import secrets from django import forms from django.contrib import messages from django.shortcuts import redirect from django.views.generic import DetailView, FormView from django.views.generic.list import ListView from api.models.application import Application from api.models.token import Token from users.views.base import IdentityViewMixin class TokensRoot(IdentityViewMixin, ListView): """ Shows a listing of tokens the user has authorized """ template_name = "settings/tokens.html" extra_context = {"section": "tokens"} context_object_name = "tokens" def get_queryset(self): return Token.objects.filter( user=self.request.user, identity=self.identity, ).prefetch_related("application") class TokenCreate(IdentityViewMixin, FormView): """ Allows the user to create a new app and token just for themselves. """ template_name = "settings/token_create.html" extra_context = {"section": "tokens"} class form_class(forms.Form): name = forms.CharField(help_text="Identifies this app in your app list") scope = forms.ChoiceField( choices=(("read", "Read-only access"), ("write", "Full access")), help_text="What should this app be able to do with your account?", ) def form_valid(self, form): scopes = "read write push" if form.cleaned_data["scope"] == "write" else "read" application = Application.create( client_name=form.cleaned_data["name"], website=None, redirect_uris="urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob", scopes=scopes, ) token = Token.objects.create( application=application, user=self.request.user, identity=self.identity, token=secrets.token_urlsafe(43), scopes=scopes, ) return redirect("settings_token_edit", handle=self.identity.handle, class TokenEdit(IdentityViewMixin, DetailView): template_name = "settings/token_edit.html" extra_context = {"section": "tokens"} def get_queryset(self): return self.identity.tokens def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs): self.object = self.get_object() messages.success( request, f"{}'s access has been removed." ) self.object.delete() return redirect("settings_tokens", handle=self.identity.handle)