2024-03-16 17:59:53 +01:00

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# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
# lint: pylint
# pyright: basic
"""This module implements various NetworkContext which deals with
* retry strategies: what to do when an HTTP request fails and retries>0
* record HTTP runtime
* timeout: In engines, the user query starts at one point in time,
the engine timeout is the starting point plus a defined value.
NetworkContext sends HTTP requests following the request timeout and the engine timeouts.
Example of usage:
context = NetworkContextRetryFunction(...) # or another implementation
def my_engine():
http_client = context.get_http_client()
ip_ifconfig = http_client.request("GET", "")
print("ip from ", ip_ifconfig)
ip_myip = http_client.request("GET", "").json()["ip"]
print("ip from", ip_myip)
assert ip_ifconfig == ip_myip
# ^^ always true with NetworkContextRetryFunction and NetworkContextRetrySameHTTPClient
result =
print('HTTP runtime:', context.get_total_time())
Note in the code above NetworkContextRetryFunction is instanced directly for the sake of simplicity.
NetworkContext are actually instanciated using Network.get_context(...)
Various implementations define what to do when there is an exception in the function `my_engine`:
* `NetworkContextRetryFunction` gets another HTTP client and tries the whole function again.
* `NetworkContextRetryDifferentHTTPClient` gets another HTTP client and tries the query again.
* `NetworkContextRetrySameHTTPClient` tries the query again with the same HTTP client.
import functools
import ssl
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from contextlib import contextmanager
from timeit import default_timer
from typing import Callable, Optional, final
from typing import ParamSpec, TypeVar
except ImportError:
# to support Python < 3.10
from typing_extensions import ParamSpec, TypeVar
import httpx
from import ABCHTTPClient, SoftRetryHTTPException
P = ParamSpec('P')
R = TypeVar('R')
## NetworkContext
class NetworkContext(ABC):
"""Abstract implementation: the call must defined in concrete classes.
Lifetime: one engine request or initialization of an engine.
__slots__ = ('_retries', '_http_client_factory', '_http_client', '_start_time', '_http_time', '_timeout')
def __init__(
retries: int,
http_client_factory: HTTPCLIENTFACTORY,
start_time: Optional[float],
timeout: Optional[float],
self._retries: int = retries
# wrap http_client_factory here, so we can forget about this wrapping
self._http_client_factory = _TimeHTTPClientWrapper.wrap_factory(http_client_factory, self)
self._http_client: Optional[ABCHTTPClient] = None
self._start_time: float = start_time or default_timer()
self._http_time: float = 0.0
self._timeout: Optional[float] = timeout
def call(self, func: Callable[P, R], *args: P.args, **kwargs: P.kwargs) -> R:
"""Call func within the network context.
The retry policy might call func multiple times.
Within the function self.get_http_client() returns an HTTP client to use.
The retry policy might send multiple times the same HTTP request
until it works or the retry count falls to zero.
def request(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Convenient method to wrap a call to request inside the call method.
Use a new HTTP client to wrap a call to the request method using
def local_request(*args, **kwargs):
return self._get_http_client().request(*args, **kwargs)
return, *args, **kwargs)
def stream(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Convenient method to wrap a call to stream inside the call method.
Use a new HTTP client to wrap a call to the stream method using
def local_stream(*args, **kwargs):
return self._get_http_client().stream(*args, **kwargs)
return, *args, **kwargs)
def get_http_runtime(self) -> Optional[float]:
"""Return the amount of time spent on HTTP requests"""
return self._http_time
def get_remaining_time(self, _override_timeout: Optional[float] = None) -> float:
"""Return the remaining time for the context.
_override_timeout is not intended to be used outside this module.
timeout = _override_timeout or self._timeout or DEFAULT_TIMEOUT
timeout += 0.2 # overhead
timeout -= default_timer() - self._start_time
return timeout
def _get_http_client(self) -> ABCHTTPClient:
"""Return the HTTP client to use for this context."""
if self._http_client is None:
raise ValueError("HTTP client has not been set")
return self._http_client
def _set_http_client(self):
"""Ask the NetworkContext to use another HTTP client using the factory.
