webrtc: whip_signaller: Add a mechanism for SDP munging

Unfortunately, server implementations might have odd SDP-related quirks,
so let's allow clients a way to work around these oddities themselves.
For now, this means that a client can fix up the H.264 profile-level-id
as required by Twitch (whose media pipeline is more permissive than the
WHIP implementation).

Fixes: https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/gstreamer/gst-plugins-rs/-/issues/516
This commit is contained in:
Arun Raghavan 2024-04-03 11:31:55 -04:00
parent b5cbc47cf7
commit e84e17d473

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@ -187,7 +187,11 @@ impl WhipClient {
let client = build_reqwest_client(pol);
let sdp = offer.sdp();
let body = sdp.as_text().unwrap();
let body_orig = sdp.as_text().unwrap();
let body = self
.emit_by_name::<String>("munge-sdp", &[&body_orig]);
gst::debug!(CAT, imp: self, "Using endpoint {}", endpoint.as_str());
let mut headermap = HeaderMap::new();
@ -611,6 +615,28 @@ impl ObjectImpl for WhipClient {
_ => unimplemented!(),
fn signals() -> &'static [glib::subclass::Signal] {
static SIGNALS: Lazy<Vec<glib::subclass::Signal>> = Lazy::new(|| {
* WhipClient::munge-sdp:
* @sdp: the computed SDP body that
* This signal can be used to tweak the SDP before sending it out for servers that
* are finicky about the SDP they expect.
* Returns: the SDP that should be sent to the server.
// WHIP server implementation