Markus Heiser 86b4d2f2d0 [mod] activate pyright checks (in CI)
We have been using a static type checker (pyright) for a long time, but its
check was not yet a prerequisite for passing the quality gate.  It was checked
in the CI, but the error messages were only logged.

As is always the case in life, with checks that you have to do but which have no
consequences; you neglect them :-)

We didn't activate the checks back then because we (even today) have too much
monkey patching in our code (not only in the engines, httpx and others objects
are also affected).

We want to replace monkey patching with clear interfaces for a long time, the
basis for this is increased typing and we can only achieve this if we make type
checking an integral part of the quality gate.

  This PR activates the type check; in order to pass the check, a few typings
  were corrected in the code, but most type inconsistencies were deactivated via
  inline comments.

This was particularly necessary in places where the code uses properties that
stick to the objects (monkey patching).  The sticking of properties only happens
in a few places, but the access to these properties extends over the entire
code, which is why there are many `# type: ignore` markers in the code ... which
we will hopefully be able to remove again successively in the future.

Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
2024-04-27 18:31:52 +02:00

787 lines
27 KiB

# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
"""This module implements the Wikidata engine. Some implementations are shared
from :ref:`wikipedia engine`.
# pylint: disable=missing-class-docstring
from hashlib import md5
from urllib.parse import urlencode, unquote
from json import loads
from dateutil.parser import isoparse
from babel.dates import format_datetime, format_date, format_time, get_datetime_format
from import WIKIDATA_UNITS
from import post, get
from searx.utils import searx_useragent, get_string_replaces_function
from searx.external_urls import get_external_url, get_earth_coordinates_url, area_to_osm_zoom
from searx.engines.wikipedia import (
from searx.enginelib.traits import EngineTraits
about = {
"website": '',
"wikidata_id": 'Q2013',
"official_api_documentation": '',
"use_official_api": True,
"require_api_key": False,
"results": 'JSON',
display_type = ["infobox"]
"""A list of display types composed from ``infobox`` and ``list``. The latter
one will add a hit to the result list. The first one will show a hit in the
info box. Both values can be set, or one of the two can be set."""
'P434': 'MusicBrainz',
'P435': 'MusicBrainz',
'P436': 'MusicBrainz',
'P966': 'MusicBrainz',
'P345': 'IMDb',
'P2397': 'YouTube',
'P1651': 'YouTube',
'P2002': 'Twitter',
'P2013': 'Facebook',
'P2003': 'Instagram',
# SERVICE wikibase:mwapi :
# SERVICE wikibase:label:
# optimization:
# *
# *
SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?itemDescription ?lat ?long %SELECT%
SERVICE wikibase:mwapi {
bd:serviceParam wikibase:endpoint "";
wikibase:api "EntitySearch";
wikibase:limit 1;
mwapi:search "%QUERY%";
mwapi:language "%LANGUAGE%".
?item wikibase:apiOutputItem mwapi:item.
hint:Prior hint:runFirst "true".
SERVICE wikibase:label {
bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "%LANGUAGE%,en".
?item rdfs:label ?itemLabel .
?item schema:description ?itemDescription .
