use byteorder::{BigEndian, WriteBytesExt}; use serde::Serialize; use std::io::Write; use std::mem::size_of; use crate::mp4box::*; #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Default, Serialize)] pub struct TrunBox { pub version: u8, pub flags: u32, pub sample_count: u32, pub data_offset: Option, pub first_sample_flags: Option, #[serde(skip_serializing)] pub sample_durations: Vec, #[serde(skip_serializing)] pub sample_sizes: Vec, #[serde(skip_serializing)] pub sample_flags: Vec, #[serde(skip_serializing)] pub sample_cts: Vec, } impl TrunBox { pub const FLAG_DATA_OFFSET: u32 = 0x01; pub const FLAG_FIRST_SAMPLE_FLAGS: u32 = 0x04; pub const FLAG_SAMPLE_DURATION: u32 = 0x100; pub const FLAG_SAMPLE_SIZE: u32 = 0x200; pub const FLAG_SAMPLE_FLAGS: u32 = 0x400; pub const FLAG_SAMPLE_CTS: u32 = 0x800; pub fn get_type(&self) -> BoxType { BoxType::TrunBox } pub fn get_size(&self) -> u64 { let mut sum = HEADER_SIZE + HEADER_EXT_SIZE + 4; if TrunBox::FLAG_DATA_OFFSET & self.flags > 0 { sum += 4; } if TrunBox::FLAG_FIRST_SAMPLE_FLAGS & self.flags > 0 { sum += 4; } if TrunBox::FLAG_SAMPLE_DURATION & self.flags > 0 { sum += 4 * self.sample_count as u64; } if TrunBox::FLAG_SAMPLE_SIZE & self.flags > 0 { sum += 4 * self.sample_count as u64; } if TrunBox::FLAG_SAMPLE_FLAGS & self.flags > 0 { sum += 4 * self.sample_count as u64; } if TrunBox::FLAG_SAMPLE_CTS & self.flags > 0 { sum += 4 * self.sample_count as u64; } sum } } impl Mp4Box for TrunBox { const TYPE: BoxType = BoxType::TrunBox; fn box_size(&self) -> u64 { self.get_size() } fn to_json(&self) -> Result { Ok(serde_json::to_string(&self).unwrap()) } fn summary(&self) -> Result { let s = format!("sample_size={}", self.sample_count); Ok(s) } } impl BlockReader for TrunBox { fn read_block<'a>(reader: &mut impl Reader<'a>) -> Result { let (version, flags) = read_box_header_ext(reader); let sample_size = if TrunBox::FLAG_SAMPLE_DURATION & flags > 0 { size_of::() } else { 0 } // sample_duration + if TrunBox::FLAG_SAMPLE_SIZE & flags > 0 { size_of::() } else { 0 } // sample_size + if TrunBox::FLAG_SAMPLE_FLAGS & flags > 0 { size_of::() } else { 0 } // sample_flags + if TrunBox::FLAG_SAMPLE_CTS & flags > 0 { size_of::() } else { 0 }; // sample_composition_time_offset let sample_count = reader.get_u32(); let data_offset = if TrunBox::FLAG_DATA_OFFSET & flags > 0 { Some(reader.try_get_i32()?) } else { None }; let first_sample_flags = if TrunBox::FLAG_FIRST_SAMPLE_FLAGS & flags > 0 { Some(reader.try_get_u32()?) } else { None }; let mut sample_durations = Vec::new(); let mut sample_sizes = Vec::new(); let mut sample_flags = Vec::new(); let mut sample_cts = Vec::new(); if sample_count as usize * sample_size > reader.remaining() { return Err(Error::InvalidData( "trun sample_count indicates more values than could fit in the box", )); } if TrunBox::FLAG_SAMPLE_DURATION & flags > 0 { sample_durations.reserve(sample_count as usize); } if TrunBox::FLAG_SAMPLE_SIZE & flags > 0 { sample_sizes.reserve(sample_count as usize); } if TrunBox::FLAG_SAMPLE_FLAGS & flags > 0 { sample_flags.reserve(sample_count as usize); } if TrunBox::FLAG_SAMPLE_CTS & flags > 0 { sample_cts.reserve(sample_count as usize); } for _ in 0..sample_count { if TrunBox::FLAG_SAMPLE_DURATION & flags > 0 { let duration = reader.get_u32(); sample_durations.push(duration); } if TrunBox::FLAG_SAMPLE_SIZE & flags > 0 { let sample_size = reader.get_u32(); sample_sizes.push(sample_size); } if TrunBox::FLAG_SAMPLE_FLAGS & flags > 0 { let sample_flag = reader.get_u32(); sample_flags.push(sample_flag); } if TrunBox::FLAG_SAMPLE_CTS & flags > 0 { let cts = reader.get_u32(); sample_cts.push(cts); } } Ok(TrunBox { version, flags, sample_count, data_offset, first_sample_flags, sample_durations, sample_sizes, sample_flags, sample_cts, }) } fn size_hint() -> usize { 8 } } impl WriteBox<&mut W> for TrunBox { fn write_box(&self, writer: &mut W) -> Result { let size = self.box_size(); BoxHeader::new(Self::TYPE, size).write(writer)?; write_box_header_ext(writer, self.version, self.flags)?; writer.write_u32::(self.sample_count)?; if let Some(v) = self.data_offset { writer.write_i32::(v)?; } if let Some(v) = self.first_sample_flags { writer.write_u32::(v)?; } if self.sample_count != self.sample_sizes.len() as u32 { return Err(Error::InvalidData("sample count out of sync")); } for i in 0..self.sample_count as usize { if TrunBox::FLAG_SAMPLE_DURATION & self.flags > 0 { writer.write_u32::(self.sample_durations[i])?; } if TrunBox::FLAG_SAMPLE_SIZE & self.flags > 0 { writer.write_u32::(self.sample_sizes[i])?; } if TrunBox::FLAG_SAMPLE_FLAGS & self.flags > 0 { writer.write_u32::(self.sample_flags[i])?; } if TrunBox::FLAG_SAMPLE_CTS & self.flags > 0 { writer.write_u32::(self.sample_cts[i])?; } } Ok(size) } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use crate::mp4box::BoxHeader; #[test] fn test_trun_same_size() { let src_box = TrunBox { version: 0, flags: 0, data_offset: None, sample_count: 0, sample_sizes: vec![], sample_flags: vec![], first_sample_flags: None, sample_durations: vec![], sample_cts: vec![], }; let mut buf = Vec::new(); src_box.write_box(&mut buf).unwrap(); assert_eq!(buf.len(), src_box.box_size() as usize); let mut reader = buf.as_slice(); let header = BoxHeader::read_sync(&mut reader).unwrap().unwrap(); assert_eq!(header.kind, BoxType::TrunBox); assert_eq!(src_box.box_size(), header.size); let dst_box = TrunBox::read_block(&mut reader).unwrap(); assert_eq!(src_box, dst_box); } #[test] fn test_trun_many_sizes() { let src_box = TrunBox { version: 0, flags: TrunBox::FLAG_SAMPLE_DURATION | TrunBox::FLAG_SAMPLE_SIZE | TrunBox::FLAG_SAMPLE_FLAGS | TrunBox::FLAG_SAMPLE_CTS, data_offset: None, sample_count: 9, sample_sizes: vec![1165, 11, 11, 8545, 10126, 10866, 9643, 9351, 7730], sample_flags: vec![1165, 11, 11, 8545, 10126, 10866, 9643, 9351, 7730], first_sample_flags: None, sample_durations: vec![1165, 11, 11, 8545, 10126, 10866, 9643, 9351, 7730], sample_cts: vec![1165, 11, 11, 8545, 10126, 10866, 9643, 9351, 7730], }; let mut buf = Vec::new(); src_box.write_box(&mut buf).unwrap(); assert_eq!(buf.len(), src_box.box_size() as usize); let mut reader = buf.as_slice(); let header = BoxHeader::read_sync(&mut reader).unwrap().unwrap(); assert_eq!(header.kind, BoxType::TrunBox); assert_eq!(src_box.box_size(), header.size); let dst_box = TrunBox::read_block(&mut reader).unwrap(); assert_eq!(src_box, dst_box); } }