Markus Heiser 86b4d2f2d0 [mod] activate pyright checks (in CI)
We have been using a static type checker (pyright) for a long time, but its
check was not yet a prerequisite for passing the quality gate.  It was checked
in the CI, but the error messages were only logged.

As is always the case in life, with checks that you have to do but which have no
consequences; you neglect them :-)

We didn't activate the checks back then because we (even today) have too much
monkey patching in our code (not only in the engines, httpx and others objects
are also affected).

We want to replace monkey patching with clear interfaces for a long time, the
basis for this is increased typing and we can only achieve this if we make type
checking an integral part of the quality gate.

  This PR activates the type check; in order to pass the check, a few typings
  were corrected in the code, but most type inconsistencies were deactivated via
  inline comments.

This was particularly necessary in places where the code uses properties that
stick to the objects (monkey patching).  The sticking of properties only happens
in a few places, but the access to these properties extends over the entire
code, which is why there are many `# type: ignore` markers in the code ... which
we will hopefully be able to remove again successively in the future.

Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
2024-04-27 18:31:52 +02:00

351 lines
13 KiB

# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
# pylint: disable=invalid-name, missing-module-docstring, missing-class-docstring
from typing import Any
from abc import abstractmethod, ABC
import re
from searx import settings
from searx.sxng_locales import sxng_locales
from searx.engines import categories, engines, engine_shortcuts
from searx.external_bang import get_bang_definition_and_autocomplete
from import EngineRef
from searx.webutils import VALID_LANGUAGE_CODE
class QueryPartParser(ABC):
__slots__ = "raw_text_query", "enable_autocomplete"
def check(raw_value) -> Any:
"""Check if raw_value can be parsed"""
def __init__(self, raw_text_query, enable_autocomplete):
self.raw_text_query = raw_text_query
self.enable_autocomplete = enable_autocomplete
def __call__(self, raw_value) -> Any:
"""Try to parse raw_value: set the self.raw_text_query properties
return True if raw_value has been parsed
self.raw_text_query.autocomplete_list is also modified
if self.enable_autocomplete is True
def _add_autocomplete(self, value):
if value not in self.raw_text_query.autocomplete_list:
class TimeoutParser(QueryPartParser):
def check(raw_value):
return raw_value[0] == '<'
def __call__(self, raw_value):
value = raw_value[1:]
found = self._parse(value) if len(value) > 0 else False
if self.enable_autocomplete and not value:
return found
def _parse(self, value):
if not value.isdigit():
return False
raw_timeout_limit = int(value)
if raw_timeout_limit < 100:
# below 100, the unit is the second ( <3 = 3 seconds timeout )
self.raw_text_query.timeout_limit = float(raw_timeout_limit)
# 100 or above, the unit is the millisecond ( <850 = 850 milliseconds timeout )
self.raw_text_query.timeout_limit = raw_timeout_limit / 1000.0
return True
def _autocomplete(self):
for suggestion in ['<3', '<850']:
class LanguageParser(QueryPartParser):
def check(raw_value):
return raw_value[0] == ':'
def __call__(self, raw_value):
value = raw_value[1:].lower().replace('_', '-')
found = self._parse(value) if len(value) > 0 else False
if self.enable_autocomplete and not found:
return found
def _parse(self, value):
found = False
# check if any language-code is equal with
# declared language-codes
for lc in sxng_locales:
lang_id, lang_name, country, english_name, _flag = map(str.lower, lc)
# if correct language-code is found
# set it as new search-language
if (
value == lang_id or value == lang_name or value == english_name or value.replace('-', ' ') == country
) and value not in self.raw_text_query.languages:
found = True
lang_parts = lang_id.split('-')
if len(lang_parts) == 2:
self.raw_text_query.languages.append(lang_parts[0] + '-' + lang_parts[1].upper())
# to ensure best match (first match is not necessarily the best one)
if value == lang_id:
# user may set a valid, yet not selectable language
if VALID_LANGUAGE_CODE.match(value) or value == 'auto':
lang_parts = value.split('-')
if len(lang_parts) > 1:
value = lang_parts[0].lower() + '-' + lang_parts[1].upper()
if value not in self.raw_text_query.languages:
found = True
return found
def _autocomplete(self, value):
if not value:
# show some example queries
if len(settings['search']['languages']) < 10:
for lang in settings['search']['languages']:
self.raw_text_query.autocomplete_list.append(':' + lang)
for lang in [":en", ":en_us", ":english", ":united_kingdom"]:
for lc in sxng_locales:
if lc[0] not in settings['search']['languages']:
lang_id, lang_name, country, english_name, _flag = map(str.lower, lc)
# check if query starts with language-id
if lang_id.startswith(value):
if len(value) <= 2:
self._add_autocomplete(':' + lang_id.split('-')[0])
self._add_autocomplete(':' + lang_id)
# check if query starts with language name
if lang_name.startswith(value) or english_name.startswith(value):
self._add_autocomplete(':' + lang_name)
# check if query starts with country
# here "new_zealand" is "new-zealand" (see __call__)
if country.startswith(value.replace('-', ' ')):
self._add_autocomplete(':' + country.replace(' ', '_'))
class ExternalBangParser(QueryPartParser):
def check(raw_value):
