CrowdIn updates

This commit is contained in:
Justin Mazzocchi 2021-03-29 18:16:37 -07:00
parent b49426c956
commit d0709f718c
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: E223E6937AAFB01C
3 changed files with 525 additions and 0 deletions

View file

@ -0,0 +1,346 @@
// Copyright © 2020 Metabolist. All rights reserved.
"about" = "关于";
"about.acknowledgments" = "致谢";
"about.made-by-metabolist" = "由 Metabolist 制造";
"about.official-account" = "官方账号";
"about.rate-the-app" = "给应用评分";
"about.source-code-and-issue-tracker" = "源代码与问题跟踪器";
"about.translations" = "翻译";
"" = "网址";
"accessibility.activate-link-%@" = "链接: %@";
"accessibility.copy-text" = "复制文字";
"account.%@-followers" = "%@的关注者";
"account.accept-follow-request-button.accessibility-label" = "接受关注请求";
"account.add-remove-lists" = "从列表中添加/移除";
"account.avatar.accessibility-label-%@" = "头像: %@";
"account.block" = "屏蔽";
"account.block-and-report" = "屏蔽与报告";
"account.block.confirm-%@" = "屏蔽 %@ 吗?";
"account.blocked" = "已屏蔽";
"" = "私信";
"account.domain-block-%@" = "屏蔽域名 %@";
"account.domain-block.confirm-%@" = "屏蔽域名 %@ 吗?";
"account.domain-unblock-%@" = "取消屏蔽域名 %@";
"account.domain-unblock.confirm-%@" = "取消屏蔽域名 %@ 吗?";
"account.field.verified-%@" = "已验证 %@";
"account.follow" = "关注";
"account.following" = "已关注";
"account.following-count-%ld" = "%ld 个关注";
"account.followed-by-%@" = "被 %@ 关注";
"account.follows-you" = "关注了你";
"account.header.accessibility-label-%@" = "页眉图像: %@";
"account.hide-reblogs" = "隐藏转发";
"account.hide-reblogs.confirm-%@" = "隐藏来自 %@ 的转发?";
"account.joined-%@" = "加入于 %@";
"account.locked.accessibility-label" = "已上锁账户";
"account.mute" = "静音";
"account.mute.indefinite" = "无限期";
"account.mute.confirm-%@" = "确定要静音 %@ 吗?";
"account.mute.confirm.explanation" = "这将隐藏她的帖子和提到她的帖子,但仍然允许她看到你的帖子并关注你。";
"account.mute.confirm.hide-notifications" = "隐藏来自此用户的通知吗?";
"account.mute.confirm.duration" = "期限";
"" = "将 %@ 静音";
"account.muted" = "已静音";
"account.notify" = "开启通知";
"account.reject-follow-request-button.accessibility-label" = "拒绝关注请求";
"account.request" = "发起关注请求";
"account.request.cancel" = "取消关注请求";
"" = "帖子";
"account.statuses.toot" = "嘟文";
"" = "帖子与回复";
"account.statuses-and-replies.toot" = "嘟文与回复";
"" = "媒体";
"" = "显示转发";
"" = "显示来自 %@ 的转发?";
"account.unavailable" = "个人资料不可用";
"account.unblock" = "解除屏蔽";
"account.unblock.confirm-%@" = "解除屏蔽 %@ 吗?";
"account.unfollow.confirm-%@" = "取消关注 %@ 吗?";
"account.unmute" = "解除静音";
"account.unmute.confirm-%@" = "解除静音 %@ 吗?";
"account.unnotify" = "关闭通知";
"" = "使用默认浏览器打开";
"add" = "新增";
"api-error.unable-to-fetch-remote-status" = "无法获取远程状态";
"apns-default-message" = "新的通知";
"app-icon.brutalist" = "粗犷";
"app-icon.rainbow-brutalist" = "粗犷之虹";
"app-icon.classic" = "经典";
"app-icon.rainbow" = "彩虹";
"add-identity.instance-url" = "实例网址";
"add-identity.log-in" = "登录";
"add-identity.browse" = "浏览";
"add-identity.instance-not-supported" = "为了向所有用户提供安全的体验并遵守App Store 审核准则,该实例不可用。";
"add-identity.join" = "加入";
"add-identity.prompt" = "输入 Mastodon 实例的网址:";
