Dessalines 9c3efe32e7
First pass at adding comment trees. (#2362)
* First pass at adding comment trees.

- Extracted comment replies into its own table.
- Added ltree column to comment
- Added parent_id param to GetComments to fetch a tree branch
- No paging / limiting yet

* Adding child_count to comment_aggregates.

* Adding parent comment update counts

* Fix unit tests.

* Comment tree paging mostly done.

* Fix clippy

* Fix drone tests wrong postgres version.

* Fix unit tests.

* Add back in delete in unit test.

* Add postgres upgrade script.

* Fixing some PR comments.

* Move update ltree into Comment::create

* Updating based on comments.

* Fix send soft fail.
2022-07-30 05:55:59 +02:00

48 lines
1.4 KiB

use crate::Perform;
use actix_web::web::Data;
use lemmy_api_common::{
person::{GetPersonMentions, GetPersonMentionsResponse},
utils::{blocking, get_local_user_view_from_jwt},
use lemmy_db_views_actor::person_mention_view::PersonMentionQueryBuilder;
use lemmy_utils::{error::LemmyError, ConnectionId};
use lemmy_websocket::LemmyContext;
impl Perform for GetPersonMentions {
type Response = GetPersonMentionsResponse;
#[tracing::instrument(skip(context, _websocket_id))]
async fn perform(
context: &Data<LemmyContext>,
_websocket_id: Option<ConnectionId>,
) -> Result<GetPersonMentionsResponse, LemmyError> {
let data: &GetPersonMentions = self;
let local_user_view =
get_local_user_view_from_jwt(&data.auth, context.pool(), context.secret()).await?;
let sort = data.sort;
let page = data.page;
let limit = data.limit;
let unread_only = data.unread_only;
let person_id = local_user_view.person.id;
let show_bot_accounts = local_user_view.local_user.show_bot_accounts;
let mentions = blocking(context.pool(), move |conn| {
Ok(GetPersonMentionsResponse { mentions })