// Copyright © 2020 Metabolist. All rights reserved. import Combine import Foundation import Mastodon import ServiceLayer // swiftlint:disable file_length public class CollectionItemsViewModel: ObservableObject { public let identityContext: IdentityContext @Published public var alertItem: AlertItem? public private(set) var nextPageMaxId: String? @Published private var lastUpdate = CollectionUpdate.empty private let collectionService: CollectionService private var viewModelCache = [CollectionItem: Any]() private let eventsSubject = PassthroughSubject, Never>() private let loadingSubject = PassthroughSubject() private let expandAllSubject: CurrentValueSubject private let searchScopeChangesSubject = PassthroughSubject() private var topVisibleIndexPath = IndexPath(item: 0, section: 0) private let lastReadId = CurrentValueSubject(nil) private var lastSelectedLoadMore: LoadMore? private var localLastReadId: CollectionItem.Id? private var markerLastReadId: CollectionItem.Id? private var cancellables = Set() private var requestCancellables = Set() // swiftlint:disable:next function_body_length public init(collectionService: CollectionService, identityContext: IdentityContext) { self.collectionService = collectionService self.identityContext = identityContext expandAllSubject = CurrentValueSubject( collectionService is ContextService && !identityContext.identity.preferences.readingExpandSpoilers ? .expand : .hidden) collectionService.sections .handleEvents(receiveOutput: { [weak self] in self?.process(sections: $0) }) .receive(on: DispatchQueue.main) .assignErrorsToAlertItem(to: \.alertItem, on: self) .sink { _ in } .store(in: &cancellables) collectionService.nextPageMaxId .sink { [weak self] in self?.nextPageMaxId = $0 } .store(in: &cancellables) collectionService.accountIdsForRelationships .filter { !$0.isEmpty } .flatMap(identityContext.service.requestRelationships(ids:)) .catch { _ in Empty().setFailureType(to: Never.self) } .sink { _ in } .store(in: &cancellables) let debouncedLastReadId = lastReadId .compactMap { $0 } .removeDuplicates() .debounce(for: .seconds(Self.lastReadIdDebounceInterval), scheduler: DispatchQueue.global()) .share() debouncedLastReadId .filter { [weak self] in guard let markerLastReadId = self?.markerLastReadId else { return false } return $0 > markerLastReadId } .flatMap { collectionService.setMarkerLastReadId($0) } .receive(on: DispatchQueue.main) .sink { _ in } receiveValue: { [weak self] in self?.markerLastReadId = $0 } .store(in: &cancellables) if let timeline = collectionService.positionTimeline { if identityContext.appPreferences.positionBehavior(timeline: timeline) == .localRememberPosition { localLastReadId = identityContext.service.getLocalLastReadId(timeline: timeline) } debouncedLastReadId .filter { _ in identityContext.appPreferences.positionBehavior(timeline: timeline) == .localRememberPosition } .flatMap { identityContext.service.setLocalLastReadId($0, timeline: timeline) } .sink { _ in } receiveValue: { _ in } .store(in: &cancellables) } } public var updates: AnyPublisher { $lastUpdate.eraseToAnyPublisher() } public func requestNextPage(fromIndexPath indexPath: IndexPath) { guard let maxId = collectionService.preferLastPresentIdOverNextPageMaxId ? lastUpdate.sections[indexPath.section].items[indexPath.item].itemId : nextPageMaxId else { return } request(maxId: maxId, minId: nil, search: nil) } // swiftlint:disable:next function_body_length cyclomatic_complexity public func viewModel(indexPath: IndexPath) -> Any { let item = lastUpdate.sections[indexPath.section].items[indexPath.item] let cachedViewModel = viewModelCache[item] switch item { case let .status(status, configuration, relationship): let viewModel: StatusViewModel if let cachedViewModel = cachedViewModel as? StatusViewModel { viewModel = cachedViewModel } else { viewModel = .init( statusService: collectionService.navigationService.statusService(status: status), identityContext: identityContext, eventsSubject: eventsSubject) viewModelCache[item] = viewModel } viewModel.configuration = configuration viewModel.accountViewModel.relationship = relationship return viewModel case let .loadMore(loadMore): if let cachedViewModel = cachedViewModel { return cachedViewModel } let viewModel = LoadMoreViewModel( loadMoreService: collectionService.navigationService.loadMoreService(loadMore: loadMore), eventsSubject: eventsSubject, identityContext: identityContext) viewModelCache[item] = viewModel return viewModel case let .account(account, configuration, relationship): let viewModel: AccountViewModel if let cachedViewModel = cachedViewModel as? AccountViewModel { viewModel = cachedViewModel } else { viewModel = AccountViewModel( accountService: collectionService.navigationService.accountService(account: account), identityContext: identityContext, eventsSubject: eventsSubject) viewModelCache[item] = viewModel } viewModel.configuration = configuration viewModel.relationship = relationship return viewModel case let .notification(notification, statusConfiguration): let viewModel: Any if let cachedViewModel = cachedViewModel { viewModel = cachedViewModel } else if let status = notification.status, let statusConfiguration = statusConfiguration { let statusViewModel = StatusViewModel( statusService: collectionService.navigationService.statusService(status: status), identityContext: identityContext, eventsSubject: eventsSubject) statusViewModel.configuration = statusConfiguration viewModel = statusViewModel viewModelCache[item] = viewModel } else { viewModel = NotificationViewModel( notificationService: collectionService.navigationService.notificationService( notification: notification), identityContext: identityContext, eventsSubject: eventsSubject) viewModelCache[item] = viewModel } return viewModel case let .conversation(conversation): if let cachedViewModel = cachedViewModel { return cachedViewModel } let viewModel = ConversationViewModel( conversationService: collectionService.navigationService.conversationService( conversation: conversation), identityContext: identityContext) viewModelCache[item] = viewModel return viewModel case let .tag(tag): if let cachedViewModel = cachedViewModel { return cachedViewModel } let viewModel = TagViewModel(tag: tag, identityContext: identityContext) viewModelCache[item] = viewModel return viewModel case let .moreResults(moreResults): if let cachedViewModel = cachedViewModel { return cachedViewModel } let viewModel = MoreResultsViewModel(moreResults: moreResults) viewModelCache[item] = viewModel return viewModel } } } extension CollectionItemsViewModel: CollectionViewModel { public var title: AnyPublisher { collectionService.title } public var titleLocalizationComponents: AnyPublisher<[String], Never> { collectionService.titleLocalizationComponents } public var expandAll: AnyPublisher { expandAllSubject.eraseToAnyPublisher() } public var alertItems: AnyPublisher { $alertItem.compactMap { $0 }.eraseToAnyPublisher() } public var loading: AnyPublisher { loadingSubject.eraseToAnyPublisher() } public var events: AnyPublisher { eventsSubject.flatMap { [weak self] eventPublisher -> AnyPublisher in guard let self = self else { return Empty().eraseToAnyPublisher() } return eventPublisher.assignErrorsToAlertItem(to: \.alertItem, on: self).eraseToAnyPublisher() } .eraseToAnyPublisher() } public var searchScopeChanges: AnyPublisher { searchScopeChangesSubject.eraseToAnyPublisher() } public var canRefresh: Bool { collectionService.canRefresh } public var announcesNewItems: Bool { collectionService.announcesNewItems } public func request(maxId: String? = nil, minId: String? = nil, search: Search?) { collectionService.request(maxId: realMaxId(maxId: maxId), minId: minId, search: search) .receive(on: DispatchQueue.main) .assignErrorsToAlertItem(to: \.alertItem, on: self) .handleEvents( receiveSubscription: { [weak self] _ in self?.loadingSubject.send(true) }, receiveCompletion: { [weak self] _ in self?.loadingSubject.send(false) }) .sink { _ in } .store(in: &requestCancellables) collectionService.requestMarkerLastReadId() .sink { _ in } receiveValue: { [weak self] in self?.markerLastReadId = $0 } .store(in: &cancellables) } public func cancelRequests() { for cancellable in requestCancellables { cancellable.cancel() } } public func select(indexPath: IndexPath) { let item = lastUpdate.sections[indexPath.section].items[indexPath.item] switch item { case let .status(status, _, _): send(event: .navigation(.collection(collectionService .navigationService .contextService(id: status.displayStatus.id)))) case let .loadMore(loadMore): lastSelectedLoadMore = loadMore (viewModel(indexPath: indexPath) as? LoadMoreViewModel)?.loadMore() case let .account(account, _, relationship): send(event: .navigation(.profile(collectionService .navigationService .profileService(account: account, relationship: relationship)))) case let .notification(notification, _): if let status = notification.status { send(event: .navigation(.collection(collectionService .navigationService .contextService(id: status.displayStatus.id)))) } else { send(event: .navigation(.profile(collectionService .navigationService .profileService(account: notification.account)))) } case let .conversation(conversation): guard let status = conversation.lastStatus else { break } (collectionService as? ConversationsService)?.markConversationAsRead(id: conversation.id) .sink { _ in } receiveValue: { _ in } .store(in: &cancellables) send(event: .navigation(.collection(collectionService .navigationService .contextService(id: status.displayStatus.id)))) case let .tag(tag): send(event: .navigation(.collection(collectionService .navigationService .timelineService(timeline: .tag(tag.name))))) case let .moreResults(moreResults): searchScopeChangesSubject.send(moreResults.scope) } } public func viewedAtTop(indexPath: IndexPath) { topVisibleIndexPath = indexPath if lastUpdate.sections.count > indexPath.section, lastUpdate.sections[indexPath.section].items.count > indexPath.item { lastReadId.send(lastUpdate.sections[indexPath.section].items[indexPath.item].itemId) } } public func canSelect(indexPath: IndexPath) -> Bool { switch lastUpdate.sections[indexPath.section].items[indexPath.item] { case let .status(_, configuration, _): return !configuration.isContextParent case .loadMore: return !