GROUP BY ?item ?itemLabel ?itemDescription ?lat ?long %GROUP_BY%
# Get the calendar names and the property names
SELECT ?item ?name
SELECT ?item
WHERE { ?item wdt:P279* wd:Q12132 }
OPTIONAL { ?item rdfs:label ?name. }
# see the property "dummy value" of (Wikidata)
# hard coded here to avoid to an additional SPARQL request when the server starts
"" + wid for wid in ("Q4115189", "Q13406268", "Q15397819", "Q17339402")
sparql_string_escape = get_string_replaces_function(
# fmt: off
'\t': '\\\t',
'\n': '\\\n',
'\r': '\\\r',
'\b': '\\\b',
'\f': '\\\f',
'\"': '\\\"',
'\'': '\\\'',
'\\': '\\\\'
# fmt: on
replace_http_by_https = get_string_replaces_function({'http:': 'https:'})
def get_headers():
# user agent:
return {'Accept': 'application/sparql-results+json', 'User-Agent': searx_useragent()}
def get_label_for_entity(entity_id, language): # type: ignore
name = WIKIDATA_PROPERTIES.get(entity_id)
if name is None:
name = WIKIDATA_PROPERTIES.get((entity_id, language))
if name is None:
name = WIKIDATA_PROPERTIES.get((entity_id, language.split('-')[0]))
if name is None:
name = WIKIDATA_PROPERTIES.get((entity_id, 'en'))
if name is None:
name = entity_id
return name
def send_wikidata_query(query, method='GET'):
if method == 'GET':
# query will be cached by wikidata
http_response = get(SPARQL_ENDPOINT_URL + '?' + urlencode({'query': query}), headers=get_headers())
# query won't be cached by wikidata
http_response = post(SPARQL_ENDPOINT_URL, data={'query': query}, headers=get_headers())
if http_response.status_code != 200:
logger.debug('SPARQL endpoint error %s', http_response.content.decode())
logger.debug('request time %s', str(http_response.elapsed))
return loads(http_response.content.decode())
def request(query, params):
eng_tag, _wiki_netloc = get_wiki_params(params['searxng_locale'], traits)
query, attributes = get_query(query, eng_tag)
logger.debug("request --> language %s // len(attributes): %s", eng_tag, len(attributes))
params['method'] = 'POST'
params['url'] = SPARQL_ENDPOINT_URL
params['data'] = {'query': query}
params['headers'] = get_headers()
params['language'] = eng_tag
params['attributes'] = attributes
return params
def response(resp):
results = []
jsonresponse = loads(resp.content.decode())
language = resp.search_params['language']
attributes = resp.search_params['attributes']
logger.debug("request --> language %s // len(attributes): %s", language, len(attributes))
seen_entities = set()
for result in jsonresponse.get('results', {}).get('bindings', []):
attribute_result = {key: value['value'] for key, value in result.items()}
entity_url = attribute_result['item']
if entity_url not in seen_entities and entity_url not in DUMMY_ENTITY_URLS:
results += get_results(attribute_result, attributes, language)
logger.debug('The SPARQL request returns duplicate entities: %s', str(attribute_result))
return results
def get_thumbnail(img_src):
"""Get Thumbnail image from wikimedia commons
Images from are (HTTP) redirected to The redirected URL can be calculated by this
logger.debug('get_thumbnail(): %s', img_src)
if not img_src is None and _IMG_SRC_DEFAULT_URL_PREFIX in img_src.split()[0]:
img_src_name = unquote(img_src.replace(_IMG_SRC_DEFAULT_URL_PREFIX, "").split("?", 1)[0].replace("%20", "_"))
img_src_name_first = img_src_name
img_src_name_second = img_src_name
if ".svg" in img_src_name.split()[0]:
img_src_name_second = img_src_name + ".png"
img_src_size = img_src.replace(_IMG_SRC_DEFAULT_URL_PREFIX, "").split("?", 1)[1]
img_src_size = img_src_size[img_src_size.index("=") + 1 : img_src_size.index("&")]
img_src_name_md5 = md5(img_src_name.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest()
img_src = (
+ img_src_name_md5[0]
+ "/"
+ img_src_name_md5[0:2]
+ "/"
+ img_src_name_first
+ "/"
+ img_src_size
+ "px-"
+ img_src_name_second
logger.debug('get_thumbnail() redirected: %s', img_src)
return img_src
def get_results(attribute_result, attributes, language):
# pylint: disable=too-many-branches
results = []
infobox_title = attribute_result.get('itemLabel')
infobox_id = attribute_result['item']
infobox_id_lang = None
infobox_urls = []
infobox_attributes = []
infobox_content = attribute_result.get('itemDescription', [])
img_src = None
img_src_priority = 0
for attribute in attributes:
value = attribute.get_str(attribute_result, language)
if value is not None and value != '':
attribute_type = type(attribute)
if attribute_type in (WDURLAttribute, WDArticle):
# get_select() method : there is group_concat(distinct ...;separator=", ")
# split the value here
for url in value.split(', '):
infobox_urls.append({'title': attribute.get_label(language), 'url': url, **attribute.kwargs})
