webrtc: janusvrwebrtcsink: add 'use-string-ids' property

Instead of exposing all ids properties as strings, we now have two
signaller implementations exposing those properties using their actual
type. This API is more natural and save the element and application
conversions when using numerical ids (Janus's default).

I also removed the 'joined-id' property as it's actually the same id as
'feed-id'. I think it would be better to have a 'janus-state' property or
something like that for applications willing to know when the room has
been joined.
This id is also no longer generated by the element by default, as Janus
will take care of generating one if not provided.

Part-of: <https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/gstreamer/gst-plugins-rs/-/merge_requests/1486>
This commit is contained in:
Guillaume Desmottes 2024-03-05 14:04:43 +01:00
parent 237f22d131
commit 612f863ee9
5 changed files with 277 additions and 57 deletions

View file

@ -7284,6 +7284,20 @@
"type": "GstWebRTCSinkPad"
"properties": {
"use-string-ids": {
"blurb": "Use strings instead of u64 for Janus IDs, see strings_ids config option in janus.plugin.videoroom.jcfg",
"conditionally-available": false,
"construct": false,
"construct-only": true,
"controllable": false,
"default": "false",
"mutable": "null",
"readable": true,
"type": "gboolean",
"writable": true
"rank": "none"
"livekitwebrtcsink": {

