// This example demonstrates the use of the d3d11videosink's "present" // signal and the use of Direct2D/DirectWrite APIs in Rust. // // Application can perform various hardware-accelerated 2D graphics operation // (e.g., like cairo can support) and text rendering via the Windows APIs. // In this example, 2D graphics operation and text rendering will happen // directly to the on the DXGI swapchain's backbuffer via Windows API in // strictly zero-copy manner use std::{ collections::VecDeque, sync::{Arc, Mutex}, time::SystemTime, }; use gst::{glib, prelude::*}; use windows::{ core::*, Win32::Graphics::{ Direct2D::{Common::*, *}, Direct3D11::*, DirectWrite::*, Dxgi::{Common::*, *}, }, }; struct OverlayContext { d2d_factory: ID2D1Factory, dwrite_factory: IDWriteFactory, text_format: IDWriteTextFormat, texture_desc: D3D11_TEXTURE2D_DESC, text_layout: Option, timestamp_queue: VecDeque, avg_fps: f32, display_fps: f32, font_size: f32, } fn create_overlay_context() -> Arc> { // Lots of DirectX APIs are marked as unsafe but the below operations // are not expected to be failed unless GPU hang or device remove condition // happens let d2d_factory = unsafe { D2D1CreateFactory::(D2D1_FACTORY_TYPE_MULTI_THREADED, None).unwrap() }; let dwrite_factory = unsafe { DWriteCreateFactory::(DWRITE_FACTORY_TYPE_SHARED).unwrap() }; // Font size can be updated later let text_format = unsafe { dwrite_factory .CreateTextFormat( w!("Consolas"), None, DWRITE_FONT_WEIGHT_REGULAR, DWRITE_FONT_STYLE_NORMAL, DWRITE_FONT_STRETCH_NORMAL, 12f32, w!("en-us"), ) .unwrap() }; Arc::new(Mutex::new(OverlayContext { d2d_factory, dwrite_factory, text_format, texture_desc: D3D11_TEXTURE2D_DESC::default(), text_layout: None, timestamp_queue: VecDeque::with_capacity(10), avg_fps: 0f32, display_fps: 0f32, font_size: 12f32, })) } fn main() -> Result<()> { gst::init().unwrap(); let args: Vec = std::env::args().collect(); if args.len() != 2 { println!("URI must be specified"); return Ok(()); } let main_loop = glib::MainLoop::new(None, false); let overlay_context = create_overlay_context(); let overlay_context_weak = Arc::downgrade(&overlay_context); // Needs BGRA or RGBA swapchain for D2D interop, // and "present" signal must be explicitly enabled let videosink = gst::ElementFactory::make("d3d11videosink") .property("emit-present", true) .property_from_str("display-format", "DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM") .build() .unwrap(); // Listen "present" signal and draw overlay from the callback // Required operations here: // 1) Gets IDXGISurface and ID3D11Texture2D interface from // given ID3D11RenderTargetView COM object // - ID3D11Texture2D: To get texture resolution // - IDXGISurface: To create Direct2D render target // 2) Creates or reuses IDWriteTextLayout interface // - This object represents text layout we want to draw on render target // 3) Draw rectangle (overlay background) and text on render target // // NOTE: ID2D1Factory, IDWriteFactory, IDWriteTextFormat, and // IDWriteTextLayout objects are device-independent. Which can be created // earlier instead of creating them in the callback. // But ID2D1RenderTarget is a device-dependent resource. // The client should not hold the d2d render target object outside of // this callback scope because the resource must be cleared before // releasing/resizing DXGI swapchain. videosink.connect_closure( "present", false, glib::closure!(move |_sink: &gst::Element, _device: &gst::Object, rtv_raw: glib::Pointer| { let overlay_context = overlay_context_weak.upgrade().unwrap(); let mut context = overlay_context.lock().unwrap(); let dwrite_factory = context.dwrite_factory.clone(); let d2d_factory = context.d2d_factory.clone(); // SAFETY: transmute() below is clearly unsafe operation here. // Regarding the other part of the below block, all DirectX // APIs are marked as unsafe, except for cast. // // In theory, all the Direct3D/Direct2D APIs could fail for // some reasons (it's hardware!), but in practice, it's very unexpected // situation and any of failure below would mean we are doing // something in wrong way or driver bug or so. unsafe { let rtv = ID3D11RenderTargetView::from_raw_borrowed(&rtv_raw).unwrap(); let resource = rtv.GetResource().unwrap(); let texture = resource.cast::().unwrap(); let desc = { let mut desc = D3D11_TEXTURE2D_DESC::default(); texture.GetDesc(&mut desc); desc }; // Window size was updated, creates new text layout let calculate_font_size = if desc != context.texture_desc { context.texture_desc = desc; context.text_layout = None; true } else { false }; // New fps, creates new layout if context.avg_fps != context.display_fps { context.display_fps = context.avg_fps; context.text_layout = None; } if context.text_layout.is_none() { let overlay_string = format!