# "normal" results (not infobox) include official website and Wikipedia links.
if "list" in display_type and (attribute.kwargs.get('official') or attribute_type == WDArticle):
results.append({'title': infobox_title, 'url': url, "content": infobox_content})
# update the infobox_id with the wikipedia URL
# first the local wikipedia URL, and as fallback the english wikipedia URL
if attribute_type == WDArticle and (
(attribute.language == 'en' and infobox_id_lang is None) or attribute.language != 'en'
infobox_id_lang = attribute.language
infobox_id = url
elif attribute_type == WDImageAttribute:
# this attribute is an image.
# replace the current image only the priority is lower
# (the infobox contain only one image).
if attribute.priority > img_src_priority:
img_src = get_thumbnail(value)
img_src_priority = attribute.priority
elif attribute_type == WDGeoAttribute:
# geocoordinate link
# use the area to get the OSM zoom
# Note: ignore the unit (must be km² otherwise the calculation is wrong)
# Should use normalized value p:P2046/psn:P2046/wikibase:quantityAmount
area = attribute_result.get('P2046')
osm_zoom = area_to_osm_zoom(area) if area else 19
url = attribute.get_geo_url(attribute_result, osm_zoom=osm_zoom)
if url:
infobox_urls.append({'title': attribute.get_label(language), 'url': url, 'entity':})
{'label': attribute.get_label(language), 'value': value, 'entity':}
if infobox_id:
infobox_id = replace_http_by_https(infobox_id)
# add the wikidata URL at the end
infobox_urls.append({'title': 'Wikidata', 'url': attribute_result['item']})
if (
"list" in display_type
and img_src is None
and len(infobox_attributes) == 0
and len(infobox_urls) == 1
and len(infobox_content) == 0
results.append({'url': infobox_urls[0]['url'], 'title': infobox_title, 'content': infobox_content})
elif "infobox" in display_type:
'infobox': infobox_title,
'id': infobox_id,
'content': infobox_content,
'img_src': img_src,
'urls': infobox_urls,
'attributes': infobox_attributes,
return results
def get_query(query, language):
attributes = get_attributes(language)
select = [a.get_select() for a in attributes]
where = list(filter(lambda s: len(s) > 0, [a.get_where() for a in attributes]))
wikibase_label = list(filter(lambda s: len(s) > 0, [a.get_wikibase_label() for a in attributes]))
group_by = list(filter(lambda s: len(s) > 0, [a.get_group_by() for a in attributes]))
query = (
QUERY_TEMPLATE.replace('%QUERY%', sparql_string_escape(query))
.replace('%SELECT%', ' '.join(select))
.replace('%WHERE%', '\n '.join(where))
.replace('%WIKIBASE_LABELS%', '\n '.join(wikibase_label))
.replace('%GROUP_BY%', ' '.join(group_by))
.replace('%LANGUAGE%', language)
return query, attributes
def get_attributes(language):
# pylint: disable=too-many-statements
attributes = []
def add_value(name):
def add_amount(name):
def add_label(name):
def add_url(name, url_id=None, **kwargs):
attributes.append(WDURLAttribute(name, url_id, kwargs))
def add_image(name, url_id=None, priority=1):
attributes.append(WDImageAttribute(name, url_id, priority))
def add_date(name):
# Dates
for p in [
'P571', # inception date
'P576', # dissolution date
'P580', # start date
'P582', # end date
'P569', # date of birth
'P570', # date of death
'P619', # date of spacecraft launch
]: # date of spacecraft landing
for p in [
'P27', # country of citizenship
'P495', # country of origin
'P17', # country
]: # headquarters location
# Places
for p in [
'P36', # capital
'P35', # head of state
'P6', # head of government
'P122', # basic form of government
]: # official language
add_value('P1082') # population
add_amount('P2046') # area
add_amount('P281') # postal code
add_label('P38') # currency
add_amount('P2048') # height (building)
# Media
for p in [
'P400', # platform (videogames, computing)
'P50', # author
'P170', # creator
'P57', # director
'P175', # performer
'P178', # developer
'P162', # producer
'P176', # manufacturer
'P58', # screenwriter
'P272', # production company
'P264', # record label
'P123', # publisher
'P449', # original network
'P750', # distributed by
]: # composer
add_date('P577') # publication date
add_label('P136') # genre (music, film, artistic...)