"add-identity.request-invite" = "请求一个邀请";
"add-identity.unable-to-connect-to-instance" = "无法连接实例";
"add-identity.welcome" = "欢迎使用Metatext";
"add-identity.what-is-mastodon" = "什么是Mastodon";
"attachment.edit.description" = "为视力障碍者描述";
"" = "为听力丧失者描述";
"" = "为听力丧失或视力受损者描述";
"attachment.edit.detect-text-from-picture" = "从图片中检测文字";
"attachment.edit.title" = "编辑媒体";
"attachment.edit.thumbnail.prompt" = "在预览上拖动圆圈以选择在所有缩略图上始终显示的协调点";
"attachment.sensitive-content" = "敏感内容";
"" = "媒体已隐藏";
"attachment.type.image" = "图片";
"" = "音频文件";
"" = "视频";
"attachment.type.unknown" = "附件";
"attachment.unable-to-export-media" = "无法导出媒体";
"bookmarks" = "书签";
"" = "链接";
"camera-access.title" = "需要相机访问权限";
"camera-access.description" = "打开系统设置允许相机访问权限";
"" = "打开系统设置";
"cancel" = "取消";
"" = "添加另一篇帖子";
"compose.add-button-accessibility-label.toot" = "添加另一篇嘟文";
"compose.attachment.cancel-upload.accessibility-label" = "取消上传附件";
"compose.attachment.edit" = "编辑附件";
"compose.attachment.remove" = "移除附件";
"compose.attachment.uncaptioned" = "无标题";
"compose.attachment.uploading" = "正在上传";
"compose.attachments-button.accessibility-label" = "添加附件";
"compose.attachments-will-be-discarded" = "更改帐户时附件将被丢弃";
"compose.browse" = "浏览";
"compose.characters-remaining-accessibility-label-%ld" = "剩余 %ld 个字符";
"compose.change-identity-button.accessibility-hint" = "点击用另一个帐户发布";
"compose.content-warning-button.add" = "添加内容预警";
"compose.content-warning-button.remove" = "移除内容预警";
"compose.emoji-button" = "表情选择器";
"compose.mark-media-sensitive" = "将媒体标记为敏感的";
"" = "照片库";
"compose.poll.accessibility.multiple-choices-allowed" = "已允许多选";
"compose.poll.add-choice" = "添加一个选择";
"compose.poll.allow-multiple-choices" = "允许多选";
"compose.poll-button.accessibility-label" = "添加投票";
"compose.prompt" = "何事沉吟?";
"compose.take-photo-or-video" = "拍摄照片或视频";
"compose.visibility-button.accessibility-label-%@" = "隐私: %@";
"" = "撰写帖子";
"compose-button.accessibility-label.toot" = "撰写嘟文";
"conversation.unread" = "未读";
"dismiss" = "忽略";
"emoji.custom" = "自定义";
"emoji.default-skin-tone" = "默认肤色";
"emoji.default-skin-tone-button.accessibility-label" = "选择默认肤色";
"emoji.frequently-used" = "常用的";
"" = "搜索表情";
"emoji.system-group.smileys-and-emotion" = "表情符号和动作";
"emoji.system-group.people-and-body" = "人与机构";
"emoji.system-group.components" = "组件";
"emoji.system-group.animals-and-nature" = "动物与自然";
"" = "食品与饮料";
"" = "旅行与地点";
"emoji.system-group.activites" = "活动";
"emoji.system-group.objects" = "物体";
"emoji.system-group.symbols" = "符号";
"emoji.system-group.flags" = "标志";
"explore.trending" = "当下热议";
"explore.instance" = "实例";
"explore.profile-directory" = "个人资料目录";
"error" = "错误";
"favorites" = "赞过的";
"follow-requests" = "关注请求";
"" = "请审阅 %@ 的使用条款和隐私政策以继续";
"registration.username" = "用户名";
"" = "电子邮件";
"registration.password" = "密码";
"registration.password-confirmation" = "确认密码";
"registration.reason-%@" = "为什么想加入 %@";
"registration.server-rules" = "实例规则";
"registration.terms-of-service" = "服务条款";
