use crate::{ inboxes::CommunityInboxCollector, send::{SendActivityResult, SendRetryTask, SendSuccessInfo}, util::{get_activity_cached, get_latest_activity_id, WORK_FINISHED_RECHECK_DELAY}, }; use activitypub_federation::config::FederationConfig; use anyhow::{Context, Result}; use chrono::{DateTime, Days, TimeZone, Utc}; use lemmy_api_common::{ context::LemmyContext, federate_retry_sleep_duration, lemmy_utils::settings::structs::FederationWorkerConfig, }; use lemmy_db_schema::{ newtypes::ActivityId, source::{ federation_queue_state::FederationQueueState, instance::{Instance, InstanceForm}, }, utils::{naive_now, ActualDbPool, DbPool}, }; use std::{collections::BinaryHeap, ops::Add, time::Duration}; use tokio::{ sync::mpsc::{self, UnboundedSender}, time::sleep, }; use tokio_util::sync::CancellationToken; /// Save state to db after this time has passed since the last state (so if the server crashes or is SIGKILLed, less than X seconds of activities are resent) static SAVE_STATE_EVERY_TIME: Duration = Duration::from_secs(60); /// Maximum number of successful sends to allow out of order const MAX_SUCCESSFULS: usize = 1000; pub(crate) struct InstanceWorker { instance: Instance, stop: CancellationToken, federation_lib_config: FederationConfig, federation_worker_config: FederationWorkerConfig, stats_sender: UnboundedSender<(String, FederationQueueState)>, state: FederationQueueState, last_state_insert: DateTime, pool: ActualDbPool, inbox_collector: CommunityInboxCollector, } impl InstanceWorker { pub(crate) async fn init_and_loop( instance: Instance, config: FederationConfig, federation_worker_config: FederationWorkerConfig, stop: CancellationToken, stats_sender: UnboundedSender<(String, FederationQueueState)>, ) -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> { let pool = config.to_request_data().inner_pool().clone(); let state = FederationQueueState::load(&mut DbPool::Pool(&pool),; let mut worker = InstanceWorker { inbox_collector: CommunityInboxCollector::new( pool.clone(),, instance.domain.clone(), ), federation_worker_config, instance, stop, federation_lib_config: config, stats_sender, state, last_state_insert: Utc.timestamp_nanos(0), pool, }; worker.loop_until_stopped().await } /// loop fetch new activities from db and send them to the inboxes of the given instances /// this worker only returns if (a) there is an internal error or (b) the cancellation token is cancelled (graceful exit) async fn loop_until_stopped(&mut self) -> Result<()> { self.initial_fail_sleep().await?; let (mut last_sent_id, mut newest_id) = self.get_latest_ids().await?; // activities that have been successfully sent but // that are not the lowest number and thus can't be written to the database yet let mut successfuls = BinaryHeap::::new(); // number of activities that currently have a task spawned to send it let mut in_flight: i64 = 0; // each HTTP send will report back to this channel concurrently let (report_send_result, mut receive_send_result) = tokio::sync::mpsc::unbounded_channel::(); while !self.stop.is_cancelled() { // check if we need to wait for a send to finish before sending the next one // we wait if (a) the last request failed, only if a request is already in flight (not at the start of the loop) // or (b) if we have too many successfuls in memory or (c) if we have too many in flight let need_wait_for_event = (in_flight != 0 && self.state.fail_count > 0) || successfuls.len() >= MAX_SUCCESSFULS || in_flight >= self.federation_worker_config.concurrent_sends_per_instance; if need_wait_for_event || receive_send_result.len() > 4 { // if len() > 0 then this does not block and allows us to write to db more often // if len is 0 then this means we wait for something to change our above conditions, // which can only happen by an event sent into the channel self .handle_send_results(&mut receive_send_result, &mut successfuls, &mut in_flight) .await?; // handle_send_results does not guarantee that we are now in a condition where we want to send a new one, // so repeat this check until the if no longer applies continue; } else { // send a new activity if there is one self.inbox_collector.update_communities().await?; let next_id_to_send = ActivityId(last_sent_id.0 + 1); { // sanity check: calculate next id to send based on the last id and the in flight requests let last_successful_id = self .state .last_successful_id .map(|e| e.0) .expect("set above"); let expected_next_id = last_successful_id + (successfuls.len() as i64) + in_flight + 1; // compare to next id based on incrementing if expected_next_id != next_id_to_send.0 { anyhow::bail!( "{}: next id to send is not as expected: {:?} != {:?}", self.instance.domain, expected_next_id, next_id_to_send ) } } if next_id_to_send > newest_id { // lazily fetch latest id only if we have cought up newest_id = self.get_latest_ids().await?.1; if next_id_to_send > newest_id { // no more work to be done, wait before rechecking tokio::select! { () = sleep(*WORK_FINISHED_RECHECK_DELAY) => {}, () = self.stop.cancelled() => {} } continue; } } in_flight += 1; last_sent_id = next_id_to_send; self .spawn_send_if_needed(next_id_to_send, report_send_result.clone()) .await?; } } // final update of state in db on shutdown self.save_and_send_state().await?; Ok(()) } async fn initial_fail_sleep(&mut self) -> Result<()> { // before starting queue, sleep remaining duration if last request failed if self.state.fail_count > 0 { let last_retry = self .state .last_retry .context("impossible: if fail count set last retry also set")?; let elapsed = (Utc::now() - last_retry).to_std()?; let required = federate_retry_sleep_duration(self.state.fail_count); if elapsed >= required { return Ok(()); } let remaining = required - elapsed; tracing::debug!