New translations Localizable.strings (German)

This commit is contained in:
Justin Mazzocchi 2021-03-23 21:55:05 -07:00
parent 52d1010534
commit 3577b6e832

View file

@ -1,343 +1,344 @@
// Copyright © 2020 Metabolist. All rights reserved.
"about" = "Über";
"about.acknowledgments" = "Danksagungen";
"about" = "About";
"about.acknowledgments" = "Acknowledgments";
"about.made-by-metabolist" = "Made by Metabolist";
"about.official-account" = "Offizieller Account";
"about.rate-the-app" = "Die App bewerten";
"about.source-code-and-issue-tracker" = "Quellcode & Fehler Tracker";
"" = "Webseite";
"about.official-account" = "Official Account";
"about.rate-the-app" = "Rate the app";
"about.source-code-and-issue-tracker" = "Source Code & Issue Tracker";
"" = "Website";
"accessibility.activate-link-%@" = "Link: %@";
"accessibility.copy-text" = "Kopiere Text";
"account.%@-followers" = "%@'s Folgende";
"account.accept-follow-request-button.accessibility-label" = "Folgeanfrage annehmen";
"account.add-remove-lists" = "Hinzufügen/Entfernen aus Listen";
"accessibility.copy-text" = "Copy text";
"account.%@-followers" = "%@'s Followers";
"account.accept-follow-request-button.accessibility-label" = "Accept follow request";
"account.add-remove-lists" = "Add/remove from lists";
"account.avatar.accessibility-label-%@" = "Avatar: %@";
"account.block" = "Sperren";
"account.block-and-report" = "Sperren & melden";
"account.block.confirm-%@" = "Sperre %@?";
"account.blocked" = "Gesperrt";
"" = "Direktnachricht";
"account.domain-block-%@" = "Sperre Domain %@";
"account.domain-block.confirm-%@" = "Sperre Domain %@?";
"account.domain-unblock-%@" = "Entsperre Domain %@";
"account.domain-unblock.confirm-%@" = "Entsperre Domain %@?";
"account.field.verified-%@" = "Verifiziere %@";
"account.follow" = "Folgen";
"account.following" = "Folgen";
"account.following-count-%ld" = "%ld werden gefolgt";
"account.followed-by-%@" = "Gefolgt von %@";
"account.follows-you" = "Folgt dir";
"account.header.accessibility-label-%@" = "Banner: %@";
"account.hide-reblogs" = "Verstecke Boosts";
"account.hide-reblogs.confirm-%@" = "Verstecke Boosts von %@?";
"account.joined-%@" = "%@ beigetreten";
"account.locked.accessibility-label" = "Gesperrter Account";
"account.mute" = "Stumm";
"account.mute.indefinite" = "Unbegrenzt";
"account.mute.confirm-%@" = "Bist du sicher das du %@ stummschalten willst?";
"account.mute.confirm.explanation" = "Dies wird Beiträge von ihnen bzw Beiträge die sie erwähnen ausblenden, aber deine Beiträge können immer noch gesehen werden und sie können dir weiterhin folgen.";
"account.mute.confirm.hide-notifications" = "Mitteilungen von diesem Nutzer ausblenden?";
"account.mute.confirm.duration" = "Dauer";
"" = "%@ stummschalten";
"account.muted" = "Stummgeschaltet";
"account.notify" = "Mitteilungen einschalten";
"account.reject-follow-request-button.accessibility-label" = "Anfrage zum Folgen ablehnen";
"account.request" = "Anfrage";
"account.request.cancel" = "Anfrage zum Folgen abbrechen";
"" = "Beiträge";
"account.block" = "Block";
"account.block-and-report" = "Block & report";
"account.block.confirm-%@" = "Block %@?";
"account.blocked" = "Blocked";
"" = "Direct message";
"account.domain-block-%@" = "Block domain %@";
"account.domain-block.confirm-%@" = "Block domain %@?";
"account.domain-unblock-%@" = "Unblock domain %@";
"account.domain-unblock.confirm-%@" = "Unblock domain %@?";
"account.field.verified-%@" = "Verified %@";
"account.follow" = "Follow";
"account.following" = "Following";
"account.following-count-%ld" = "%ld Following";
"account.followed-by-%@" = "Followed by %@";
"account.follows-you" = "Follows you";
"account.header.accessibility-label-%@" = "Header image: %@";
"account.hide-reblogs" = "Hide boosts";
"account.hide-reblogs.confirm-%@" = "Hide boosts from %@?";
"account.joined-%@" = "Joined %@";
"account.locked.accessibility-label" = "Locked account";
"account.mute" = "Mute";
"account.mute.indefinite" = "Indefinite";
"account.mute.confirm-%@" = "Are you sure you want to mute %@?";
