[advisories] db-path = "~/.cargo/advisory-db" db-urls = ["https://github.com/rustsec/advisory-db"] vulnerability = "deny" unmaintained = "warn" notice = "warn" ignore = [] [licenses] unlicensed = "deny" allow = [ "Apache-2.0", ] deny = [ "GPL-1.0", "GPL-2.0", "GPL-3.0", "AGPL-1.0", "AGPL-3.0", ] copyleft = "deny" allow-osi-fsf-free = "either" confidence-threshold = 0.8 [bans] multiple-versions = "deny" wildcards = "allow" highlight = "all" # Various cocoa crates are in the middle of updating to newer versions [[bans.skip]] name = "foreign-types" version = "0.3" [[bans.skip]] name = "foreign-types-shared" version = "0.1" [sources] unknown-registry = "deny" unknown-git = "deny" allow-git = [ "https://github.com/gtk-rs/gtk-rs-core", ] # Various crates depend on an older version of syn [[bans.skip]] name = "syn" version = "1.0" # Various crates depend on an older version of bitflags [[bans.skip]] name = "bitflags" version = "1.0"