"registration.agree-to-server-rules-and-terms-of-service" = "我同意实例规则和服务条款";
"registration.password-confirmation-mismatch" = "密码和确认密码不匹配";
"secondary-navigation.about" = "关于这个应用";
"secondary-navigation.accounts" = "账户";
"secondary-navigation.lists" = "列表";
"" = "我的个人资料";
"secondary-navigation.preferences" = "偏好设置";
"secondary-navigation-button.accessibility-title" = "账户菜单";
"http-error.non-http-response" = "HTTP 错误:非 HTTP 响应";
"http-error.status-code-%ld" = "HTTP 错误: %ld";
"identities.accounts" = "账户";
"identities.browsing" = "浏览中";
"identities.log-out" = "退出登录";
"identities.pending" = "待处理";
"image-error.unable-to-load" = "无法加载图片";
"" = "新建列表标题";
"load-more" = "加载更多";
"" = "从上方的帖子开始加载";
"load-more.above.accessibility.toot" = "从上方的嘟文开始加载";
"" = "从下方的帖子开始加载";
"load-more.below.accessibility.toot" = "从下方的嘟文开始加载";
"main-navigation.timelines" = "时间轴";
"main-navigation.explore" = "探索";
"main-navigation.notifications" = "通知";
"main-navigation.conversations" = "消息";
"metatext" = "Metatext";
"notification.accessibility.view-profile" = "查看个人资料";
"notification.signed-in-as-%@" = "%@ 已登录";
"" = "新的通知";
"notification.poll" = "你参与的投票已结束";
"notification.poll.own" = "你发起的投票已结束";
"notification.poll.unknown" = "投票已结束";
"notification.status-%@" = "%@ 刚刚发布";
"notifications.all" = "全部";
"notifications.mentions" = "提及";
"ok" = "确定";
"pending.pending-confirmation" = "你的帐户正在等待确认";
"post" = "帖子";
"preferences" = "偏好设置";
"" = "应用偏好设置";
"" = "应用图标";
"preferences.blocked-domains" = "已屏蔽的域名";
"preferences.blocked-users" = "已屏蔽的用户";
"" = "媒体";
"" = "头像";
"" = "动画头像";
"" = "所有位置";
"" = "个人资料中";
"" = "从不显示";
"" = "播放自定义表情动画";
"" = "播放个人资料页眉动画";
"" = "自动播放";
"" = "自动播放GIF";
"" = "自动播放视频";
"" = "始终";
"" = "当使用Wi-Fi时";
"" = "从不";
"preferences.use-preferences-from-server" = "使用服务器上的首选项";
"preferences.posting-default-visiblility" = "默认公开范围";
"preferences.posting-default-sensitive" = "默认将内容标记为敏感";
"preferences.reading-expand-media" = "展开媒体";
"preferences.expand-media.default" = "隐藏敏感内容";
"" = "显示全部";
"preferences.expand-media.hide-all" = "隐藏全部";
"preferences.reading-expand-spoilers" = "始终展开有预警的内容";
"preferences.filters" = "筛选器";
"" = "使用默认浏览器打开链接";
"preferences.links.use-universal-links" = "在已安装的应用中打开相应的链接";
"preferences.notification-types" = "通知类型";
"preferences.notification-types.follow" = "关注";
"preferences.notification-types.favourite" = "点赞";
"preferences.notification-types.follow-request" = "关注请求";
"preferences.notification-types.reblog" = "转发";
"preferences.notification-types.mention" = "提及";
"preferences.notification-types.poll" = "投票";
"preferences.notification-types.status" = "订阅";
"preferences.notifications" = "通知";
"preferences.notifications.include-account-name" = "包含账户名称";
"preferences.notifications.include-pictures" = "包含图片";
"preferences.notifications.sounds" = "音效";
"preferences.muted-users" = "已静音用户";
"preferences.home-timeline-position-on-startup" = "启动时的主页时间轴位置";
"preferences.notifications-position-on-startup" = "启动时的通知位置";
"preferences.position.remember-position" = "记住状态";
"preferences.position.newest" = "加载最新";
