use crate::{ activities::send::generate_activity_id, activity_queue::{send_comment_mentions, send_to_community}, extensions::context::lemmy_context, fetcher::person::get_or_fetch_and_upsert_person, objects::ToApub, ActorType, ApubLikeableType, ApubObjectType, }; use activitystreams::{ activity::{ kind::{CreateType, DeleteType, DislikeType, LikeType, RemoveType, UndoType, UpdateType}, Create, Delete, Dislike, Like, Remove, Undo, Update, }, base::AnyBase, link::Mention, prelude::*, public, }; use anyhow::anyhow; use itertools::Itertools; use lemmy_api_common::{blocking, WebFingerResponse}; use lemmy_db_queries::{Crud, DbPool}; use lemmy_db_schema::source::{comment::Comment, community::Community, person::Person, post::Post}; use lemmy_utils::{ request::{retry, RecvError}, settings::structs::Settings, utils::{scrape_text_for_mentions, MentionData}, LemmyError, }; use lemmy_websocket::LemmyContext; use log::debug; use reqwest::Client; use serde_json::Error; use url::Url; #[async_trait::async_trait(?Send)] impl ApubObjectType for Comment { /// Send out information about a newly created comment, to the followers of the community and /// mentioned persons. async fn send_create(&self, creator: &Person, context: &LemmyContext) -> Result<(), LemmyError> { let note = self.to_apub(context.pool()).await?; let post_id = self.post_id; let post = blocking(context.pool(), move |conn| Post::read(conn, post_id)).await??; let community_id = post.community_id; let community = blocking(context.pool(), move |conn| { Community::read(conn, community_id) }) .await??; let maa = collect_non_local_mentions(&self, &community, context).await?; let mut create = Create::new( creator.actor_id.to_owned().into_inner(), note.into_any_base()?, ); create .set_many_contexts(lemmy_context()?) .set_id(generate_activity_id(CreateType::Create)?) .set_to(public()) .set_many_ccs(maa.ccs.to_owned()) // Set the mention tags .set_many_tags(maa.get_tags()?); send_to_community(create.clone(), &creator, &community, None, context).await?; send_comment_mentions(&creator, maa.inboxes, create, context).await?; Ok(()) } /// Send out information about an edited post, to the followers of the community and mentioned /// persons. async fn send_update(&self, creator: &Person, context: &LemmyContext) -> Result<(), LemmyError> { let note = self.to_apub(context.pool()).await?; let post_id = self.post_id; let post = blocking(context.pool(), move |conn| Post::read(conn, post_id)).await??; let community_id = post.community_id; let community = blocking(context.pool(), move |conn| { Community::read(conn, community_id) }) .await??; let maa = collect_non_local_mentions(&self, &community, context).await?; let mut update = Update::new( creator.actor_id.to_owned().into_inner(), note.into_any_base()?, ); update .set_many_contexts(lemmy_context()?) .set_id(generate_activity_id(UpdateType::Update)?) .set_to(public()) .set_many_ccs(maa.ccs.to_owned()) // Set the mention tags .set_many_tags(maa.get_tags()?); send_to_community(update.clone(), &creator, &community, None, context).await?; send_comment_mentions(&creator, maa.inboxes, update, context).await?; Ok(()) } async fn send_delete(&self, creator: &Person, context: &LemmyContext) -> Result<(), LemmyError> { let post_id = self.post_id; let post = blocking(context.pool(), move |conn| Post::read(conn, post_id)).await??; let community_id = post.community_id; let community = blocking(context.pool(), move |conn| { Community::read(conn, community_id) }) .await??; let mut delete = Delete::new( creator.actor_id.to_owned().into_inner(), self.ap_id.to_owned().into_inner(), ); delete .set_many_contexts(lemmy_context()?) .set_id(generate_activity_id(DeleteType::Delete)?) .set_to(public()) .set_many_ccs(vec![community.actor_id()]); send_to_community(delete, &creator, &community, None, context).await?; Ok(()) } async fn send_undo_delete( &self, creator: &Person, context: &LemmyContext, ) -> Result<(), LemmyError> { let post_id = self.post_id; let post = blocking(context.pool(), move |conn| Post::read(conn, post_id)).await??; let community_id = post.community_id; let