"account.mute.confirm.explanation" = "This will hide posts from them and posts mentioning them, but it will still allow them to see your posts and follow you.";
"account.mute.confirm.hide-notifications" = "Hide notifications from this user?";
"account.mute.confirm.duration" = "Duration";
"" = "Mute %@";
"account.muted" = "Muted";
"account.notify" = "Turn on notifications";
"account.reject-follow-request-button.accessibility-label" = "Reject follow request";
"account.request" = "Request";
"account.request.cancel" = "Cancel follow request";
"" = "Posts";
"account.statuses.toot" = "Toots";
"" = "Beiträge & Antworten";
"account.statuses-and-replies.toot" = "Toots & Antworten";
"" = "Medien";
"" = "Zeige Boosts";
"" = "Zeige Boosts von %@?";
"account.unavailable" = "Profile nicht verfügbar";
"account.unblock" = "Entsperren";
"account.unblock.confirm-%@" = "%@ entsperren?";
"account.unfollow.confirm-%@" = "%@ entfolgen?";
"account.unmute" = "laut schalten";
"account.unmute.confirm-%@" = "%@ laut schalten?";
"account.unnotify" = "Mitteilungen ausschalten";
"" = "Im Standardbrowser öffnen";
"add" = "Hinzufügen";
"apns-default-message" = "Neue Mitteilungen";
"" = "Posts & Replies";
"account.statuses-and-replies.toot" = "Toots & Replies";
"" = "Media";
"" = "Show boosts";
"" = "Show boosts from %@?";
"account.unavailable" = "Profile unavailable";
"account.unblock" = "Unblock";
"account.unblock.confirm-%@" = "Unblock %@?";
"account.unfollow.confirm-%@" = "Unfollow %@?";
"account.unmute" = "Unmute";
"account.unmute.confirm-%@" = "Unmute %@?";
"account.unnotify" = "Turn off notifications";
"" = "Open in default browser";
"add" = "Add";
"api-error.unable-to-fetch-remote-status" = "Unable to fetch remote status";
"apns-default-message" = "New notification";
"app-icon.brutalist" = "Brutalist";
"app-icon.rainbow-brutalist" = "Regenbogen Brutalist";
"app-icon.classic" = "Klassisch";
"app-icon.rainbow" = "Regenbogen";
"add-identity.instance-url" = "Instanz URL";
"add-identity.log-in" = "Einloggen";
"add-identity.browse" = "Durchsuchen";
"add-identity.instance-not-supported" = "Um allen Benutzern ein sicheres Erlebnis zu bieten und die App Store Review Guidelines einzuhalten, wird diese Instanz nicht unterstützt.";
"add-identity.join" = "Beitreten";
"add-identity.prompt" = "Geben Sie die URL der Mastodon-Instanz ein, mit der Sie sich verbinden möchten:";
"add-identity.request-invite" = "Einladung anfordern";
"add-identity.unable-to-connect-to-instance" = "Verbindung zur Instanz kann nicht hergestellt werden";
"add-identity.welcome" = "Willkommen zu Metatext";
"add-identity.what-is-mastodon" = "Was ist Mastodon?";
"attachment.edit.description" = "Beschreiben Sie für Sehbehinderte";
"" = "Beschreiben Sie für Menschen mit Hörverlust";
"" = "Beschreiben Sie für Menschen mit Hör- oder Sehbehinderung";
"attachment.edit.title" = "Medien bearbeiten";
"attachment.edit.thumbnail.prompt" = "Ziehen Sie den Kreis in der Vorschau auf den Punkt, welcher in allen Vorschaubildern sichtbar seinen soll.";
"attachment.sensitive-content" = "Heikler Inhalt";
"" = "Versteckte Medien";
"attachment.type.image" = "Bild";
"" = "Audiodatei";
"app-icon.rainbow-brutalist" = "Rainbow Brutalist";
"app-icon.classic" = "Classic";
"app-icon.rainbow" = "Rainbow";
"add-identity.instance-url" = "Instance URL";
"add-identity.log-in" = "Log in";
"add-identity.browse" = "Browse";
"add-identity.instance-not-supported" = "In order to provide a safe experience to all users and comply with the App Store Review Guidelines, this instance is not supported.";
"add-identity.join" = "Join";
"add-identity.prompt" = "Enter the URL of the Mastodon instance you wish to connect to:";
"add-identity.request-invite" = "Request an invite";
"add-identity.unable-to-connect-to-instance" = "Unable to connect to instance";
"add-identity.welcome" = "Welcome to Metatext";
"add-identity.what-is-mastodon" = "What is Mastodon?";
"attachment.edit.description" = "Describe for the visually impaired";
"" = "Describe for people with hearing loss";
"" = "Describe for people with hearing loss or visual impairment";
"attachment.edit.title" = "Edit media";
