defmodule LiveBeats.MediaLibraryTest do use LiveBeats.DataCase alias LiveBeats.MediaLibrary alias LiveBeats.Accounts alias LiveBeats.MediaLibrary.Song import LiveBeats.AccountsFixtures import LiveBeats.MediaLibraryFixtures describe "songs" do @invalid_attrs %{ album_artist: nil, artist: nil, date_recorded: nil, date_released: nil, duration: nil, title: nil } test "list_profile_songs/1 returns all songs for a profile" do user = user_fixture() profile = MediaLibrary.get_profile!(user) song = song_fixture(%{user_id:}) assert MediaLibrary.list_profile_songs(profile) == [song] end test "get_song!/1 returns the song with given id" do song = song_fixture() assert MediaLibrary.get_song!( == song end test "update_song/2 with valid data updates the song" do song = song_fixture() update_attrs = %{ album_artist: "some updated album_artist", artist: "some updated artist", date_recorded: ~N[2021-10-27 20:11:00], date_released: ~N[2021-10-27 20:11:00], duration: 43, title: "some updated title" } assert {:ok, %Song{} = song} = MediaLibrary.update_song(song, update_attrs) assert song.album_artist == "some updated album_artist" assert song.artist == "some updated artist" assert song.date_recorded == ~N[2021-10-27 20:11:00] assert song.date_released == ~N[2021-10-27 20:11:00] assert song.duration == 42 assert song.title == "some updated title" end test "update_song/2 with invalid data returns error changeset" do song = song_fixture() assert {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}} = MediaLibrary.update_song(song, @invalid_attrs) assert song == MediaLibrary.get_song!( end test "delete_song/1 deletes the song" do user = user_fixture() song = song_fixture(%{user_id:}) assert :ok = MediaLibrary.delete_song(song) assert_raise Ecto.NoResultsError, fn -> MediaLibrary.get_song!( end end test "change_song/1 returns a song changeset" do song = song_fixture() assert %Ecto.Changeset{} = MediaLibrary.change_song(song) end end describe "expire_songs_older_than/2" do setup do today = DateTime.utc_now() creation_dates =[-1, -3, -4], &add_n_months(today, &1)) %{creation_dates: creation_dates} end test "deletes the songs expired before the required interval", %{ creation_dates: [one_month_ago, three_months_ago, four_months_ago] } do user = user_fixture() expired_song_1 = song_fixture(user_id:, title: "song1", inserted_at: four_months_ago) expired_song_2 = song_fixture(user_id:, title: "song2", inserted_at: three_months_ago) active_song = song_fixture(user_id:, title: "song3", inserted_at: one_month_ago) MediaLibrary.expire_songs_older_than(2, :month) assert_raise Ecto.NoResultsError, fn -> MediaLibrary.get_song!( end assert_raise Ecto.NoResultsError, fn -> MediaLibrary.get_song!( end assert active_song == MediaLibrary.get_song!( end test "Users song_count is decremented when user songs are deleted", %{ creation_dates: creation_dates } do user = user_fixture() songs_changesets = ["1", "2", "3"] |> Enum.reduce(%{}, fn song_number, acc -> song_changeset = Song.changeset(%Song{}, %{title: "song#{song_number}", artist: "artist_one"}) Map.put_new(acc, song_number, song_changeset) end) assert {:ok, results} = MediaLibrary.import_songs(user, songs_changesets, fn one, two -> {one, two} end) assert Accounts.get_user( == 3 created_songs = Enum.reduce(results, [], fn {_key, song}, acc -> [song | acc] end) for {song, date} <-, creation_dates) do song |> Ecto.Changeset.change(inserted_at: date) |> LiveBeats.Repo.update() end MediaLibrary.expire_songs_older_than(2, :month) assert Accounts.get_user( == 1 end defp add_n_months(datetime, n) do seconds = 30 * (60 * 60 * 24) * n datetime |> DateTime.add(seconds, :second) |> DateTime.to_naive() |> NaiveDateTime.truncate(:second) end end end