Sebastian Dröge a0522c8193 ptp: Fix compilation with rustc 1.48
That's currently the minimum version we declare in but the
latest changes introduced some usage of 1.62 features.

Part-of: <>
2023-08-31 06:05:18 +00:00

413 lines
14 KiB

// GStreamer
// Copyright (C) 2015-2023 Sebastian Dröge <>
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v2.0.
// If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at
// <>.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
//! Helper process that runs setuid root or with appropriate privileges to
//! listen on ports < 1024, do multicast operations and get MAC addresses of
//! interfaces. Privileges are dropped after these operations are done.
//! It listens on the PTP multicast group on port 319 and 320 and forwards
//! everything received there to stdout, while forwarding everything received
//! on stdin to those sockets.
//! Additionally it provides the MAC address of a network interface via stdout
use std::{
io::{Read, Write},
net::{Ipv4Addr, UdpSocket},
mod log;
mod args;
mod clock;
mod error;
mod ffi;
mod io;
mod net;
mod parse;
mod privileges;
mod rand;
mod thread;
use error::{Context, Error};
use parse::{PtpClockIdentity, PtpMessagePayload, ReadBytesBEExt, WriteBytesBEExt};
use rand::rand;
/// PTP Multicast group.
const PTP_MULTICAST_ADDR: Ipv4Addr = Ipv4Addr::new(224, 0, 1, 129);
/// PTP Event message port.
const PTP_EVENT_PORT: u16 = 319;
/// PTP General message port.
const PTP_GENERAL_PORT: u16 = 320;
/// StdIO Message Types.
/// PTP message for the event socket.
const MSG_TYPE_EVENT: u8 = 0;
/// PTP message for the general socket.
const MSG_TYPE_GENERAL: u8 = 1;
/// Clock ID message
const MSG_TYPE_CLOCK_ID: u8 = 2;
/// Send time ACK message
const MSG_TYPE_SEND_TIME_ACK: u8 = 3;
/// Create a new `UdpSocket` for the given port and configure it for PTP.
fn create_socket(port: u16) -> Result<UdpSocket, Error> {
let socket = net::create_udp_socket(&Ipv4Addr::UNSPECIFIED, port)
.with_context(|| format!("Failed to bind socket to port {}", port))?;
.context("Failed setting socket non-blocking")?;
socket.set_ttl(1).context("Failed setting TTL on socket")?;
.context("Failed to set multicast TTL on socket")?;
/// Retrieve the list of interfaces based on the available ones and the arguments.
fn list_interfaces(args: &args::Args) -> Result<Vec<net::InterfaceInfo>, Error> {
let mut ifaces = net::query_interfaces().context("Failed to query network interfaces")?;
if ifaces.is_empty() {
bail!("No suitable network interfaces for PTP found");
if !args.interfaces.is_empty() {
ifaces.retain(|iface| {
for filter_iface in &args.interfaces {
if & == filter_iface {
return true;
if let Some(ref other_name) = iface.other_name {
if other_name == filter_iface {
return true;
if let Ok(addr) = filter_iface.parse::<Ipv4Addr>() {
if addr == iface.ip_addr {
return true;
info!("Interface {} filtered out",;
if ifaces.is_empty() {
bail!("None of the selected network interfaces found");
if ifaces.len() != args.interfaces.len() {
bail!("Not all selected network interfaces found");
fn run() -> Result<(), Error> {
let args = args::parse_args().context("Failed parsing commandline parameters")?;
let ifaces = list_interfaces(&args).context("Failed listing interfaces")?;
let mut sockets = vec![];
for iface in &ifaces {
info!("Binding to interface {}",;
let event_socket = create_socket(PTP_EVENT_PORT).context("Failed creating event socket")?;
let general_socket =
create_socket(PTP_GENERAL_PORT).context("Failed creating general socket")?;
for socket in [&event_socket, &general_socket].iter() {
net::join_multicast_v4(socket, &PTP_MULTICAST_ADDR, iface)
.context("Failed to join multicast group")?;
sockets.push((event_socket, general_socket));
let clock_id = if args.clock_id == 0 {
.find_map(|iface| iface.hw_addr)
.map(|hw_addr| {
hw_addr[0], hw_addr[1], hw_addr[2], 0xff, 0xfe, hw_addr[3], hw_addr[4],
} else {
info!("Using clock ID {:?}", clock_id);
thread::set_priority().context("Failed to set thread priority")?;
privileges::drop().context("Failed dropping privileges")?;
let mut poll = io::Poll::new(sockets).context("Failed creating poller")?;
// Write clock ID first
let mut clock_id_data = [0u8; 3 + 8];
let mut buf = &mut clock_id_data[..];
buf.write_u16be(8).expect("Too small clock ID buffer");
.expect("Too small clock ID buffer");
buf.write_all(&clock_id).expect("Too small clock ID buffer");
assert!(buf.is_empty(), "Too big clock ID buffer");
.context("Failed writing to stdout")?;
// Now read-write from stdin/stdout and the sockets
// We assume that stdout never blocks and stdin receives a complete valid packet whenever it is
// ready and never blocks in the middle of a packet.
let mut socket_buffer = [0u8; 8192];
let mut stdinout_buffer = [0u8; 8192 + 4 + 8];
loop {
let poll_res = poll.poll().context("Failed polling")?;