"attachment.edit.thumbnail.prompt" = "Drag the circle on the preview to choose the focal point which will always be in view on all thumbnails";
"attachment.sensitive-content" = "Sensitive content";
"" = "Media hidden";
"attachment.type.image" = "Image";
"" = "Audio file";
"" = "Video";
"attachment.type.unknown" = "Anhang";
"attachment.unable-to-export-media" = "Medien können nicht exportiert werden";
"bookmarks" = "Lesezeichen";
"attachment.type.unknown" = "Attachment";
"attachment.unable-to-export-media" = "Unable to export media";
"bookmarks" = "Bookmarks";
"" = "Link";
"camera-access.title" = "Kamerazugriff benötigt";
"camera-access.description" = "Öffne Systemeinstellungen um Zugriff auf die Kamera zu erlauben";
"" = "Öffne Systemeinstellungen";
"cancel" = "Abbrechen";
"" = "Weiteren Beitrag hinzufügen";
"compose.add-button-accessibility-label.toot" = "Weiteren toot hinzufügen";
"compose.attachment.cancel-upload.accessibility-label" = "Hochladen des Anhangs abbrechen";
"compose.attachment.edit" = "Anhang bearbeiten";
"compose.attachment.remove" = "Anhang entfernen";
"compose.attachment.uncaptioned" = "Unbeschriftet";
"compose.attachment.uploading" = "lade hoch";
"compose.attachments-button.accessibility-label" = "Anhang hinzufügen";
"compose.attachments-will-be-discarded" = "Anhänge werden bei einem Kontenwechsel verworfen";
"compose.browse" = "Durchsuchen";
"compose.characters-remaining-accessibility-label-%ld" = "%ld verbleibende Zeichen";
"compose.change-identity-button.accessibility-hint" = "Antippen um mit einem anderen Konto zu posten";
"compose.content-warning-button.add" = "Inhaltswarnung hinzufügen";
"compose.content-warning-button.remove" = "Inhaltswarnung entfernen";
"compose.emoji-button" = "Emoji-Auswahl";
"compose.mark-media-sensitive" = "Medien als heikel markieren";
"" = "Fotobibliothek";
"compose.poll.accessibility.multiple-choices-allowed" = "Mehrfachauswahl erlaubt";
"compose.poll.add-choice" = "Hinzufügen";
"compose.poll.allow-multiple-choices" = "Mehrfachauswahl erlauben";
"compose.poll-button.accessibility-label" = "Umfrage hinzufügen";
"compose.prompt" = "Woran denken Sie?";
"compose.take-photo-or-video" = "Foto oder Video aufnehmen";
"compose.visibility-button.accessibility-label-%@" = "Privatsphäre: %@";
"" = "Beitrag verfassen";
"compose-button.accessibility-label.toot" = "Toot verfassen";
"conversation.unread" = "Ungelesen";
"dismiss" = "Ablehnen";
"emoji.custom" = "Benutzerdefiniert";
"emoji.default-skin-tone" = "Standardmäßiger Hautton";
"emoji.default-skin-tone-button.accessibility-label" = "Standardhautton auswählen";
"emoji.frequently-used" = "Häufig benutzt";
"" = "Suche Emoji";
"emoji.system-group.smileys-and-emotion" = "Smileys & Emotionen";
"emoji.system-group.people-and-body" = "Menschen & Körper";
"emoji.system-group.components" = "Komponenten";
"emoji.system-group.animals-and-nature" = "Tiere & Natur";
"" = "Essen & Trinken";
"" = "Reise & Orte";
"emoji.system-group.activites" = "Aktivitäten";
"emoji.system-group.objects" = "Objekte";
"emoji.system-group.symbols" = "Symbole";
"emoji.system-group.flags" = "Flaggen";
"explore.trending" = "Jetzt trendend";
"explore.instance" = "Instanz";
"explore.profile-directory" = "Profilverzeichnis";
"error" = "Fehler";
"favorites" = "Favoriten";
"follow-requests" = "Anfragen zu Folgen";
"" = "Bitte lesen Sie die Nutzungsbedingungen und Datenschutzrichtlinie von %@ durch, um fortzufahren";
"registration.username" = "Benutzername";
"camera-access.title" = "Camera access needed";
"camera-access.description" = "Open system settings to allow camera access";
"" = "Open system settings";
"cancel" = "Cancel";
"" = "Add another post";
"compose.add-button-accessibility-label.toot" = "Add another toot";
"compose.attachment.cancel-upload.accessibility-label" = "Cancel uploading attachment";
"compose.attachment.edit" = "Edit attachment";
"compose.attachment.remove" = "Remove attachment";
"compose.attachment.uncaptioned" = "Uncaptioned";
"compose.attachment.uploading" = "Uploading";
"compose.attachments-button.accessibility-label" = "Add attachment";
"compose.attachments-will-be-discarded" = "Attachments will be discarded when changing accounts";
