Two factor authentication'
old_password_label: 'رمز قدیمی'
new_password_label: 'رمز تازه'
repeat_new_password_label: 'رمز تازه را دوباره بنویسید'
# if_label: 'if'
# then_tag_as_label: 'then tag as'
# delete_rule_label: 'delete'
# rule_label: 'Rule'
# tags_label: 'Tags'
# faq:
# title: 'FAQ'
# tagging_rules_definition_title: 'What does « tagging rules » mean?'
# tagging_rules_definition_description: 'They are rules used by Wallabag to automatically tag new entries.<br />Each time a new entry is added, all the tagging rules will be used to add the tags you configured, thus saving you the trouble to manually classify your entries.'
# how_to_use_them_title: 'How do I use them?'
# how_to_use_them_description: 'Let assume you want to tag new entries as « <i>short reading</i> » when the reading time is inferior to 3 minutes.<br />In that case, you should put « readingTime &lt;= 3 » in the <i>Rule</i> field and « <i>short reading</i> » in the <i>Tags</i> field.<br />Several tags can added simultaneously by separating them by a comma: « <i>short reading, must read</i> »<br />Complex rules can be written by using predefined operators: if « <i>readingTime &gt;= 5 AND domainName = ""</i> » then tag as « <i>long reading, github </i> »'
# variables_available_title: 'Which variables and operators can I use to write rules?'
# variables_available_description: 'The following variables and operators can be used to create tagging rules:'
# meaning: 'Meaning'
# variable_description:
# label: 'Variable'
# title: 'Title of the entry'
# url: 'URL of the entry'
# isArchived: 'Whether the entry is archived or not'
# isStarred: 'Whether the entry is starred or not'
# content: "The entry's content"
# language: "The entry's language"
# mimetype: "The entry's mime-type"
# readingTime: "The estimated entry's reading time, in minutes"
# domainName: 'The domain name of the entry'
# operator_description:
# label: 'Operator'
# less_than: 'Less than...'
# strictly_less_than: 'Strictly less than...'
# greater_than: 'Greater than...'
# strictly_greater_than: 'Strictly greater than...'
# equal_to: 'Equal to...'
# not_equal_to: 'Not equal to...'
# or: 'One rule OR another'
# and: 'One rule AND another'
# matches: 'Tests that a <i>subject</i> is matches a <i>search</i> (case-insensitive).<br />Example: <code>title matches "football"</code>'
username_label: 'نام کاربری'
password_label: 'رمز'
repeat_new_password_label: 'رمز تازه را دوباره بنویسید'
plain_password_label: '????'
email_label: 'نشانی ایمیل'
# Entries
'estimated reading time': 'زمان تخمینی برای خواندن'
original: اصلی
Toggle mark as read: 'خوانده‌شده/خوانده‌نشده'
Toggle favorite: 'برگزیده/نابرگزیده'
Delete: 'پاک کردن'
# unread: 'Unread entries'
# starred: 'Starred entries'
# archive: 'Archived entries'
# filtered: 'Filtered entries'
# number_on_the_page: '{0} There is no entry.|{1} There is one entry.|]1,Inf[ There are %count% entries.'
reading_time: 'زمان تخمینی برای خواندن'
reading_time_minutes: 'زمان تخمینی برای خواندن: %readingTime% min'
reading_time_less_one_minute: 'زمان تخمینی برای خواندن: <small class="inferieur">&lt;</small> 1 min'
original_article: 'original'
toogle_as_read: 'خوانده‌شده/خوانده‌نشده'
toogle_as_star: 'برگزیده/نابرگزیده'
delete: 'پاک کردن'
# export_title: 'Export'
title: 'فیلتر'
status_label: 'وضعیت'
archived_label: 'بایگانی‌شده'
starred_label: 'برگزیده'
preview_picture_label: 'دارای عکس پیش‌نمایش'
preview_picture_help: 'پیش‌نمایش عکس'
language_label: 'زبان'
label: 'زمان خواندن به دقیقه'
from: 'از'
to: 'تا'
domain_label: 'نام دامنه'
label: 'زمان ساخت'
from: 'از'
to: 'تا'
clear: 'از نو'
filter: 'فیلتر'
# back_to_top: 'Back to top'
back_to_homepage: 'بازگشت'
set_as_read: 'خوانده‌شده'
# set_as_unread: 'Mark as unread'
set_as_favorite: 'برگزیده'
view_original_article: 'مقالهٔ اصلی'
# re_fetch_content: 'Re-fetch content'
delete: 'پاک کردن'
add_a_tag: 'افزودن برچسب'
share_content: 'هم‌رسانی'
share_email_label: 'نشانی ایمیل'
download: 'بارگیری'
# print: 'Print'
label: 'مشکلات؟'
description: 'آیا مقاله نادرست نشان داده شده؟'
edit_title: 'ویرایش عنوان'
original_article: 'original'
# annotations_on_the_entry: '{0} No annotations|{1} One annotation|]1,Inf[ %nbAnnotations% annotations'
page_title: 'ذخیرهٔ مقالهٔ تازه'
placeholder: ''
# url_label: Url
# page_title: 'Edit an entry'
# title_label: 'Title'
# url_label: 'Url'
# is_public_label: 'Public'
save_label: 'ذخیره'
# Filters
Filters: 'فیلتر'
Status: 'وضعیت'
Archived: 'بایگانی‌شده'
Starred: 'برگزیده'
Preview picture: 'پیش‌نمایش عکس'
Has a preview picture: 'دارای عکس پیش‌نمایش'
Reading time in minutes: 'زمان خواندن به دقیقه'
from: 'از'
to: 'تا' ''
Domain name: 'نام دامنه'
Creation date: 'زمان ساخت'
dd/mm/yyyy: ''
Clear: 'از نو'
Filter: 'فیلتر'
page_title: 'درباره'
who_behind_wallabag: 'سازندگان wallabag'
getting_help: 'گرفتن کمک'
helping: 'کمک‌کردن به wallabag'
# contributors: 'Contributors'
# third_party: 'Third-party libraries'
developped_by: 'ساختهٔ'
website: 'وب‌گاه'
many_contributors: 'و بسیاری دیگر از مشارکت‌کنندگان ♥ <a href="">روی Github</a>'
project_website: 'وب‌گاه پروژه'
license: 'پروانه'
version: 'نسخه'
documentation: 'راهنما'
bug_reports: 'گزارش اشکال‌ها'
support: '<a href="">در وب‌گاه پشتیبانی</a> یا <a href="">روی GitHub</a>'
description: 'wallabag رایگان، آزاد، و متن‌باز است. شما می‌توانید به ما کمک کنید:'
by_contributing: 'با مشارکت در پروژه:'
by_contributing_2: 'فهرست نیازمندی‌های ما در این صفحه است:'
by_paypal: 'از راه Paypal'
# description: 'Thank you to contributors on wallabag web application'
# description: 'Here are the list of third-party libraries used in wallabag (with their licenses):'
# package: 'Package'
license: 'پروانه'
# About
Who is behind wallabag: "سازندگان wallabag"
Getting help: "گرفتن کمک"
Helping wallabag: "کمک‌کردن به wallabag"
Developed by: "ساختهٔ"
website: "وب‌گاه"
And many others contributors ♥: "و بسیاری دیگر از مشارکت‌کنندگان ♥"
on GitHub: "روی GitHub"
Project website: "وب‌گاه پروژه"
License: "پروانه"
Version: "نسخه"
Documentation: "راهنما"
Bug reports: "گزارش اشکال‌ها"
On our support website: "در وب‌گاه پشتیبانی"
or: "یا"
"wallabag is free and opensource. You can help us:": "wallabag رایگان، آزاد، و متن‌باز است. شما می‌توانید به ما کمک کنید:"
"by contributing to the project:": "با مشارکت در پروژه:"
an issue lists all our needs: "فهرست نیازمندی‌های ما در این صفحه است:"
via Paypal: "از راه PayPal"
page_title: 'خودآموز'
# page_description: 'There are several ways to save an article:'
browser_addons: 'افزونه برای مرورگرها'
mobile_apps: 'برنامه‌های موبایل'
bookmarklet: 'ابزار علامت‌گذاری صفحه‌ها'
description: 'به کمک این فرم'
firefox: 'افزونهٔ فایرفاکس'
chrome: 'افزونهٔ کروم'
via_f_droid: 'از راه F-Droid'
via_google_play: 'از راه Google Play'
ios: 'از راه iTunes Store'
windows: 'از راه Microsoft Store'
description: 'این پیوند را به نوار بوک‌مارک مرورگرتان بکشید:'
# Howto
Form: فرم
Thanks to this form: "به کمک این فرم"
Browser addons: "افزونه برای مرورگرها"
Mobile apps: "برنامه‌های موبایل"
Bookmarklet: "ابزار علامت‌گذاری صفحه‌ها"
Standard Firefox Add-On: "افزونهٔ فایرفاکس"
Chrome Extension: "افزونهٔ کروم"
download the application: "برنامه را باربگیرید"
"Drag &amp; drop this link to your bookmarks bar:": "این پیوند را به نوار بوک‌مارک مرورگرتان بکشید:"
# page_title: 'Quickstart'
# intro:
# title: 'Welcome to wallabag!'
# paragraph_1: "We'll accompany you to visit wallabag and show you some features which can interest you."
# paragraph_2: 'Follow us!'
# configure:
# title: 'Configure the application'
# language: 'Change language and design'
# rss: 'Enable RSS feeds'
# tagging_rules: 'Write rules to automatically tag your articles'
# admin:
# title: 'Administration'
# description: 'As an administrator, you have privileges on wallabag. You can:'
# new_user: 'Create a new user'
# analytics: 'Configure analytics'
# sharing: 'Enable some parameters about article sharing'
# export: 'Configure export'
# import: 'Configure import'
# first_steps:
# title: 'First steps'
# new_article: 'Save your first article'
# unread_articles: 'And classify it!'
# migrate:
# title: 'Migrate from an existing service'
# description: "Are you using another service? We'll help you to retrieve your data on wallabag."
# pocket: 'Migrate from Pocket'
# wallabag_v1: 'Migrate from wallabag v1'
# wallabag_v2: 'Migrate from wallabag v2'
# developer:
# title: 'Developers'
# create_application: 'Create your third application'
# docs:
# title: 'Full documentation'
# annotate: 'Annotate your article'
# export: 'Convert your articles into ePUB or PDF'
# search_filters: 'See how you can look for an article by using search engine and filters'
# fetching_errors: 'What can I do if an article encounters errors during fetching?'
# all_docs: 'And so many other articles!'
# support:
# title: 'Support'
# description: 'If you need some help, we are here for you.'
# github: 'On GitHub'
# email: 'By email'
# gitter: 'On Gitter'
# Flash messages
Information updated: "اطلاعات به‌روز شد"
"Config saved. Some parameters will be considered after disconnection.": "پیکربندی ذخیره شد. برخی از تنظیمات پس از این که قطع شدید اعمال می‌شود."
RSS information updated: "اطلاعات آر-اس-اس به‌روز شد"
Password updated: "رمز به‌روز شد"
Entry starred: "مقاله برگزیده شد"
Entry unstarred: "مقاله نابرگزیده شد"
Entry archived: "مقاله بایگانی شد"
Entry unarchived: "مقاله از بایگانی درآمد"
Entry deleted: "مقاله پاک شد"
page_title: 'برچسب‌ها'
# number_on_the_page: '{0} There is no tag.|{1} There is one tag.|]1,Inf[ There are %count% tags.'
# Entry
Mark as read: 'خوانده‌شده'
Favorite: 'برگزیده'
back: 'بازگشت'
original article: 'مقالهٔ اصلی'
Add a tag: 'افزودن برچسب'
Share: 'هم‌رسانی'
Download: 'بارگیری'
Does this article appear wrong?: "آیا مقاله نادرست نشان داده شده؟"
Problems?: 'مشکلات؟'
Edit title: "ویرایش عنوان"
# page_title: 'Import'
# page_description: 'Welcome to wallabag importer. Please select your previous service that you want to migrate.'
# action:
# import_contents: 'Import contents'
# form:
# mark_as_read_title: 'Mark all as read?'
# mark_as_read_label: 'Mark all imported entries as read'
# file_label: 'File'
# save_label: 'Upload file'
# pocket:
# page_title: 'Import > Pocket'
# description: "This importer will import all your Pocket data. Pocket doesn't allow us to retrieve content from their service, so the readable content of each article will be re-fetched by wallabag."
# config_missing:
# description: "Pocket import isn't configured."
# admin_message: 'You need to define %keyurls%a pocket_consumer_key%keyurle%.'
# user_message: 'Your server admin needs to define an API Key for Pocket.'
# authorize_message: 'You can import your data from your Pocket account. You just have to click on the below button and authorize the application to connect to'
# connect_to_pocket: 'Connect to Pocket and import data'
# wallabag_v1:
# page_title: 'Import > Wallabag v1'
# description: 'This importer will import all your wallabag v1 articles. On your config page, click on "JSON export" in the "Export your wallabag data" section. You will have a "wallabag-export-1-xxxx-xx-xx.json" file.'
# how_to: 'Please select your wallabag export and click on the below button to upload and import it.'
# wallabag_v2:
# page_title: 'Import > Wallabag v2'
# description: 'This importer will import all your wallabag v2 articles. Go to All articles, then, on the export sidebar, click on "JSON". You will have a "All articles.json" file.'
# page_title: 'Developer'
# welcome_message: 'Welcome to the wallabag API'
# documentation: 'Documentation'
# how_to_first_app: 'How to create my first application'
# full_documentation: 'View full API documentation'
# clients:
# title: 'Clients'
# create_new: 'Create a new client'
# existing_clients:
# title: 'Existing clients'
# field_id: 'Client ID'
# field_secret: 'Client secret'
# field_uris: 'Redirect URIs'
# field_grant_types: 'Grant type allowed'
# no_client: 'No client yet.'
# remove:
# warn_message_1: 'You have the ability to remove this client. This action is IRREVERSIBLE !'
# warn_message_2: "If you remove it, every app configured with that client won't be able to auth on your wallabag."
# action: 'Remove this client'
# client:
# page_title: 'Developer > New client'
# page_description: 'You are about to create a new client. Please fill the field below for the redirect URI of your application.'
# form:
# redirect_uris_label: 'Redirect URIs'
# save_label: 'Create a new client'
# action_back: 'بازگشت'
# client_parameter:
# page_title: 'Developer > Client parameters'
# page_description: 'Here are your client parameters.'
# field_id: 'Client ID'
# field_secret: 'Client secret'
# back: 'بازگشت'
# read_howto: 'Read the howto "Create my first application"'
# howto:
# page_title: 'Developer > How to create my first application'
# description:
# paragraph_1: 'The following commands make use of the <a href="">HTTPie library</a>. Make sure it is installed on your system before using it.'
# paragraph_2: 'You need a token to communicate between your 3rd application and wallabag API.'
# paragraph_3: 'To create this token, you need <a href="%link%">to create a new client</a>.'
# paragraph_4: 'Now, create your token (replace client_id, client_secret, username and password with the good values):'
# paragraph_5: 'The API will return a response like this:'
# paragraph_6: 'The access_token is useful to do a call to the API endpoint. For example:'
# paragraph_7: 'This call will return all the entries for your user.'
# paragraph_8: 'If you want to see all the API endpoints, you can have a look <a href="%link%">to our API documentation</a>.'
# back: 'بازگشت'
password_must_match: 'رمزها باید یکی باشند'
password_too_short: 'رمز شما باید ۸ حرف یا بیشتر باشد'
# password_wrong_value: 'Wrong value for your current password'
# item_per_page_too_high: 'This will certainly kill the app'
# rss_limit_too_hight: 'This will certainly kill the app'
config_saved: 'پیکربندی ذخیره شد. برخی از تنظیمات پس از این که قطع شدید اعمال می‌شود.'
password_updated: 'رمز به‌روز شد'
# password_not_updated_demo: "In demonstration mode, you can't change password for this user."
user_updated: 'اطلاعات به‌روز شد'
rss_updated: 'اطلاعات آر-اس-اس به‌روز شد'
# tagging_rules_updated: 'Tagging rules updated'
# tagging_rules_deleted: 'Tagging rule deleted'
# user_added: 'User "%username%" added'
# rss_token_updated: 'RSS token updated'
# entry_already_saved: 'Entry already saved on %date%'
# entry_saved: 'Entry saved'
# entry_updated: 'Entry updated'
# entry_reloaded: 'Entry reloaded'
# entry_reload_failed: 'Failed to reload entry'
entry_archived: 'مقاله بایگانی شد'
entry_unarchived: 'مقاله از بایگانی درآمد'
entry_starred: 'مقاله برگزیده شد'
entry_unstarred: 'مقاله نابرگزیده شد'
entry_deleted: 'مقاله پاک شد'
# tag_added: 'Tag added'
# failed: 'Import failed, please try again.'
# failed_on_file: 'Error while processing import. Please verify your import file.'
# summary: 'Import summary: %imported% imported, %skipped% already saved.'
# client_created: 'New client created.'
# client_deleted: 'Client deleted'

