Markus Heiser 86b4d2f2d0 [mod] activate pyright checks (in CI)
We have been using a static type checker (pyright) for a long time, but its
check was not yet a prerequisite for passing the quality gate.  It was checked
in the CI, but the error messages were only logged.

As is always the case in life, with checks that you have to do but which have no
consequences; you neglect them :-)

We didn't activate the checks back then because we (even today) have too much
monkey patching in our code (not only in the engines, httpx and others objects
are also affected).

We want to replace monkey patching with clear interfaces for a long time, the
basis for this is increased typing and we can only achieve this if we make type
checking an integral part of the quality gate.

  This PR activates the type check; in order to pass the check, a few typings
  were corrected in the code, but most type inconsistencies were deactivated via
  inline comments.

This was particularly necessary in places where the code uses properties that
stick to the objects (monkey patching).  The sticking of properties only happens
in a few places, but the access to these properties extends over the entire
code, which is why there are many `# type: ignore` markers in the code ... which
we will hopefully be able to remove again successively in the future.

Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
2024-04-27 18:31:52 +02:00

455 lines
14 KiB

# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
DuckDuckGo Lite
import re
from urllib.parse import urlencode
import json
import babel
import lxml.html
from searx import (
from searx.utils import (
from import get # see
from searx import redisdb
from searx.enginelib.traits import EngineTraits
about = {
"website": '',
"wikidata_id": 'Q12805',
"use_official_api": False,
"require_api_key": False,
"results": 'HTML',
send_accept_language_header = True
"""DuckDuckGo-Lite tries to guess user's prefered language from the HTTP
``Accept-Language``. Optional the user can select a region filter (but not a
# engine dependent config
categories = ['general', 'web']
paging = True
time_range_support = True
safesearch = True # user can't select but the results are filtered
url = ''
# url_ping = ''
time_range_dict = {'day': 'd', 'week': 'w', 'month': 'm', 'year': 'y'}
form_data = {'v': 'l', 'api': 'd.js', 'o': 'json'}
def cache_vqd(query, value):
"""Caches a ``vqd`` value from a query."""
c = redisdb.client()
if c:
logger.debug("cache vqd value: %s", value)
key = 'SearXNG_ddg_web_vqd' + redislib.secret_hash(query)
c.set(key, value, ex=600)
def get_vqd(query):
"""Returns the ``vqd`` that fits to the *query*. If there is no ``vqd`` cached
(:py:obj:`cache_vqd`) the query is sent to DDG to get a vqd value from the
.. hint::
If an empty string is returned there are no results for the ``query`` and
therefore no ``vqd`` value.
DDG's bot detection is sensitive to the ``vqd`` value. For some search terms
(such as extremely long search terms that are often sent by bots), no ``vqd``
value can be determined.
If SearXNG cannot determine a ``vqd`` value, then no request should go out
to DDG:
A request with a wrong ``vqd`` value leads to DDG temporarily putting
SearXNG's IP on a block list.
Requests from IPs in this block list run into timeouts.
Not sure, but it seems the block list is a sliding window: to get my IP rid
from the bot list I had to cool down my IP for 1h (send no requests from
that IP to DDG).
TL;DR; the ``vqd`` value is needed to pass DDG's bot protection and is used
by all request to DDG:
- DuckDuckGo Lite: ```` (POST form data)
- DuckDuckGo Web: ````
- DuckDuckGo Images: ````
- DuckDuckGo Videos: ````
- DuckDuckGo News: ````
value = None
c = redisdb.client()
if c:
key = 'SearXNG_ddg_web_vqd' + redislib.secret_hash(query)
value = c.get(key)
if value or value == b'':
value = value.decode('utf-8') # type: ignore
logger.debug("re-use cached vqd value: %s", value)
return value
query_url = '' + urlencode({'q': query})
res = get(query_url)
doc = lxml.html.fromstring(res.text)
for script in doc.xpath("//script[@type='text/javascript']"):
script = script.text
if 'vqd="' in script:
value = script[script.index('vqd="') + 5 :]
value = value[: value.index('"')]
