2023-06-23 11:47:12 +02:00

54 lines
1.5 KiB

use crate::{captcha_as_wav_base64, Perform};
use actix_web::web::Data;
use captcha::{gen, Difficulty};
use chrono::Duration;
use lemmy_api_common::{
person::{CaptchaResponse, GetCaptcha, GetCaptchaResponse},
use lemmy_db_schema::{
source::{captcha_answer::CaptchaAnswer, local_site::LocalSite},
use lemmy_utils::error::LemmyError;
impl Perform for GetCaptcha {
type Response = GetCaptchaResponse;
async fn perform(&self, context: &Data<LemmyContext>) -> Result<Self::Response, LemmyError> {
let local_site = LocalSite::read(context.pool()).await?;
if !local_site.captcha_enabled {
return Ok(GetCaptchaResponse { ok: None });
let captcha = gen(match local_site.captcha_difficulty.as_str() {
"easy" => Difficulty::Easy,
"hard" => Difficulty::Hard,
_ => Difficulty::Medium,
let answer = captcha.chars_as_string();
let png = captcha.as_base64().expect("failed to generate captcha");
let uuid = uuid::Uuid::new_v4().to_string();
let wav = captcha_as_wav_base64(&captcha);
let captcha: CaptchaAnswer = CaptchaAnswer {
uuid: uuid.clone(),
expires: naive_now() + Duration::minutes(10), // expires in 10 minutes
// Stores the captcha item in the db
CaptchaAnswer::insert(context.pool(), &captcha).await?;
Ok(GetCaptchaResponse {
ok: Some(CaptchaResponse { png, wav, uuid }),