Markus Heiser 86b4d2f2d0 [mod] activate pyright checks (in CI)
We have been using a static type checker (pyright) for a long time, but its
check was not yet a prerequisite for passing the quality gate.  It was checked
in the CI, but the error messages were only logged.

As is always the case in life, with checks that you have to do but which have no
consequences; you neglect them :-)

We didn't activate the checks back then because we (even today) have too much
monkey patching in our code (not only in the engines, httpx and others objects
are also affected).

We want to replace monkey patching with clear interfaces for a long time, the
basis for this is increased typing and we can only achieve this if we make type
checking an integral part of the quality gate.

  This PR activates the type check; in order to pass the check, a few typings
  were corrected in the code, but most type inconsistencies were deactivated via
  inline comments.

This was particularly necessary in places where the code uses properties that
stick to the objects (monkey patching).  The sticking of properties only happens
in a few places, but the access to these properties extends over the entire
code, which is why there are many `# type: ignore` markers in the code ... which
we will hopefully be able to remove again successively in the future.

Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
2024-04-27 18:31:52 +02:00

155 lines
4.5 KiB

# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
Method ``link_token``
The ``link_token`` method evaluates a request as :py:obj:`suspicious
<is_suspicious>` if the URL ``/client<token>.css`` is not requested by the
client. By adding a random component (the token) in the URL, a bot can not send
a ping by request a static URL.
.. note::
This method requires a redis DB and needs a HTTP X-Forwarded-For_ header.
To get in use of this method a flask URL route needs to be added:
.. code:: python
@app.route('/client<token>.css', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def client_token(token=None):, token)
return Response('', mimetype='text/css')
And in the HTML template from flask a stylesheet link is needed (the value of
``link_token`` comes from :py:obj:`get_token`):
.. code:: html
<link rel="stylesheet"
href="{{ url_for('client_token', token=link_token) }}"
type="text/css" />
.. _X-Forwarded-For:
from __future__ import annotations
from ipaddress import (
import string
import random
import flask
from searx import logger
from searx import redisdb
from searx.redislib import secret_hash
from ._helpers import (
"""Livetime (sec) of limiter's CSS token."""
"""Livetime (sec) of the ping-key from a client (request)"""
"""Prefix of all ping-keys generated by :py:obj:`get_ping_key`"""
TOKEN_KEY = 'SearXNG_limiter.token'
"""Key for which the current token is stored in the DB"""
logger = logger.getChild('botdetection.link_token')
def is_suspicious(network: IPv4Network | IPv6Network, request: flask.Request, renew: bool = False):
"""Checks whether a valid ping is exists for this (client) network, if not
this request is rated as *suspicious*. If a valid ping exists and argument
``renew`` is ``True`` the expire time of this ping is reset to
redis_client = redisdb.client()
if not redis_client:
return False
ping_key = get_ping_key(network, request)
if not redis_client.get(ping_key):"missing ping (IP: %s) / request: %s", network.compressed, ping_key)
return True
if renew:
redis_client.set(ping_key, 1, ex=PING_LIVE_TIME)
logger.debug("found ping for (client) network %s -> %s", network.compressed, ping_key)
return False
def ping(request: flask.Request, token: str):
"""This function is called by a request to URL ``/client<token>.css``. If
``token`` is valid a :py:obj:`PING_KEY` for the client is stored in the DB.
The expire time of this ping-key is :py:obj:`PING_LIVE_TIME`.
from . import redis_client, cfg # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel, cyclic-import
if not redis_client:
if not token_is_valid(token):
real_ip = ip_address(get_real_ip(request))
network = get_network(real_ip, cfg)
ping_key = get_ping_key(network, request)
logger.debug("store ping_key for (client) network %s (IP %s) -> %s", network.compressed, real_ip, ping_key)
redis_client.set(ping_key, 1, ex=PING_LIVE_TIME)
def get_ping_key(network: IPv4Network | IPv6Network, request: flask.Request) -> str:
"""Generates a hashed key that fits (more or less) to a *WEB-browser
session* in a network."""
return (
+ "["
+ secret_hash(
network.compressed + request.headers.get('Accept-Language', '') + request.headers.get('User-Agent', '')
+ "]"
def token_is_valid(token) -> bool:
valid = token == get_token()
logger.debug("token is valid --> %s", valid)
return valid
def get_token() -> str:
"""Returns current token. If there is no currently active token a new token
is generated randomly and stored in the redis DB.
- :py:obj:`TOKEN_LIVE_TIME`
- :py:obj:`TOKEN_KEY`
redis_client = redisdb.client()
if not redis_client:
# This function is also called when limiter is inactive / no redis DB
# (see render function in
return '12345678'
token = redis_client.get(TOKEN_KEY)
if token:
token = token.decode('UTF-8') # type: ignore
token = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits) for _ in range(16))
redis_client.set(TOKEN_KEY, token, ex=TOKEN_LIVE_TIME)
return token