View file

@ -38,10 +38,6 @@ fn transaction_id() -> String {
fn feed_id() -> u32 {
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone)]
/// Ids are either u64 (default) or string in Janus, depending of the
@ -51,11 +47,19 @@ enum JanusId {
impl std::fmt::Display for JanusId {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
// Should never reach the panic as Janus will error if trying to use a room ID of the wrong type
impl JanusId {
fn as_string(&self) -> String {
match self {
JanusId::Str(s) => write!(f, "{s}"),
JanusId::Num(n) => write!(f, "{n}"),
JanusId::Str(s) => s.clone(),
JanusId::Num(_) => panic!("IDs from Janus are meant to be strings, not numbers"),
fn as_num(&self) -> u64 {
match self {
JanusId::Str(_) => panic!("IDs from Janus are meant to be numbers, not strings"),
JanusId::Num(n) => *n,
@ -89,7 +93,8 @@ struct RoomRequestBody {
request: String,
ptype: String,
room: JanusId,
id: JanusId,
#[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
id: Option<JanusId>,
#[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
display: Option<String>,
@ -243,26 +248,20 @@ struct State {
struct Settings {
janus_endpoint: String,
room_id: Option<String>,
feed_id: String,
room_id: Option<JanusId>,
feed_id: Option<JanusId>,
display_name: Option<String>,
secret_key: Option<String>,
string_ids: bool,
// read-only
joined_id: Option<String>,
impl Default for Settings {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
janus_endpoint: "ws://".to_string(),
room_id: None,
feed_id: feed_id().to_string(),
display_name: None,
room_id: None,
feed_id: None,
secret_key: None,
string_ids: false,
joined_id: None,
@ -272,13 +271,9 @@ impl Default for Settings {
pub struct Signaller {
state: Mutex<State>,
#[property(name="janus-endpoint", get, set, type = String, member = janus_endpoint, blurb = "The Janus server endpoint to POST SDP offer to")]
#[property(name="room-id", get, set, type = String, member = room_id, blurb = "The Janus Room ID that will be joined to")]
#[property(name="feed-id", get, set, type = String, member = feed_id, blurb = "The Janus Feed ID to identify where the track is coming from")]
#[property(name="display-name", get, set, type = String, member = display_name, blurb = "The name of the publisher in the Janus Video Room")]
#[property(name="secret-key", get, set, type = String, member = secret_key, blurb = "The secret API key to communicate with Janus server")]
#[property(name="string-ids", get, set, type = bool, member = string_ids, blurb = "Force passing room-id and feed-id as string even if they can be parsed into an integer")]
// read-only
#[property(name="joined-id", get, type = String, member = joined_id, blurb = "Unique ID of the participant")]
// Properties whose type depends of the Janus ID format (u64 or string) are implemented in Signaller subclasses
settings: Mutex<Settings>,
@ -443,11 +438,23 @@ impl Signaller {
if let Some(PluginData::VideoRoom { data: plugindata }) = event.plugindata {
match plugindata {
VideoRoomData::Joined(joined) => {
let feed_id_changed = {
let mut feed_id_changed = false;
let mut settings = self.settings.lock().unwrap();
settings.joined_id = Some(joined.id.to_string());
if settings.feed_id.as_ref() != Some(&joined.id) {
settings.feed_id = Some(joined.id.clone());
feed_id_changed = true;
let mut state = self.state.lock().unwrap();
state.feed_id = Some(joined.id);
if feed_id_changed {
gst::trace!(CAT, imp: self, "Joined room {:?} successfully", joined.room);
@ -559,36 +566,14 @@ impl Signaller {
/* room_id and feed_id can be either a string or integer depending
* on server configuration. The property is always a string, if we
* can parse it to integer then assume that's what the server expects,
* unless string-ids=true is set to force usage of strings.
* Save parsed value in state to not have to parse it again for future
* API calls.
if settings.string_ids {
state.room_id = Some(JanusId::Str(settings.room_id.clone().unwrap()));
state.feed_id = Some(JanusId::Str(settings.feed_id.clone()));
} else {
let room_id_str = settings.room_id.as_ref().unwrap();
match room_id_str.parse() {
Ok(n) => {
state.room_id = Some(JanusId::Num(n));
state.feed_id = Some(JanusId::Num(settings.feed_id.parse().unwrap()));
Err(_) => {
state.room_id = Some(JanusId::Str(room_id_str.clone()));
state.feed_id = Some(JanusId::Str(settings.feed_id.clone()));
state.room_id = settings.room_id.clone();
@ -639,7 +624,7 @@ impl Signaller {
request: "leave".to_string(),
ptype: "publisher".to_string(),
id: feed_id,
id: Some(feed_id),
@ -807,9 +792,149 @@ impl SignallableImpl for Signaller {
impl ObjectSubclass for Signaller {
const NAME: &'static str = "GstJanusVRWebRTCSignaller";
type Type = super::JanusVRSignaller;
type Class = super::JanusVRSignallerClass;
type ParentType = glib::Object;
type Interfaces = (Signallable,);
const ABSTRACT: bool = true;
impl ObjectImpl for Signaller {}
// below are Signaller subclasses implementing properties whose type depends of the Janus ID format (u64 or string).
// User can control which signaller is used by setting the `use-string-ids` construct property on `janusvrwebrtcsink`.
// each object needs to live in its own module as the code generated by the Properties macro is not namespaced
pub mod signaller_u64 {
use super::*;
#[derive(Default, Properties)]
#[properties(wrapper_type = super::super::JanusVRSignallerU64)]
pub struct SignallerU64 {
#[property(name="room-id", get, set, type = u64, get = Self::get_room_id, set = Self::set_room_id, blurb = "The Janus Room ID that will be joined to")]
#[property(name="feed-id", get, set, type = u64, get = Self::get_feed_id, set = Self::set_feed_id, blurb = "The Janus Feed ID to identify where the track is coming from")]
/// Properties macro does not work with empty struct: https://github.com/gtk-rs/gtk-rs-core/issues/1110
_unused: bool,
impl ObjectSubclass for SignallerU64 {
const NAME: &'static str = "GstJanusVRWebRTCSignallerU64";
type Type = super::super::JanusVRSignallerU64;
type ParentType = super::super::JanusVRSignaller;
impl ObjectImpl for SignallerU64 {}
impl super::super::JanusVRSignallerImpl for SignallerU64 {}
impl SignallerU64 {
fn get_room_id(&self) -> u64 {
let obj = self.obj();
let signaller = obj.upcast_ref::<super::super::JanusVRSignaller>().imp();
let settings = signaller.settings.lock().unwrap();
.map(|id| id.as_num())
fn set_room_id(&self, id: u64) {
let obj = self.obj();
let signaller = obj.upcast_ref::<super::super::JanusVRSignaller>().imp();
let mut settings = signaller.settings.lock().unwrap();
settings.room_id = Some(JanusId::Num(id));
fn get_feed_id(&self) -> u64 {
let obj = self.obj();
let signaller = obj.upcast_ref::<super::super::JanusVRSignaller>().imp();
let settings = signaller.settings.lock().unwrap();
.map(|id| id.as_num())
fn set_feed_id(&self, id: u64) {
let obj = self.obj();
let signaller = obj.upcast_ref::<super::super::JanusVRSignaller>().imp();
let mut settings = signaller.settings.lock().unwrap();
settings.feed_id = Some(JanusId::Num(id));
pub mod signaller_str {
use super::*;
#[derive(Default, Properties)]
#[properties(wrapper_type = super::super::JanusVRSignallerStr)]
pub struct SignallerStr {
#[property(name="room-id", get, set, type = String, get = Self::get_room_id, set = Self::set_room_id, blurb = "The Janus Room ID that will be joined to")]
#[property(name="feed-id", get, set, type = String, get = Self::get_feed_id, set = Self::set_feed_id, blurb = "The Janus Feed ID to identify where the track is coming from")]
/// Properties macro does not work with empty struct: https://github.com/gtk-rs/gtk-rs-core/issues/1110
_unused: bool,
impl ObjectSubclass for SignallerStr {
const NAME: &'static str = "GstJanusVRWebRTCSignallerStr";
type Type = super::super::JanusVRSignallerStr;
type ParentType = super::super::JanusVRSignaller;
impl ObjectImpl for SignallerStr {}
impl super::super::JanusVRSignallerImpl for SignallerStr {}
impl SignallerStr {
fn get_room_id(&self) -> String {
let obj = self.obj();
let signaller = obj.upcast_ref::<super::super::JanusVRSignaller>().imp();
let settings = signaller.settings.lock().unwrap();
.map(|id| id.as_string())
fn set_room_id(&self, id: String) {
let obj = self.obj();
let signaller = obj.upcast_ref::<super::super::JanusVRSignaller>().imp();
let mut settings = signaller.settings.lock().unwrap();
settings.room_id = Some(JanusId::Str(id));
fn get_feed_id(&self) -> String {
let obj = self.obj();
let signaller = obj.upcast_ref::<super::super::JanusVRSignaller>().imp();
let settings = signaller.settings.lock().unwrap();
.map(|id| id.as_string())
fn set_feed_id(&self, id: String) {
let obj = self.obj();
let signaller = obj.upcast_ref::<super::super::JanusVRSignaller>().imp();
let mut settings = signaller.settings.lock().unwrap();
settings.feed_id = Some(JanusId::Str(id));

