/* * $Id: routines.c 536 2007-06-02 06:09:00Z elliotth $ * * Copyright (c) 2002-2003, Darren Hiebert * * This source code is released for free distribution under the terms of the * GNU General Public License. * * This module contains a lose assortment of shared functions. */ #include "third_party/ctags/general.h" /**/ #include "libc/calls/calls.h" #include "libc/calls/struct/stat.h" #include "libc/dce.h" #include "libc/errno.h" #include "libc/stdio/stdio.h" #include "libc/str/str.h" #include "libc/sysv/consts/s.h" #include "third_party/ctags/config.h" #include "third_party/ctags/debug.h" #include "third_party/ctags/routines.h" // clang-format off /* * Miscellaneous macros */ #define selected(var,feature) (((int)(var) & (int)(feature)) == (int)feature) char *CurrentDirectory; static const char *ExecutableProgram; static const char *ExecutableName; /* * FUNCTION DEFINITIONS */ extern void freeRoutineResources (void) { if (CurrentDirectory != NULL) eFree (CurrentDirectory); } extern void setExecutableName (const char *const path) { ExecutableProgram = path; ExecutableName = baseFilename (path); #ifdef VAXC { /* remove filetype from executable name */ char *p = strrchr (ExecutableName, '.'); if (p != NULL) *p = '\0'; } #endif } extern const char *getExecutableName (void) { return ExecutableName; } extern const char *getExecutablePath (void) { return ExecutableProgram; } extern void error ( const errorSelection selection, const char *const format, ...) { va_list ap; va_start (ap, format); fprintf (errout, "%s: %s", getExecutableName (), selected (selection, WARNING) ? "Warning: " : ""); vfprintf (errout, format, ap); if (selected (selection, PERROR)) fprintf (errout, " : %s", strerror (errno)); fputs ("\n", errout); va_end (ap); if (selected (selection, FATAL)) exit (1); } /* * Memory allocation functions */ extern void *eMalloc (const size_t size) { void *buffer = malloc (size); if (buffer == NULL) error (FATAL, "out of memory"); return buffer; } extern void *eCalloc (const size_t count, const size_t size) { void *buffer = calloc (count, size); if (buffer == NULL) error (FATAL, "out of memory"); return buffer; } extern void *eRealloc (void *const ptr, const size_t size) { void *buffer; if (ptr == NULL) buffer = eMalloc (size); else { buffer = realloc (ptr, size); if (buffer == NULL) error (FATAL, "out of memory"); } return buffer; } extern void eFree (void *const ptr) { Assert (ptr != NULL); free (ptr); } /* * String manipulation functions */ /* * Compare two strings, ignoring case. * Return 0 for match, < 0 for smaller, > 0 for bigger * Make sure case is folded to uppercase in comparison (like for 'sort -f') * This makes a difference when one of the chars lies between upper and lower * ie. one of the chars [ \ ] ^ _ ` for ascii. (The '_' in particular !) */ extern int struppercmp (const char *s1, const char *s2) { int result; do { result = toupper ((int) *s1) - toupper ((int) *s2); } while (result == 0 && *s1++ != '\0' && *s2++ != '\0'); return result; } extern int strnuppercmp (const char *s1, const char *s2, size_t n) { int result; do { result = toupper ((int) *s1) - toupper ((int) *s2); } while (result == 0 && --n > 0 && *s1++ != '\0' && *s2++ != '\0'); return result; } extern char* eStrdup (const char* str) { char* result = xMalloc (strlen (str) + 1, char); strcpy (result, str); return result; } extern void toLowerString (char* str) { while (*str != '\0') { *str = tolower ((int) *str); ++str; } } extern void toUpperString (char* str) { while (*str != '\0') { *str = toupper ((int) *str); ++str; } } /* Newly allocated string containing lower case conversion of a string. */ extern char* newLowerString (const char* str) { char* const result = xMalloc (strlen (str) + 1, char); int i = 0; do result [i] = tolower ((int) str [i]); while (str [i++] != '\0'); return