"preferences.require-double-tap-to-reblog" = "需要双击才能转发";
"preferences.require-double-tap-to-favorite" = "需要双击才能点赞";
"" = "显示转发与点赞的计数";
"preferences.status-word" = "表述状态用的词";
"" = "已启用";
"filters.expired" = "已过期";
"filter.add-new" = "添加新筛选器";
"filter.edit" = "编辑筛选器";
"filter.keyword-or-phrase" = "关键词或短语";
"filter.never-expires" = "永不过期";
"filter.expire-after" = "过期时间";
"filter.contexts" = "筛选上下文";
"filter.irreversible" = "丢弃而不是隐藏";
"filter.irreversible-explanation" = "即使稍后删除筛选器,被筛除的状态也将不可逆地消失。";
"filter.whole-word" = "整词";
"filter.whole-word-explanation" = "当关键字或短语只是字母和数字时,它将被当作整词匹配。";
"" = "保存更改";
"filter.context.home" = "主页时间轴";
"filter.context.notifications" = "通知";
"filter.context.public" = "公共时间轴";
"filter.context.thread" = "讨论";
"filter.context.account" = "个人资料";
"filter.context.unknown" = "未知上下文";
"more-results.accounts" = "更多用户";
"" = "更多帖子";
"more-results.statuses.toot" = "更多嘟文";
"more-results.tags" = "更多标签";
"notifications" = "通知";
"notifications.reblogged-your-status-%@" = "%@ 转发了你的状态";
"notifications.favourited-your-status-%@" = "%@ 点赞了你的状态";
"notifications.followed-you-%@" = "%@ 关注了你";
"notifications.poll-ended" = "你参与的投票已结束";
"notifications.your-poll-ended" = "你发起的投票已结束";
"notifications.unknown-%@" = "来自 %@ 的通知";
"remove" = "移除";
"report" = "举报";
"report.additional-comments" = "补充评论";
"report.hint" = "举报将发送到实例管理员。你可以解释一下举报的理由:";
"" = "举报 %@";
"report.forward.hint" = "帐户来自另一个实例,向那里发送匿名的举报副本吗?";
"report.forward-%@" = "转发举报至 %@";
"" = "选择更多要举报的帖子:";
"" = "选择更多要举报的嘟文:";
"search.scope.all" = "全部";
"search.scope.accounts" = "用户";
"" = "帖子";
"search.scope.statuses.toot" = "嘟文";
"search.scope.tags" = "标签";
"selected" = "已选择";
"send" = "发送";
"share" = "分享";
"" = "未找到账户";
"status.accessibility.view-author-profile" = "查看作者的个人资料";
"status.accessibility.view-reblogger-profile" = "查看转发者的个人资料";
"status.bookmark" = "书签";
"status.content-warning-abbreviation" = "CW";
"status.content-warning.accessibility" = "内容预警";
"status.delete" = "删除";
"" = "确定要删除此帖子?";
"status.delete.confirm.toot" = "确定要删除此嘟文?";
"status.delete-and-redraft" = "删除并重新起草";
"" = "确定要删除此帖子并重新起草吗? 点赞和转发将丢失,对原始帖子的回复将找不到原文。";
"status.delete-and-redraft.confirm.toot" = "确定要删除此嘟文并重新起草吗? 点赞和转发将丢失,对原始嘟文的回复将找不到原文。";
"status.mute" = "将讨论静音";
"" = "新建帖子";
"" = "新建嘟文";
"" = "在个人资料中置顶";
"" = "置顶帖子";
"status.pinned.toot" = "置顶嘟文";
"status.poll.accessibility-label" = "投票";
"status.poll.option-%ld" = "选项 %ld";
"" = "投票";
"status.poll.time-left-%@" = "剩余 %@";
"status.poll.refresh" = "刷新";
"status.poll.closed" = "已关闭";
"status.reblogged-by-%@" = "被 %@ 转发";
"status.reply-button.accessibility-label" = "回复";
"status.reblog-button.accessibility-label" = "转发";
"status.reblog-button.undo.accessibility-label" = "取消转发";
"status.favorite-button.accessibility-label" = "点赞";
"status.favorite-button.undo.accessibility-label" = "取消点赞";
"" = "显示正文";
"" = "显示所有正文";
"" = "隐藏正文";
"" = "隐藏所有正文";
"status.spoiler-text-placeholder" = "在此处写下预警";
"status.unbookmark" = "取消书签";
"status.unmute" = "取消讨论静音";