View file

@ -1,16 +1,64 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
use crate::signaller::Signallable;
use gst::glib;
use gst::{glib, glib::subclass::prelude::*};
mod imp;
// base class
glib::wrapper! {
pub struct JanusVRSignaller(ObjectSubclass<imp::Signaller>) @implements Signallable;
trait JanusVRSignallerImpl: ObjectImpl {}
pub struct JanusVRSignallerClass {
parent: glib::object::ObjectClass,
unsafe impl ClassStruct for JanusVRSignallerClass {
type Type = imp::Signaller;
impl std::ops::Deref for JanusVRSignallerClass {
type Target = glib::Class<<<Self as ClassStruct>::Type as ObjectSubclass>::ParentType>;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
unsafe { &*(&self.parent as *const _ as *const _) }
unsafe impl<T: JanusVRSignallerImpl> IsSubclassable<T> for JanusVRSignaller {
fn class_init(class: &mut glib::Class<Self>) {
impl Default for JanusVRSignaller {
fn default() -> Self {
// default signaller using `u64` ids
glib::wrapper! {
pub struct JanusVRSignallerU64(ObjectSubclass<imp::signaller_u64::SignallerU64>) @extends JanusVRSignaller, @implements Signallable;
impl Default for JanusVRSignallerU64 {
fn default() -> Self {
// signaller using strings ids, used when `use-string-ids=true` is set on `janusvrwebrtcsink`
glib::wrapper! {
pub struct JanusVRSignallerStr(ObjectSubclass<imp::signaller_str::SignallerStr>) @extends JanusVRSignaller, @implements Signallable;
impl Default for JanusVRSignallerStr {
fn default() -> Self {

