decoy-walrus 4cdb8f78cb Add new endpoint for original resolution images
This change is to work around the issue that chromium based browsers have handling the "name=orig" parameter appended to URLs. This parameter is needed to retrieve the full resolution image from twitter, but causes those browsers to fill in "jpg_name=orig" as the extension on the filename.

This change adds a new endpoint, "/pic/orig/<encoded media>". This new endpoint will internally fetch the URL with ":orig" appended on the end for the full res image. Externally, the endpoint will serve the image without the extra parameter to expose the real extension to the browser.

This new endpoint is used when rendering tweets with attached images. The old endpoint is still in place for all other proxied images, and for any legacy links.

I also updated the "?name=small" parameter to ":small" since that seems to be the new pattern for image sizing.

This should fix issue #458.
2022-02-07 16:21:20 -05:00

142 lines
3.5 KiB

# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
import uri, strutils, httpclient, os, hashes, base64, re
import asynchttpserver, asyncstreams, asyncfile, asyncnet
import jester
import router_utils
import ".."/[types, formatters, utils]
export asynchttpserver, asyncstreams, asyncfile, asyncnet
export httpclient, os, strutils, asyncstreams, base64, re
m3u8Mime* = "application/"
maxAge* = "max-age=604800"
proc safeFetch*(url: string): Future[string] {.async.} =
let client = newAsyncHttpClient()
try: result = await client.getContent(url)
except: discard
finally: client.close()
template respond*(req: asynchttpserver.Request; headers) =
var msg = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\c\L"
for k, v in headers:
msg.add(k & ": " & v & "\c\L")
msg.add "\c\L"
yield req.client.send(msg)
proc proxyMedia*(req: jester.Request; url: string): Future[HttpCode] {.async.} =
result = Http200
request = req.getNativeReq()
client = newAsyncHttpClient()
let res = await client.get(url)
if res.status != "200 OK":
return Http404
let hashed = $hash(url)
if request.headers.getOrDefault("If-None-Match") == hashed:
return Http304
let contentLength =
if res.headers.hasKey("content-length"):
res.headers["content-length", 0]
let headers = newHttpHeaders({
"Content-Type": res.headers["content-type", 0],
"Content-Length": contentLength,
"Cache-Control": maxAge,
"ETag": hashed
respond(request, headers)
var (hasValue, data) = (true, "")
while hasValue:
(hasValue, data) = await
if hasValue:
await request.client.send(data)
data.setLen 0
except HttpRequestError, ProtocolError, OSError:
result = Http404
template check*(code): untyped =
if code != Http200:
resp code
break route
proc decoded*(req: jester.Request; index: int): string =
based = req.matches[0].len > 1
encoded = req.matches[index]
if based: decode(encoded)
else: decodeUrl(encoded)
proc createMediaRouter*(cfg: Config) =
router media:
get "/pic/?":
resp Http404
get re"^\/pic\/orig\/(enc)?\/?(.+)":
var url = decoded(request, 1)
if "" notin url:
if not url.startsWith(https):
let uri = parseUri(url)
cond isTwitterUrl(uri) == true
let code = await proxyMedia(request, url)
check code
get re"^\/pic\/(enc)?\/?(.+)":
var url = decoded(request, 1)
if "" notin url:
if not url.startsWith(https):
let uri = parseUri(url)
cond isTwitterUrl(uri) == true
let code = await proxyMedia(request, url)
check code
get re"^\/video\/(enc)?\/?(.+)\/(.+)$":
let url = decoded(request, 2)
cond "http" in url
if getHmac(url) != request.matches[1]:
resp showError("Failed to verify signature", cfg)
if ".mp4" in url or ".ts" in url or ".m4s" in url:
let code = await proxyMedia(request, url)
check code
var content: string
if ".vmap" in url:
let m3u8 = getM3u8Url(await safeFetch(url))
if m3u8.len > 0:
content = await safeFetch(url)
resp Http404
if ".m3u8" in url:
let vid = await safeFetch(url)
content = proxifyVideo(vid, cookiePref(proxyVideos))
resp content, m3u8Mime