"compose.browse" = "Browse";
"compose.characters-remaining-accessibility-label-%ld" = "%ld characters remaining";
"compose.change-identity-button.accessibility-hint" = "Tap to post with a different account";
"compose.content-warning-button.add" = "Add content warning";
"compose.content-warning-button.remove" = "Remove content warning";
"compose.emoji-button" = "Emoji picker";
"compose.mark-media-sensitive" = "Mark media as sensitive";
"" = "Photo Library";
"compose.poll.accessibility.multiple-choices-allowed" = "Mutliple choices allowed";
"compose.poll.add-choice" = "Add a choice";
"compose.poll.allow-multiple-choices" = "Allow multiple choices";
"compose.poll-button.accessibility-label" = "Add a poll";
"compose.prompt" = "What's on your mind?";
"compose.take-photo-or-video" = "Take Photo or Video";
"compose.visibility-button.accessibility-label-%@" = "Privacy: %@";
"" = "Compose Post";
"compose-button.accessibility-label.toot" = "Compose Toot";
"conversation.unread" = "Unread";
"dismiss" = "Dismiss";
"emoji.custom" = "Custom";
"emoji.default-skin-tone" = "Default skin tone";
"emoji.default-skin-tone-button.accessibility-label" = "Select default skin tone";
"emoji.frequently-used" = "Frequently used";
"" = "Search Emoji";
"emoji.system-group.smileys-and-emotion" = "Smileys & Emotion";
"emoji.system-group.people-and-body" = "People & Body";
"emoji.system-group.components" = "Components";
"emoji.system-group.animals-and-nature" = "Animals & Nature";
"" = "Food & Drink";
"" = "Travel & Places";
"emoji.system-group.activites" = "Activities";
"emoji.system-group.objects" = "Objects";
"emoji.system-group.symbols" = "Symbols";
"emoji.system-group.flags" = "Flags";
"explore.trending" = "Trending Now";
"explore.instance" = "Instance";
"explore.profile-directory" = "Profile Directory";
"error" = "Error";
"favorites" = "Favorites";
"follow-requests" = "Follow Requests";
"" = "Please review %@'s Terms of Use and Privacy Policy to continue";
"registration.username" = "Username";
"" = "Email";
"registration.password" = "Passwort";
"registration.password-confirmation" = "Passwort bestätigen";
"registration.reason-%@" = "Warum möchten Sie %@ beitreten?";
"registration.server-rules" = "Serverregeln";
"registration.terms-of-service" = "Nutzungsbedingungen";
"registration.agree-to-server-rules-and-terms-of-service" = "Ich stimme den Serverregeln und Nutzungsbedingungen zu";
"registration.password-confirmation-mismatch" = "Das Passwort und die Passwortbestätigung stimmen nicht überein";
"secondary-navigation.about" = "Über diese App";
"registration.password" = "Password";
"registration.password-confirmation" = "Confirm password";
"registration.reason-%@" = "Why do you want to join %@?";
"registration.server-rules" = "Server rules";
"registration.terms-of-service" = "Terms of service";
"registration.agree-to-server-rules-and-terms-of-service" = "I agree to the server rules and terms of service";
"registration.password-confirmation-mismatch" = "Password and password confirmation do not match";
"secondary-navigation.about" = "About This App";
"secondary-navigation.accounts" = "Accounts";
"secondary-navigation.lists" = "Listen";
"" = "Mein Profil";
"secondary-navigation.preferences" = "Einstellungen";
"secondary-navigation-button.accessibility-title" = "Accountmenü";
"secondary-navigation.lists" = "Lists";
"" = "My Profile";
"secondary-navigation.preferences" = "Preferences";
"secondary-navigation-button.accessibility-title" = "Account Menu";
"http-error.non-http-response" = "HTTP Error: Non-HTTP response";
"http-error.status-code-%ld" = "HTTP Error: %ld";
"identities.accounts" = "Accounts";
"identities.browsing" = "Durchsuchen";
"identities.log-out" = "Ausloggen";
"identities.pending" = "Ausstehend";
"image-error.unable-to-load" = "Kann Bild nicht laden";
"" = "Neuer Listentitel";
"load-more" = "Mehr laden";
"" = "Lade Beiträge von oben";
"load-more.above.accessibility.toot" = "Lade Toots von oben";
"" = "Lade Beiträge von unten";
"load-more.below.accessibility.toot" = "Lade Toots von unten";