View file

@ -371,8 +371,8 @@ developer:
back: 'Retour'
password_must_match: 'Les mots de passe doivent être identique'
password_too_short: 'Le mot de passe doit avoir au moins 8 caractères'
password_must_match: 'Les deux mots de passe doivent être les mêmes'
password_too_short: 'Le mot de passe doit contenir au moins 8 caractères'
password_wrong_value: 'Votre mot de passe actuel est faux'
item_per_page_too_high: "Ca ne va pas plaire à l'application"
rss_limit_too_hight: "Ca ne va pas plaire à l'application"

View file

@ -1,129 +1,417 @@
Keep me logged in: 'Zapamiętaj mnie'
Forgot your password?: 'Zapomniałeś hasła'
Login: 'Loguj'
Back to login: 'Wróć do logowania'
Send: 'Wyślij'
"Enter your email address below and we'll send you password reset instructions.": 'Wpisz swój adres email poniżej. Wyślemy Ci instrukcję resetowania hasła'
# page_title: 'Welcome to wallabag!'
keep_logged_in: 'Zapamiętaj mnie'
forgot_password: 'Zapomniałeś hasła'
submit: 'Loguj'
# register: 'Register'
username: 'Nazwa użytkownika'
password: 'Hasło'
# cancel: 'Cancel'
description: "Wpisz swój adres email poniżej. Wyślemy Ci instrukcję resetowania hasła"
# page_title: 'Create an account'
# go_to_account: 'Go to your account'
# Menu
unread: 'nieprzeczytane'
starred: 'oznaczone gwiazdką'
archive: 'archiwum'
all: 'wszystkie'
tags: 'tagi'
config: 'konfiguracja'
howto: 'howto'
logout: 'wyloguj'
Filtered: 'Filtrowane'
About: 'O nas'
unread: 'Nieprzeczytane'
starred: 'Oznaczone gwiazdką'
archive: 'Archiwum'
all_articles: 'Wszystkie'
config: 'Konfiguracja'
tags: 'Tagi'
# internal_settings: 'Internal Settings'
# import: 'Import'
howto: 'Howto'
# developer: 'Developer'
logout: 'Wyloguj'
about: 'O nas'
search: 'Szukaj'
# save_link: 'Save a link'
back_to_unread: 'Powrót do nieprzeczytanych artykułów'
add_new_entry: 'Dodaj nowy wpis'
search: 'Szukaj'
filter_entries: 'Filtruj wpisy'
# export: 'Export'
input_label: 'Wpisz swoje zapytanie tutaj'
# Header
Back to unread articles: 'Powrót do nieprzeczytanych artykułów'
Add a new entry: 'Dodaj nowy wpis'
Search: 'Szukaj'
Filter entries: 'Filtruj wpisy'
Enter your search here: 'Wpisz swoje zapytanie tutaj:'
Save new entry: 'Zapisz nowy wpis'
# elsewhere: 'Take wallabag with you'
# social: 'Social'
# powered_by: 'powered by'
about: 'O nas'
# Config screen
Settings: 'Ustawienia'
User information: 'Informacje o użytkowniku'
Password: 'Hasło'
RSS: 'Kanał RSS'
Add a user: 'Dodaj użytkownika'
Theme: 'Temat'
Items per page: 'Ilość elementóœ na stronie'
Language: 'Język'
Save: 'Zapisz'
RSS token: 'Token RSS'
Name: 'Nazwa'
Email: 'Adres email'
No token: 'Brak tokena'
Reset your token: 'Zresetuj swojego tokena'
Create your token: 'Stwórz tokena'
Rss limit: 'Limit RSS'
RSS links: 'Link do RSS'
RSS feeds provided by wallabag allow you to read your saved articles with your favourite RSS reader. You need to generate a token first.': 'Kanały RSS prowadzone przez wallabag pozwalają Ci na czytanie twoich zapisanych artykułów w twoium ulubionym czytniku RSS. Musisz najpierw wynegenerować tokena.'
Old password: 'Stare hasło'
New password: 'Nowe hasło'
Repeat new password: 'Powtórz nowe hasło'
Username: 'Nazwa użytkownika'
page_title: 'Konfiguracja'
# settings: 'Settings'
rss: 'Kanał RSS'
user_info: 'Informacje o użytkowniku'
password: 'Hasło'
# rules: 'Tagging rules'
new_user: 'Dodaj użytkownika'
save: 'Zapisz'
theme_label: 'Temat'
items_per_page_label: 'Ilość elementóœ na stronie'
language_label: 'Język'
description: 'Kanały RSS prowadzone przez wallabag pozwalają Ci na czytanie twoich zapisanych artykułów w twoium ulubionym czytniku RSS. Musisz najpierw wynegenerować tokena.'
token_label: 'Token RSS'
no_token: 'Brak tokena'
token_create: 'Stwórz tokena'
token_reset: 'Zresetuj swojego tokena'
rss_links: 'RSS links'
unread: 'nieprzeczytane'
starred: 'oznaczone gwiazdką'
archive: 'archiwum'
rss_limit: 'Link do RSS'
# two_factor_description: "Enabling two factor authentication means you'll receive an email with a code on every new untrusted connexion"
name_label: 'Nazwa'
email_label: 'Adres email'
# twoFactorAuthentication_label: 'Two factor authentication'
old_password_label: 'Stare hasło'
new_password_label: 'Nowe hasło'
repeat_new_password_label: 'Powtórz nowe hasło'
# if_label: 'if'
# then_tag_as_label: 'then tag as'
delete_rule_label: 'usuń'
# rule_label: 'Rule'
# tags_label: 'Tags'
# faq:
# title: 'FAQ'
# tagging_rules_definition_title: 'What does « tagging rules » mean?'
# tagging_rules_definition_description: 'They are rules used by Wallabag to automatically tag new entries.<br />Each time a new entry is added, all the tagging rules will be used to add the tags you configured, thus saving you the trouble to manually classify your entries.'
# how_to_use_them_title: 'How do I use them?'
# how_to_use_them_description: 'Let assume you want to tag new entries as « <i>short reading</i> » when the reading time is inferior to 3 minutes.<br />In that case, you should put « readingTime &lt;= 3 » in the <i>Rule</i> field and « <i>short reading</i> » in the <i>Tags</i> field.<br />Several tags can added simultaneously by separating them by a comma: « <i>short reading, must read</i> »<br />Complex rules can be written by using predefined operators: if « <i>readingTime &gt;= 5 AND domainName = ""</i> » then tag as « <i>long reading, github </i> »'
# variables_available_title: 'Which variables and operators can I use to write rules?'
# variables_available_description: 'The following variables and operators can be used to create tagging rules:'
# meaning: 'Meaning'
# variable_description:
# label: 'Variable'
# title: 'Title of the entry'
# url: 'URL of the entry'
# isArchived: 'Whether the entry is archived or not'
# isStarred: 'Whether the entry is starred or not'
# content: "The entry's content"
# language: "The entry's language"
# mimetype: "The entry's mime-type"
# readingTime: "The estimated entry's reading time, in minutes"
# domainName: 'The domain name of the entry'
# operator_description:
# label: 'Operator'
# less_than: 'Less than...'
# strictly_less_than: 'Strictly less than...'
# greater_than: 'Greater than...'
# strictly_greater_than: 'Strictly greater than...'
# equal_to: 'Equal to...'
# not_equal_to: 'Not equal to...'
# or: 'One rule OR another'
# and: 'One rule AND another'
# matches: 'Tests that a <i>subject</i> is matches a <i>search</i> (case-insensitive).<br />Example: <code>title matches "football"</code>'
username_label: 'Nazwa użytkownika'
password_label: 'Hasło'
repeat_new_password_label: 'Powtórz nowe hasło'
plain_password_label: '????'
email_label: 'Adres email'
# Entries
'estimated reading time': 'Szacunkowy czas czytania'
original: 'oryginał'
Toggle mark as read: 'Oznacz jako przeczytane'
Toggle favorite: 'Oznacz jako ulubione'
Delete: 'Usuń'
# unread: 'Unread entries'
# starred: 'Starred entries'
# archive: 'Archived entries'
# filtered: 'Filtered entries'
# number_on_the_page: '{0} There is no entry.|{1} There is one entry.|]1,Inf[ There are %count% entries.'
reading_time: 'szacunkowy czas czytania'
reading_time_minutes: 'szacunkowy czas czytania: %readingTime% min'
reading_time_less_one_minute: 'szacunkowy czas czytania: <small class="inferieur">&lt;</small> 1 min'
original_article: 'oryginał'
toogle_as_read: 'Oznacz jako przeczytane'
toogle_as_star: 'Oznacz jako ulubione'
delete: 'Usuń'
# export_title: 'Export'
title: 'Filtry'
status_label: 'Status'
archived_label: 'Zarchiwizowane'
starred_label: 'Oznaczone gwiazdką'
preview_picture_label: 'Posiada podgląd obrazu'
preview_picture_help: 'Podgląd obrazu'
language_label: 'Język'
label: 'Czas czytania w minutach'
from: 'od'
to: 'do'
domain_label: 'Nazwa domeny'
label: 'Czas stworzenia'
from: 'od'
to: 'do'
clear: 'Wyczyść'
filter: 'Filtruj'
# back_to_top: 'Back to top'
back_to_homepage: 'Cofnij'
set_as_read: 'Oznacz jako przeczytane'
# set_as_unread: 'Mark as unread'
set_as_favorite: 'Ulubione'
view_original_article: 'Oryginalny artykuł'
# re_fetch_content: 'Re-fetch content'
delete: 'Usuń'
add_a_tag: 'Dodaj tag'
share_content: 'Udostępnij'
share_email_label: 'Adres email'
download: 'Pobierz'
# print: 'Print'
label: 'Problemy'
description: 'Czy ten artykuł wygląda źle?'
edit_title: 'Edytuj tytuł'
original_article: 'oryginalny'
# annotations_on_the_entry: '{0} No annotations|{1} One annotation|]1,Inf[ %nbAnnotations% annotations'
page_title: 'Zapisz nowy wpis'
placeholder: ''
url_label: Url
# page_title: 'Edit an entry'
# title_label: 'Title'
# url_label: 'Url'
# is_public_label: 'Public'
save_label: 'Zapisz'
# Filters
Filters: 'Filtry'
Status: 'Status'
Archived: 'Zarchiwizowane'
Starred: 'Oznaczone gwiazdką'
Preview picture: 'Podgląd obrazu'
Has a preview picture: 'Posiada podgląd obrazu'
Reading time in minutes: 'Czas czytania w minutach'
from: 'od'
to: 'do' ''
Domain name: 'Nazwa domeny'
Creation date: 'Czas stworzenia'
dd/mm/yyyy: ''
Clear: 'Wyczyść'
Filter: 'Filtruj'
page_title: 'O nas'
who_behind_wallabag: 'Kto stoi za wallabag'
getting_help: 'Pomoc'
helping: 'Pomóż wallabag'
# contributors: 'Contributors'
# third_party: 'Third-party libraries'
developped_by: 'Stworzony przez'
website: 'strona internetowa'
many_contributors: 'i wielu innych ♥ <a href="">na GitHubie</a>'
project_website: 'Stona projektu'
license: 'Licencja'
version: 'Wersja'
documentation: 'Dokumentacja'
bug_reports: 'Raportuj błędy'
support: '<a href="">Na naszeej stronie wsparcia technicznego</a> lub <a href="">na GitHubie</a>'
description: 'wallabag jest darmowy i otwartoźródłowy. Możesz nam pomóc:'
by_contributing: 'przez przyłączenie się do projektu:'
by_contributing_2: 'lista wszystkich naszych potrzeb'
by_paypal: 'przez Paypal'