Use the method _get_new_client_from_factory() to call the factory,
so the NetworkContext implementations can wrap the ABCHTTPClient.
self._http_client = self._get_new_client_from_factory()
def _reset_http_client(self):
self._http_client = None
def _get_new_client_from_factory(self):
return self._http_client_factory()
def _record_http_time(self):
"""This decorator records the code's runtime and adds it to self.total_time"""
time_before_request = default_timer()
self._http_time += default_timer() - time_before_request
def __repr__(self):
common_attributes = (
+ f" retries={self._retries!r} timeout={self._timeout!r} http_client={self._http_client!r}"
# get the original factory : see the __init__ method of this class and _TimeHTTPClientWrapper.wrap_factory
factory = self._http_client_factory.__wrapped__
# break the abstraction safely: get back the Network object through the bound method
# see Network.get_context
bound_instance = getattr(factory, "__self__", None)
if bound_instance is not None and hasattr(bound_instance, 'get_context'):
# bound_instance has a "get_context" attribute: this is most likely a Network
# is not imported to avoid circular import
return f"<{common_attributes} network_context={factory.__self__!r}>"
# fallback : this instance was not created using Network.get_context
return f"<{common_attributes} http_client_factory={factory!r}>"
## Measure time and deal with timeout
class _TimeHTTPClientWrapper(ABCHTTPClient):
"""Wrap an ABCHTTPClient:
* to record the HTTP runtime
* to override the timeout to make sure the total time does not exceed the timeout set on the NetworkContext
__slots__ = ('http_client', 'network_context')
def wrap_factory(http_client_factory: HTTPCLIENTFACTORY, network_context: NetworkContext):
"""Return a factory which wraps the result of http_client_factory with _TimeHTTPClientWrapper instance."""
def wrapped_factory():
return _TimeHTTPClientWrapper(http_client_factory(), network_context)
wrapped_factory.__wrapped__ = http_client_factory
return wrapped_factory
def __init__(self, http_client: ABCHTTPClient, network_context: NetworkContext) -> None:
self.http_client = http_client
self.network_context = network_context
def send(self, stream, method, url, **kwargs) -> httpx.Response:
"""Send the HTTP request using self.http_client
Inaccurate with stream: the method must record HTTP time with the close method of httpx.Response.
It is not a problem since stream are used only for the image proxy.
with self.network_context._record_http_time(): # pylint: disable=protected-access
timeout = self._extract_timeout(kwargs)
return self.http_client.send(stream, method, url, timeout=timeout, **kwargs)
def close(self):
return self.http_client.close()
def is_closed(self) -> bool:
return self.http_client.is_closed
def _extract_timeout(self, kwargs):
"""Extract the timeout parameter and adjust it according to the remaining time"""
timeout = kwargs.pop('timeout', None)
return self.network_context.get_remaining_time(timeout)
## NetworkContextRetryFunction
class NetworkContextRetryFunction(NetworkContext):
"""When an HTTP request fails, this NetworkContext tries again
the whole function with another HTTP client.
This guarantees that func has the same HTTP client all along.
def call(self, func: Callable[P, R], *args: P.args, **kwargs: P.kwargs) -> R:
# if retries == 1, this method can call `func` twice,
# so the exit condition is self._retries must be equal or above zero
# to allow two iteration
while self._retries >= 0 and self.get_remaining_time() > 0:
return func(*args, **kwargs) # type: ignore
except SoftRetryHTTPException as e:
if self._retries <= 0:
return e.response
if e.response:
except (ssl.SSLError, httpx.RequestError, httpx.HTTPStatusError) as e:
if self._retries <= 1:
# raise the exception only there is no more try
raise e
self._retries -= 1
if self.get_remaining_time() <= 0:
raise httpx.TimeoutException("Timeout")
raise httpx.HTTPError("Internal error: this should not happen")
def _get_new_client_from_factory(self):
return _RetryFunctionHTTPClient(super()._get_new_client_from_factory(), self)
class _RetryFunctionHTTPClient(ABCHTTPClient):
"""Companion class of NetworkContextRetryFunction
Do one thing: if the retries count of the NetworkContext is zero and there is a SoftRetryHTTPException,
then the send method catch this exception and returns the HTTP response.