result; } /* Newly allocated string containing upper case conversion of a string. */ extern char* newUpperString (const char* str) { char* const result = xMalloc (strlen (str) + 1, char); int i = 0; do result [i] = toupper ((int) str [i]); while (str [i++] != '\0'); return result; } /* * File system functions */ extern void setCurrentDirectory (void) { char* buf; if (CurrentDirectory == NULL) CurrentDirectory = xMalloc ((size_t) (PATH_MAX + 1), char); buf = getcwd (CurrentDirectory, PATH_MAX); if (buf == NULL) perror (""); if (CurrentDirectory [strlen (CurrentDirectory) - (size_t) 1] != PATH_SEPARATOR) { sprintf (CurrentDirectory + strlen (CurrentDirectory), "%c", OUTPUT_PATH_SEPARATOR); } } /* For caching of stat() calls */ extern fileStatus *eStat (const char *const fileName) { struct stat status; static fileStatus file; if (file.name == NULL || strcmp (fileName, file.name) != 0) { eStatFree (&file); file.name = eStrdup (fileName); if (lstat (file.name, &status) != 0) file.exists = FALSE; else { file.isSymbolicLink = (boolean) S_ISLNK (status.st_mode); if (file.isSymbolicLink && stat (file.name, &status) != 0) file.exists = FALSE; else { file.exists = TRUE; file.isDirectory = (boolean) S_ISDIR (status.st_mode); file.isNormalFile = (boolean) (S_ISREG (status.st_mode)); file.isExecutable = (boolean) ((status.st_mode & (S_IXUSR | S_IXGRP | S_IXOTH)) != 0); file.isSetuid = (boolean) ((status.st_mode & S_ISUID) != 0); file.size = status.st_size; } } } return &file; } extern void eStatFree (fileStatus *status) { if (status->name != NULL) { eFree (status->name); status->name = NULL; } } extern boolean doesFileExist (const char *const fileName) { fileStatus *status = eStat (fileName); return status->exists; } extern boolean isRecursiveLink (const char* const dirName) { boolean result = FALSE; fileStatus *status = eStat (dirName); if (status->isSymbolicLink) { char* const path = absoluteFilename (dirName); while (path [strlen (path) - 1] == PATH_SEPARATOR) path [strlen (path) - 1] = '\0'; while (! result && strlen (path) > (size_t) 1) { char *const separator = strrchr (path, PATH_SEPARATOR); if (separator == NULL) break; else if (separator == path) /* backed up to root directory */ *(separator + 1) = '\0'; else *separator = '\0'; result = isSameFile (path, dirName); } eFree (path); } return result; } /* * Pathname manipulation (O/S dependent!!!) */ static boolean isPathSeparator (const int c) { boolean result; result = (boolean) (c == PATH_SEPARATOR); return result; } extern boolean isSameFile (const char *const name1, const char *const name2) { boolean result = FALSE; struct stat stat1, stat2; if (stat (name1, &stat1) == 0 && stat (name2, &stat2) == 0) result = (boolean) (stat1.st_ino == stat2.st_ino); return result; } extern const char *baseFilename (const char *const filePath) { const char *tail = strrchr (filePath, PATH_SEPARATOR); if (tail == NULL) tail = filePath; else ++tail; /* step past last delimiter */ return tail; } extern const char *fileExtension (const char *const fileName) { const char *extension; const char *pDelimiter = NULL; const char *const base = baseFilename (fileName); if (pDelimiter == NULL) pDelimiter = strrchr (base, '.'); if (pDelimiter == NULL) extension = ""; else extension = pDelimiter + 1; /* skip to first char of extension */ return extension; } extern boolean isAbsolutePath (const char *const path) { boolean result = FALSE; result = isPathSeparator (path [0]); return result; } extern vString *combinePathAndFile ( const char *const path, const char *const file) { vString *const filePath = vStringNew (); const int lastChar = path [strlen (path) - 1]; boolean terminated = isPathSeparator (lastChar); vStringCopyS (filePath, path); if (! terminated) { vStringPut (filePath, OUTPUT_PATH_SEPARATOR); vStringTerminate (filePath); } vStringCatS (filePath, file); return