# description: 'Thank you to contributors on wallabag web application'
# description: 'Here are the list of third-party libraries used in wallabag (with their licenses):'
# package: 'Package'
license: 'Licencja'
# About
Who is behind wallabag: 'Kto stoi za wallabag'
Getting help: 'Pomoc'
Helping wallabag: 'Pomóż wallabag'
Developed by: 'Stworzony przez'
website: 'strona internetowa'
And many others contributors ♥: ' i wielu innych ♥'
on GitHub: 'na GitHubie'
Project website: 'Stona projektu'
License: 'Licencja'
Version: 'Wersja'
Documentation: 'Dokumentacja'
Bug reports: 'Raportuj błędy'
On our support website: 'Na naszeej stronie wsparcia technicznego'
or: 'lub'
'wallabag is free and opensource. You can help us:': 'wallabag jest darmowy i otwartoźródłowy. Możesz nam pomóc: '
'by contributing to the project:': 'przez przyłączenie się do projektu:'
an issue lists all our needs: 'lista wszystkich naszych potrzeb'
via Paypal: 'przez PayPal'
page_title: 'Howto'
# page_description: 'There are several ways to save an article:'
browser_addons: 'Wtyczki dla przeglądarki'
mobile_apps: 'Aplikacje mobilne'
bookmarklet: 'Bookmarklet'
description: 'Podziękuj przez ten formularz'
firefox: 'Standardowe rozszerzenia dla Firefox'
chrome: 'Rozszerzenie dla Chrome'
via_f_droid: 'przez F-Droid'
via_google_play: 'przez Google Play'
ios: 'przez iTunes Store'
windows: 'przez Microsoft Store'
description: 'Przeciągnij i upuść ten link na swój pasek zakładek'
# Howto
Form: 'Od'
Thanks to this form: 'Podziękuj przez ten formularz'
Browser addons: 'Wtyczki dla przeglądarki'
Mobile apps: 'Aplikacje mobilne'
Bookmarklet: 'Bookmarklet'
Standard Firefox Add-On: 'Standardowe rozszerzenia dla Firefox'
Chrome Extension: 'Rozszerzenie dla Chrome'
download the application: 'Pobierz aplikację '
'Drag &amp; drop this link to your bookmarks bar:': 'Przeciągnij i upuść ten link na swój pasek zakładek'
# page_title: 'Quickstart'
# intro:
# title: 'Welcome to wallabag!'
# paragraph_1: "We'll accompany you to visit wallabag and show you some features which can interest you."
# paragraph_2: 'Follow us!'
# configure:
# title: 'Configure the application'
# language: 'Change language and design'
# rss: 'Enable RSS feeds'
# tagging_rules: 'Write rules to automatically tag your articles'
# admin:
# title: 'Administration'
# description: 'As an administrator, you have privileges on wallabag. You can:'
# new_user: 'Create a new user'
# analytics: 'Configure analytics'
# sharing: 'Enable some parameters about article sharing'
# export: 'Configure export'
# import: 'Configure import'
# first_steps:
# title: 'First steps'
# new_article: 'Save your first article'
# unread_articles: 'And classify it!'
# migrate:
# title: 'Migrate from an existing service'
# description: "Are you using another service? We'll help you to retrieve your data on wallabag."
# pocket: 'Migrate from Pocket'
# wallabag_v1: 'Migrate from wallabag v1'
# wallabag_v2: 'Migrate from wallabag v2'
# developer:
# title: 'Developers'
# create_application: 'Create your third application'
# docs:
# title: 'Full documentation'
# annotate: 'Annotate your article'
# export: 'Convert your articles into ePUB or PDF'
# search_filters: 'See how you can look for an article by using search engine and filters'
# fetching_errors: 'What can I do if an article encounters errors during fetching?'
# all_docs: 'And so many other articles!'
# support:
# title: 'Support'
# description: 'If you need some help, we are here for you.'
# github: 'On GitHub'
# email: 'By email'
# gitter: 'On Gitter'
# Flash messages
Information updated: 'Informacje zaktualizowane'
Config saved. Some parameters will be considered after disconnection.': 'Konfiguracja zapisana. Niektóre parametry zostaną uznane po rozłączeniu'
RSS information updated: 'Informacje RSS zaktualizowane'
Password updated: 'Hasło zaktualizowane'
Entry starred: 'Wpis oznaczony gwiazdką'
Entry unstarred: 'Wpis odznaczony gwiazdką'
Entry archived: 'Wpis dodany do archiwum'
Entry unarchived: 'Wpis usunięty z archiwum'
Entry deleted: 'Wpis usunięty'
page_title: 'Tagi'
# number_on_the_page: '{0} There is no tag.|{1} There is one tag.|]1,Inf[ There are %count% tags.'
# Entry
Mark as read: 'Oznacz jako przeczytane'
Favorite: 'Ulubione'
back: 'Cofnij'
original article: 'Oryginalny artykuł'
Add a tag: 'Dodaj tag'
Share: 'Udostępnij'
Download: 'Pobierz'
Does this article appear wrong?: 'Czy ten artykuł wygląda źle?'
Problems?: 'Problemy'
Edit title: 'Edytuj tytuł'
# page_title: 'Import'
# page_description: 'Welcome to wallabag importer. Please select your previous service that you want to migrate.'
# action:
# import_contents: 'Import contents'
# form:
# mark_as_read_title: 'Mark all as read?'
# mark_as_read_label: 'Mark all imported entries as read'
# file_label: 'File'
# save_label: 'Upload file'
# pocket:
# page_title: 'Import > Pocket'
# description: "This importer will import all your Pocket data. Pocket doesn't allow us to retrieve content from their service, so the readable content of each article will be re-fetched by wallabag."
# config_missing:
# description: "Pocket import isn't configured."
# admin_message: 'You need to define %keyurls%a pocket_consumer_key%keyurle%.'
# user_message: 'Your server admin needs to define an API Key for Pocket.'
# authorize_message: 'You can import your data from your Pocket account. You just have to click on the below button and authorize the application to connect to'
# connect_to_pocket: 'Connect to Pocket and import data'
# wallabag_v1:
# page_title: 'Import > Wallabag v1'
# description: 'This importer will import all your wallabag v1 articles. On your config page, click on "JSON export" in the "Export your wallabag data" section. You will have a "wallabag-export-1-xxxx-xx-xx.json" file.'
# how_to: 'Please select your wallabag export and click on the below button to upload and import it.'
# wallabag_v2:
# page_title: 'Import > Wallabag v2'
# description: 'This importer will import all your wallabag v2 articles. Go to All articles, then, on the export sidebar, click on "JSON". You will have a "All articles.json" file.'
# page_title: 'Developer'
# welcome_message: 'Welcome to the wallabag API'
# documentation: 'Documentation'
# how_to_first_app: 'How to create my first application'
# full_documentation: 'View full API documentation'
# clients:
# title: 'Clients'
# create_new: 'Create a new client'
# existing_clients:
# title: 'Existing clients'
# field_id: 'Client ID'
# field_secret: 'Client secret'
# field_uris: 'Redirect URIs'
# field_grant_types: 'Grant type allowed'
# no_client: 'No client yet.'
# remove:
# warn_message_1: 'You have the ability to remove this client. This action is IRREVERSIBLE !'
# warn_message_2: "If you remove it, every app configured with that client won't be able to auth on your wallabag."
# action: 'Remove this client'
# client:
# page_title: 'Developer > New client'
# page_description: 'You are about to create a new client. Please fill the field below for the redirect URI of your application.'
# form:
# redirect_uris_label: 'Redirect URIs'
# save_label: 'Create a new client'
# action_back: 'Cofnij'
# client_parameter:
# page_title: 'Developer > Client parameters'
# page_description: 'Here are your client parameters.'
# field_id: 'Client ID'
# field_secret: 'Client secret'
# back: 'Cofnij'
# read_howto: 'Read the howto "Create my first application"'
# howto:
# page_title: 'Developer > How to create my first application'
# description:
# paragraph_1: 'The following commands make use of the <a href="">HTTPie library</a>. Make sure it is installed on your system before using it.'
# paragraph_2: 'You need a token to communicate between your 3rd application and wallabag API.'
# paragraph_3: 'To create this token, you need <a href="%link%">to create a new client</a>.'
# paragraph_4: 'Now, create your token (replace client_id, client_secret, username and password with the good values):'
# paragraph_5: 'The API will return a response like this:'
# paragraph_6: 'The access_token is useful to do a call to the API endpoint. For example:'
# paragraph_7: 'This call will return all the entries for your user.'
# paragraph_8: 'If you want to see all the API endpoints, you can have a look <a href="%link%">to our API documentation</a>.'
# back: 'Cofnij'
password_must_match: 'Hasło w polach musi być takie same'
password_too_short: 'Hasło powinno mieć minimum 8 znaków długości'
# password_wrong_value: 'Wrong value for your current password'
# item_per_page_too_high: 'This will certainly kill the app'
# rss_limit_too_hight: 'This will certainly kill the app'
config_saved: 'Konfiguracja zapisana. Niektóre parametry zostaną uznane po rozłączeniu'
password_updated: 'Hasło zaktualizowane'
password_not_updated_demo: "In demonstration mode, you can't change password for this user."
user_updated: 'Informacje zaktualizowane'
rss_updated: 'Informacje RSS zaktualizowane'
# tagging_rules_updated: 'Tagging rules updated'
# tagging_rules_deleted: 'Tagging rule deleted'
# user_added: 'User "%username%" added'
# rss_token_updated: 'RSS token updated'
# entry_already_saved: 'Entry already saved on %date%'
# entry_saved: 'Entry saved'
# entry_updated: 'Entry updated'
# entry_reloaded: 'Entry reloaded'
# entry_reload_failed: 'Failed to reload entry'
entry_archived: 'Wpis dodany do archiwum'
entry_unarchived: 'Wpis usunięty z archiwum'
entry_starred: 'Wpis oznaczony gwiazdką'
entry_unstarred: 'Wpis odznaczony gwiazdką'
entry_deleted: 'Wpis usunięty'
# tag_added: 'Tag added'
# failed: 'Import failed, please try again.'
# failed_on_file: 'Error while processing import. Please verify your import file.'
# summary: 'Import summary: %imported% imported, %skipped% already saved.'
# client_created: 'New client created.'
# client_deleted: 'Client deleted'