add_label('P364') # original language
add_value('P212') # ISBN-13
add_value('P957') # ISBN-10
add_label('P275') # copyright license
add_label('P277') # programming language
add_value('P348') # version
add_label('P840') # narrative location
# Languages
add_value('P1098') # number of speakers
add_label('P282') # writing system
add_label('P1018') # language regulatory body
add_value('P218') # language code (ISO 639-1)
# Other
add_label('P169') # ceo
add_label('P112') # founded by
add_label('P1454') # legal form (company, organization)
add_label('P137') # operator (service, facility, ...)
add_label('P1029') # crew members (tripulation)
add_label('P225') # taxon name
add_value('P274') # chemical formula
add_label('P1346') # winner (sports, contests, ...)
add_value('P1120') # number of deaths
add_value('P498') # currency code (ISO 4217)
add_url('P856', official=True) # official website
attributes.append(WDArticle(language)) # wikipedia (user language)
if not language.startswith('en'):
attributes.append(WDArticle('en')) # wikipedia (english)
add_url('P1324') # source code repository
add_url('P1581') # blog
add_url('P434', url_id='musicbrainz_artist')
add_url('P435', url_id='musicbrainz_work')
add_url('P436', url_id='musicbrainz_release_group')
add_url('P966', url_id='musicbrainz_label')
add_url('P345', url_id='imdb_id')
add_url('P2397', url_id='youtube_channel')
add_url('P1651', url_id='youtube_video')
add_url('P2002', url_id='twitter_profile')
add_url('P2013', url_id='facebook_profile')
add_url('P2003', url_id='instagram_profile')
# Map
# Image
add_image('P15', priority=1, url_id='wikimedia_image') # route map
add_image('P242', priority=2, url_id='wikimedia_image') # locator map
add_image('P154', priority=3, url_id='wikimedia_image') # logo
add_image('P18', priority=4, url_id='wikimedia_image') # image
add_image('P41', priority=5, url_id='wikimedia_image') # flag
add_image('P2716', priority=6, url_id='wikimedia_image') # collage
add_image('P2910', priority=7, url_id='wikimedia_image') # icon
return attributes
class WDAttribute:
__slots__ = ('name',)
def __init__(self, name): = name
def get_select(self) -> str:
return '(group_concat(distinct ?{name};separator=", ") as ?{name}s)'.replace('{name}',
def get_label(self, language):
return get_label_for_entity(, language)
def get_where(self):
return "OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:{name} ?{name} . }".replace('{name}',
def get_wikibase_label(self) -> str:
return ""
def get_group_by(self) -> str:
return ""
def get_str(self, result, language): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
return result.get( + 's')
def __repr__(self):
return '<' + str(type(self).__name__) + ':' + + '>'
class WDAmountAttribute(WDAttribute):
def get_select(self):
return '?{name} ?{name}Unit'.replace('{name}',
def get_where(self):
return """ OPTIONAL { ?item p:{name} ?{name}Node .
?{name}Node rdf:type wikibase:BestRank ; ps:{name} ?{name} .
