defmodule LiveBeatsWeb.ProfileLiveTest do use LiveBeatsWeb.ConnCase import Phoenix.LiveViewTest import LiveBeats.AccountsFixtures alias LiveBeats.MediaLibrary alias LiveBeatsWeb.CoreComponents setup %{conn: conn} do current_user = user_fixture(%{username: "chrismccord"}) user2 = user_fixture(%{username: "mrkurt"}) conn = log_in_user(conn, current_user) {:ok, conn: conn, current_user: current_user, user2: user2} end describe "own profile" do test "profile page uploads", %{conn: conn, current_user: current_user} do profile = MediaLibrary.get_profile!(current_user) {:ok, lv, dead_html} = live(conn, CoreComponents.profile_path(current_user)) assert dead_html =~ "chrismccord's beats" # uploads assert lv |> element("#upload-btn") |> render_click() assert render(lv) =~ "Add Music" mp3 = file_input(lv, "#song-form", :mp3, [ %{ last_modified: 1_594_171_879_000, name: "my.mp3", content:!("test/support/fixtures/silence1s.mp3"), type: "audio/mpeg" } ]) assert render_upload(mp3, "my.mp3") =~ "can't be blank" [%{"ref" => ref}] = mp3.entries refute lv |> form("#song-form") |> render_change(%{ "_target" => ["songs", ref, "artist"], "songs" => %{ ref => %{"artist" => "Anon", "attribution" => "", "title" => "silence1s"} } }) =~ "can't be blank" assert lv |> form("#song-form") |> render_submit() =~ "silence1s" assert_patch(lv, "/#{current_user.username}") # deleting songs song = MediaLibrary.get_first_song(profile) assert lv |> element("#delete-modal-#{}-confirm") |> render_click() {:ok, refreshed_lv, _} = live(conn, CoreComponents.profile_path(current_user)) refute render(refreshed_lv) =~ "silence1s" end test "invalid uploads" do # TODO end end describe "viewing other profiles" do # TODO end end