View file

@ -1,129 +1,417 @@
Keep me logged in: 'Ține-mă logat'
Forgot your password?: 'Ți-ai uitat parola?'
Login: 'Logare'
Back to login: 'Înapoi la logare'
Send: 'Trimite'
"Enter your email address below and we'll send you password reset instructions.": "Introduceți adresa de e-mail, iar noi vă vom trimite instrucțiunile pentru resetarea parolei."
# page_title: 'Welcome to wallabag!'
keep_logged_in: 'Ține-mă logat'
forgot_password: 'Ți-ai uitat parola?'
submit: 'Logare'
# register: 'Register'
username: 'Nume de utilizator'
password: 'Parolă'
# cancel: 'Cancel'
description: "Introduceți adresa de e-mail, iar noi vă vom trimite instrucțiunile pentru resetarea parolei."
# page_title: 'Create an account'
# go_to_account: 'Go to your account'
# Menu
unread: 'necitite'
starred: 'cu steluță'
archive: 'arhivă'
all: 'toate'
tags: 'tag-uri'
config: 'configurație'
howto: 'cum să'
logout: 'delogare'
Filtered: 'Filtrate'
About: 'Despre'
unread: 'Necitite'
starred: 'Cu steluță'
archive: 'Arhivă'
all_articles: 'Toate'
config: 'Configurație'
tags: 'Tag-uri'
# internal_settings: 'Internal Settings'
# import: 'Import'
howto: 'Cum să'
# developer: 'Developer'
logout: 'cum să'
about: 'Despre'
search: 'Căutare'
# save_link: 'Save a link'
back_to_unread: 'Înapoi la articolele necitite'
add_new_entry: 'Introdu un nou articol'
search: 'Căutare'
filter_entries: 'Filtrează articolele'
# export: 'Export'
input_label: 'Introdu căutarea ta'
# Header
Back to unread articles: 'Înapoi la articolele necitite'
Add a new entry: 'Introdu un nou articol'
Search: 'Căutare'
Filter entries: 'Filtrează articolele'
Enter your search here: 'Introdu căutarea ta'
Save new entry: 'Salvează un nou articol'
# elsewhere: 'Take wallabag with you'
# social: 'Social'
# powered_by: 'powered by'
about: 'Despre'
# Config screen
Settings: 'Setări'
User information: 'Informații despre utilizator'
Password: 'Parolă'
Add a user: 'Crează un utilizator'
Theme: 'Temă'
Items per page: 'Articole pe pagină'
Language: 'Limbă'
Save: 'Salvează'
RSS token: 'RSS-Token'
Name: 'Nume'
Email: 'E-mail'
No token: 'Fără token'
Reset your token: 'Resetează-ți token-ul'
Create your token: 'Crează-ți token'
Rss limit: 'Limită RSS'
RSS links: 'Link-uri RSS'
'RSS feeds provided by wallabag allow you to read your saved articles with your favourite RSS reader. You need to generate a token first.': 'Feed-urile RSS oferite de wallabag îți permit să-ți citești articolele salvate în reader-ul tău preferat RSS.'
Old password: 'Parola veche'
New password: 'Parola nouă'
Repeat new password: 'Repetă parola'
Username: 'Nume de utilizator'
page_title: 'Configurație'
settings: 'Setări'
rss: 'RSS'
user_info: 'Informații despre utilizator'
password: 'Parolă'
# rules: 'Tagging rules'
new_user: 'Crează un utilizator'
save: 'Salvează'
theme_label: 'Temă'
items_per_page_label: 'Articole pe pagină'
language_label: 'Limbă'
description: 'Feed-urile RSS oferite de wallabag îți permit să-ți citești articolele salvate în reader-ul tău preferat RSS.'
token_label: 'RSS-Token'
no_token: 'Fără token'
token_create: 'Crează-ți token'
token_reset: 'Resetează-ți token-ul'
rss_links: 'Link-uri RSS'
unread: 'unread'
starred: 'starred'
archive: 'archived'
rss_limit: 'Limită RSS'
# two_factor_description: "Enabling two factor authentication means you'll receive an email with a code on every new untrusted connexion"
name_label: 'Nume'
email_label: 'E-mail'
# twoFactorAuthentication_label: 'Two factor authentication'
old_password_label: 'Parola veche'
new_password_label: 'Parola nouă'
repeat_new_password_label: 'Repeat new password'
# if_label: 'if'
# then_tag_as_label: 'then tag as'
# delete_rule_label: 'delete'
# rule_label: 'Rule'
# tags_label: 'Tags'
# faq:
# title: 'FAQ'
# tagging_rules_definition_title: 'What does « tagging rules » mean?'
# tagging_rules_definition_description: 'They are rules used by Wallabag to automatically tag new entries.<br />Each time a new entry is added, all the tagging rules will be used to add the tags you configured, thus saving you the trouble to manually classify your entries.'
# how_to_use_them_title: 'How do I use them?'
# how_to_use_them_description: 'Let assume you want to tag new entries as « <i>short reading</i> » when the reading time is inferior to 3 minutes.<br />In that case, you should put « readingTime &lt;= 3 » in the <i>Rule</i> field and « <i>short reading</i> » in the <i>Tags</i> field.<br />Several tags can added simultaneously by separating them by a comma: « <i>short reading, must read</i> »<br />Complex rules can be written by using predefined operators: if « <i>readingTime &gt;= 5 AND domainName = ""</i> » then tag as « <i>long reading, github </i> »'
# variables_available_title: 'Which variables and operators can I use to write rules?'
# variables_available_description: 'The following variables and operators can be used to create tagging rules:'
# meaning: 'Meaning'
# variable_description:
# label: 'Variable'
# title: 'Title of the entry'
# url: 'URL of the entry'
# isArchived: 'Whether the entry is archived or not'
# isStarred: 'Whether the entry is starred or not'
# content: "The entry's content"
# language: "The entry's language"
# mimetype: "The entry's mime-type"
# readingTime: "The estimated entry's reading time, in minutes"
# domainName: 'The domain name of the entry'
# operator_description:
# label: 'Operator'
# less_than: 'Less than...'
# strictly_less_than: 'Strictly less than...'
# greater_than: 'Greater than...'
# strictly_greater_than: 'Strictly greater than...'
# equal_to: 'Equal to...'
# not_equal_to: 'Not equal to...'
# or: 'One rule OR another'
# and: 'One rule AND another'
# matches: 'Tests that a <i>subject</i> is matches a <i>search</i> (case-insensitive).<br />Example: <code>title matches "football"</code>'
username_label: 'Nume de utilizator'
password_label: 'Parolă'
repeat_new_password_label: 'Repeat new password'
plain_password_label: '????'
email_label: 'E-mail'
# Entries
'estimated reading time': 'timp estimat de citire'
original: original
Toggle mark as read: 'Comută marcat ca citit'
Toggle favorite: 'Comută marcat ca favorit'
Delete: 'Șterge'
# unread: 'Unread entries'
# starred: 'Starred entries'
# archive: 'Archived entries'
# filtered: 'Filtered entries'
# number_on_the_page: '{0} There is no entry.|{1} There is one entry.|]1,Inf[ There are %count% entries.'
reading_time: 'timp estimat de citire'
reading_time_minutes: 'timp estimat de citire: %readingTime% min'
reading_time_less_one_minute: 'timp estimat de citire: <small class="inferieur">&lt;</small> 1 min'
original_article: 'original'
toogle_as_read: 'Comută marcat ca citit'
toogle_as_star: 'Comută marcat ca favorit'
delete: 'Șterge'
# export_title: 'Export'
title: 'Filtre'
status_label: 'Status'
archived_label: 'Arhivat'
starred_label: 'Steluțe'
preview_picture_label: 'Are o imagine de previzualizare'
preview_picture_help: 'Previzualizare imagine'
language_label: 'Limbă'
label: 'Timp de citire în minute'
from: 'de la'
to: 'către'
domain_label: 'Nume domeniu'
label: 'Data creării'
from: 'de la'
to: 'către'
clear: 'Șterge'
filter: 'Filtru'
# back_to_top: 'Back to top'
back_to_homepage: 'Înapoi'
set_as_read: 'Marchează ca citit'
# set_as_unread: 'Mark as unread'
set_as_favorite: 'Favorit'
view_original_article: 'Articol original'
# re_fetch_content: 'Re-fetch content'
delete: 'Șterge'
add_a_tag: 'Adaugă un tag'
share_content: 'Dă mai departe'
share_email_label: 'E-mail'
download: 'Descarcă'
# print: 'Print'
label: 'Probleme?'
description: 'Îți pare ciudat articolul?'
edit_title: 'Editează titlul'
original_article: 'original'
# annotations_on_the_entry: '{0} No annotations|{1} One annotation|]1,Inf[ %nbAnnotations% annotations'
page_title: 'Salvează un nou articol'
placeholder: ''
url_label: Url
# page_title: 'Edit an entry'
# title_label: 'Title'
url_label: 'Url'
# is_public_label: 'Public'
save_label: 'Salvează'
# Filters
Filters: 'Filtre'
Status: 'Status'
Archived: 'Arhivat'
Starred: 'Steluțe'
Preview picture: 'Previzualizare imagine'
Has a preview picture: 'Are o imagine de previzualizare'
Reading time in minutes: 'Timp de citire în minute'
from: 'de la'
to: 'către' ''
Domain name: 'Nume domeniu'
Creation date: 'Data creării'
dd/mm/yyyy: 'zz/ll/aaaa'
Clear: 'Șterge'
Filter: 'Filtru'
page_title: 'Despre'
who_behind_wallabag: 'Cine e în spatele wallabag'
getting_help: 'Ajutor'
helping: 'Cum să ajuți wallabag'
# contributors: 'Contributors'
# third_party: 'Third-party libraries'
developped_by: 'Dezvoltat de'
website: 'website'
many_contributors: 'Și mulți alți contribuitori ♥ <a href="">pe Github</a>'
project_website: 'Website-ul proiectului'
license: 'Licență'
version: 'Versiune'
documentation: 'Documentație'
bug_reports: 'Bug-uri'
support: '<a href="">Pe site-ul nostru de suport</a> sau <a href="">pe GitHub</a>'
description: 'wallabag este gratis și Open-Source. Cum ne poți ajuta:'
by_contributing: 'contribuind la proiect:'
by_contributing_2: 'o problemă ne listează toate nevoile:'
by_paypal: 'prin Paypal'
# description: 'Thank you to contributors on wallabag web application'
# description: 'Here are the list of third-party libraries used in wallabag (with their licenses):'
# package: 'Package'
license: 'Licență'
# About
Who is behind wallabag: "Cine e în spatele wallabag"
Getting help: "Ajutor"
Helping wallabag: "Cum să ajuți wallabag"
Developed by: "Dezvoltat de"
