Sebastian Dröge 7423b1dea6 elementfactory: Change make() / create() to builders and keep the old variants as create_with_name() / make_with_name()
As a side-effect, this also now includes the element factory name in the
error messages instead of giving the same error string for every

Partially fixes

Also let them all go through the same, single object construction code.
2022-10-19 17:48:39 +03:00

291 lines
12 KiB

// This example demonstrates another type of combination of gtk and gstreamer,
// in comparision to the gtksink example.
// This example uses regions that are managed by the window system, and uses
// the window system's api to insert a videostream into these regions.
// So essentially, the window system of the system overlays our gui with
// the video frames - within the region that we tell it to use.
// Disadvantage of this method is, that it's highly platform specific, since
// the big platforms all have their own window system. Thus, this example
// has special code to handle differences between platforms.
// Windows could theoretically be supported by this example, but is not yet implemented.
// One of the very few (if not the single one) platform, that can not provide the API
// needed for this are Linux desktops using Wayland.
// TODO: Add Windows support
// In this case, a testvideo is displayed within our gui, using the
// following pipeline:
// {videotestsrc} - {xvimagesink(on linux)}
// {videotestsrc} - {glimagesink(on mac)}
use gst_video::prelude::*;
use gio::prelude::*;
use gtk::prelude::*;
use std::os::raw::c_void;
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::process;
#[cfg(all(target_os = "linux", feature = "gtkvideooverlay-x11"))]
fn create_video_sink() -> gst::Element {
// When we are on linux with the Xorg display server, we use the
// X11 protocol's XV extension, which allows to overlay regions
// with video streams. For this, we use the xvimagesink element.
#[cfg(all(target_os = "linux", feature = "gtkvideooverlay-x11"))]
fn set_window_handle(video_overlay: &gst_video::VideoOverlay, gdk_window: &gdk::Window) {
let display_type_name = gdk_window.display().type_().name();
// Check if we're using X11 or ...
if display_type_name == "GdkX11Display" {
extern "C" {
pub fn gdk_x11_window_get_xid(window: *mut glib::gobject_ffi::GObject) -> *mut c_void;
// This is unsafe because the "window handle" we pass here is basically like a raw pointer.
// If a wrong value were to be passed here (and you can pass any integer), then the window
// system will most likely cause the application to crash.
unsafe {
// Here we ask gdk what native window handle we got assigned for
// our video region from the window system, and then we will
// pass this unique identifier to the overlay provided by our
// sink - so the sink can then arrange the overlay.
let xid = gdk_x11_window_get_xid(gdk_window.as_ptr() as *mut _);
video_overlay.set_window_handle(xid as usize);
} else {
println!("Add support for display type '{}'", display_type_name);
#[cfg(all(target_os = "macos", feature = "gtkvideooverlay-quartz"))]
fn create_video_sink() -> gst::Element {
// On Mac, this is done by overlaying a window region with an
// OpenGL-texture, using the glimagesink element.
#[cfg(all(target_os = "macos", feature = "gtkvideooverlay-quartz"))]
fn set_window_handle(video_overlay: &gst_video::VideoOverlay, gdk_window: &gdk::Window) {
let display_type_name = gdk_window.display().type_().name();
if display_type_name == "GdkQuartzDisplay" {
extern "C" {
pub fn gdk_quartz_window_get_nsview(
window: *mut glib::gobject_ffi::GObject,
) -> *mut c_void;
// This is unsafe because the "window handle" we pass here is basically like a raw pointer.
// If a wrong value were to be passed here (and you can pass any integer), then the window
// system will most likely cause the application to crash.
unsafe {
// Here we ask gdk what native window handle we got assigned for
// our video region from the windowing system, and then we will
// pass this unique identifier to the overlay provided by our
// sink - so the sink can then arrange the overlay.
let window = gdk_quartz_window_get_nsview(gdk_window.as_ptr() as *mut _);
video_overlay.set_window_handle(window as usize);
} else {
println!("Unsupported display type '{}", display_type_name);
fn create_ui(app: &gtk::Application) {
let pipeline = gst::Pipeline::new(None);
let src = gst::ElementFactory::make("videotestsrc").build().unwrap();
// Since using the window system to overlay our gui window is making
// direct contact with the windowing system, this is highly platform-
// specific. This example supports Linux and Mac (using X11 and Quartz).
let sink = create_video_sink();
pipeline.add_many(&[&src, &sink]).unwrap();;
// First, we create our gtk window - which will contain a region where
// our overlayed video will be displayed in.
let window = gtk::Window::new(gtk::WindowType::Toplevel);
window.set_default_size(320, 240);
