from typing import cast from django.apps import apps from import BaseCommand from core.models import Config from stator.models import StatorModel from stator.runner import StatorRunner class Command(BaseCommand): help = "Runs a Stator runner" def add_arguments(self, parser): parser.add_argument( "--concurrency", "-c", type=int, default=30, help="How many tasks to run at once", ) parser.add_argument( "--liveness-file", type=str, default=None, help="A file to touch at least every 30 seconds to say the runner is alive", ) parser.add_argument( "--schedule-interval", "-s", type=int, default=30, help="How often to run cleaning and scheduling", ) parser.add_argument( "--run-for", "-r", type=int, default=0, help="How long to run for before exiting (defaults to infinite)", ) parser.add_argument( "--exclude", "-x", type=str, action="append", help="Model labels that should not be processed", ) parser.add_argument("model_labels", nargs="*", type=str) def handle( self, model_labels: list[str], concurrency: int, liveness_file: str, schedule_interval: int, run_for: int, exclude: list[str], *args, **options ): # Cache system config Config.system = Config.load_system() # Resolve the models list into names models = cast( list[type[StatorModel]], [apps.get_model(label) for label in model_labels], ) excluded = cast( list[type[StatorModel]], [apps.get_model(label) for label in (exclude or [])], ) if not models: models = StatorModel.subclasses models = [model for model in models if model not in excluded] print("Running for models: " + " ".join(m._meta.label_lower for m in models)) # Run a runner runner = StatorRunner( models, concurrency=concurrency, liveness_file=liveness_file, schedule_interval=schedule_interval, run_for=run_for, ) try: except KeyboardInterrupt: print("Ctrl-C received")