filePath; } /* Return a newly-allocated string whose contents concatenate those of * s1, s2, s3. * Routine adapted from Gnu etags. */ static char* concat (const char *s1, const char *s2, const char *s3) { int len1 = strlen (s1), len2 = strlen (s2), len3 = strlen (s3); char *result = xMalloc (len1 + len2 + len3 + 1, char); strcpy (result, s1); strcpy (result + len1, s2); strcpy (result + len1 + len2, s3); result [len1 + len2 + len3] = '\0'; return result; } /* Return a newly allocated string containing the absolute file name of FILE * given CWD (which should end with a slash). * Routine adapted from Gnu etags. */ extern char* absoluteFilename (const char *file) { char *slashp, *cp; char *res = NULL; if (isAbsolutePath (file)) { res = eStrdup (file); } else res = concat (CurrentDirectory, file, ""); /* Delete the "/dirname/.." and "/." substrings. */ slashp = strchr (res, PATH_SEPARATOR); while (slashp != NULL && slashp [0] != '\0') { if (slashp[1] == '.') { if (slashp [2] == '.' && (slashp [3] == PATH_SEPARATOR || slashp [3] == '\0')) { cp = slashp; do cp--; while (cp >= res && ! isAbsolutePath (cp)); if (cp < res) cp = slashp;/* the absolute name begins with "/.." */ memmove (cp, slashp + 3, strlen(slashp + 3) + 1); slashp = cp; continue; } else if (slashp [2] == PATH_SEPARATOR || slashp [2] == '\0') { memmove (slashp, slashp + 2, strlen(slashp + 2) + 1); continue; } } slashp = strchr (slashp + 1, PATH_SEPARATOR); } if (res [0] == '\0') return eStrdup ("/"); else { return res; } } /* Return a newly allocated string containing the absolute file name of dir * where `file' resides given `CurrentDirectory'. * Routine adapted from Gnu etags. */ extern char* absoluteDirname (char *file) { char *slashp, *res; char save; slashp = strrchr (file, PATH_SEPARATOR); if (slashp == NULL) res = eStrdup (CurrentDirectory); else { save = slashp [1]; slashp [1] = '\0'; res = absoluteFilename (file); slashp [1] = save; } return res; } /* Return a newly allocated string containing the file name of FILE relative * to the absolute directory DIR (which should end with a slash). * Routine adapted from Gnu etags. */ extern char* relativeFilename (const char *file, const char *dir) { const char *fp, *dp; char *absdir, *res; int i; /* Find the common root of file and dir (with a trailing slash). */ absdir = absoluteFilename (file); fp = absdir; dp = dir; while (*fp++ == *dp++) continue; fp--; dp--; /* back to the first differing char */ do { /* look at the equal chars until path sep */ if (fp == absdir) return absdir; /* first char differs, give up */ fp--; dp--; } while (*fp != PATH_SEPARATOR); /* Build a sequence of "../" strings for the resulting relative file name. */ i = 0; while ((dp = strchr (dp + 1, PATH_SEPARATOR)) != NULL) i += 1; res = xMalloc (3 * i + strlen (fp + 1) + 1, char); res [0] = '\0'; while (i-- > 0) strcat (res, "../"); /* Add the file name relative to the common root of file and dir. */ strcat (res, fp + 1); free (absdir); return res; } extern FILE *tempFile (const char *const mode, char **const pName) { char *name; FILE *fp; int fd; const char *const pattern = "tags.XXXXXX"; const char *tmpdir = NULL; fileStatus *file = eStat (ExecutableProgram); if (! file->isSetuid) tmpdir = getenv ("TMPDIR"); if (tmpdir == NULL) tmpdir = TMPDIR; name = xMalloc (strlen (tmpdir) + 1 + strlen (pattern) + 1, char); sprintf (name, "%s%c%s", tmpdir, OUTPUT_PATH_SEPARATOR, pattern); fd = mkstemp (name); eStatFree (file); if (fd == -1) error (FATAL | PERROR, "cannot open temporary file"); fp = fdopen (fd, mode); if (fp == NULL) error (FATAL | PERROR, "cannot open temporary file"); DebugStatement ( debugPrintf (DEBUG_STATUS, "opened temporary file %s\n", name); ) Assert (*pName == NULL); *pName = name; return fp; } /* vi:set tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4: */