metatext/Action Extension/ActionExtensionViewController.swift
2022-11-20 17:18:53 -08:00

67 lines
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// Copyright © 2022 Metabolist. All rights reserved.
import MobileCoreServices
import UIKit
import UniformTypeIdentifiers
/// Let the user open a URL that might be a Mastodon profile or post in Metatext.
/// Should activate for one or more web URLs, but will only do anything with the first..
class ActionExtensionViewController: UIViewController {
/// Extensions aren't allowed to call `UIApplication.shared
/// and thus don't have direct access to its `openURL` method.
/// `self.extensionContext?.open(<#T##URL: URL##URL#>)` only works for Today extensions.
/// As a workaround, we find a parent responder that has an `openURL(_:)` method.
/// This will be `UIApplication`. It's cursed, but it uses public APIs and works.
/// See <>.
private func open(url: URL) {
var responder: UIResponder? = self as UIResponder
let selector = #selector(openURL(_:))
while responder != nil {
if responder!.responds(to: selector) && responder != self {
responder!.perform(selector, with: url)
responder = responder?.next
/// Only exists so we can create a selector from it.
@objc private func openURL(_ url: URL) {
/// This extension has no actual UI, so we act on extension input items as soon as we load.
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Find the first URL or thing coerceable to a URL.
for item in self.extensionContext!.inputItems as? [NSExtensionItem] ?? [] {
for provider in item.attachments! where provider.hasItemConformingToTypeIdentifier(UTType.url.identifier) {
_ = provider.loadObject(ofClass: URL.self) { (url, error) in
OperationQueue.main.addOperation {
if let error = error {
self.extensionContext!.cancelRequest(withError: error)
} else if let url = url {
// Create a `metatext:search?url=https` URL from our web URL.
var urlBuilder = URLComponents()
urlBuilder.scheme = "metatext"
urlBuilder.path = "search"
urlBuilder.queryItems = [.init(name: "url", value: url.absoluteString)]
let metatextURL = urlBuilder.url! metatextURL)
self.extensionContext!.completeRequest(returningItems: [])
} else {
// Should never happen. Return a generic not-found error.
self.extensionContext!.cancelRequest(withError: CocoaError(.fileNoSuchFile))
// We do not attempt to handle multiple URLs.
// No URLs. Return a generic not-found error.
self.extensionContext!.cancelRequest(withError: CocoaError(.fileNoSuchFile))