Timothy Bautista 2edf54d5b3 Add enableRSS setting in config file
Useful for instance owners who want to disable the RSS endpoint for
reasons such as abuse and not enough server resources to handle heavy
network traffic through that endpoint.

Resolves #437
2021-10-02 13:15:52 -06:00

43 lines
1.5 KiB

import parsecfg except Config
import types, strutils
proc get*[T](config: parseCfg.Config; s, v: string; default: T): T =
let val = config.getSectionValue(s, v)
if val.len == 0: return default
when T is int: parseInt(val)
elif T is bool: parseBool(val)
elif T is string: val
proc getConfig*(path: string): (Config, parseCfg.Config) =
var cfg = loadConfig(path)
let conf = Config(
address: cfg.get("Server", "address", ""),
port: cfg.get("Server", "port", 8080),
useHttps: cfg.get("Server", "https", true),
httpMaxConns: cfg.get("Server", "httpMaxConnections", 100),
title: cfg.get("Server", "title", "Nitter"),
hostname: cfg.get("Server", "hostname", ""),
staticDir: cfg.get("Server", "staticDir", "./public"),
hmacKey: cfg.get("Config", "hmacKey", "secretkey"),
base64Media: cfg.get("Config", "base64Media", false),
minTokens: cfg.get("Config", "tokenCount", 10),
enableRSS: cfg.get("Config", "enableRSS", true),
listCacheTime: cfg.get("Cache", "listMinutes", 120),
rssCacheTime: cfg.get("Cache", "rssMinutes", 10),
redisHost: cfg.get("Cache", "redisHost", "localhost"),
redisPort: cfg.get("Cache", "redisPort", 6379),
redisConns: cfg.get("Cache", "redisConnections", 20),
redisMaxConns: cfg.get("Cache", "redisMaxConnections", 30),
redisPassword: cfg.get("Cache", "redisPassword", ""),
replaceYouTube: cfg.get("Preferences", "replaceYouTube", "")
return (conf, cfg)