Dessalines 5d837780f5
Add diesel_async, get rid of blocking function (#2510)
* Moving settings to Database.

- Moves many settings into the database. Fixes #2285
- Adds a local_site and instance table. Fixes #2365 . Fixes #2368
- Separates SQL update an insert forms, to avoid runtime errors.
- Adds TypedBuilder to all the SQL forms, instead of default.

* Fix weird clippy issue.

* Removing extra lines.

* Some fixes from suggestions.

* Fixing apub tests.

* Using instance creation helper function.

* Move forms to their own line.

* Trying to fix local_site_data, still broken.

* Testing out async

* Testing out async 2

* Fixing federation tests.

* Trying to fix check features 1.

* Starting on adding diesel async. 1/4th done.

* Added async to views and schema.

* Adding some more async

* Compiling now.

* Added diesel async. Fixes #2465

* Running clippy --fix

* Trying to fix cargo test on drone.

* Trying new muslrust.

* Trying a custom dns

* Trying a custom dns 2

* Trying a custom dns 3

* Trying a custom dns 4

* Trying a custom dns 5

* Trying a custom dns 6

* Trying a custom dns 7

* Addressing PR comments.

* Adding check_apub to all verify functions.

* Reverting back drone.

* Fixing merge

* Fix docker images.

* Adding missing discussion_languages.

* Trying to fix federation tests.

* Fix site setup user creation.

* Fix clippy

* Fix clippy 2

* Test api faster

* Try to fix 1

* Try to fix 2

* What are these lines about

* Trying to fix 3

* Moving federation test back to top.

* Remove logging cat.
2022-11-09 10:05:00 +00:00

54 lines
1.6 KiB

use crate::Perform;
use actix_web::web::Data;
use lemmy_api_common::{
post::{PostResponse, SavePost},
utils::{get_local_user_view_from_jwt, mark_post_as_read},
use lemmy_db_schema::{
source::post::{PostSaved, PostSavedForm},
use lemmy_db_views::structs::PostView;
use lemmy_utils::{error::LemmyError, ConnectionId};
use lemmy_websocket::LemmyContext;
impl Perform for SavePost {
type Response = PostResponse;
#[tracing::instrument(skip(context, _websocket_id))]
async fn perform(
context: &Data<LemmyContext>,
_websocket_id: Option<ConnectionId>,
) -> Result<PostResponse, LemmyError> {
let data: &SavePost = self;
let local_user_view =
get_local_user_view_from_jwt(&data.auth, context.pool(), context.secret()).await?;
let post_saved_form = PostSavedForm {
post_id: data.post_id,
person_id: local_user_view.person.id,
if data.save {
PostSaved::save(context.pool(), &post_saved_form)
.map_err(|e| LemmyError::from_error_message(e, "couldnt_save_post"))?;
} else {
PostSaved::unsave(context.pool(), &post_saved_form)
.map_err(|e| LemmyError::from_error_message(e, "couldnt_save_post"))?;
let post_id = data.post_id;
let person_id = local_user_view.person.id;
let post_view = PostView::read(context.pool(), post_id, Some(person_id)).await?;
// Mark the post as read
mark_post_as_read(person_id, post_id, context.pool()).await?;
Ok(PostResponse { post_view })