Dessalines d8722b6e91
Adding diesel enums for SortType and ListingType (#2808)
* Adding diesel enums for SortType and ListingType

- Uses diesel-derive-enum.
- Adds diesel.toml , so we can again use the auto-generated schema.rs
- Fixes a lot of DB null issues and column ordering issues.
- Fixes #1136
- Also replaces RegistrationMode boilerplate.

* Fixing unit tests 1.

* Remove comment line.

* Before patch.

* Before again.

* Using patch file to fix diesel_ltree issue with diesel.toml

* Adding some yalc ignores

* Fixing RegistrationMode enums

* Adding woodpecker diesel schema check.

* Try adding openssl 1.

* Try using diesel-cli image 1

* Try using diesel-cli image 2

* Try using diesel-cli image 3

* Try using diesel-cli image 4

* Try using diesel-cli image 5

* Try using diesel-cli image 6

* Try using diesel-cli image 7

* Try using diesel-cli image 8

* Try using diesel-cli image 9

* Try using diesel-cli image 10

* Try using diesel-cli image 11

* Try using diesel-cli image 12

* Try using diesel-cli image 13
2023-04-17 15:19:51 -04:00

70 lines
2 KiB

use crate::Perform;
use actix_web::web::Data;
use lemmy_api_common::{
person::{LoginResponse, PasswordChangeAfterReset},
use lemmy_db_schema::{
source::{local_user::LocalUser, password_reset_request::PasswordResetRequest},
use lemmy_db_views::structs::SiteView;
use lemmy_utils::{claims::Claims, error::LemmyError, ConnectionId};
impl Perform for PasswordChangeAfterReset {
type Response = LoginResponse;
#[tracing::instrument(skip(self, context, _websocket_id))]
async fn perform(
context: &Data<LemmyContext>,
_websocket_id: Option<ConnectionId>,
) -> Result<LoginResponse, LemmyError> {
let data: &PasswordChangeAfterReset = self;
// Fetch the user_id from the token
let token = data.token.clone();
let local_user_id = PasswordResetRequest::read_from_token(context.pool(), &token)
.map(|p| p.local_user_id)?;
// Make sure passwords match
if data.password != data.password_verify {
return Err(LemmyError::from_message("passwords_dont_match"));
// Update the user with the new password
let password = data.password.clone();
let updated_local_user = LocalUser::update_password(context.pool(), local_user_id, &password)
.map_err(|e| LemmyError::from_error_message(e, "couldnt_update_user"))?;
// Return the jwt if login is allowed
let site_view = SiteView::read_local(context.pool()).await?;
let jwt = if site_view.local_site.registration_mode == RegistrationMode::RequireApplication
&& !updated_local_user.accepted_application
} else {
Ok(LoginResponse {
verify_email_sent: false,
registration_created: false,