logger.debug("new vqd value: '%s'", value)
if value is not None:
cache_vqd(query, value)
return value
def get_ddg_lang(eng_traits: EngineTraits, sxng_locale, default: str = 'en_US') -> str:
"""Get DuckDuckGo's language identifier from SearXNG's locale.
DuckDuckGo defines its languages by region codes (see
To get region and language of a DDG service use:
.. code: python
eng_region = traits.get_region(params['searxng_locale'], traits.all_locale)
eng_lang = get_ddg_lang(traits, params['searxng_locale'])
It might confuse, but the ``l`` value of the cookie is what SearXNG calls
the *region*:
.. code:: python
# !ddi paris :es-AR --> {'ad': 'es_AR', 'ah': 'ar-es', 'l': 'ar-es'}
params['cookies']['ad'] = eng_lang
params['cookies']['ah'] = eng_region
params['cookies']['l'] = eng_region
.. hint::
`DDG-lite <>`__ does not offer a language
selection to the user, only a region can be selected by the user
(``eng_region`` from the example above). DDG-lite stores the selected
region in a cookie::
params['cookies']['kl'] = eng_region # 'ar-es'
return eng_traits.custom['lang_region'].get( # type: ignore
sxng_locale, eng_traits.get_language(sxng_locale, default)
ddg_reg_map = {
'tw-tzh': 'zh_TW',
'hk-tzh': 'zh_HK',
'ct-ca': 'skip', # ct-ca and es-ca both map to ca_ES
'es-ca': 'ca_ES',
'id-en': 'id_ID',
'no-no': 'nb_NO',
'jp-jp': 'ja_JP',
'kr-kr': 'ko_KR',
'xa-ar': 'ar_SA',
'sl-sl': 'sl_SI',
'th-en': 'th_TH',
'vn-en': 'vi_VN',
ddg_lang_map = {
# use ar --> ar_EG (Egypt's arabic)
"ar_DZ": 'lang_region',
"ar_JO": 'lang_region',
"ar_SA": 'lang_region',
# use bn --> bn_BD
'bn_IN': 'lang_region',
# use de --> de_DE
'de_CH': 'lang_region',
# use en --> en_US,
'en_AU': 'lang_region',
'en_CA': 'lang_region',
'en_GB': 'lang_region',
# Esperanto
'eo_XX': 'eo',
# use es --> es_ES,
'es_AR': 'lang_region',
'es_CL': 'lang_region',
'es_CO': 'lang_region',
'es_CR': 'lang_region',
'es_EC': 'lang_region',
'es_MX': 'lang_region',
'es_PE': 'lang_region',
'es_UY': 'lang_region',
'es_VE': 'lang_region',
# use fr --> rf_FR
'fr_CA': 'lang_region',
'fr_CH': 'lang_region',
'fr_BE': 'lang_region',
# use nl --> nl_NL
'nl_BE': 'lang_region',
# use pt --> pt_PT
'pt_BR': 'lang_region',
# skip these languages
'od_IN': 'skip',
'io_XX': 'skip',
'tokipona_XX': 'skip',
def quote_ddg_bangs(query):
# quote ddg bangs
query_parts = []
# for val in re.split(r'(\s+)', query):
for val in re.split(r'(\s+)', query):
if not val.strip():
if val.startswith('!') and external_bang.get_node(external_bang.EXTERNAL_BANGS, val[1:]):
val = f"'{val}'"
return ' '.join(query_parts)
def request(query, params):
query = quote_ddg_bangs(query)
# request needs a vqd argument
vqd = get_vqd(query)
eng_region = traits.get_region(params['searxng_locale'], traits.all_locale)
# eng_lang = get_ddg_lang(traits, params['searxng_locale'])
params['url'] = url
params['method'] = 'POST'
params['data']['q'] = query
# The API is not documented, so we do some reverse engineering and emulate
# what does when you press "next Page"
# link again and again ..
params['headers']['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
params['data']['vqd'] = vqd
# initial page does not have an offset
if params['pageno'] == 2:
# second page does have an offset of 20
offset = (params['pageno'] - 1) * 20
params['data']['s'] = offset
params['data']['dc'] = offset + 1
elif params['pageno'] > 2:
# third and following pages do have an offset of 20 + n*50
offset = 20 + (params['pageno'] - 2) * 50
params['data']['s'] = offset
params['data']['dc'] = offset + 1
# initial page does not have additional data in the input form
if params['pageno'] > 1:
params['data']['o'] = form_data.get('o', 'json')
params['data']['api'] = form_data.get('api', 'd.js')
params['data']['nextParams'] = form_data.get('nextParams', '')
params['data']['v'] = form_data.get('v', 'l')
params['headers']['Referer'] = ''
params['data']['kl'] = eng_region
params['cookies']['kl'] = eng_region
params['data']['df'] = ''
if params['time_range'] in time_range_dict:
params['data']['df'] = time_range_dict[params['time_range']]
params['cookies']['df'] = time_range_dict[params['time_range']]
logger.debug("param data: %s", params['data'])
logger.debug("param cookies: %s", params['cookies'])
return params
def response(resp):