View file

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ use super::{
WebRTCSinkCongestionControl, WebRTCSinkError, WebRTCSinkMitigationMode, WebRTCSinkPad,
use crate::aws_kvs_signaller::AwsKvsSignaller;
use crate::janusvr_signaller::JanusVRSignaller;
use crate::janusvr_signaller::{JanusVRSignallerStr, JanusVRSignallerU64};
use crate::livekit_signaller::LiveKitSignaller;
use crate::signaller::{prelude::*, Signallable, Signaller, WebRTCSignallerRole};
use crate::whip_signaller::WhipClientSignaller;
@ -4439,15 +4439,40 @@ impl ObjectSubclass for LiveKitWebRTCSink {
type ParentType = super::BaseWebRTCSink;
pub struct JanusVRWebRTCSink {}
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Default)]
struct JanusSettings {
use_string_ids: bool,
#[derive(Default, glib::Properties)]
#[properties(wrapper_type = super::JanusVRWebRTCSink)]
pub struct JanusVRWebRTCSink {
* GstJanusVRWebRTCSink:use-string-ids:
* By default Janus uses `u64` ids to identitify the room, the feed, etc.
* But it can be changed to strings using the `strings_ids` option in `janus.plugin.videoroom.jcfg`.
* In such case, `janusvrwebrtcsink` has to be created using `use-string-ids=true` so its signaller
* uses the right types for such ids and properties.
* Since: plugins-rs-0.13.0
#[property(name="use-string-ids", get, construct_only, type = bool, member = use_string_ids, blurb = "Use strings instead of u64 for Janus IDs, see strings_ids config option in janus.plugin.videoroom.jcfg")]
settings: Mutex<JanusSettings>,
impl ObjectImpl for JanusVRWebRTCSink {
fn constructed(&self) {
let settings = self.settings.lock().unwrap();
let element = self.obj();
let ws = element.upcast_ref::<super::BaseWebRTCSink>().imp();
let _ = ws.set_signaller(JanusVRSignaller::default().upcast());
if settings.use_string_ids {
let _ = ws.set_signaller(JanusVRSignallerStr::default().upcast());
} else {
let _ = ws.set_signaller(JanusVRSignallerU64::default().upcast());

View file

@ -195,6 +195,14 @@ pub fn register(plugin: &gst::Plugin) -> Result<(), glib::BoolError> {
* $ gst-launch-1.0 videotestsrc ! janusvrwebrtcsink signaller::room-id=1234 signaller::janus-endpoint=wss://janus.conf.meetecho.com/ws
* ```
* By default Janus uses `u64` ids to identitify the room, the feed, etc.
* But it can be changed to strings using the `strings_ids` option in `janus.plugin.videoroom.jcfg`.
* In such case, `janusvrwebrtcsink` has to be created using `use-string-ids=true` so its signaller uses the right types for such ids and properties:
* ```bash
* $ gst-launch-1.0 videotestsrc ! janusvrwebrtcsink signaller::room-id=1234 use-string-ids=true
* ```
* ## Reference links
* - [Janus REST/WebSockets docs](https://janus.conf.meetecho.com/docs/rest.html)