"status.unpin" = "取消在个人资料中的置顶";
"status.visibility.public" = "公开";
"status.visibility.unlisted" = "非公开";
"status.visibility.private" = "仅限关注者";
"" = "私信";
"status.visibility.public.description" = "所有人可见,并会出现在公共时间轴上";
"status.visibility.unlisted.description" = "所有人可见,但不会出现在公共时间轴上";
"status.visibility.private.description" = "只有关注你的用户能看到";
"" = "只有被提及的用户能看到";
"tag.accessibility-recent-uses-%ld" = "%ld 次最近使用";
"" = "查看与趋势相关的帖子";
"tag.accessibility-hint.toot" = "查看与趋势相关的嘟文";
"tag.per-week-%ld" = "每周 %ld 次";
"timelines.home" = "主页";
"timelines.local" = "本地";
"timelines.federated" = "联邦宇宙";
"toot" = "嘟文";

View file

@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
<string>%ld 位用户正在交流。</string>
<string>%ld 位用户</string>
<string>%ld 次转发</string>
<string>%ld 次点赞</string>
<string>%ld 个回复</string>
<string>%ld 篇帖子</string>
<string>%ld 篇嘟文</string>
<string>%ld 个关注者</string>
<string>%ld 张图片</string>
<string>%ld 个音频文件</string>
<string>%ld 个视频文件</string>
<string>%ld 个附件</string>

View file

@ -376,6 +376,8 @@
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D09D972125C65682007E6394 /* SeparatorConfiguredCollectionViewListCell.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = SeparatorConfiguredCollectionViewListCell.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
D0A1F4F6252E7D4B004435BF /* TableViewDataSource.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = TableViewDataSource.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
D0B275972612B31D00BEE910 /* zh-Hans */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = "zh-Hans"; path = "zh-Hans.lproj/Localizable.strings"; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
D0B275982612B31E00BEE910 /* zh-Hans */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.stringsdict; name = "zh-Hans"; path = "zh-Hans.lproj/Localizable.stringsdict"; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
D0B32F4F250B373600311912 /* RegistrationView.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = RegistrationView.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
D0B5FE9A251583DB00478838 /* ProfileCollection+Extensions.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = "ProfileCollection+Extensions.swift"; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
D0B8510B25259E56004E0744 /* LoadMoreTableViewCell.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = LoadMoreTableViewCell.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
@ -1026,6 +1028,7 @@
mainGroup = D047FA7F24C3E21000AF17C5;
packageReferences = (
@ -1370,6 +1373,7 @@
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D0E93285260FBE450087CC11 /* pl */,
D0E93287260FBE550087CC11 /* es */,
D0B275972612B31D00BEE910 /* zh-Hans */,
name = Localizable.strings;
sourceTree = "<group>";
@ -1382,6 +1386,7 @@
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D0E93286260FBE450087CC11 /* pl */,
D0E93288260FBE550087CC11 /* es */,
D0B275982612B31E00BEE910 /* zh-Hans */,
name = Localizable.stringsdict;
sourceTree = "<group>";