"main-navigation.timelines" = "Zeitleisten";
"main-navigation.explore" = "Erkunden";
"main-navigation.notifications" = "Benachrichtigungen";
"main-navigation.conversations" = "Nachrichten";
"identities.browsing" = "Browsing";
"identities.log-out" = "Log out";
"identities.pending" = "Pending";
"image-error.unable-to-load" = "Unable to load image";
"" = "New List Title";
"load-more" = "Load More";
"" = "Load from post above";
"load-more.above.accessibility.toot" = "Load from toot above";
"" = "Load from post below";
"load-more.below.accessibility.toot" = "Load from toot below";
"main-navigation.timelines" = "Timelines";
"main-navigation.explore" = "Explore";
"main-navigation.notifications" = "Notifications";
"main-navigation.conversations" = "Messages";
"metatext" = "Metatext";
"notification.accessibility.view-profile" = "Profil anschauen";
"notification.signed-in-as-%@" = "Eingeloggt als %@";
"" = "Neue Nachricht";
"notification.poll" = "Eine Umfrage, an der Sie teilgenommen haben ist beendet";
"notification.poll.own" = "Ihre Umfrage ist beendet";
"notification.poll.unknown" = "Eine Umfrage wurde beendet";
"notification.status-%@" = "%@ hat geposted";
"notifications.all" = "Alle";
"notifications.mentions" = "Erwähnungen";
"notification.accessibility.view-profile" = "View profile";
"notification.signed-in-as-%@" = "Logged in as %@";
"" = "New notifications";
"notification.poll" = "A poll you have voted in has ended";
"notification.poll.own" = "Your poll has ended";
"notification.poll.unknown" = "A poll has ended";
"notification.status-%@" = "%@ just posted";
"notifications.all" = "All";
"notifications.mentions" = "Mentions";
"ok" = "OK";
"pending.pending-confirmation" = "Ihr Konto ist noch nicht bestätigt";
"post" = "Posten";
"preferences" = "Einstellungen";
"" = "App Einstellungen";
"pending.pending-confirmation" = "Your account is pending confirmation";
"post" = "Post";
"preferences" = "Preferences";
"" = "App Preferences";
"" = "App Icon";
"preferences.blocked-domains" = "Gesperrte Domains";
"preferences.blocked-users" = "Gesperrte Nutzer";
"" = "Medien";
"" = "Avatare";
"" = "Animierte Avatare";
"" = "Überall";
"" = "Im Profil";
"" = "Niemals";
"" = "Benutzerdefiniertes Emoji animieren";
"" = "Profilbanner animieren";
"" = "Automatische Wiedergabe";
"" = "GIFs automatisch wiedergeben";
"" = "Videos automatisch wiedergeben";
"" = "Immer";
"" = "Nur im WLAN";
"" = "Niemals";
"preferences.use-preferences-from-server" = "Voreinstellungen vom Server verwenden";
"preferences.posting-default-visiblility" = "Standardsichtbarkeit";
"preferences.posting-default-sensitive" = "Inhalt standardmäßig als heikel markieren";
"preferences.reading-expand-media" = "Medien erweitern";
"preferences.expand-media.default" = "Heikle ausblenden";
"" = "Alle zeigen";
"preferences.expand-media.hide-all" = "Alle ausblenden";
"preferences.reading-expand-spoilers" = "Inhaltswarnungen immer erweitern";
"preferences.filters" = "Filter";
"" = "Links im Standardbrowser öffnen";
"preferences.links.use-universal-links" = "Links in anderen Apps öffnen, wenn verfügbar";
"preferences.notification-types" = "Benachrichtigungsarten";
"preferences.notification-types.follow" = "Folgen";
"preferences.notification-types.favourite" = "Favoriten";
"preferences.notification-types.follow-request" = "Anfrage zum Folgen";
"preferences.notification-types.reblog" = "Antwort";
"preferences.notification-types.mention" = "Erwähnung";
"preferences.notification-types.poll" = "Umfrage";
"preferences.notification-types.status" = "Abonnement";
"preferences.notifications" = "Benachrichtigung";
"preferences.notifications.include-account-name" = "Mit Accountnamen";
"preferences.notifications.include-pictures" = "Mit Bildern";
"preferences.notifications.sounds" = "Töne";
"preferences.muted-users" = "Stumme Nutzer";
"preferences.home-timeline-position-on-startup" = "Position der eigenen Zeitleiste beim Start";
"preferences.notifications-position-on-startup" = "Position der Benachrichtigungen beim Start";
"preferences.position.remember-position" = "Position merken";
"preferences.position.newest" = "Lade neuste";