community = blocking(context.pool(), move |conn| { Community::read(conn, community_id) }) .await??; // Generate a fake delete activity, with the correct object let mut delete = Delete::new( creator.actor_id.to_owned().into_inner(), self.ap_id.to_owned().into_inner(), ); delete .set_many_contexts(lemmy_context()?) .set_id(generate_activity_id(DeleteType::Delete)?) .set_to(public()) .set_many_ccs(vec![community.actor_id()]); // Undo that fake activity let mut undo = Undo::new( creator.actor_id.to_owned().into_inner(), delete.into_any_base()?, ); undo .set_many_contexts(lemmy_context()?) .set_id(generate_activity_id(UndoType::Undo)?) .set_to(public()) .set_many_ccs(vec![community.actor_id()]); send_to_community(undo, &creator, &community, None, context).await?; Ok(()) } async fn send_remove(&self, mod_: &Person, context: &LemmyContext) -> Result<(), LemmyError> { let post_id = self.post_id; let post = blocking(context.pool(), move |conn| Post::read(conn, post_id)).await??; let community_id = post.community_id; let community = blocking(context.pool(), move |conn| { Community::read(conn, community_id) }) .await??; let mut remove = Remove::new( mod_.actor_id.to_owned().into_inner(), self.ap_id.to_owned().into_inner(), ); remove .set_many_contexts(lemmy_context()?) .set_id(generate_activity_id(RemoveType::Remove)?) .set_to(public()) .set_many_ccs(vec![community.actor_id()]); send_to_community(remove, &mod_, &community, None, context).await?; Ok(()) } async fn send_undo_remove( &self, mod_: &Person, context: &LemmyContext, ) -> Result<(), LemmyError> { let post_id = self.post_id; let post = blocking(context.pool(), move |conn| Post::read(conn, post_id)).await??; let community_id = post.community_id; let community = blocking(context.pool(), move |conn| { Community::read(conn, community_id) }) .await??; // Generate a fake delete activity, with the correct object let mut remove = Remove::new( mod_.actor_id.to_owned().into_inner(), self.ap_id.to_owned().into_inner(), ); remove .set_many_contexts(lemmy_context()?) .set_id(generate_activity_id(RemoveType::Remove)?) .set_to(public()) .set_many_ccs(vec![community.actor_id()]); // Undo that fake activity let mut undo = Undo::new( mod_.actor_id.to_owned().into_inner(), remove.into_any_base()?, ); undo .set_many_contexts(lemmy_context()?) .set_id(generate_activity_id(UndoType::Undo)?) .set_to(public()) .set_many_ccs(vec![community.actor_id()]); send_to_community(undo, &mod_, &community, None, context).await?; Ok(()) } } #[async_trait::async_trait(?Send)] impl ApubLikeableType for Comment { async fn send_like(&self, creator: &Person, context: &LemmyContext) -> Result<(), LemmyError> { let post_id = self.post_id; let post = blocking(context.pool(), move |conn| Post::read(conn, post_id)).await??; let community_id = post.community_id; let community = blocking(context.pool(), move |conn| { Community::read(conn, community_id) }) .await??; let mut like = Like::new( creator.actor_id.to_owned().into_inner(), self.ap_id.to_owned().into_inner(), ); like .set_many_contexts(lemmy_context()?) .set_id(generate_activity_id(LikeType::Like)?) .set_to(public()) .set_many_ccs(vec![community.actor_id()]); send_to_community(like, &creator, &community, None, context).await?; Ok(()) } async fn send_dislike(&self, creator: &Person, context: &LemmyContext) -> Result<(), LemmyError> { let post_id = self.post_id; let post = blocking(context.pool(), move |conn| Post::read(conn, post_id)).await??; let community_id = post.community_id; let community = blocking(context.pool(), move |conn| { Community::read(conn, community_id) }) .await??; let mut dislike = Dislike::new( creator.actor_id.to_owned().into_inner(), self.ap_id.to_owned().into_inner(), ); dislike .set_many_contexts(lemmy_context()?) .set_id(generate_activity_id(DislikeType::Dislike)?) .set_to(public()) .set_many_ccs(vec![community.actor_id()]); send_to_community(dislike, &creator, &community, None, context).await?; Ok(()) } async fn send_undo_like( &self, creator: &Person, context: &LemmyContext, ) -> Result<(), LemmyError> { let post_id = self.post_id; let post = blocking(context.pool(), move |conn| Post::read(conn, post_id)).await??; let community_id = post.community_id; let community = blocking(context.pool(), move |conn| { Community::read(conn, community_id) }) .await??; let mut like = Like::new( creator.actor_id.to_owned().into_inner(), self.ap_id.to_owned().into_inner(), ); like .set_many_contexts(lemmy_context()?) .set_id(generate_activity_id(DislikeType::Dislike)?) .set_to(public()) .set_many_ccs(vec![community.actor_id()]); // Undo that fake activity let mut undo = Undo::new( creator.actor_id.to_owned().into_inner(), like.into_any_base()?, ); undo .set_many_contexts(lemmy_context()?) .set_id(generate_activity_id(UndoType::Undo)?) .set_to(public()) .set_many_ccs(vec![community.actor_id()]); send_to_community(undo, &creator, &community, None, context).await?; Ok(()) } } struct MentionsAndAddresses { ccs: Vec, inboxes: Vec, tags: Vec, } impl MentionsAndAddresses { fn get_tags(&self) -> Result, Error> { self .tags .iter() .map(|t| t.to_owned().into_any_base()) .collect::, Error>>() } } /// This takes a comment, and builds a list of to_addresses, inboxes, /// and mention tags, so they know where to be sent to. /// Addresses are the persons / addresses that go in the cc field. async fn collect_non_local_mentions( comment: &Comment, community: &Community, context: &LemmyContext, ) -> Result { let parent_creator = get_comment_parent_creator(context.pool(), comment).await?; let mut addressed_ccs = vec![community.actor_id(), parent_creator.actor_id()]; // Note: dont include community inbox here, as we send to it separately with `send_to_community()` let mut inboxes = vec![parent_creator.get_shared_inbox_or_inbox_url()]; // Add the mention tag let mut tags = Vec::new(); // Get the person IDs for any mentions let mentions = scrape_text_for_mentions(&comment.content) .into_iter() // Filter only the non-local ones .filter(|m| !m.is_local()) .collect::>(); for mention in &mentions { // TODO should it be fetching it every time? if let Ok(actor_id) = fetch_webfinger_url(mention, context.client()).await { debug!("mention actor_id: {}", actor_id); addressed_ccs.push(actor_id.to_owned().to_string().parse()?); let mention_person = get_or_fetch_and_upsert_person(&actor_id, context, &mut 0).await?; inboxes.push(mention_person.get_shared_inbox_or_inbox_url()); let mut mention_tag = Mention::new(); mention_tag.set_href(actor_id).set_name(mention.full_name()); tags.push(mention_tag); } } let inboxes = inboxes.into_iter().unique().collect(); Ok(MentionsAndAddresses { ccs: addressed_ccs, inboxes, tags, }) } /// Returns the apub ID of the person this comment is responding to. Meaning, in case this is a /// top-level comment, the creator of the post, otherwise the creator of the parent comment. async fn get_comment_parent_creator( pool: &DbPool, comment: &Comment, ) -> Result { let parent_creator_id = if let Some(parent_comment_id) = comment.parent_id { let parent_comment = blocking(pool, move |conn| Comment::read(conn, parent_comment_id)).await??; parent_comment.creator_id } else { let parent_post_id = comment.post_id; let parent_post = blocking(pool, move |conn| Post::read(conn, parent_post_id)).await??; parent_post.creator_id }; Ok(blocking(pool, move |conn| Person::read(conn, parent_creator_id)).await??) } /// Turns a person id like `` into an apub ID, like ``, /// using webfinger. async fn fetch_webfinger_url(mention: &MentionData, client: &Client) -> Result { let fetch_url = format!( "{}://{}/.well-known/webfinger?resource=acct:{}@{}", Settings::get().get_protocol_string(), mention.domain,, mention.domain ); debug!("Fetching webfinger url: {}", &fetch_url); let response = retry(|| client.get(&fetch_url).send()).await?; let res: WebFingerResponse = response .json() .await .map_err(|e| RecvError(e.to_string()))?; let link = res .links .iter() .find(|l| l.type_.eq(&Some("application/activity+json".to_string()))) .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("No application/activity+json link found."))?; link .href .to_owned() .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("No href found.").into()) }