website: "website"
And many others contributors ♥: "Și mulți alți contribuitori ♥"
on GitHub: "pe GitHub"
Project website: "Website-ul proiectului"
License: "Licență"
Version: "Versiune"
Documentation: "Documentație"
Bug reports: "Bug-uri"
On our support website: "Pe site-ul nostru de suport"
or: "sau"
"wallabag is free and opensource. You can help us:": "wallabag este gratis și Open-Source. Cum ne poți ajuta:"
"by contributing to the project:": "contribuind la proiect:"
an issue lists all our needs: "o problemă ne listează toate nevoile:"
via Paypal: "prin PayPal"
page_title: 'Cum să'
# page_description: 'There are several ways to save an article:'
browser_addons: 'Add-On-uri de Browser'
mobile_apps: 'Aplicații mobile'
bookmarklet: 'Bookmarklet'
description: 'Mulțumită acestui formular'
firefox: 'Add-On standard de Firefox'
chrome: 'Extensie Chrome'
via_f_droid: 'prin F-Droid'
via_google_play: 'prin Google Play'
ios: 'prin iTunes Store'
windows: 'prin Microsoft Store'
description: 'Drag &amp; drop acest link în bara de bookmark-uri:'
# Howto
Form: Formular
Thanks to this form: "Mulțumită acestui formular"
Browser addons: "Add-On-uri de Browser"
Mobile apps: "Aplicații mobile"
Bookmarklet: "Bookmarklet"
Standard Firefox Add-On: "Add-On standard de Firefox"
Chrome Extension: "Extensie Chrome"
download the application: "descarcă aplicația"
"Drag &amp; drop this link to your bookmarks bar:": "Drag &amp; drop acest link în bara de bookmark-uri:"
# page_title: 'Quickstart'
# intro:
# title: 'Welcome to wallabag!'
# paragraph_1: "We'll accompany you to visit wallabag and show you some features which can interest you."
# paragraph_2: 'Follow us!'
# configure:
# title: 'Configure the application'
# language: 'Change language and design'
# rss: 'Enable RSS feeds'
# tagging_rules: 'Write rules to automatically tag your articles'
# admin:
# title: 'Administration'
# description: 'As an administrator, you have privileges on wallabag. You can:'
# new_user: 'Create a new user'
# analytics: 'Configure analytics'
# sharing: 'Enable some parameters about article sharing'
# export: 'Configure export'
# import: 'Configure import'
# first_steps:
# title: 'First steps'
# new_article: 'Save your first article'
# unread_articles: 'And classify it!'
# migrate:
# title: 'Migrate from an existing service'
# description: "Are you using another service? We'll help you to retrieve your data on wallabag."
# pocket: 'Migrate from Pocket'
# wallabag_v1: 'Migrate from wallabag v1'
# wallabag_v2: 'Migrate from wallabag v2'
# developer:
# title: 'Developers'
# create_application: 'Create your third application'
# docs:
# title: 'Full documentation'
# annotate: 'Annotate your article'
# export: 'Convert your articles into ePUB or PDF'
# search_filters: 'See how you can look for an article by using search engine and filters'
# fetching_errors: 'What can I do if an article encounters errors during fetching?'
# all_docs: 'And so many other articles!'
# support:
# title: 'Support'
# description: 'If you need some help, we are here for you.'
# github: 'On GitHub'
# email: 'By email'
# gitter: 'On Gitter'
# Flash messages
Information updated: "Informație actualizată"
"Config saved. Some parameters will be considered after disconnection.": "configurație salvată. Unii parametrii vor fi considerați după deconectare."
RSS information updated: "Informație RSS actualizată"
Password updated: "Parolă actualizată"
Entry starred: "Articol adăugat la favorite"
Entry unstarred: "Articol șters de la favorite"
Entry archived: "Articol arhivat"
Entry unarchived: "Articol dezarhivat"
Entry deleted: "Articol șters"
page_title: 'Tag-uri'
# number_on_the_page: '{0} There is no tag.|{1} There is one tag.|]1,Inf[ There are %count% tags.'
# Entry
Mark as read: 'Marchează ca citit'
Favorite: 'Favorit'
back: 'înapoi'
original article: 'articol original'
Add a tag: 'Adaugă un tag'
Share: 'Dă mai departe'
Download: 'Descarcă'
Does this article appear wrong?: "Îți pare ciudat articolul?"
Problems?: 'Probleme?'
Edit title: "Editează titlul"
# page_title: 'Import'
# page_description: 'Welcome to wallabag importer. Please select your previous service that you want to migrate.'
# action:
# import_contents: 'Import contents'
# form:
# mark_as_read_title: 'Mark all as read?'
# mark_as_read_label: 'Mark all imported entries as read'
# file_label: 'File'
# save_label: 'Upload file'
# pocket:
# page_title: 'Import > Pocket'
# description: "This importer will import all your Pocket data. Pocket doesn't allow us to retrieve content from their service, so the readable content of each article will be re-fetched by wallabag."
# config_missing:
# description: "Pocket import isn't configured."
# admin_message: 'You need to define %keyurls%a pocket_consumer_key%keyurle%.'
# user_message: 'Your server admin needs to define an API Key for Pocket.'
# authorize_message: 'You can import your data from your Pocket account. You just have to click on the below button and authorize the application to connect to'
# connect_to_pocket: 'Connect to Pocket and import data'
# wallabag_v1:
# page_title: 'Import > Wallabag v1'
# description: 'This importer will import all your wallabag v1 articles. On your config page, click on "JSON export" in the "Export your wallabag data" section. You will have a "wallabag-export-1-xxxx-xx-xx.json" file.'
# how_to: 'Please select your wallabag export and click on the below button to upload and import it.'
# wallabag_v2:
# page_title: 'Import > Wallabag v2'
# description: 'This importer will import all your wallabag v2 articles. Go to All articles, then, on the export sidebar, click on "JSON". You will have a "All articles.json" file.'
# page_title: 'Developer'
# welcome_message: 'Welcome to the wallabag API'
# documentation: 'Documentation'
# how_to_first_app: 'How to create my first application'
# full_documentation: 'View full API documentation'
# clients:
# title: 'Clients'
# create_new: 'Create a new client'
# existing_clients:
# title: 'Existing clients'
# field_id: 'Client ID'
# field_secret: 'Client secret'
# field_uris: 'Redirect URIs'
# field_grant_types: 'Grant type allowed'
# no_client: 'No client yet.'
# remove:
# warn_message_1: 'You have the ability to remove this client. This action is IRREVERSIBLE !'
# warn_message_2: "If you remove it, every app configured with that client won't be able to auth on your wallabag."
# action: 'Remove this client'
# client:
# page_title: 'Developer > New client'
# page_description: 'You are about to create a new client. Please fill the field below for the redirect URI of your application.'
# form:
# redirect_uris_label: 'Redirect URIs'
# save_label: 'Create a new client'
# action_back: 'Back'
# client_parameter:
# page_title: 'Developer > Client parameters'
# page_description: 'Here are your client parameters.'
# field_id: 'Client ID'
# field_secret: 'Client secret'
# back: 'Back'
# read_howto: 'Read the howto "Create my first application"'
# howto:
# page_title: 'Developer > How to create my first application'
# description:
# paragraph_1: 'The following commands make use of the <a href="">HTTPie library</a>. Make sure it is installed on your system before using it.'
# paragraph_2: 'You need a token to communicate between your 3rd application and wallabag API.'
# paragraph_3: 'To create this token, you need <a href="%link%">to create a new client</a>.'
# paragraph_4: 'Now, create your token (replace client_id, client_secret, username and password with the good values):'
# paragraph_5: 'The API will return a response like this:'
# paragraph_6: 'The access_token is useful to do a call to the API endpoint. For example:'
# paragraph_7: 'This call will return all the entries for your user.'
# paragraph_8: 'If you want to see all the API endpoints, you can have a look <a href="%link%">to our API documentation</a>.'
# back: 'Back'
password_must_match: 'Câmpurile destinate parolelor trebuie să se potrivească'
password_too_short: 'Parola ar trebui să conțină cel puțin 8 caractere'
# password_wrong_value: 'Wrong value for your current password'
# item_per_page_too_high: 'This will certainly kill the app'
# rss_limit_too_hight: 'This will certainly kill the app'
config_saved: 'Configurație salvată. Unii parametrii vor fi considerați după deconectare.'
password_updated: 'Parolă actualizată'
password_not_updated_demo: "In demonstration mode, you can't change password for this user."
user_updated: 'Informație actualizată'
rss_updated: 'Informație RSS actualizată'
# tagging_rules_updated: 'Tagging rules updated'
# tagging_rules_deleted: 'Tagging rule deleted'
# user_added: 'User "%username%" added'
# rss_token_updated: 'RSS token updated'
# entry_already_saved: 'Entry already saved on %date%'
# entry_saved: 'Entry saved'
# entry_updated: 'Entry updated'
# entry_reloaded: 'Entry reloaded'
# entry_reload_failed: 'Failed to reload entry'
entry_archived: 'Articol arhivat'
entry_unarchived: 'Articol dezarhivat'
entry_starred: 'Articol adăugat la favorite'
entry_unstarred: 'Articol șters de la favorite'
entry_deleted: 'Articol șters'
# tag_added: 'Tag added'
# failed: 'Import failed, please try again.'
# failed_on_file: 'Error while processing import. Please verify your import file.'
# summary: 'Import summary: %imported% imported, %skipped% already saved.'
# client_created: 'New client created.'
# client_deleted: 'Client deleted'