let vbox = gtk::Box::new(gtk::Orientation::Vertical, 0);
// This creates the widget we will display our overlay in.
// Later, we will try to tell our window system about this region, so
// it can overlay it with our video stream.
let video_window = gtk::DrawingArea::new();
video_window.set_size_request(320, 240);
// Use the platform-specific sink to create our overlay.
// Since we only use the video_overlay in the closure below, we need a weak reference.
// It might seem appealing to use .clone() here, because that greatly
// simplifies the code within the callback. What this actually does, however, is creating
// a memory leak.
let video_overlay = sink
// Connect to this widget's realize signal, which will be emitted
// after its display has been initialized. This is neccessary, because
// the window system doesn't know about our region until it was initialized.
video_window.connect_realize(move |video_window| {
// Here we temporarily retrieve a strong reference on the video-overlay from the
// weak reference that we moved into the closure.
let video_overlay = match video_overlay.upgrade() {
Some(video_overlay) => video_overlay,
None => return,
// Gtk uses gdk under the hood, to handle its drawing. Drawing regions are
// called gdk windows. We request this underlying drawing region from the
// widget we will overlay with our video.
let gdk_window = video_window.window().unwrap();
// This is where we tell our window system about the drawing-region we
// want it to overlay. Most often, the window system would only know
// about our most outer region (or: our window).
if !gdk_window.ensure_native() {
println!("Can't create native window for widget");
set_window_handle(&video_overlay, &gdk_window);
vbox.pack_start(&video_window, true, true, 0);
let label = gtk::Label::new(Some("Position: 00:00:00"));
vbox.pack_start(&label, true, true, 5);
// Need to move a new reference into the closure.
// It might seem appealing to use pipeline.clone() here, because that greatly
// simplifies the code within the callback. What this actually does, however, is creating
// a memory leak. The clone of a pipeline is a new strong reference on the pipeline.
// Storing this strong reference of the pipeline within the callback (we are moving it in!),
// which is in turn stored in another strong reference on the pipeline is creating a
// reference cycle.
let pipeline_weak = pipeline.downgrade();
// Add a timeout to the main loop that will periodically (every 500ms) be
// executed. This will query the current position within the stream from
// the underlying pipeline, and display it in our gui.
// Since this closure is called by the mainloop thread, we are allowed
// to modify the gui widgets here.
let timeout_id = glib::timeout_add_local(std::time::Duration::from_millis(500), move || {
// Here we temporarily retrieve a strong reference on the pipeline from the weak one
// we moved into this callback.
let pipeline = match pipeline_weak.upgrade() {
Some(pipeline) => pipeline,
None => return glib::Continue(false),
// Query the current playing position from the underlying pipeline.
let position = pipeline.query_position::<gst::ClockTime>();
// Display the playing position in the gui.
label.set_text(&format!("Position: {:.0}", position.display()));
// Tell the timeout to continue calling this callback.
let bus = pipeline.bus().unwrap();
.expect("Unable to set the pipeline to the `Playing` state");
let app_weak = app.downgrade();
bus.add_watch_local(move |_, msg| {
use gst::MessageView;
let app = match app_weak.upgrade() {
Some(app) => app,
None => return glib::Continue(false),
match msg.view() {
MessageView::Eos(..) => app.quit(),
MessageView::Error(err) => {
"Error from {:?}: {} ({:?})",
err.src().map(|s| s.path_string()),
_ => (),
.expect("Failed to add bus watch");
// Pipeline reference is owned by the closure below, so will be
// destroyed once the app is destroyed
let timeout_id = RefCell::new(Some(timeout_id));
let pipeline = RefCell::new(Some(pipeline));
app.connect_shutdown(move |_| {
// Optional, by manually destroying the window here we ensure that
// the gst element is destroyed when shutting down instead of having to wait
// for the process to terminate, allowing us to use the leaks tracer.
unsafe {
// GTK will keep the Application alive for the whole process lifetime.
// Wrapping the pipeline in a RefCell<Option<_>> and removing it from it here
// ensures the pipeline is actually destroyed when shutting down, allowing us
// to use the leaks tracer for example.
if let Some(pipeline) = pipeline.borrow_mut().take() {
.expect("Unable to set the pipeline to the `Null` state");
if let Some(timeout_id) = timeout_id.borrow_mut().take() {
fn main() {
println!("Add support for target platform");
// Initialize gstreamer and the gtk widget toolkit libraries.
let app = gtk::Application::new(None, gio::ApplicationFlags::FLAGS_NONE);
// Optional, can be used to detect leaks using the leaks tracer
unsafe {