Jōshin 3a8e01a77a
more modeline errata (#1019)
Somehow or another, I previously had missed `` files.

In the process I found a few straggler cases where the modeline was
different from the file, including one very involved manual fix where a
file had been treated like it was ts=2 and ts=8 on separate occasions.

The commit history in the PR shows the gory details; the was
automated, everything else was mostly manual.
2023-12-16 23:07:10 -05:00

9 lines
325 B

#── vi: set noet ft=make ts=8 sw=8 fenc=utf-8 :vi ────────────────────┘
.PHONY: o/$(MODE)/net
o/$(MODE)/net: o/$(MODE)/net/finger \
o/$(MODE)/net/http \
o/$(MODE)/net/https \