use crate::{ newtypes::LocalUserId, schema::local_user::dsl::{ accepted_application, email_verified, local_user, password_encrypted, validator_time, }, source::{ actor_language::{LocalUserLanguage, SiteLanguage}, local_user::{LocalUser, LocalUserInsertForm, LocalUserUpdateForm}, }, traits::Crud, utils::{get_conn, naive_now, DbPool}, }; use bcrypt::{hash, DEFAULT_COST}; use diesel::{dsl::insert_into, result::Error, ExpressionMethods, QueryDsl}; use diesel_async::RunQueryDsl; mod safe_settings_type { use crate::{ schema::local_user::columns::{ accepted_application, default_listing_type, default_sort_type, email, email_verified, id, interface_language, person_id, send_notifications_to_email, show_avatars, show_bot_accounts, show_new_post_notifs, show_nsfw, show_read_posts, show_scores, theme, validator_time, }, source::local_user::LocalUser, traits::ToSafeSettings, }; type Columns = ( id, person_id, email, show_nsfw, theme, default_sort_type, default_listing_type, interface_language, show_avatars, send_notifications_to_email, validator_time, show_bot_accounts, show_scores, show_read_posts, show_new_post_notifs, email_verified, accepted_application, ); impl ToSafeSettings for LocalUser { type SafeSettingsColumns = Columns; /// Includes everything but the hashed password fn safe_settings_columns_tuple() -> Self::SafeSettingsColumns { ( id, person_id, email, show_nsfw, theme, default_sort_type, default_listing_type, interface_language, show_avatars, send_notifications_to_email, validator_time, show_bot_accounts, show_scores, show_read_posts, show_new_post_notifs, email_verified, accepted_application, ) } } } impl LocalUser { pub async fn update_password( pool: &DbPool, local_user_id: LocalUserId, new_password: &str, ) -> Result { let conn = &mut get_conn(pool).await?; let password_hash = hash(new_password, DEFAULT_COST).expect("Couldn't hash password"); diesel::update(local_user.find(local_user_id)) .set(( password_encrypted.eq(password_hash), validator_time.eq(naive_now()), )) .get_result::(conn) .await } pub async fn set_all_users_email_verified(pool: &DbPool) -> Result, Error> { let conn = &mut get_conn(pool).await?; diesel::update(local_user) .set(email_verified.eq(true)) .get_results::(conn) .await } pub async fn set_all_users_registration_applications_accepted( pool: &DbPool, ) -> Result, Error> { let conn = &mut get_conn(pool).await?; diesel::update(local_user) .set(accepted_application.eq(true)) .get_results::(conn) .await } } #[async_trait] impl Crud for LocalUser { type InsertForm = LocalUserInsertForm; type UpdateForm = LocalUserUpdateForm; type IdType = LocalUserId; async fn read(pool: &DbPool, local_user_id: LocalUserId) -> Result { let conn = &mut get_conn(pool).await?; local_user.find(local_user_id).first::(conn).await } async fn delete(pool: &DbPool, local_user_id: LocalUserId) -> Result { let conn = &mut get_conn(pool).await?; diesel::delete(local_user.find(local_user_id)) .execute(conn) .await } async fn create(pool: &DbPool, form: &Self::InsertForm) -> Result { let conn = &mut get_conn(pool).await?; let mut form_with_encrypted_password = form.clone(); let password_hash = hash(&form.password_encrypted, DEFAULT_COST).expect("Couldn't hash password"); form_with_encrypted_password.password_encrypted = password_hash; let local_user_ = insert_into(local_user) .values(form_with_encrypted_password) .get_result::(conn) .await .expect("couldnt create local user"); let site_languages = SiteLanguage::read_local(pool).await; if let Ok(langs) = site_languages { // if site exists, init user with site languages LocalUserLanguage::update(pool, langs,; } else { // otherwise, init with all languages (this only happens during tests and // for first admin user, which is created before site) LocalUserLanguage::update(pool, vec![],; } Ok(local_user_) } async fn update( pool: &DbPool, local_user_id: LocalUserId, form: &Self::UpdateForm, ) -> Result { let conn = &mut get_conn(pool).await?; diesel::update(local_user.find(local_user_id)) .set(form) .get_result::(conn) .await } }