return raw_value.startswith('!!') and len(raw_value) > 2
def __call__(self, raw_value):
value = raw_value[2:]
found, bang_ac_list = self._parse(value) if len(value) > 0 else (False, [])
if self.enable_autocomplete:
return found
def _parse(self, value):
found = False
bang_definition, bang_ac_list = get_bang_definition_and_autocomplete(value)
if bang_definition is not None:
self.raw_text_query.external_bang = value
found = True
return found, bang_ac_list
def _autocomplete(self, bang_ac_list):
if not bang_ac_list:
bang_ac_list = ['g', 'ddg', 'bing']
for external_bang in bang_ac_list:
self._add_autocomplete('!!' + external_bang)
class BangParser(QueryPartParser):
def check(raw_value):
# make sure it's not any bang with double '!!'
return raw_value[0] == '!' and (len(raw_value) < 2 or raw_value[1] != '!')
def __call__(self, raw_value):
value = raw_value[1:].replace('-', ' ').replace('_', ' ')
found = self._parse(value) if len(value) > 0 else False
if found and raw_value[0] == '!':
self.raw_text_query.specific = True
if self.enable_autocomplete:
self._autocomplete(raw_value[0], value)
return found
def _parse(self, value):
# check if prefix is equal with engine shortcut
if value in engine_shortcuts: # pylint: disable=consider-using-get
value = engine_shortcuts[value]
# check if prefix is equal with engine name
if value in engines:
self.raw_text_query.enginerefs.append(EngineRef(value, 'none'))
return True
# check if prefix is equal with category name
if value in categories:
# using all engines for that search, which
# are declared under that category name
EngineRef(, value)
for engine in categories[value]
if (, value) not in self.raw_text_query.disabled_engines
return True
return False
def _autocomplete(self, first_char, value):
if not value:
# show some example queries
for suggestion in ['images', 'wikipedia', 'osm']:
if suggestion not in self.raw_text_query.disabled_engines or suggestion in categories:
self._add_autocomplete(first_char + suggestion)
# check if query starts with category name
for category in categories:
if category.startswith(value):
self._add_autocomplete(first_char + category.replace(' ', '_'))
# check if query starts with engine name
for engine in engines:
if engine.startswith(value):
self._add_autocomplete(first_char + engine.replace(' ', '_'))
# check if query starts with engine shortcut
for engine_shortcut in engine_shortcuts:
if engine_shortcut.startswith(value):
self._add_autocomplete(first_char + engine_shortcut)
class FeelingLuckyParser(QueryPartParser):
def check(raw_value):
return raw_value == '!!'
def __call__(self, raw_value):
self.raw_text_query.redirect_to_first_result = True
return True
class RawTextQuery:
"""parse raw text query (the value from the html input)"""
TimeoutParser, # force the timeout
LanguageParser, # force a language
ExternalBangParser, # external bang (must be before BangParser)
BangParser, # force an engine or category
FeelingLuckyParser, # redirect to the first link in the results list
def __init__(self, query, disabled_engines):
assert isinstance(query, str)
# input parameters
self.query = query
self.disabled_engines = disabled_engines if disabled_engines else []
# parsed values
self.enginerefs = []
self.languages = []
self.timeout_limit = None
self.external_bang = None
self.specific = False
self.autocomplete_list = []
# internal properties
self.query_parts = [] # use self.getFullQuery()
self.user_query_parts = [] # use self.getQuery()
self.autocomplete_location = None
self.redirect_to_first_result = False
def _parse_query(self):
parse self.query, if tags are set, which
change the search engine or search-language
# split query, including whitespaces
raw_query_parts = re.split(r'(\s+)', self.query)
last_index_location = None
autocomplete_index = len(raw_query_parts) - 1
for i, query_part in enumerate(raw_query_parts):
# part does only contain spaces, skip
if query_part.isspace() or query_part == '':
# parse special commands
special_part = False
for parser_class in RawTextQuery.PARSER_CLASSES:
if parser_class.check(query_part):
special_part = parser_class(self, i == autocomplete_index)(query_part)
# append query part to query_part list
qlist = self.query_parts if special_part else self.user_query_parts
last_index_location = (qlist, len(qlist) - 1)
self.autocomplete_location = last_index_location
def get_autocomplete_full_query(self, text):
qlist, position = self.autocomplete_location # type: ignore
qlist[position] = text
return self.getFullQuery()
def changeQuery(self, query):
self.user_query_parts = query.strip().split()
self.query = self.getFullQuery()
self.autocomplete_location = (self.user_query_parts, len(self.user_query_parts) - 1)
self.autocomplete_list = []
return self
def getQuery(self):
return ' '.join(self.user_query_parts)
def getFullQuery(self):
get full query including whitespaces
return '{0} {1}'.format(' '.join(self.query_parts), self.getQuery()).strip()
def __str__(self):
return self.getFullQuery()
def __repr__(self):
return (
f"<{self.__class__.__name__} "
+ f"query={self.query!r} "
+ f"disabled_engines={self.disabled_engines!r}\n "
+ f"languages={self.languages!r} "
+ f"timeout_limit={self.timeout_limit!r} "
+ f"external_bang={self.external_bang!r} "
+ f"specific={self.specific!r} "
+ f"enginerefs={self.enginerefs!r}\n "
+ f"autocomplete_list={self.autocomplete_list!r}\n "
+ f"query_parts={self.query_parts!r}\n "
+ f"user_query_parts={self.user_query_parts!r} >\n"
+ f"redirect_to_first_result={self.redirect_to_first_result!r}"