View file

@ -1,226 +1,417 @@
# Login
Keep me logged in: 'Oturumumu açık tut'
Forgot your password?: 'Şifrenizi mi unuttunuz?'
Login: 'Giriş Yap'
Back to login: 'Giriş yapma ekranına geri dön'
Send: 'Gönder'
Register: 'Kayıt Ol'
page_title: 'wallabag'
keep_logged_in: 'Oturumumu açık tut'
forgot_password: 'Şifrenizi mi unuttunuz?'
submit: 'Giriş Yap'
register: 'Kayıt Ol'
username: 'Kullanıcı adı'
password: 'Şifre'
# cancel: 'Cancel'
# description: "Enter your email address below and we'll send you password reset instructions."
# page_title: 'Create an account'
# go_to_account: 'Go to your account'
# Menu
unread: 'Okunmayan'
starred: 'Favoriler'
archive: 'Arşiv'
all: 'Hepsi'
tags: 'Etiketler'
config: 'Yapılandırma'
import: 'İçe Aktar'
howto: 'Yardım'
logout: ıkış Yap'
Filtered: 'Filtreli'
About: 'Hakkımızda'
unread: 'Okunmayan'
starred: 'Favoriler'
archive: 'Arşiv'
all_articles: 'Hepsi'
config: 'Yapılandırma'
tags: 'Etiketler'
# internal_settings: 'Internal Settings'
import: 'İçe Aktar'
howto: 'Yardım'
# developer: 'Developer'
logout: ıkış Yap'
about: 'Hakkımızda'
search: 'Ara'
# save_link: 'Save a link'
back_to_unread: 'Okunmayan makalelere geri dön'
add_new_entry: 'Yeni bir makale ekle'
search: 'Ara'
filter_entries: 'Filtrele'
export: 'Dışa Aktar'
input_label: 'Aramak istediğiniz herhangi bir şey yazın'
# Header
Back to unread articles: 'Okunmayan makalelere geri dön'
Add a new entry: 'Yeni bir makale ekle'
Search: 'Ara'
Filter entries: 'Filtrele'
Enter your search here: 'Aramak istediğiniz herhangi bir şey yazın'
Save new entry: 'Yeni makaleyi kaydet'
elsewhere: 'wallabag her an seninle'
social: 'Sosyal'
powered_by: 'powered by'
about: 'Hakkımızda'
# Config screen
Settings: 'Ayarlar'
User information: 'Kullanıcı bilgileri'
Tagging rules: "Etiketleme kuralları"
Password: 'Şifre'
Add a user: 'Bir kullanıcı ekle'
Theme: 'Tema'
Items per page: "Sayfa başına makale sayısı"
Language: 'Dil'
Save: 'Kaydet'
RSS token: 'RSS belirteci (token)'
Name: 'İsim'
Email: 'E-posta'
No token: 'Belirteç (token) yok'
Reset your token: 'Belirteci (token) sıfırla'
Create your token: 'Yeni belirteç (token) oluştur'
Rss limit: "RSS içeriğinden talep edilecek makale limiti"
RSS links: 'RSS akış bağlantıları'
"RSS feeds provided by wallabag allow you to read your saved articles with your favourite RSS reader. You need to generate a token first.": "wallabag RSS akışı kaydetmiş olduğunuz makalelerini favori RSS okuyucunuzda görüntülemenizi sağlar. Bunu yapabilmek için öncelikle belirteç (token) oluşturmalısınız."
Old password: 'Eski şifre'
New password: 'Yeni şifre'
Repeat new password: 'Yeni şifrenin tekrarı'
Username: "Kullanıcı adı"
Two factor authentication: "İki adımlı doğrulama"
"Enabling two factor authentication means you'll receive an email with a code on every new untrusted connexion": "İki adımlı doğrulamayı aktifleştirdiğinizde, her yeni güvenilmeyen bağlantılarda size e-posta ile bir kod alacaksınız."
Baggy: "Baggy"
Material: "Material"
English: "İngilizce"
Français: "Fransızca"
Deutsch: "Almanca"
Türkçe: "Türkçe"
page_title: 'Yapılandırma'
settings: 'Ayarlar'
rss: 'RSS'
user_info: 'Kullanıcı bilgileri'
password: 'Şifre'
rules: 'Etiketleme kuralları'
new_user: 'Bir kullanıcı ekle'
save: 'Kaydet'
theme_label: 'Tema'
items_per_page_label: 'Sayfa başına makale sayısı'
language_label: 'Dil'
description: 'wallabag RSS akışı kaydetmiş olduğunuz makalelerini favori RSS okuyucunuzda görüntülemenizi sağlar. Bunu yapabilmek için öncelikle belirteç (token) oluşturmalısınız.'
token_label: 'RSS belirteci (token)'
no_token: 'Belirteç (token) yok'
token_create: 'Yeni belirteç (token) oluştur'
token_reset: 'Belirteci (token) sıfırla'
rss_links: 'RSS akış bağlantıları'
unread: 'okunmayan'
starred: 'favoriler'
archive: 'arşiv'
rss_limit: 'RSS içeriğinden talep edilecek makale limiti'
two_factor_description: "İki adımlı doğrulamayı aktifleştirdiğinizde, her yeni güvenilmeyen bağlantılarda size e-posta ile bir kod alacaksınız."
name_label: 'İsim'
email_label: 'E-posta'
twoFactorAuthentication_label: 'İki adımlı doğrulama'
old_password_label: 'Eski şifre'
new_password_label: 'Yeni şifre'
repeat_new_password_label: 'Yeni şifrenin tekrarı'
# if_label: 'if'
# then_tag_as_label: 'then tag as'
# delete_rule_label: 'delete'
rule_label: 'Kural'
tags_label: 'Etiketler'
title: 'S.S.S.'
tagging_rules_definition_title: '« etiketleme kuralları » ne anlama geliyor?'
# tagging_rules_definition_description: 'They are rules used by Wallabag to automatically tag new entries.<br />Each time a new entry is added, all the tagging rules will be used to add the tags you configured, thus saving you the trouble to manually classify your entries.'
how_to_use_them_title: 'Bunu nasıl kullanırım?'
# how_to_use_them_description: 'Let assume you want to tag new entries as « <i>short reading</i> » when the reading time is inferior to 3 minutes.<br />In that case, you should put « readingTime &lt;= 3 » in the <i>Rule</i> field and « <i>short reading</i> » in the <i>Tags</i> field.<br />Several tags can added simultaneously by separating them by a comma: « <i>short reading, must read</i> »<br />Complex rules can be written by using predefined operators: if « <i>readingTime &gt;= 5 AND domainName = ""</i> » then tag as « <i>long reading, github </i> »'
variables_available_title: 'Kurallar içerisinde hangi değişken ve operatörleri kullanabilirim?'
variables_available_description: 'Etiket kuralı oluşturmak istediğinizde aşağıdaki değişken ve operatörleri kullanabilirsin:'
meaning: 'Anlamı'
label: 'Değişken'
title: 'Makalenin başlığı'
url: 'Makalenin bağlantısı'
isArchived: 'Makale arşivlendi mi? Arşivlenmedi mi?'
isStarred: 'Makale favorilere eklendi mi? Eklenmedi mi?'
content: "Makalenin içeriği"
language: "Makalenin dili"
mimetype: "Makalenin mime türü"
readingTime: "Makalenin dakika cinsinden tahmini okuma süresi"
domainName: 'Makalenin bulunduğu internet sitesinin alan adı'
label: 'Operatör'
less_than: 'Küçüktür ve eşittir…'
strictly_less_than: 'Küçüktür…'
greater_than: 'Büyüktür ve eşittir…'
strictly_greater_than: 'Büyüktür…'
equal_to: 'Eşittir…'
not_equal_to: 'Eşit değildir…'
or: 'Bir kural veya birbaşkası'
and: 'Bir kural ve diğeri'
# matches: 'Tests that a <i>subject</i> is matches a <i>search</i> (case-insensitive).<br />Example: <code>title matches "football"</code>'
username_label: 'Kullanıcı adı'
password_label: 'Şifre'
repeat_new_password_label: 'Yeni şifrenin tekrarı'
plain_password_label: '????'
email_label: 'E-posta'
# Tagging rules
Rule: "Kural"
Tags: "Etiketler"
FAQ: "S.S.S."
Variable: "Değişken"
Meaning: "Anlamı"
Operator: "Operatör"
"What does « tagging rules » mean?": "« etiketleme kuralları » ne anlama geliyor?"
"How do I use them?": "Bunu nasıl kullanırım?"
"Which variables and operators can I use to write rules?": "Kurallar içerisinde hangi değişken ve operatörleri kullanabilirim?"
"The following variables and operators can be used to create tagging rules:": "Etiket kuralı oluşturmak istediğinizde aşağıdaki değişken ve operatörleri kullanabilirsin:"
Title of the entry: "Makalenin başlığı"
URL of the entry: "Makalenin bağlantısı"
The domain name of the entry: "Makalenin bulunduğu internet sitesinin alan adı"
"The entry's content": "Makalenin içeriği"
"The entry's language": "Makalenin dili"
"The entry's mime-type": "Makalenin mime türü"
"The estimated entry's reading time, in minutes": "Makalenin dakika cinsinden tahmini okuma süresi"
"Whether the entry is archived or not": "Makale arşivlendi mi? Arşivlenmedi mi?"
"Whether the entry is starred or not": "Makale favorilere eklendi mi? Eklenmedi mi?"
"Less than…": "Küçüktür ve eşittir…"
"Strictly less than…": "Küçüktür…"
"Greater than…": "Büyüktür ve eşittir…"
"Strictly greater than…": "Büyüktür…"
"Equal to…": "Eşittir…"
"Not equal to…": "Eşit değildir…"
"One rule or another": "Bir kural veya birbaşkası"
"One rule and another": "Bir kural ve diğeri"
# unread: 'Unread entries'
# starred: 'Starred entries'
# archive: 'Archived entries'
# filtered: 'Filtered entries'
number_on_the_page: '{0} Herhangi bir makale yok.|{1} Burada bir adet makale var.|]1,Inf[ Burada %count% adet makale var.'
reading_time: 'tahmini okuma süresi'
reading_time_minutes: 'tahmini okuma süresi: %readingTime% min'
reading_time_less_one_minute: 'tahmini okuma süresi: <small class="inferieur">&lt;</small> 1 min'
original_article: 'orijinal'
toogle_as_read: 'Okundu/okunmadı olarak işaretle'
toogle_as_star: 'Favorilere ekle/çıkar'
delete: 'Sil'
export_title: 'Dışa Aktar'
title: 'Filtreler'
status_label: 'Durum'
archived_label: 'Arşiv'
starred_label: 'Favori'
preview_picture_label: 'Resim önizlemesi varsa'
preview_picture_help: 'Resim önizlemesi'
language_label: 'Dil'
label: 'Dakika cinsinden okuma süresi'
from: 'başlangıç'
to: 'bitiş'
domain_label: 'Alan adı'
label: 'Oluşturulma tarihi'
from: 'başlangıç'
to: 'bitiş'
clear: 'Temizle'
filter: 'Filtrele'
# back_to_top: 'Back to top'
back_to_homepage: 'Back'