((viewModel(indexPath: indexPath) as? LoadMoreViewModel)?.loading ?? false) default: return true } } public func toggleExpandAll() { let statusIds = Set(lastUpdate.sections.map(\.items).reduce([], +).compactMap { item -> Status.Id? in guard case let .status(status, _, _) = item else { return nil } return status.id }) switch expandAllSubject.value { case .hidden: break case .expand: (collectionService as? ContextService)?.expand(ids: statusIds) .assignErrorsToAlertItem(to: \.alertItem, on: self) .collect() .sink { [weak self] _ in self?.expandAllSubject.send(.collapse) } .store(in: &cancellables) case .collapse: (collectionService as? ContextService)?.collapse(ids: statusIds) .assignErrorsToAlertItem(to: \.alertItem, on: self) .collect() .sink { [weak self] _ in self?.expandAllSubject.send(.expand) } .store(in: &cancellables) } } public func applyAccountListEdit(viewModel: AccountViewModel, edit: CollectionItemEvent.AccountListEdit) { (collectionService as? AccountListService)?.remove(id: viewModel.id) .sink { _ in } receiveValue: { _ in } .store(in: &cancellables) switch edit { case .acceptFollowRequest, .rejectFollowRequest: identityContext.service.verifyCredentials() .assignErrorsToAlertItem(to: \.alertItem, on: self) .sink { _ in } .store(in: &cancellables) } } } extension CollectionItemsViewModel { func sendDirectMessage(accountViewModel: AccountViewModel) { eventsSubject.send( Just(.compose(directMessageTo: accountViewModel)) .setFailureType(to: Error.self) .eraseToAnyPublisher()) } } private extension CollectionItemsViewModel { private static let lastReadIdDebounceInterval: TimeInterval = 0.5 func send(event: CollectionItemEvent) { eventsSubject.send(Just(event).setFailureType(to: Error.self).eraseToAnyPublisher()) } var lastUpdateWasContextParentOnly: Bool { collectionService is ContextService && lastUpdate.sections.map(\.items).map(\.count) == [0, 1, 0] } func process(sections: [CollectionSection]) { let items = sections.map(\.items).reduce([], +) let itemsSet = Set(items) self.lastUpdate = .init( sections: sections, maintainScrollPositionItemId: idForScrollPositionMaintenance(newSections: sections), shouldAdjustContentInset: lastUpdateWasContextParentOnly && items.count > 1) viewModelCache = viewModelCache.filter { itemsSet.contains($0.key) } } func realMaxId(maxId: String?) -> String? { guard let maxId = maxId else { return nil } guard let timeline = collectionService.positionTimeline, identityContext.appPreferences.positionBehavior(timeline: timeline) == .localRememberPosition, let lastItemId = lastUpdate.sections.last?.items.last?.itemId else { return maxId } return min(maxId, lastItemId) } func idForScrollPositionMaintenance(newSections: [CollectionSection]) -> CollectionItem.Id? { let items = lastUpdate.sections.map(\.items).reduce([], +) let newItems = newSections.map(\.items).reduce([], +) if let itemId = localLastReadId, newItems.contains(where: { $0.itemId == itemId }) { localLastReadId = nil return itemId } if collectionService is ContextService, lastUpdate.sections.isEmpty || lastUpdate.sections.map(\.items.count) == [0, 1, 0], let contextParent = newItems.first(where: { guard case let .status(_, configuration, _) = $0 else { return false } return configuration.isContextParent // Maintain scroll position of parent after initial load of context }) { return contextParent.itemId } else if collectionService is TimelineService || collectionService is NotificationsService { let difference = newItems.difference(from: items) if let lastSelectedLoadMore = lastSelectedLoadMore { for removal in difference.removals { if case let .remove(_, item, _) = removal, case let .loadMore(loadMore) = item, loadMore == lastSelectedLoadMore, let direction = (viewModelCache[item] as? LoadMoreViewModel)?.direction, direction == .up, let statusAfterLoadMore = items.first(where: { guard case let .status(status, _, _) = $0 else { return false } return status.id == loadMore.beforeStatusId }) { return statusAfterLoadMore.itemId } } } if lastUpdate.sections.count > topVisibleIndexPath.section, lastUpdate.sections[topVisibleIndexPath.section].items.count > topVisibleIndexPath.item { let topVisibleItem = lastUpdate.sections[topVisibleIndexPath.section].items[topVisibleIndexPath.item] if newSections.count > topVisibleIndexPath.section, let newIndex = newSections[topVisibleIndexPath.section] .items.firstIndex(where: { $0.itemId == topVisibleItem.itemId }), newIndex > topVisibleIndexPath.item { return topVisibleItem.itemId } } } return nil } } // swiftlint:enable file_length