"preferences.require-double-tap-to-reblog" = "Doppelklick zum antworten";
"preferences.require-double-tap-to-favorite" = "Doppelklick zum favorisieren";
"" = "Zeige Boosts und Favoriten";
"preferences.status-word" = "Statuswort";
"" = "Aktiv";
"filters.expired" = "Abgelaufen";
"filter.add-new" = "Neuer Filter";
"filter.edit" = "Filter bearbeiten";
"filter.keyword-or-phrase" = "Schlüsselwort oder Phrase";
"filter.never-expires" = "Läuft nie ab";
"filter.expire-after" = "Läuft ab nach";
"filter.contexts" = "Filterkontext";
"filter.irreversible" = "Fallenlassen statt verstecken";
"filter.irreversible-explanation" = "Gefilterte Beiträge verschwinden unwiderruflich, auch wenn der Filter später entfernt wird";
"filter.whole-word" = "Ganzes Wort";
"filter.whole-word-explanation" = "Wenn das Schlüsselwort oder die Phrase nur alphanumerisch ist, wird es/sie nur angewendet, wenn es/sie mit dem ganzen Wort übereinstimmt";
"" = "Änderungen speichern";
"filter.context.home" = "Home Zeitleiste";
"filter.context.notifications" = "Benachrichtigungen";
"filter.context.public" = "Öffentliche Zeitleiste";
"filter.context.thread" = "Konversationen";
"filter.context.account" = "Profile";
"filter.context.unknown" = "Unbekannter Inhalt";
"more-results.accounts" = "Mehr Leute";
"" = "Mehr Posts";
"more-results.statuses.toot" = "Mehr Toots";
"more-results.tags" = "Mehr Hashtags";
"notifications" = "Benachrichtungen";
"notifications.reblogged-your-status-%@" = "%@ boosteten Ihren Beitrag";
"notifications.favourited-your-status-%@" = "%@ favorisierten ihren Beitrag";
"notifications.followed-you-%@" = "%@ folgten ihnen";
"notifications.poll-ended" = "Eine Umfrage, an der Sie teilgenommen haben, wurde beendet";
"notifications.your-poll-ended" = "Ihre Umfrage ist beendet";
"notifications.unknown-%@" = "Benachrichtigung von %@";
"remove" = "Entfernen";
"report" = "Melden";
"report.additional-comments" = "Zusätzliche Anmerkungen";
"report.hint" = "Der Bericht wird an die Moderatoren Ihres Servers gesendet. Sie können unten eine Erklärung angeben, warum Sie dieses Konto melden:";
"" = "%@ melden";
"report.forward.hint" = "Das Konto ist von einem anderen Server. Möchten Sie eine anonymisierte Kopie des Berichts auch dorthin senden?";
"report.forward-%@" = "Bericht weiterleiten an %@";
"" = "Wählen Sie zusätzliche Beiträge zum Melden aus:";
"" = "Wählen Sie zusätzliche Toots zum Melden aus:";
"search.scope.all" = "Alle";
"search.scope.accounts" = "Personen";
"" = "Beiträge";
"preferences.blocked-domains" = "Blocked Domains";
"preferences.blocked-users" = "Blocked Users";
"" = "Media";
"" = "Avatars";
"" = "Animate avatars";
"" = "Everywhere";
"" = "In profiles";
"" = "Never";
"" = "Animate custom emoji";
"" = "Animate profile headers";
"" = "Autoplay";
"" = "Autoplay GIFs";
"" = "Autoplay videos";
"" = "Always";
"" = "On Wi-Fi";
"" = "Never";
"preferences.use-preferences-from-server" = "Use preferences from server";
"preferences.posting-default-visiblility" = "Default visibility";
"preferences.posting-default-sensitive" = "Mark content sensitive by default";
"preferences.reading-expand-media" = "Expand media";
"preferences.expand-media.default" = "Hide sensitive";
"" = "Show all";
"preferences.expand-media.hide-all" = "Hide all";
"preferences.reading-expand-spoilers" = "Always expand content warnings";
"preferences.filters" = "Filters";
"" = "Open links in default browser";
"preferences.links.use-universal-links" = "Open links in other apps when available";
"preferences.notification-types" = "Notification Types";
"preferences.notification-types.follow" = "Follow";
"preferences.notification-types.favourite" = "Favorite";
"preferences.notification-types.follow-request" = "Follow Request";
"preferences.notification-types.reblog" = "Reblog";
"preferences.notification-types.mention" = "Mention";
"preferences.notification-types.poll" = "Poll";
"preferences.notification-types.status" = "Subscription";
"preferences.notifications" = "Notifications";
"preferences.notifications.include-account-name" = "Include account name";
"preferences.notifications.include-pictures" = "Include pictures";
