Dessalines 5d837780f5
Add diesel_async, get rid of blocking function (#2510)
* Moving settings to Database.

- Moves many settings into the database. Fixes #2285
- Adds a local_site and instance table. Fixes #2365 . Fixes #2368
- Separates SQL update an insert forms, to avoid runtime errors.
- Adds TypedBuilder to all the SQL forms, instead of default.

* Fix weird clippy issue.

* Removing extra lines.

* Some fixes from suggestions.

* Fixing apub tests.

* Using instance creation helper function.

* Move forms to their own line.

* Trying to fix local_site_data, still broken.

* Testing out async

* Testing out async 2

* Fixing federation tests.

* Trying to fix check features 1.

* Starting on adding diesel async. 1/4th done.

* Added async to views and schema.

* Adding some more async

* Compiling now.

* Added diesel async. Fixes #2465

* Running clippy --fix

* Trying to fix cargo test on drone.

* Trying new muslrust.

* Trying a custom dns

* Trying a custom dns 2

* Trying a custom dns 3

* Trying a custom dns 4

* Trying a custom dns 5

* Trying a custom dns 6

* Trying a custom dns 7

* Addressing PR comments.

* Adding check_apub to all verify functions.

* Reverting back drone.

* Fixing merge

* Fix docker images.

* Adding missing discussion_languages.

* Trying to fix federation tests.

* Fix site setup user creation.

* Fix clippy

* Fix clippy 2

* Test api faster

* Try to fix 1

* Try to fix 2

* What are these lines about

* Trying to fix 3

* Moving federation test back to top.