This make sure the SoftRetryHTTPException exception is not seen outside the module.
def __init__(self, http_client: ABCHTTPClient, network_context: NetworkContextRetryFunction):
self.http_client = http_client
self.network_context = network_context
def send(self, stream: bool, method: str, url: str, **kwargs) -> httpx.Response:
return self.http_client.send(stream, method, url, **kwargs)
except SoftRetryHTTPException as e:
if self.network_context._retries <= 0: # pylint: disable=protected-access
return e.response
if e.response:
raise e
def close(self):
return self.http_client.close()
def is_closed(self) -> bool:
return self.http_client.is_closed
## NetworkContextRetrySameHTTPClient
class NetworkContextRetrySameHTTPClient(NetworkContext):
"""When an HTTP request fails, this NetworkContext tries again
the same HTTP request with the same HTTP client
The implementation wraps the provided ABCHTTPClient with _RetrySameHTTPClient."""
def call(self, func: Callable[P, R], *args: P.args, **kwargs: P.kwargs) -> R:
return func(*args, **kwargs) # type: ignore
def _get_new_client_from_factory(self):
return _RetrySameHTTPClient(super()._get_new_client_from_factory(), self)
class _RetrySameHTTPClient(ABCHTTPClient):
"""Companion class of NetworkContextRetrySameHTTPClient"""
def __init__(self, http_client: ABCHTTPClient, network_content: NetworkContextRetrySameHTTPClient):
self.http_client = http_client
self.network_context = network_content
def send(self, stream: bool, method: str, url: str, **kwargs) -> httpx.Response:
retries = self.network_context._retries # pylint: disable=protected-access
# if retries == 1, this method can send two HTTP requets,
# so the exit condition is self._retries must be equal or above zero
# to allow two iteration
while retries >= 0 and self.network_context.get_remaining_time() > 0:
return self.http_client.send(stream, method, url, **kwargs)
except SoftRetryHTTPException as e:
if retries <= 0:
return e.response
if e.response:
except (ssl.SSLError, httpx.RequestError, httpx.HTTPStatusError) as e:
if retries <= 0:
raise e
retries -= 1
if self.network_context.get_remaining_time() <= 0:
raise httpx.TimeoutException("Timeout")
raise httpx.HTTPError("Internal error: this should not happen")
def close(self):
return self.http_client.close()
def is_closed(self) -> bool:
return self.http_client.is_closed
## NetworkContextRetryDifferentHTTPClient
class NetworkContextRetryDifferentHTTPClient(NetworkContext):
"""When a HTTP request fails, this NetworkContext tries again
the same HTTP request with a different HTTP client
The implementation wraps the provided ABCHTTPClient with _RetryDifferentHTTPClient."""
def call(self, func: Callable[P, R], *args: P.args, **kwargs: P.kwargs) -> R:
return func(*args, **kwargs) # type: ignore
def _get_new_client_from_factory(self):
return _RetryDifferentHTTPClient(self)
class _RetryDifferentHTTPClient(ABCHTTPClient):
"""Companion class of NetworkContextRetryDifferentHTTPClient"""
def __init__(self, network_context: NetworkContextRetryDifferentHTTPClient) -> None:
self.network_context = network_context
def send(self, stream: bool, method: str, url: str, **kwargs) -> httpx.Response:
retries = self.network_context._retries # pylint: disable=protected-access
# if retries == 1, this method can send two HTTP requets,
# so the exit condition is self._retries must be equal or above zero
# to allow two iteration
while retries >= 0 and self.network_context.get_remaining_time() > 0:
http_client = self.network_context._http_client_factory() # pylint: disable=protected-access
return http_client.send(stream, method, url, **kwargs)
except SoftRetryHTTPException as e:
if retries <= 0:
return e.response
if e.response:
except (ssl.SSLError, httpx.RequestError, httpx.HTTPStatusError) as e:
if retries <= 0:
raise e
retries -= 1
if self.network_context.get_remaining_time() <= 0:
raise httpx.TimeoutException("Timeout")
raise httpx.HTTPError("Internal error: this should not happen")
def close(self):
raise NotImplementedError()
def is_closed(self) -> bool:
raise NotImplementedError()