# gst-build GStreamer [meson](http://mesonbuild.com/) based repositories aggregrator You can build GStreamer and all its modules at once using meson and its [subproject](https://github.com/mesonbuild/meson/wiki/Subprojects) feature. ## Getting started ### Install meson and ninja Meson 0.48 or newer is required. You should get meson through your package manager or using: $ pip3 install --user meson This will install meson into ~/.local/bin which may or may not be included automatically in your PATH by default. If you are building on Windows, do not use the Meson MSI installer since it is experimental and will likely not work. You can also run meson directly from a meson git checkout if you like. You should get `ninja` using your package manager or download the [official release](https://github.com/ninja-build/ninja/releases) and put it in your PATH. ### Build GStreamer and its modules You can get all GStreamer built running: ``` mkdir build/ && meson build && ninja -C build/ ``` NOTE: on fedora (and maybe other distributions) replace `ninja` with `ninja-build` # Development environment ## Building the Qt5 QML plugin If `qmake` is not in `PATH` and pkgconfig files are not available, you can point the `QMAKE` env var to the Qt5 installation of your choosing before running `meson` as shown above. The plugin will be automatically enabled if possible, but you can ensure that it is built by passing `-Dgst-plugins-good:qt5=enabled` to `meson`. This will cause Meson to error out if the plugin could not be enabled. This also works for all plugins in all GStreamer repositories. ## Uninstalled environment gst-build also contains a special `uninstalled` target that lets you enter an uninstalled development environment where you will be able to work on GStreamer easily. You can get into that environment running: ``` ninja -C build/ uninstalled ``` If your operating system handles symlinks, built modules source code will be available at the root of `gst-build/` for example GStreamer core will be in `gstreamer/`. Otherwise they will be present in `subprojects/`. You can simply hack in there and to rebuild you just need to rerun `ninja -C build/`. NOTE: In the uninstalled environment, a fully usable prefix is also configured in `gst-build/prefix` where you can install any extra dependency/project. ## Update git subprojects We added a special `update` target to update subprojects (it uses `git pull --rebase` meaning you should always make sure the branches you work on are following the right upstream branch, you can set it with `git branch --set-upstream-to origin/master` if you are working on `gst-build` master branch). Update all GStreamer modules and rebuild: ``` ninja -C build/ update ``` Update all GStreamer modules without rebuilding: ``` ninja -C build/ git-update ``` ## Custom subprojects We also added a meson option, 'custom_subprojects', that allows the user to provide a comma-separated list of subprojects that should be built alongside the default ones. To use it: ``` cd subprojects git clone my_subproject cd ../build rm -rf * && meson .. -Dcustom_subprojects=my_subproject ninja ``` ## Run tests You can easily run the test of all the components: ``` meson test -C build ``` To list all available tests: ``` meson test -C build --list ``` To run all the tests of a specific component: ``` meson test -C build --suite gst-plugins-base ``` Or to run a specific test file: ``` meson test -C build/ --suite gstreamer gst_gstbuffer ``` Run a specific test from a specific test file: ``` GST_CHECKS=test_subbuffer meson test -C build/ --suite gstreamer gst_gstbuffer ``` ## Checkout another branch using worktrees If you need to have several versions of GStreamer coexisting (eg. `master` and `1.14`), you can use the `checkout-branch-worktree` script provided by `gst-build`. It allows you to create a new `gst-build` environment with new checkout of all the GStreamer modules as [git worktrees](https://git-scm.com/docs/git-worktree). For example to get a fresh checkout of `gst-1.14` from a `gst-build` in master already built in a `build` directory you can simply run: ``` ./checkout-branch-worktree ../gst-1.14 1.14 -C build/ ``` ## Add information about GStreamer development environment in your prompt line ### Bash prompt We automatically handle `bash` and set `$PS1` accordingly. If the automatic `$PS1` override is not desired (maybe you have a fancy custom prompt), set the `$GST_BUILD_DISABLE_PS1_OVERRIDE` environment variable to `TRUE` and use `$GST_ENV` when setting the custom prompt, for example with a snippet like the following: ```bash ... if [[ -n "${GST_ENV-}" ]]; then PS1+="[ ${GST_ENV} ]" fi ... ``` ### Zsh prompt In your `.zshrc`, you should add something like: ``` export PROMPT="$GST_ENV-$PROMPT" ``` ### Fish prompt In your `~/.config/fish/functions/fish_prompt.fish`, you should add something like this at the end of the fish_prompt function body: ``` if set -q GST_ENV echo -n -s (set_color -b blue white) "(" (basename "$GST_ENV") ")" (set_color normal) " " end ``` ### Using powerline In your powerline theme configuration file (by default in `{POWERLINE INSTALLATION DIR}/config_files/themes/shell/default.json`) you should add a new environment segment as follow: ``` { "function": "powerline.segments.common.env.environment", "args": { "variable": "GST_ENV" }, "priority": 50 }, ```