* Remove logging cat.
2022-11-09 10:05:00 +00:00

288 lines
9.2 KiB

use crate::{
messages::{SendComment, SendCommunityRoomMessage, SendPost, SendUserRoomMessage},
use lemmy_api_common::{
utils::{check_person_block, get_interface_language, send_email_to_user},
use lemmy_db_schema::{
newtypes::{CommentId, CommunityId, LocalUserId, PersonId, PostId, PrivateMessageId},
comment_reply::{CommentReply, CommentReplyInsertForm},
person_mention::{PersonMention, PersonMentionInsertForm},
traits::{Crud, DeleteableOrRemoveable},
use lemmy_db_views::structs::{CommentView, LocalUserView, PostView, PrivateMessageView};
use lemmy_db_views_actor::structs::CommunityView;
use lemmy_utils::{error::LemmyError, utils::MentionData, ConnectionId};
pub async fn send_post_ws_message<OP: ToString + Send + OperationType + 'static>(
post_id: PostId,
op: OP,
websocket_id: Option<ConnectionId>,
person_id: Option<PersonId>,
context: &LemmyContext,
) -> Result<PostResponse, LemmyError> {
let post_view = PostView::read(context.pool(), post_id, person_id).await?;
let res = PostResponse { post_view };
context.chat_server().do_send(SendPost {
post: res.clone(),
// TODO: in many call sites in apub crate, we are setting an empty vec for recipient_ids,
// we should get the actual recipient actors from somewhere
pub async fn send_comment_ws_message_simple<OP: ToString + Send + OperationType + 'static>(
comment_id: CommentId,
op: OP,
context: &LemmyContext,
) -> Result<CommentResponse, LemmyError> {
send_comment_ws_message(comment_id, op, None, None, None, vec![], context).await
pub async fn send_comment_ws_message<OP: ToString + Send + OperationType + 'static>(
comment_id: CommentId,
op: OP,
websocket_id: Option<ConnectionId>,
form_id: Option<String>,
person_id: Option<PersonId>,
recipient_ids: Vec<LocalUserId>,
context: &LemmyContext,
) -> Result<CommentResponse, LemmyError> {
let mut view = CommentView::read(context.pool(), comment_id, person_id).await?;
if view.comment.deleted || view.comment.removed {
view.comment = view.comment.blank_out_deleted_or_removed_info();
let mut res = CommentResponse {
comment_view: view,
// The sent out form id should be null
form_id: None,
context.chat_server().do_send(SendComment {
comment: res.clone(),
// The recipient_ids should be empty for returns
res.recipient_ids = Vec::new();
res.form_id = form_id;
pub async fn send_community_ws_message<OP: ToString + Send + OperationType + 'static>(
community_id: CommunityId,
op: OP,
websocket_id: Option<ConnectionId>,
person_id: Option<PersonId>,
context: &LemmyContext,
) -> Result<CommunityResponse, LemmyError> {
let community_view = CommunityView::read(context.pool(), community_id, person_id).await?;
let res = CommunityResponse { community_view };
// Strip out the person id and subscribed when sending to others
let mut res_mut = res.clone();
res_mut.community_view.subscribed = SubscribedType::NotSubscribed;
context.chat_server().do_send(SendCommunityRoomMessage {
response: res_mut,
community_id: res.community_view.community.id,
pub async fn send_pm_ws_message<OP: ToString + Send + OperationType + 'static>(
private_message_id: PrivateMessageId,
op: OP,
websocket_id: Option<ConnectionId>,
context: &LemmyContext,
) -> Result<PrivateMessageResponse, LemmyError> {
let mut view = PrivateMessageView::read(context.pool(), private_message_id).await?;
// Blank out deleted or removed info
if view.private_message.deleted {
view.private_message = view.private_message.blank_out_deleted_or_removed_info();
let res = PrivateMessageResponse {
private_message_view: view,
// Send notifications to the local recipient, if one exists
if res.private_message_view.recipient.local {
let recipient_id = res.private_message_view.recipient.id;
let local_recipient = LocalUserView::read_person(context.pool(), recipient_id).await?;
context.chat_server().do_send(SendUserRoomMessage {
response: res.clone(),
local_recipient_id: local_recipient.local_user.id,
pub async fn send_local_notifs(
mentions: Vec<MentionData>,
comment: &Comment,
person: &Person,
post: &Post,
do_send_email: bool,
context: &LemmyContext,
) -> Result<Vec<LocalUserId>, LemmyError> {
let mut recipient_ids = Vec::new();
let inbox_link = format!("{}/inbox", context.settings().get_protocol_and_hostname());
// Send the local mentions
for mention in mentions
.filter(|m| m.is_local(&context.settings().hostname) && m.name.ne(&person.name))
let mention_name = mention.name.clone();
let user_view = LocalUserView::read_from_name(context.pool(), &mention_name).await;
if let Ok(mention_user_view) = user_view {
// At some point, make it so you can't tag the parent creator either
// This can cause two notifications, one for reply and the other for mention
let user_mention_form = PersonMentionInsertForm {
recipient_id: mention_user_view.person.id,
comment_id: comment.id,
read: None,
// Allow this to fail softly, since comment edits might re-update or replace it
// Let the uniqueness handle this fail
PersonMention::create(context.pool(), &user_mention_form)
// Send an email to those local users that have notifications on
if do_send_email {
let lang = get_interface_language(&mention_user_view);
&lang.notification_mentioned_by_body(&comment.content, &inbox_link, &person.name),
// Send comment_reply to the parent commenter / poster
if let Some(parent_comment_id) = comment.parent_comment_id() {
let parent_comment = Comment::read(context.pool(), parent_comment_id).await?;
// Get the parent commenter local_user
let parent_creator_id = parent_comment.creator_id;
// Only add to recipients if that person isn't blocked
let creator_blocked = check_person_block(person.id, parent_creator_id, context.pool())
// Don't send a notif to yourself
if parent_comment.creator_id != person.id && !creator_blocked {
let user_view = LocalUserView::read_person(context.pool(), parent_creator_id).await;
if let Ok(parent_user_view) = user_view {
let comment_reply_form = CommentReplyInsertForm {
recipient_id: parent_user_view.person.id,
comment_id: comment.id,
read: None,
// Allow this to fail softly, since comment edits might re-update or replace it
// Let the uniqueness handle this fail
CommentReply::create(context.pool(), &comment_reply_form)
if do_send_email {
let lang = get_interface_language(&parent_user_view);
&lang.notification_comment_reply_body(&comment.content, &inbox_link, &person.name),
} else {
// If there's no parent, its the post creator
// Only add to recipients if that person isn't blocked
let creator_blocked = check_person_block(person.id, post.creator_id, context.pool())
if post.creator_id != person.id && !creator_blocked {
let creator_id = post.creator_id;
let parent_user = LocalUserView::read_person(context.pool(), creator_id).await;
if let Ok(parent_user_view) = parent_user {
let comment_reply_form = CommentReplyInsertForm {
recipient_id: parent_user_view.person.id,
comment_id: comment.id,
read: None,
// Allow this to fail softly, since comment edits might re-update or replace it
// Let the uniqueness handle this fail
CommentReply::create(context.pool(), &comment_reply_form)
if do_send_email {
let lang = get_interface_language(&parent_user_view);
&lang.notification_post_reply_body(&comment.content, &inbox_link, &person.name),