("TextOverlay, Fps {:.1}", context.display_fps); let overlay_wstring = overlay_string.encode_utf16().collect::>(); let layout = dwrite_factory .CreateTextLayout( &overlay_wstring, &context.text_format, desc.Width as f32, desc.Height as f32 / 5f32, ) .unwrap(); // Adjust alignment layout .SetTextAlignment(DWRITE_TEXT_ALIGNMENT_CENTER) .unwrap(); layout .SetParagraphAlignment(DWRITE_PARAGRAPH_ALIGNMENT_CENTER) .unwrap(); // XXX: This is not an efficient approach. // The font size can be pre-calculated for a pre-defined // window size and string length let mut range = DWRITE_TEXT_RANGE { startPosition: 0u32, length: overlay_wstring.len() as u32, }; if calculate_font_size { let mut font_size = 12f32; let mut was_decreased = false; loop { let mut metrics = DWRITE_TEXT_METRICS::default(); layout.GetMetrics(&mut metrics).unwrap(); layout .GetFontSize2(0, &mut font_size, Some(&mut range)) .unwrap(); if metrics.widthIncludingTrailingWhitespace >= desc.Width as f32 { if font_size > 1f32 { font_size -= 0.5f32; was_decreased = true; layout.SetFontSize(font_size, range).unwrap(); continue; } break; } if was_decreased { break; } if metrics.widthIncludingTrailingWhitespace < desc.Width as f32 { if metrics.widthIncludingTrailingWhitespace >= desc.Width as f32 * 0.7f32 { break; } font_size += 0.5f32; layout.SetFontSize(font_size, range).unwrap(); } } context.font_size = font_size; } else { layout.SetFontSize(context.font_size, range).unwrap(); } context.text_layout = Some(layout); }; let dxgi_surf = resource.cast::().unwrap(); let render_target = d2d_factory .CreateDxgiSurfaceRenderTarget( &dxgi_surf, &D2D1_RENDER_TARGET_PROPERTIES { r#type: D2D1_RENDER_TARGET_TYPE_DEFAULT, pixelFormat: D2D1_PIXEL_FORMAT { format: DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM, alphaMode: D2D1_ALPHA_MODE_PREMULTIPLIED, }, // zero means default DPI dpiX: 0f32, dpiY: 0f32, usage: D2D1_RENDER_TARGET_USAGE_NONE, minLevel: D2D1_FEATURE_LEVEL_DEFAULT, }, ) .unwrap(); let text_brush = render_target .CreateSolidColorBrush( &D2D1_COLOR_F { r: 0f32, g: 0f32, b: 0f32, a: 1f32, }, None, ) .unwrap(); let overlay_brush = render_target .CreateSolidColorBrush( &D2D1_COLOR_F { r: 0f32, g: 0.5f32, b: 0.5f32, a: 0.3f32, }, None, ) .unwrap(); render_target.BeginDraw(); // Draws overlay background. It will blend overlay's background // color with already rendred video frame render_target.FillRectangle( &D2D_RECT_F { left: 0f32, top: 0f32, right: desc.Width as f32, bottom: desc.Height as f32 / 5f32, }, &overlay_brush, ); // Then, renders text render_target.DrawTextLayout( D2D_POINT_2F { x: 0f32, y: 0f32 }, context.text_layout.as_ref(), &text_brush, D2D1_DRAW_TEXT_OPTIONS_NONE, ); // EndDraw may not be successful for some reasons. // Ignores any error in this example let _ = render_target.EndDraw(None, None); } }), ); // Add pad probe to calculate framerate let sinkpad = videosink.static_pad("sink").unwrap(); let overlay_context_weak = Arc::downgrade(&overlay_context); sinkpad.add_probe(gst::PadProbeType::BUFFER, move |_, probe_info| { if let Some(gst::PadProbeData::Buffer(_)) = probe_info.data { let overlay_context = overlay_context_weak.upgrade().unwrap(); let mut context = overlay_context.lock().unwrap(); context.timestamp_queue.push_back(SystemTime::now()); // Updates framerate per 10 frames if context.timestamp_queue.len() >= 10 { let now = context.timestamp_queue.back().unwrap(); let front = context.timestamp_queue.front().unwrap(); let duration = now.duration_since(*front).unwrap().as_millis() as f32; context.avg_fps = 1000f32 * (context.timestamp_queue.len() - 1) as f32 / duration; context.timestamp_queue.clear(); } } gst::PadProbeReturn::Ok }); let playbin = gst::ElementFactory::make("playbin") .property("uri", &args[1]) .property("video-sink", &videosink) .build() .unwrap(); let main_loop_clone = main_loop.clone(); let bus = playbin.bus().unwrap(); bus.add_watch(move |_, msg| { use gst::MessageView; let main_loop = &main_loop_clone; match msg.view() { MessageView::Eos(..) => { println!("received eos"); main_loop.quit() } MessageView::Error(err) => { println!( "Error from {:?}: {} ({:?})", err.src().map(|s| s.path_string()), err.error(), err.debug() ); main_loop.quit(); } _ => (), }; glib::Continue(true) }) .unwrap(); playbin.set_state(gst::State::Playing).unwrap(); main_loop.run(); playbin.set_state(gst::State::Null).unwrap(); Ok(()) }