OPTIONAL { ?{name}Node psv:{name}/wikibase:quantityUnit ?{name}Unit. } }""".replace(
def get_group_by(self):
return self.get_select()
def get_str(self, result, language):
value = result.get(
unit = result.get( + "Unit")
if unit is not None:
unit = unit.replace('', '')
return value + " " + get_label_for_entity(unit, language)
return value
class WDArticle(WDAttribute):
__slots__ = 'language', 'kwargs'
def __init__(self, language, kwargs=None):
self.language = language
self.kwargs = kwargs or {}
def get_label(self, language):
# language parameter is ignored
return "Wikipedia ({language})".replace('{language}', self.language)
def get_select(self):
return "?article{language} ?articleName{language}".replace('{language}', self.language)
def get_where(self):
return """OPTIONAL { ?article{language} schema:about ?item ;
schema:inLanguage "{language}" ;
schema:isPartOf <https://{language}> ;
schema:name ?articleName{language} . }""".replace(
'{language}', self.language
def get_group_by(self):
return self.get_select()
def get_str(self, result, language):
key = 'article{language}'.replace('{language}', self.language)
return result.get(key)
class WDLabelAttribute(WDAttribute):
def get_select(self):
return '(group_concat(distinct ?{name}Label;separator=", ") as ?{name}Labels)'.replace('{name}',
def get_where(self):
return "OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:{name} ?{name} . }".replace('{name}',
def get_wikibase_label(self):
return "?{name} rdfs:label ?{name}Label .".replace('{name}',
def get_str(self, result, language):
return result.get( + 'Labels')
class WDURLAttribute(WDAttribute):
__slots__ = 'url_id', 'kwargs'
def __init__(self, name, url_id=None, kwargs=None):
self.url_id = url_id
self.kwargs = kwargs
def get_str(self, result, language):
value = result.get( + 's')
if self.url_id and value is not None and value != '':
value = value.split(',')[0]
url_id = self.url_id
if value.startswith(WDURLAttribute.HTTP_WIKIMEDIA_IMAGE):
value = value[len(WDURLAttribute.HTTP_WIKIMEDIA_IMAGE) :]
url_id = 'wikimedia_image'
return get_external_url(url_id, value)
return value
class WDGeoAttribute(WDAttribute):
def get_label(self, language):
return "OpenStreetMap"
def get_select(self):
return "?{name}Lat ?{name}Long".replace('{name}',
def get_where(self):
return """OPTIONAL { ?item p:{name}/psv:{name} [
wikibase:geoLatitude ?{name}Lat ;
wikibase:geoLongitude ?{name}Long ] }""".replace(
def get_group_by(self):
return self.get_select()
def get_str(self, result, language):
latitude = result.get( + 'Lat')
longitude = result.get( + 'Long')
if latitude and longitude:
return latitude + ' ' + longitude
return None
def get_geo_url(self, result, osm_zoom=19):
latitude = result.get( + 'Lat')
longitude = result.get( + 'Long')
if latitude and longitude:
return get_earth_coordinates_url(latitude, longitude, osm_zoom)
return None
class WDImageAttribute(WDURLAttribute):
__slots__ = ('priority',)
def __init__(self, name, url_id=None, priority=100):
super().__init__(name, url_id)
self.priority = priority
class WDDateAttribute(WDAttribute):
def get_select(self):
return '?{name} ?{name}timePrecision ?{name}timeZone ?{name}timeCalendar'.replace('{name}',
def get_where(self):
# To remove duplicate, add
# FILTER NOT EXISTS { ?item p:{name}/psv:{name}/wikibase:timeValue ?{name}bis FILTER (?{name}bis < ?{name}) }
# this filter is too slow, so the response function ignore duplicate results
# (see the seen_entities variable)
return """OPTIONAL { ?item p:{name}/psv:{name} [
wikibase:timeValue ?{name} ;
wikibase:timePrecision ?{name}timePrecision ;
wikibase:timeTimezone ?{name}timeZone ;
wikibase:timeCalendarModel ?{name}timeCalendar ] . }
hint:Prior hint:rangeSafe true;""".replace(
def get_group_by(self):
return self.get_select()
def format_8(self, value, locale): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
# precision: less than a year
return value
def format_9(self, value, locale):
year = int(value)
# precision: year
if year < 1584:
if year < 0:
return str(year - 1)
return str(year)
timestamp = isoparse(value)
return format_date(timestamp, format='yyyy', locale=locale)
def format_10(self, value, locale):
# precision: month
timestamp = isoparse(value)
return format_date(timestamp, format='MMMM y', locale=locale)
def format_11(self, value, locale):
# precision: day
timestamp = isoparse(value)
return format_date(timestamp, format='full', locale=locale)
def format_13(self, value, locale):
timestamp = isoparse(value)
# precision: minute
return (
get_datetime_format(format, locale=locale)
.replace("'", "") # type: ignore
.replace('{0}', format_time(timestamp, 'full', tzinfo=None, locale=locale))
.replace('{1}', format_date(timestamp, 'short', locale=locale))
def format_14(self, value, locale):