if resp.status_code == 303:
return []
results = []
doc = lxml.html.fromstring(resp.text)
result_table = eval_xpath(doc, '//html/body/form/div[@class="filters"]/table')
if len(result_table) == 2:
# some locales (at least China) does not have a "next page" button and
# the layout of the HTML tables is different.
result_table = result_table[1]
elif not len(result_table) >= 3:
# no more results
return []
result_table = result_table[2]
# update form data from response
form = eval_xpath(doc, '//html/body/form/div[@class="filters"]/table//input/..')
if len(form):
form = form[0]
form_data['v'] = eval_xpath(form, '//input[@name="v"]/@value')[0]
form_data['api'] = eval_xpath(form, '//input[@name="api"]/@value')[0]
form_data['o'] = eval_xpath(form, '//input[@name="o"]/@value')[0]
logger.debug('form_data: %s', form_data)
tr_rows = eval_xpath(result_table, './/tr')
# In the last <tr> is the form of the 'previous/next page' links
tr_rows = tr_rows[:-1]
len_tr_rows = len(tr_rows)
offset = 0
while len_tr_rows >= offset + 4:
# assemble table rows we need to scrap
tr_title = tr_rows[offset]
tr_content = tr_rows[offset + 1]
offset += 4
# ignore sponsored Adds <tr class="result-sponsored">
if tr_content.get('class') == 'result-sponsored':
a_tag = eval_xpath_getindex(tr_title, './/td//a[@class="result-link"]', 0, None)
if a_tag is None:
td_content = eval_xpath_getindex(tr_content, './/td[@class="result-snippet"]', 0, None)
if td_content is None:
'title': a_tag.text_content(),
'content': extract_text(td_content),
'url': a_tag.get('href'),
return results
def fetch_traits(engine_traits: EngineTraits):
"""Fetch languages & regions from DuckDuckGo.
SearXNG's ``all`` locale maps DuckDuckGo's "Alle regions" (``wt-wt``).
DuckDuckGo's language "Browsers prefered language" (``wt_WT``) makes no
sense in a SearXNG request since SearXNG's ``all`` will not add a
``Accept-Language`` HTTP header. The value in ``engine_traits.all_locale``
is ``wt-wt`` (the region).
Beside regions DuckDuckGo also defines its languages by region codes. By
example these are the english languages in DuckDuckGo:
- en_US
- en_AU
- en_CA
- en_GB
The function :py:obj:`get_ddg_lang` evaluates DuckDuckGo's language from
SearXNG's locale.
# pylint: disable=too-many-branches, too-many-statements
# fetch regions
engine_traits.all_locale = 'wt-wt'
# updated from u661.js to u.7669f071a13a7daa57cb / should be updated automatically?
resp = get('')
if not resp.ok: # type: ignore
print("ERROR: response from DuckDuckGo is not OK.")
pos = resp.text.find('regions:{') + 8 # type: ignore
js_code = resp.text[pos:] # type: ignore
pos = js_code.find('}') + 1
regions = json.loads(js_code[:pos])
for eng_tag, name in regions.items():
if eng_tag == 'wt-wt':
engine_traits.all_locale = 'wt-wt'
region = ddg_reg_map.get(eng_tag)
if region == 'skip':
if not region:
eng_territory, eng_lang = eng_tag.split('-')
region = eng_lang + '_' + eng_territory.upper()
sxng_tag = locales.region_tag(babel.Locale.parse(region))
except babel.UnknownLocaleError:
print("ERROR: %s (%s) -> %s is unknown by babel" % (name, eng_tag, region))
conflict = engine_traits.regions.get(sxng_tag)
if conflict:
if conflict != eng_tag:
print("CONFLICT: babel %s --> %s, %s" % (sxng_tag, conflict, eng_tag))
engine_traits.regions[sxng_tag] = eng_tag
# fetch languages
engine_traits.custom['lang_region'] = {}
pos = resp.text.find('languages:{') + 10 # type: ignore
js_code = resp.text[pos:] # type: ignore
pos = js_code.find('}') + 1
js_code = '{"' + js_code[1:pos].replace(':', '":').replace(',', ',"')
languages = json.loads(js_code)
for eng_lang, name in languages.items():
if eng_lang == 'wt_WT':
babel_tag = ddg_lang_map.get(eng_lang, eng_lang)
if babel_tag == 'skip':
if babel_tag == 'lang_region':
sxng_tag = locales.region_tag(babel.Locale.parse(eng_lang))
engine_traits.custom['lang_region'][sxng_tag] = eng_lang
sxng_tag = locales.language_tag(babel.Locale.parse(babel_tag))
except babel.UnknownLocaleError:
print("ERROR: language %s (%s) is unknown by babel" % (name, eng_lang))
conflict = engine_traits.languages.get(sxng_tag)
if conflict:
if conflict != eng_lang:
print("CONFLICT: babel %s --> %s, %s" % (sxng_tag, conflict, eng_lang))
engine_traits.languages[sxng_tag] = eng_lang