"preferences.notifications.sounds" = "Sounds";
"preferences.muted-users" = "Muted Users";
"preferences.home-timeline-position-on-startup" = "Home timeline position on startup";
"preferences.notifications-position-on-startup" = "Notifications position on startup";
"preferences.position.remember-position" = "Remember position";
"preferences.position.newest" = "Load newest";
"preferences.require-double-tap-to-reblog" = "Require double tap to reblog";
"preferences.require-double-tap-to-favorite" = "Require double tap to favorite";
"" = "Show boost and favorite counts";
"preferences.status-word" = "Status word";
"" = "Active";
"filters.expired" = "Expired";
"filter.add-new" = "Add New Filter";
"filter.edit" = "Edit Filter";
"filter.keyword-or-phrase" = "Keyword or phrase";
"filter.never-expires" = "Never expires";
"filter.expire-after" = "Expire after";
"filter.contexts" = "Filter contexts";
"filter.irreversible" = "Drop instead of hide";
"filter.irreversible-explanation" = "Filtered statuses will disappear irreversibly, even if filter is later removed";
"filter.whole-word" = "Whole word";
"filter.whole-word-explanation" = "When the keyword or phrase is alphanumeric only, it will only be applied if it matches the whole word";
"" = "Save Changes";
"filter.context.home" = "Home timeline";
"filter.context.notifications" = "Notifications";
"filter.context.public" = "Public timelines";
"filter.context.thread" = "Conversations";
"filter.context.account" = "Profiles";
"filter.context.unknown" = "Unknown context";
"more-results.accounts" = "More people";
"" = "More posts";
"more-results.statuses.toot" = "More toots";
"more-results.tags" = "More hashtags";
"notifications" = "Notifications";
"notifications.reblogged-your-status-%@" = "%@ boosted your status";
"notifications.favourited-your-status-%@" = "%@ favorited your status";
"notifications.followed-you-%@" = "%@ followed you";
"notifications.poll-ended" = "A poll you have voted in has ended";
"notifications.your-poll-ended" = "Your poll has ended";
"notifications.unknown-%@" = "Notification from %@";
"remove" = "Remove";
"report" = "Report";
"report.additional-comments" = "Additional comments";
"report.hint" = "The report will be sent to your server moderators. You can provide an explanation of why you are reporting this account below:";
"" = "Report %@";
"report.forward.hint" = "The account is from another server. Send an anonymized copy of the report there as well?";
"report.forward-%@" = "Forward report to %@";
"" = "Select additional posts to report:";
"" = "Select additional toots to report:";
"search.scope.all" = "All";
"search.scope.accounts" = "People";
"" = "Posts";
"search.scope.statuses.toot" = "Toots";
"search.scope.tags" = "Hashtags";
"selected" = "Ausgewählt";
"send" = "Senden";
"share" = "Teilen";
"" = "Account nicht gefunden";
"status.accessibility.view-author-profile" = "Profil des Autors ansehen";
"status.accessibility.view-reblogger-profile" = "Profil von Booster ansehen";
"status.bookmark" = "Lesezeichen";
"status.content-warning-abbreviation" = "IW";
"status.content-warning.accessibility" = "Inhaltswarnung";
"status.delete" = "Löschen";
"" = "Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie diesen Beitrag löschen möchten?";
"status.delete.confirm.toot" = "Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie diesen Toot löschen möchten?";
"status.delete-and-redraft" = "Löschen & neu verfassen";
"" = "Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie diesen Beitrag löschen und neu verfassen möchten? Favoriten und Boosts gehen verloren, und Antworten auf den ursprünglichen Beitrag werden verwaist sein.";
"status.delete-and-redraft.confirm.toot" = "Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie diesen Toot löschen und neu verfassen möchten? Favoriten und Boosts gehen dabei verloren, und Antworten auf den ursprünglichen Toot werden verwaist sein.";
"status.mute" = "Konversation stumm schalten";
"" = "Neue Beiträge";
"" = "Neue Toots";
"" = "In Profil anpinnen";
"" = "Gepinnter Post";
"status.pinned.toot" = "Gepinnter Toot";