# precision: second.
return format_datetime(isoparse(value), format='full', locale=locale)
'0': ('format_8', 1000000000),
'1': ('format_8', 100000000),
'2': ('format_8', 10000000),
'3': ('format_8', 1000000),
'4': ('format_8', 100000),
'5': ('format_8', 10000),
'6': ('format_8', 1000),
'7': ('format_8', 100),
'8': ('format_8', 10),
'9': ('format_9', 1), # year
'10': ('format_10', 1), # month
'11': ('format_11', 0), # day
'12': ('format_13', 0), # hour (not supported by babel, display minute)
'13': ('format_13', 0), # minute
'14': ('format_14', 0), # second
def get_str(self, result, language):
value = result.get(
if value == '' or value is None:
return None
precision = result.get( + 'timePrecision')
date_format = WDDateAttribute.DATE_FORMAT.get(precision)
if date_format is not None:
format_method = getattr(self, date_format[0])
precision = date_format[1]
if precision >= 1:
t = value.split('-')
if value.startswith('-'):
value = '-' + t[1]
value = t[0]
return format_method(value, language)
except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except
return value
return value
def debug_explain_wikidata_query(query, method='GET'):
if method == 'GET':
http_response = get(SPARQL_EXPLAIN_URL + '&' + urlencode({'query': query}), headers=get_headers())
http_response = post(SPARQL_EXPLAIN_URL, data={'query': query}, headers=get_headers())
return http_response.content
def init(engine_settings=None): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
# WIKIDATA_PROPERTIES : add unit symbols
# WIKIDATA_PROPERTIES : add property labels
wikidata_property_names = []
for attribute in get_attributes('en'):
if type(attribute) in (WDAttribute, WDAmountAttribute, WDURLAttribute, WDDateAttribute, WDLabelAttribute):
wikidata_property_names.append("wd:" +
query = QUERY_PROPERTY_NAMES.replace('%ATTRIBUTES%', " ".join(wikidata_property_names))
jsonresponse = send_wikidata_query(query)
for result in jsonresponse.get('results', {}).get('bindings', {}):
name = result['name']['value']
lang = result['name']['xml:lang']
entity_id = result['item']['value'].replace('', '')
WIKIDATA_PROPERTIES[(entity_id, lang)] = name.capitalize()
def fetch_traits(engine_traits: EngineTraits):
"""Uses languages evaluated from :py:obj:`wikipedia.fetch_wikimedia_traits
<searx.engines.wikipedia.fetch_wikimedia_traits>` and removes
- ``traits.custom['wiki_netloc']``: wikidata does not have net-locations for
the languages and the list of all
- ``traits.custom['WIKIPEDIA_LANGUAGES']``: not used in the wikipedia engine
engine_traits.custom['wiki_netloc'] = {}
engine_traits.custom['WIKIPEDIA_LANGUAGES'] = []