set_as_read: 'Okundu olarak işaretle'
set_as_unread: 'Okunmadı olarak işaretle'
set_as_favorite: 'Favorilere ekle/çıkar'
view_original_article: 'Orijinal makale'
re_fetch_content: 'İçeriği yenile'
delete: 'Sil'
add_a_tag: 'Bir etiket ekle'
share_content: 'Paylaş'
share_email_label: 'E-posta'
download: 'İndir'
# print: 'Print'
label: 'Bir sorun mu var?'
description: 'Bu makalede herhangi bir yanlışlık mı var?'
edit_title: 'Başlığı düzenle'
original_article: 'orijinal'
# annotations_on_the_entry: '{0} No annotations|{1} One annotation|]1,Inf[ %nbAnnotations% annotations'
page_title: 'Yeni makaleyi kaydet'
placeholder: ''
url_label: Url
page_title: 'Makaleyi düzenle'
title_label: 'Başlık'
url_label: 'Url'
is_public_label: 'Herkes tarafından erişime açık olsun mu?'
save_label: 'Kaydet'
# Entries
'estimated reading time': 'tahmini okuma süresi'
original: "orijinal"
Toggle mark as read: 'Okundu/okunmadı olarak işaretle'
Toggle favorite: 'Favorilere ekle/çıkar'
Delete: 'Sil'
page_title: 'Hakkımızda'
who_behind_wallabag: "wallabag'in arkasındakiler"
getting_help: 'Yardım'
helping: 'wallabag destek olun'
# contributors: 'Contributors'
# third_party: 'Third-party libraries'
developped_by: 'Geliştiriciler'
website: 'i̇nternet sitesi'
many_contributors: 'Ve katkıda bulunanlar ♥ <a href="">GitHub üzerinde</a>'
project_website: 'Proje internet sitesi'
license: 'Lisans'
version: 'Sürüm'
documentation: 'Dokümantasyon'
bug_reports: 'Sorun bildir'
support: '<a href="">Destek internet sitesinde</a> ya da <a href="">GitHub üzerinde</a>'
description: 'wallabag açık kaynak kodlu ve ücretsizdir. Bize destek ol :'
by_contributing: 'projemize katkıda bulunun :'
by_contributing_2: 'ihtiyacımız olanların listelendiği yapılacaklar listesi'
by_paypal: 'PayPal ile'
# description: 'Thank you to contributors on wallabag web application'
# description: 'Here are the list of third-party libraries used in wallabag (with their licenses):'
# package: 'Package'
license: 'Lisans'
# Filters
Filters: 'Filtreler'
Status: 'Durum'
Archived: 'Arşiv'
Starred: 'Favori'
Preview picture: 'Resim önizlemesi'
Has a preview picture: 'Resim önizlemesi varsa'
Reading time in minutes: 'Dakika cinsinden okuma süresi'
from: 'başlangıç'
to: 'bitiş' ''
Domain name: 'Alan adı'
Creation date: 'Oluşturulma tarihi'
dd/mm/yyyy: 'dd/mm/aaaa'
Clear: 'Temizle'
Filter: 'Filtrele'
page_title: 'Yardım'
# page_description: 'There are several ways to save an article:'
browser_addons: 'Tarayıcı eklentileri'
mobile_apps: 'Mobil uygulamalar'
bookmarklet: 'Bookmarklet'
description: 'Yeni makale kaydet'
firefox: 'Standart Firefox Eklentisi'
chrome: 'Chrome Eklentisi'
# via_f_droid: 'via F-Droid'
# via_google_play: 'via Google Play'
# ios: 'on the iTunes Store'
# windows: 'on the Microsoft Store'
description: "Bu bağlantı ile yer imlerinizi sürükleyip bırakarak wallabag'e ekleyebilirsiniz:"
# About
Who is behind wallabag: "wallabag'in arkasındakiler"
Getting help: "Yardım"
Helping wallabag: "wallabag destek olun"
Developed by: "Geliştiriciler:"
website: "İnternet sitesi"
And many others contributors ♥: "Ve katkıda bulunanlar ♥"
on GitHub: "GitHub üzerinde"
Project website: "Proje internet sitesi"
License: "Lisans"
Version: "Sürüm"
Documentation: "Dokümantasyon"
Bug reports: "Sorun bildir"
On our support website: "Destek internet sitesinde"
or: "ya da"
"wallabag is free and opensource. You can help us:": "wallabag açık kaynak kodlu ve ücretsizdir. Bize destek ol :"
"by contributing to the project:": "projemize katkıda bulunun :"
an issue lists all our needs: "ihtiyacımız olanların listelendiği yapılacaklar listesi"
via Paypal: "PayPal ile"
page_title: 'Hızlı başlangıç'
title: 'wallabag'
paragraph_1: "wallabag kurduğunuz için teşekkür ederiz. Bu sayfada biz size eşlik edecek ve ilginizi çekecek birkaç özellik göstereceğim."
paragraph_2: 'Bizi takip edin!'
title: 'Uygulamayı Yapılandırma'
language: 'Dili ve tasarımı değiştirme'
rss: 'RSS akışını aktifleştirme'
# tagging_rules: 'Write rules to automatically tag your articles'
# title: 'Administration'
# description: 'As an administrator, you have privileges on wallabag. You can:'
# new_user: 'Create a new user'
# analytics: 'Configure analytics'
# sharing: 'Enable some parameters about article sharing'
# export: 'Configure export'
# import: 'Configure import'
title: 'İlk adım'
new_article: 'İlk makalenizi kaydedin'
unread_articles: 'Ve bunu sınıflandırın!'
title: 'Varolan servislerden veri aktarma'
description: "Kullanmakta olduğunuz farklı bir hizmet mi var? Biz size yardımcı olacak ve verilerinizi wallabag'e aktarmanıza yardımcı olacağız."
pocket: "Pocket üzerindeki verilerinizi wallabag'e aktarın"
wallabag_v1: "wallabag v1 üzerindeki verilerinizi wallabag'in yeni sürümüne aktarın"
wallabag_v2: "wallabag v2 üzerindeki verilerinizi wallabag'in yeni sürümüne aktarın"
# title: 'Developers'
# create_application: 'Create your third application'
title: 'Dokümantasyon'
# annotate: 'Annotate your article'
export: 'Makalelerinizi ePUB ya da PDF formatına çevirme'
search_filters: 'Makaleleri görüntülemek için arama motorlarını ve filteri kullanma'
# fetching_errors: 'What can I do if an article encounters errors during fetching?'
all_docs: 'Ve daha fazlası!'
title: 'Destek'
description: 'Eğer yardıma ihtiyacınız varsa, biz her daim senin için burada olacağız.'
github: 'GitHub'
email: 'E-posta'
gitter: 'Gitter'
# Howto
Form: "Form"
Thanks to this form: "Yeni makale kaydet"
Browser addons: "Tarayıcı eklentileri"
Mobile apps: "Mobil uygulamalar"
Bookmarklet: "Bookmarklet"
Standard Firefox Add-On: "Standart Firefox Eklentisi"
Chrome Extension: "Chrome Eklentisi"
download the application: "uygulamayı indir"
"Drag &amp; drop this link to your bookmarks bar:": "Bu bağlantı ile yer imlerinizi sürükleyip bırakarak wallabag'e ekleyebilirsiniz:"
via F-Droid: "F-Droid"
via Google Play: "Google Play"
bag it!: "bag it!"
page_title: 'Etiketler'
number_on_the_page: '{0} Herhangi bir etiket yok.|{1} Burada bir adet etiket var.|]1,Inf[ Burada %count% adet etiket var.'
# Flash messages
Information updated: "Bilgiler güncellendi"
"Config saved. Some parameters will be considered after disconnection.": "Yapılandırma ayarları kaydedildi. Bazı yapılandırmalar tekrar giriş yaptığınızda aktif olacaktır."
RSS information updated: "RSS bilgiler güncellendi"
Password updated: "Şifre güncellendi"
Entry starred: "Makale favorilere eklendi"
Entry unstarred: "Makale favorilerden çıkartıldı"
Entry archived: "Makale arşivlendi"
Entry unarchived: "Makale arşivden çıkartıldı"
Entry reloaded: "Makale içeriği yenilendi"
Entry deleted: "Makale silindi"
Entry saved: "Makale kaydedildi"
Tag added: "Etiket eklendi"
page_title: 'İçe Aktar'
page_description: 'wallabag içe aktarma aracına hoşgeldiniz. Lütfen içe aktarmak istediğiiz önceki servisinizi seçin.'
import_contents: 'İçe Aktar contents'
# mark_as_read_title: 'Mark all as read?'
# mark_as_read_label: 'Mark all imported entries as read'
file_label: 'Dosya'
save_label: 'Dosyayı yükle'
page_title: 'İçe Aktar > Pocket'
description: "Bu araç tüm Pocket verinizi içe aktarır. Pocket içeriklerin getirilmesine izin vermez, okunabilen içerikler wallabag tarafından yeniden getirilir."
# description: "Pocket import isn't configured."
# admin_message: 'You need to define %keyurls%a pocket_consumer_key%keyurle%.'
# user_message: 'Your server admin needs to define an API Key for Pocket.'
authorize_message: 'Pocket hesabınızda verilerinizi içe aktarabilmemiz için öncelikle aşağıdaki butona tıklayın. Daha sonra, üzerindeki uygulamamıza gereken izinleri verin. Hepsi bu kadar!'
connect_to_pocket: "Pocket'a bağlanın ve verilerinizi içe aktarın"
page_title: 'İçe Aktar > Wallabag v1'
description: 'Bu araç wallabag v1 üzerindeki tüm makalelerinizi içe aktarır. Yapılandırma sayfasında, "Export your wallabag data" sekmesinden "JSON export" adımını izleyin. Bu adım size "wallabag-export-1-xxxx-xx-xx.json" isimli bir dosya verecektir.'
how_to: 'Aşağıdaki butona tıklayarak wallabag v1 tarafından dışa aktarılmış dosyanızı yükleyin.'
page_title: 'İçe Aktar > Wallabag v2'
# description: 'This importer will import all your wallabag v2 articles. Go to All articles, then, on the export sidebar, click on "JSON". You will have a "All articles.json" file.'
# Entry
Mark as read: 'Okundu olarak işaretle'
Mark as unread: 'Okunmadı olarak işaretle'
Favorite: 'Favorilere ekle/çıkar'
back: 'geri dön'
original article: 'Orijinal makale'
Add a tag: 'Bir etiket ekle'
Share: 'Paylaş'
Download: 'İndir'
Does this article appear wrong?: "Bu makalede herhangi bir yanlışlık mı var?"
Problems?: 'Bir sorun mu var?'
Edit title: "Başlığı düzenle"
"{0} There is no entry.|{1} There is one entry.|]1,Inf[ There are %count% entries.": "{0} Herhangi bir makale yok.|{1} Burada bir adet makale var.|]1,Inf[ Burada %count% adet makale var."