( "{}: fail-sleeping for {:?} before starting queue", self.instance.domain, remaining ); tokio::select! { () = sleep(remaining) => {}, () = self.stop.cancelled() => {} } } Ok(()) } /// return the last successfully sent id and the newest activity id in the database /// sets last_successful_id in database if it's the first time this instance is seen async fn get_latest_ids(&mut self) -> Result<(ActivityId, ActivityId)> { let latest_id = get_latest_activity_id(&mut self.pool()).await?; if let Some(last) = self.state.last_successful_id { Ok((last, latest_id)) } else { // this is the initial creation (instance first seen) of the federation queue for this instance // skip all past activities: self.state.last_successful_id = Some(latest_id); // save here to ensure it's not read as 0 again later if no activities have happened self.save_and_send_state().await?; Ok((latest_id, latest_id)) } } async fn handle_send_results( &mut self, receive_inbox_result: &mut mpsc::UnboundedReceiver, successfuls: &mut BinaryHeap, in_flight: &mut i64, ) -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> { let mut force_write = false; let mut events = Vec::new(); // wait for at least one event but if there's multiple handle them all receive_inbox_result.recv_many(&mut events, 1000).await; for event in events { match event { SendActivityResult::Success(s) => { self.state.fail_count = 0; *in_flight -= 1; if !s.was_skipped { self.mark_instance_alive().await?; } successfuls.push(s); } SendActivityResult::Failure { fail_count, .. } => { if fail_count > self.state.fail_count { // override fail count - if multiple activities are currently sending this value may get conflicting info but that's fine self.state.fail_count = fail_count; self.state.last_retry = Some(Utc::now()); force_write = true; } } } } self .pop_successfuls_and_write(successfuls, force_write) .await?; Ok(()) } async fn mark_instance_alive(&mut self) -> Result<()> { // Activity send successful, mark instance as alive if it hasn't been updated in a while. let updated = self.instance.updated.unwrap_or(self.instance.published); if updated.add(Days::new(1)) < Utc::now() { self.instance.updated = Some(Utc::now()); let form = InstanceForm::builder() .domain(self.instance.domain.clone()) .updated(Some(naive_now())) .build(); Instance::update(&mut self.pool(),, form).await?; } Ok(()) } /// Checks that sequential activities `last_successful_id + 1`, `last_successful_id + 2` etc have been sent successfully. /// In that case updates `last_successful_id` and saves the state to the database if the time since the last save is greater than `SAVE_STATE_EVERY_TIME`. async fn pop_successfuls_and_write( &mut self, successfuls: &mut BinaryHeap, force_write: bool, ) -> Result<()> { let Some(mut last_id) = self.state.last_successful_id else { tracing::warn!("{} should be impossible: last successful id is None", self.instance.domain); return Ok(()); }; tracing::debug!( "{} last: {:?}, next: {:?}, currently in successfuls: {:?}", self.instance.domain, last_id, successfuls.peek(), successfuls.iter() ); while successfuls .peek() .map(|a| &a.activity_id == &ActivityId(last_id.0 + 1)) .unwrap_or(false) { let next = successfuls.pop().unwrap(); last_id = next.activity_id; self.state.last_successful_id = Some(next.activity_id); self.state.last_successful_published_time = next.published; } let save_state_every = chrono::Duration::from_std(SAVE_STATE_EVERY_TIME).expect("not negative"); if force_write || (Utc::now() - self.last_state_insert) > save_state_every { self.save_and_send_state().await?; } Ok(()) } /// we collect the relevant inboxes in the main instance worker task, and only spawn the send task if we have inboxes to send to /// this limits CPU usage and reduces overhead for the (many) cases where we don't have any inboxes async fn spawn_send_if_needed( &mut self, activity_id: ActivityId, report: UnboundedSender, ) -> Result<()> { let Some(ele) = get_activity_cached(&mut self.pool(), activity_id) .await .context("failed reading activity from db")? else { tracing::debug!("{}: {:?} does not exist", self.instance.domain, activity_id); report.send(SendActivityResult::Success(SendSuccessInfo { activity_id, published: None, was_skipped: true, }))?; return Ok(()); }; let activity = &ele.0; let inbox_urls = self .inbox_collector .get_inbox_urls(activity) .await .context("failed figuring out inbox urls")?; if inbox_urls.is_empty() { tracing::debug!("{}: {:?} no inboxes", self.instance.domain,; report.send(SendActivityResult::Success(SendSuccessInfo { activity_id, published: Some(activity.published), was_skipped: true, }))?; return Ok(()); } let initial_fail_count = self.state.fail_count; let data = self.federation_lib_config.to_request_data(); let stop = self.stop.clone(); let domain = self.instance.domain.clone(); tokio::spawn(async move { let mut report = report; let res = SendRetryTask { activity: &ele.0, object: &ele.1, inbox_urls, report: &mut report, initial_fail_count, domain, context: data, stop, } .send_retry_loop() .await; if let Err(e) = res { tracing::warn!( "sending {} errored internally, skipping activity: {:?}", ele.0.ap_id, e ); report .send(SendActivityResult::Success(SendSuccessInfo { activity_id, published: None, was_skipped: true, })) .ok(); } }); Ok(()) } async fn save_and_send_state(&mut self) -> Result<()> { tracing::debug!("{}: saving and sending state", self.instance.domain); self.last_state_insert = Utc::now(); FederationQueueState::upsert(&mut self.pool(), &self.state).await?; self .stats_sender .send((self.instance.domain.clone(), self.state.clone()))?; Ok(()) } fn pool(&self) -> DbPool<'_> { DbPool::Pool(&self.pool) } }