# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import httpclient, asyncdispatch, options, strutils, uri import jsony, packedjson, zippy import types, tokens, consts, parserutils, http_pool import experimental/types/common const rlRemaining = "x-rate-limit-remaining" rlReset = "x-rate-limit-reset" var pool: HttpPool proc genParams*(pars: openArray[(string, string)] = @[]; cursor=""; count="20"; ext=true): seq[(string, string)] = result = timelineParams for p in pars: result &= p if ext: result &= ("ext", "mediaStats") if count.len > 0: result &= ("count", count) if cursor.len > 0: # The raw cursor often has plus signs, which sometimes get turned into spaces, # so we need to them back into a plus if " " in cursor: result &= ("cursor", cursor.replace(" ", "+")) else: result &= ("cursor", cursor) proc genHeaders*(token: Token = nil): HttpHeaders = result = newHttpHeaders({ "connection": "keep-alive", "authorization": auth, "content-type": "application/json", "x-guest-token": if token == nil: "" else: token.tok, "x-twitter-active-user": "yes", "authority": "api.twitter.com", "accept-encoding": "gzip", "accept-language": "en-US,en;q=0.9", "accept": "*/*", "DNT": "1" }) template updateToken() = if api != Api.search and resp.headers.hasKey(rlRemaining): let remaining = parseInt(resp.headers[rlRemaining]) reset = parseInt(resp.headers[rlReset]) token.setRateLimit(api, remaining, reset) template fetchImpl(result, fetchBody) {.dirty.} = once: pool = HttpPool() var token = await getToken(api) if token.tok.len == 0: raise rateLimitError() try: var resp: AsyncResponse result = pool.use(genHeaders(token)): resp = await c.get($url) await resp.body if result.len > 0: if resp.headers.getOrDefault("content-encoding") == "gzip": result = uncompress(result, dfGzip) else: echo "non-gzip body, url: ", url, ", body: ", result fetchBody release(token, used=true) if resp.status == $Http400: raise newException(InternalError, $url) except InternalError as e: raise e except Exception as e: echo "error: ", e.name, ", msg: ", e.msg, ", token: ", token[], ", url: ", url if "length" notin e.msg and "descriptor" notin e.msg: release(token, invalid=true) raise rateLimitError() proc fetch*(url: Uri; api: Api): Future[JsonNode] {.async.} = var body: string fetchImpl body: if body.startsWith('{') or body.startsWith('['): result = parseJson(body) else: echo resp.status, ": ", body result = newJNull() updateToken() let error = result.getError if error in {invalidToken, forbidden, badToken}: echo "fetch error: ", result.getError release(token, invalid=true) raise rateLimitError() proc fetchRaw*(url: Uri; api: Api): Future[string] {.async.} = fetchImpl result: if not (result.startsWith('{') or result.startsWith('[')): echo resp.status, ": ", result result.setLen(0) updateToken() if result.startsWith("{\"errors"): let errors = result.fromJson(Errors) if errors in {invalidToken, forbidden, badToken}: echo "fetch error: ", errors release(token, invalid=true) raise rateLimitError()