"status.poll.accessibility-label" = "Umfrage";
"selected" = "Selected";
"send" = "Send";
"share" = "Share";
"" = "No account found";
"status.accessibility.view-author-profile" = "View author's profile";
"status.accessibility.view-reblogger-profile" = "View booster's profile";
"status.bookmark" = "Bookmark";
"status.content-warning-abbreviation" = "CW";
"status.content-warning.accessibility" = "Content warning";
"status.delete" = "Delete";
"" = "Are you sure you want to delete this post?";
"status.delete.confirm.toot" = "Are you sure you want to delete this toot?";
"status.delete-and-redraft" = "Delete & re-draft";
"" = "Are you sure you want to delete this post and re-draft it? Favorites and boosts will be lost, and replies to the original post will be orphaned.";
"status.delete-and-redraft.confirm.toot" = "Are you sure you want to delete this toot and re-draft it? Favorites and boosts will be lost, and replies to the original toot will be orphaned.";
"status.mute" = "Mute conversation";
"" = "New posts";
"" = "New toots";
"" = "Pin on profile";
"" = "Pinned post";
"status.pinned.toot" = "Pinned toot";
"status.poll.accessibility-label" = "Poll";
"status.poll.option-%ld" = "Option %ld";
"" = "Wählen";
"status.poll.time-left-%@" = "%@ übrig";
"status.poll.refresh" = "Neuladen";
"status.poll.closed" = "Geschlossen";
"" = "Vote";
"status.poll.time-left-%@" = "%@ left";
"status.poll.refresh" = "Refresh";
"status.poll.closed" = "Closed";
"status.reblogged-by-%@" = "%@ boosted";
"status.reply-button.accessibility-label" = "Antworten";
"status.reply-button.accessibility-label" = "Reply";
"status.reblog-button.accessibility-label" = "Boost";
"status.reblog-button.undo.accessibility-label" = "Unboost";
"status.favorite-button.accessibility-label" = "Favorisieren";
"status.favorite-button.undo.accessibility-label" = "Entfavorisieren";
"" = "Zeige mehr";
"" = "Zeige mehr für alle";
"" = "Weniger zeigen";
"" = "Weniger für alle zeigen";
"status.spoiler-text-placeholder" = "Schreiben Sie hier Ihre Warnung";
"status.unbookmark" = "Lesezeichen entfernen";
"status.unmute" = "Konversation nicht mehr stummschalten";
"status.unpin" = "Pin von Profil entfernen";
"status.visibility.public" = "Öffentlich";
"status.visibility.unlisted" = "Ungelistet";
"status.visibility.private" = "Nur Folgende";
"" = "Direkt";
"status.visibility.public.description" = "Sichtbar für alle, in öffentlichen Zeitleisten enthalten";
"status.visibility.unlisted.description" = "Sichtbar für alle, aber nicht in öffentlichen Zeitleisten enthalten";
"status.visibility.private.description" = "Nur für Folgende sichtbar";
"" = "Nur für erwähnte Nutzer sichtbar";
"tag.accessibility-recent-uses-%ld" = "%ld jüngste Verwendungen";
"" = "Zeige mit Trend verbundene Beiträge";
"tag.accessibility-hint.toot" = "Zeige mit Trend verbundene Toots";
"tag.per-week-%ld" = "%ld pro Woche";
"timelines.home" = "Startseite";
"timelines.local" = "Lokal";
"timelines.federated" = "Föderiert";
"status.favorite-button.accessibility-label" = "Favorite";
"status.favorite-button.undo.accessibility-label" = "Unfavorite";
"" = "Show More";
"" = "Show more for all";
"" = "Show Less";
"" = "Show less for all";
"status.spoiler-text-placeholder" = "Write your warning here";
"status.unbookmark" = "Unbookmark";
"status.unmute" = "Unmute conversation";
"status.unpin" = "Unpin from profile";
"status.visibility.public" = "Public";
"status.visibility.unlisted" = "Unlisted";
"status.visibility.private" = "Followers-only";
"" = "Direct";
"status.visibility.public.description" = "Visible for all, shown in public timelines";
"status.visibility.unlisted.description" = "Visible for all, but not in public timelines";
"status.visibility.private.description" = "Visible for followers only";
"" = "Visible for mentioned users only";
"tag.accessibility-recent-uses-%ld" = "%ld recent uses";
"" = "View posts associated with trend";
"tag.accessibility-hint.toot" = "View toots associated with trend";
"tag.per-week-%ld" = "%ld per week";
"timelines.home" = "Home";
"timelines.local" = "Local";
"timelines.federated" = "Federated";
"toot" = "Toot";