// If any of the sockets are ready, continue reading packets from them until no more
// packets are left and directly forward them to stdout.
'next_socket: for (idx, type_, socket) in poll_res.ready_sockets() {
let idx = *idx;
let type_ = *type_;
// Read all available packets from the socket before going to the next socket.
'next_packet: loop {
let res = socket.recv_from(&mut socket_buffer);
let (read, addr) = match res {
Err(err) if err.kind() == std::io::ErrorKind::WouldBlock => {
continue 'next_socket;
Err(err) => {
source: err,
"Failed reading from {:?} socket for interface {}",
Ok((read, addr)) => (read, addr),
let recv_time = clock::time();
if args.verbose {
"Received {} bytes from {:?} socket for interface {} from {} at {}",
let buf = &socket_buffer[];
// Check if this is a valid PTP message, that it is not a PTP message sent from
// our own clock ID and in case of a DELAY_RESP that it is for our clock id.
let ptp_message = match parse::PtpMessage::parse(buf) {
Ok(msg) => msg,
Err(err) => {
warn!("Received invalid PTP message: {}", err);
continue 'next_packet;
if args.verbose {
trace!("Received PTP message {:#?}", ptp_message);
if ptp_message.source_port_identity.clock_identity == u64::from_be_bytes(clock_id) {
if args.verbose {
trace!("Ignoring our own PTP message");
continue 'next_packet;
if let PtpMessagePayload::DelayResp {
requesting_port_identity: PtpClockIdentity { clock_identity, .. },
} = ptp_message.message_payload
if clock_identity != u64::from_be_bytes(clock_id) {
if args.verbose {
trace!("Ignoring PTP DELAY_RESP message for a different clock");
continue 'next_packet;
let mut buf = &mut stdinout_buffer[..(read + 4 + 8)];
buf.write_u16be(read as u16 + 1 + 8)
.expect("Too small stdout buffer");
buf.write_u8(if type_ == io::SocketType::EventSocket {
} else {
.expect("Too small stdout buffer");
buf.write_u8(idx as u8).expect("Too small stdout buffer");
buf.write_u64be(recv_time).expect("Too small stdout buffer");
.expect("Too small stdout buffer");
assert!(buf.is_empty(), "Too big stdout buffer",);
let buf = &stdinout_buffer[..(read + 4 + 8)];
.context("Failed writing to stdout")?;
// After handling the sockets check if a packet is available on stdin, read it and forward
// it to the corresponding socket.
if let Some(ref mut stdin) = poll_res.stdin() {
.read_exact(&mut stdinout_buffer[0..3])
.context("Failed reading packet header from stdin")?;
let size = u16::from_be_bytes([stdinout_buffer[0], stdinout_buffer[1]]);
if size as usize > stdinout_buffer.len() {
bail!("Invalid packet size on stdin {}", size);
let type_ = stdinout_buffer[2];
.read_exact(&mut stdinout_buffer[0..size as usize])
.context("Failed reading packet body from stdin")?;
if type_ != MSG_TYPE_EVENT && type_ != MSG_TYPE_GENERAL {
warn!("Unexpected stdin message type {}", type_);
if size < 1 + 8 + 34 {
bail!("Invalid packet body size");
let buf = &mut &stdinout_buffer[..(size as usize)];
let idx = buf.read_u8().expect("Too small stdin buffer");
if idx as usize >= ifaces.len() {
warn!("Unexpected stdin message interface index {}", idx);
if args.verbose {
"Received {} bytes for {} socket for interface {} from stdin",
if type_ == MSG_TYPE_EVENT {
} else {
let main_send_time = buf.read_u64be().expect("Too small stdin buffer");
// We require that the main process only ever sends valid PTP messages with the clock
// ID assigned by this process.
let ptp_message =
parse::PtpMessage::parse(buf).context("Parsing PTP message from main process")?;
if ptp_message.source_port_identity.clock_identity != u64::from_be_bytes(clock_id) {
bail!("PTP message with unexpected clock identity on stdin");
if args.verbose {
trace!("Received PTP message from stdin {:#?}", ptp_message);
let send_time = clock::time();
match type_ {
MSG_TYPE_EVENT => poll_res
.event_socket(idx as usize)
MSG_TYPE_GENERAL => poll_res
.general_socket(idx as usize)
_ => unreachable!(),
.with_context(|| {
"Failed sending to {} socket",
if type_ == MSG_TYPE_EVENT {
} else {
if args.verbose {
"Sending SEND_TIME_ACK for message type {}, domain number {}, seqnum {} received at {} at {}",
let mut buf = &mut stdinout_buffer[..(3 + 12)];
buf.write_u16be(12).expect("Too small stdout buffer");
.expect("Too small stdout buffer");
buf.write_u64be(send_time).expect("Too small stdout buffer");
.expect("Too small stdout buffer");
.expect("Too small stdout buffer");
.expect("Too small stdout buffer");
assert!(buf.is_empty(), "Too big stdout buffer",);
let buf = &stdinout_buffer[..(3 + 12)];
.context("Failed writing to stdout")?;
/// Custom panic hook so we can print them to stderr in a format the main process understands
fn panic_hook(info: &std::panic::PanicInfo) {
error!("Panicked. {}", info);
fn main() {
if let Err(err) = run() {
error!("Exited with error: {:?}", err);