"{0} There is no tag.|{1} There is one tag.|]1,Inf[ There are %count% tags.": "{0} Herhangi bir etiket yok.|{1} Burada bir adet etiket var.|]1,Inf[ Burada %count% adet etiket var."
Reload content: "İçeriği yenile"
Edit an entry: "Makaleyi düzenle"
Title: "Başlık"
Is public: "Herkes tarafından erişime açık olsun mu?"
# page_title: 'Developer'
# welcome_message: 'Welcome to the wallabag API'
# documentation: 'Documentation'
# how_to_first_app: 'How to create my first application'
# full_documentation: 'View full API documentation'
# clients:
# title: 'Clients'
# create_new: 'Create a new client'
# existing_clients:
# title: 'Existing clients'
# field_id: 'Client ID'
# field_secret: 'Client secret'
# field_uris: 'Redirect URIs'
# field_grant_types: 'Grant type allowed'
# no_client: 'No client yet.'
# remove:
# warn_message_1: 'You have the ability to remove this client. This action is IRREVERSIBLE !'
# warn_message_2: "If you remove it, every app configured with that client won't be able to auth on your wallabag."
# action: 'Remove this client'
# client:
# page_title: 'Developer > New client'
# page_description: 'You are about to create a new client. Please fill the field below for the redirect URI of your application.'
# form:
# redirect_uris_label: 'Redirect URIs'
# save_label: 'Create a new client'
# action_back: 'Back'
# client_parameter:
# page_title: 'Developer > Client parameters'
# page_description: 'Here are your client parameters.'
# field_id: 'Client ID'
# field_secret: 'Client secret'
# back: 'Back'
# read_howto: 'Read the howto "Create my first application"'
# howto:
# page_title: 'Developer > How to create my first application'
# description:
# paragraph_1: 'The following commands make use of the <a href="">HTTPie library</a>. Make sure it is installed on your system before using it.'
# paragraph_2: 'You need a token to communicate between your 3rd application and wallabag API.'
# paragraph_3: 'To create this token, you need <a href="%link%">to create a new client</a>.'
# paragraph_4: 'Now, create your token (replace client_id, client_secret, username and password with the good values):'
# paragraph_5: 'The API will return a response like this:'
# paragraph_6: 'The access_token is useful to do a call to the API endpoint. For example:'
# paragraph_7: 'This call will return all the entries for your user.'
# paragraph_8: 'If you want to see all the API endpoints, you can have a look <a href="%link%">to our API documentation</a>.'
# back: 'Back'
# Import
Import: "İçe Aktar"
"Import > Pocket": "İçe Aktar > Pocket"
"Import > Wallabag v1": "İçe Aktar > Wallabag v1"
Welcome to wallabag importer. Please select your previous service that you want to migrate.: "wallabag içe aktarma aracına hoşgeldiniz. Lütfen içe aktarmak istediğiiz önceki servisinizi seçin."
"This importer will import all your Pocket data. Pocket doesn't allow us to retrieve content from their service, so the readable content of each article will be re-fetched by wallabag.": "Bu araç tüm Pocket verinizi içe aktarır. Pocket içeriklerin getirilmesine izin vermez, okunabilen içerikler wallabag tarafından yeniden getirilir."
"This importer will import all your wallabag v1 articles. On your config page, click on \"JSON export\" in the \"Export your wallabag data\" section. You will have a \"wallabag-export-1-xxxx-xx-xx.json\" file.": "Bu araç wallabag v1 üzerindeki tüm makalelerinizi içe aktarır. Yapılandırma sayfasında, \"Export your wallabag data\" sekmesinden \"JSON export\" adımını izleyin. Bu adım size \"wallabag-export-1-xxxx-xx-xx.json\" isimli bir dosya verecektir."
"You can import your data from your Pocket account. You just have to click on the below button and authorize the application to connect to": "Pocket hesabınızda verilerinizi içe aktarabilmemiz için öncelikle aşağıdaki butona tıklayın. Daha sonra, üzerindeki uygulamamıza gereken izinleri verin. Hepsi bu kadar!"
Connect to Pocket and import data: "Pocket'a bağlanın ve verilerinizi içe aktarın"
Please select your wallabag export and click on the below button to upload and import it.: "Aşağıdaki butona tıklayarak wallabag v1 tarafından dışa aktarılmış dosyanızı yükleyin."
File: "Dosya"
Upload file: "Dosyayı yükle"
Import contents: "İçerikleri içe aktar"
# password_must_match: 'The password fields must match.'
# password_too_short: 'Password should by at least 8 chars long'
# password_wrong_value: 'Wrong value for your current password'
# item_per_page_too_high: 'This will certainly kill the app'
# rss_limit_too_hight: 'This will certainly kill the app'
# Quickstart
Welcome to wallabag!: "wallabag"
Quickstart: "Hızlı başlangıç"
We'll accompany you to visit wallabag and show you some features which can interess you.: "wallabag kurduğunuz için teşekkür ederiz. Bu sayfada biz size eşlik edecek ve ilginizi çekecek birkaç özellik göstereceğim."
Follow us!: "Bizi takip edin!"
Configure the application: "Uygulamayı Yapılandırma"
Change language and design: "Dili ve tasarımı değiştirme"
Enable RSS feeds: "RSS akışını aktifleştirme"
First steps: "İlk adım"
Save your first article: "İlk makalenizi kaydedin"
And classify it!: "Ve bunu sınıflandırın!"
Migrate from an existing service: "Varolan servislerden veri aktarma"
You're using an other service? We'll help you to retrieve your data on wallabag.: "Kullanmakta olduğunuz farklı bir hizmet mi var? Biz size yardımcı olacak ve verilerinizi wallabag'e aktarmanıza yardımcı olacağız."
Migrate from Pocket: "Pocket üzerindeki verilerinizi wallabag'e aktarın"
Migrate from wallabag v1: "wallabag v1 üzerindeki verilerinizi wallabag'in yeni sürümüne aktarın"
Full documentation: "Dokümantasyon"
Convert your articles into ePUB or PDF: "Makalelerinizi ePUB ya da PDF formatına çevirme"
See how you can look for an article by using search engine and filters: "Makaleleri görüntülemek için arama motorlarını ve filteri kullanma"
And so many other articles!: "Ve daha fazlası!"
Support: "Destek"
Social: "Sosyal"
If you need some help, we are here for you.: "Eğer yardıma ihtiyacınız varsa, biz her daim senin için burada olacağız."
On GitHub: "GitHub"
By email: "E-posta"
On Gitter: "Gitter"
Export: "Dışa Aktar"
"http://website": "http://internet-sitesi"
Take wallabag with you: "wallabag her an seninle"
about: "hakkımızda"
powered by: "powered by"
config_saved: 'Yapılandırma ayarları kaydedildi. Bazı yapılandırmalar tekrar giriş yaptığınızda aktif olacaktır.'
password_updated: 'Şifre güncellendi'
password_not_updated_demo: "In demonstration mode, you can't change password for this user."
user_updated: 'Bilgiler güncellendi'
rss_updated: 'RSS bilgiler güncellendi'
tagging_rules_updated: 'Tagging rules updated'
tagging_rules_deleted: 'Tagging rule deleted'
user_added: 'User "%username%" added'
rss_token_updated: 'RSS token updated'
entry_already_saved: 'Entry already saved on %date%'
entry_saved: 'Makale kaydedildi'
# entry_updated: 'Entry updated'
entry_reloaded: 'Makale içeriği yenilendi'
# entry_reload_failed: 'Failed to reload entry'
entry_archived: 'Makale arşivlendi'
entry_unarchived: 'Makale arşivden çıkartıldı'
entry_starred: 'Makale favorilere eklendi'
entry_unstarred: 'Makale favorilerden çıkartıldı'
entry_deleted: 'Makale silindi'
tag_added: 'Etiket eklendi'
# failed: 'Import failed, please try again.'
# failed_on_file: 'Error while processing import. Please verify your import file.'
# summary: 'Import summary: %imported% imported, %skipped% already saved.'
# client_created: 'New client created.'
# client_deleted: 'Client deleted'

View file

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
# Config screen
The password fields must match: 'De indtastede adgangskoder skal være ens'
Password should by at least 8 chars long: 'Adgangskoden skal være mindst 8 tegn'

View file

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
# Config screen
The password fields must match: 'Las contraseñas no coinciden'
Password should by at least 8 chars long: 'La contraseña debe tener al menos 8 carácteres'

View file

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
# Config screen
The password fields must match: 'رمزها باید یکی باشند'
Password should by at least 8 chars long: 'رمز شما باید ۸ حرف یا بیشتر باشد'

View file

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
# Config screen
The password fields must match: 'Les deux mots de passe doivent être les mêmes'
Password should by at least 8 chars long: 'Le mot de passe doit contenir au moins 8 caractères'

View file

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
# Config screen
The password fields must match: 'Hasło w polach musi być takie same '
Password should by at least 8 chars long: 'Hasło powinno mieć minimum 8 znaków długości'

View file

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
# Config screen
The password fields must match: 'Câmpurile destinate parolelor trebuie să se potrivească'
Password should by at least 8 chars long: 'Parola ar trebui să conțină cel puțin 8 caractere'