marc 44085e31d0 update engines_languages.json and
Also, fix so it can run on python3.
2017-10-10 16:53:28 -05:00

190 lines
6.8 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This script generates from intersecting each engine's supported languages.
# The country names are obtained from which requires registering as a user.
# Output files (engines_languages.json and
# are written in current directory to avoid overwriting in case something goes wrong.
from requests import get
from lxml.html import fromstring
from json import loads, dump
import io
from sys import path
path.append('../searx') # noqa
from searx import settings
from searx.url_utils import urlencode
from searx.engines import initialize_engines, engines
# Geonames API for country names.
geonames_user = '' # ADD USER NAME HERE
country_names_url = '{parameters}'
# Output files.
engines_languages_file = 'engines_languages.json'
languages_file = ''
engines_languages = {}
# To filter out invalid codes and dialects.
def valid_code(lang_code):
# filter invalid codes
# sl-SL is technically not invalid, but still a mistake
invalid_codes = ['sl-SL', 'wt-WT', 'jw']
invalid_countries = ['UK', 'XA', 'XL']
if lang_code[:2] == 'xx'\
or lang_code in invalid_codes\
or lang_code[-2:] in invalid_countries\
or is_dialect(lang_code):
return False
return True
# Language codes with any additional tags other than language and country.
def is_dialect(lang_code):
lang_code = lang_code.split('-')
if len(lang_code) > 2 or len(lang_code[0]) > 3:
return True
if len(lang_code) == 2 and len(lang_code[1]) > 2:
return True
return False
# Get country name in specified language.
def get_country_name(locale):
if geonames_user is '':
return ''
locale = locale.split('-')
if len(locale) != 2:
return ''
url = country_names_url.format(parameters=urlencode({'lang': locale[0],
'country': locale[1],
'username': geonames_user}))
response = get(url)
json = loads(response.text)
content = json.get('geonames', None)
if content is None or len(content) != 1:
print("No country name found for " + locale[0] + "-" + locale[1])
return ''
return content[0].get('countryName', '')
# Fetchs supported languages for each engine and writes json file with those.
def fetch_supported_languages():
for engine_name in engines:
if hasattr(engines[engine_name], 'fetch_supported_languages'):
engines_languages[engine_name] = engines[engine_name].fetch_supported_languages()
except Exception as e:
# write json file
with, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
dump(engines_languages, f, ensure_ascii=False)
# Join all language lists.
# Iterate all languages supported by each engine.
def join_language_lists():
global languages
# include wikipedia first for more accurate language names
languages = {code: lang for code, lang
in engines_languages['wikipedia'].items()
if valid_code(code)}
for engine_name in engines_languages:
for locale in engines_languages[engine_name]:
if valid_code(locale):
# if language is not on list or if it has no name yet
if locale not in languages or not languages[locale].get('name'):
if isinstance(engines_languages[engine_name], dict):
languages[locale] = engines_languages[engine_name][locale]
languages[locale] = {}
# add to counter of engines that support given language
lang = locale.split('-')[0]
if lang in languages:
if 'counter' not in languages[lang]:
languages[lang]['counter'] = [engine_name]
elif engine_name not in languages[lang]['counter']:
# filter list to include only languages supported by most engines
min_supported_engines = int(0.70 * len(engines_languages))
languages = {code: lang for code, lang
in languages.items()
if len(lang.get('counter', [])) >= min_supported_engines or
len(languages.get(code.split('-')[0], {}).get('counter', [])) >= min_supported_engines}
# get locales that have no name or country yet
for locale in languages.keys():
# try to get language names
if not languages[locale].get('name'):
name = languages.get(locale.split('-')[0], {}).get('name', None)
if name:
languages[locale]['name'] = name
# filter out locales with no name
del languages[locale]
# try to get language name in english
if not languages[locale].get('english_name'):
languages[locale]['english_name'] = languages.get(locale.split('-')[0], {}).get('english_name', '')
# try to get country name
if locale.find('-') > 0 and not languages[locale].get('country'):
languages[locale]['country'] = get_country_name(locale) or ''
# Remove countryless language if language is featured in only one country.
def filter_single_country_languages():
prev_lang = None
prev_code = None
for code in sorted(languages):
lang = code.split('-')[0]
if lang == prev_lang:
countries += 1
if prev_lang is not None and countries == 1:
del languages[prev_lang]
languages[prev_code]['country'] = ''
countries = 0
prev_lang = lang
prev_code = code
# Write
def write_languages_file():
new_file = open(languages_file, 'wb')
file_content = '# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-\n'\
+ '# list of language codes\n'\
+ '# this file is generated automatically by utils/\n'\
+ '\nlanguage_codes = ('
for code in sorted(languages):
file_content += '\n (u"' + code + '"'\
+ ', u"' + languages[code]['name'].split(' (')[0] + '"'\
+ ', u"' + languages[code].get('country', '') + '"'\
+ ', u"' + languages[code].get('english_name', '').split(' (')[0] + '"),'
# remove last comma
file_content = file_content[:-1]
file_content += '\n)\n'
if __name__ == "__main__":