// clang-format off /* * $Id: keyword.c 715 2009-07-06 03:31:00Z dhiebert $ * * Copyright (c) 1998-2002, Darren Hiebert * * This source code is released for free distribution under the terms of the * GNU General Public License. * * Manages a keyword hash. */ /* * INCLUDE FILES */ #include "third_party/ctags/general.h" /* must always come first */ #include "libc/mem/alg.h" #include "libc/str/str.h" #include "third_party/ctags/debug.h" #include "third_party/ctags/keyword.h" #include "third_party/ctags/options.h" #include "third_party/ctags/routines.h" /* * MACROS */ #define HASH_EXPONENT 7 /* must be less than 17 */ /* * DATA DECLARATIONS */ typedef struct sHashEntry { struct sHashEntry *next; const char *string; langType language; int value; } hashEntry; /* * DATA DEFINITIONS */ static const unsigned int TableSize = 1 << HASH_EXPONENT; static hashEntry **HashTable = NULL; /* * FUNCTION DEFINITIONS */ static hashEntry **getHashTable (void) { static boolean allocated = FALSE; if (! allocated) { unsigned int i; HashTable = xMalloc (TableSize, hashEntry*); for (i = 0 ; i < TableSize ; ++i) HashTable [i] = NULL; allocated = TRUE; } return HashTable; } static hashEntry *getHashTableEntry (unsigned long hashedValue) { hashEntry **const table = getHashTable (); hashEntry *entry; Assert (hashedValue < TableSize); entry = table [hashedValue]; return entry; } static unsigned long hashValue (const char *const string) { unsigned long value = 0; const unsigned char *p; Assert (string != NULL); /* We combine the various words of the multiword key using the method * described on page 512 of Vol. 3 of "The Art of Computer Programming". */ for (p = (const unsigned char *) string ; *p != '\0' ; ++p) { value <<= 1; if (value & 0x00000100L) value = (value & 0x000000ffL) + 1L; value ^= *p; } /* Algorithm from page 509 of Vol. 3 of "The Art of Computer Programming" * Treats "value" as a 16-bit integer plus 16-bit fraction. */ value *= 40503L; /* = 2^16 * 0.6180339887 ("golden ratio") */ value &= 0x0000ffffL; /* keep fractional part */ value >>= 16 - HASH_EXPONENT; /* scale up by hash size and move down */ return value; } static hashEntry *newEntry ( const char *const string, langType language, int value) { hashEntry *const entry = xMalloc (1, hashEntry); entry->next = NULL; entry->string = string; entry->language = language; entry->value = value; return entry; } /* Note that it is assumed that a "value" of zero means an undefined keyword * and clients of this function should observe this. Also, all keywords added * should be added in lower case. If we encounter a case-sensitive language * whose keywords are in upper case, we will need to redesign this. */ extern void addKeyword (const char *const string, langType language, int value) { const unsigned long hashedValue = hashValue (string); hashEntry *entry = getHashTableEntry (hashedValue); if (entry == NULL) { hashEntry **const table = getHashTable (); table [hashedValue] = newEntry (string, language, value); } else { hashEntry *prev = NULL; while (entry != NULL) { if (language == entry->language && strcmp (string, entry->string) == 0) { Assert (("Already in table" == NULL)); } prev = entry; entry = entry->next; } if (entry == NULL) { Assert (prev != NULL); prev->next = newEntry (string, language, value); } } } extern int lookupKeyword (const char *const string, langType language) { const unsigned long hashedValue = hashValue (string); hashEntry *entry = getHashTableEntry (hashedValue); int result = -1; while (entry != NULL) { if (language == entry->language && strcmp (string, entry->string) == 0) { result = entry->value; break; } entry = entry->next; } return result; } extern void freeKeywordTable (void) { if (HashTable != NULL) { unsigned int i; for (i = 0 ; i < TableSize ; ++i) { hashEntry *entry = HashTable [i]; while (entry != NULL) { hashEntry *next = entry->next; eFree (entry); entry = next; } } eFree (HashTable); } } extern int analyzeToken (vString *const name, langType language) { vString *keyword = vStringNew (); int result; vStringCopyToLower (keyword, name); result = lookupKeyword (vStringValue (keyword), language); vStringDelete (keyword); return result; } #ifdef DEBUG static void printEntry (const hashEntry *const entry) { printf (" %-15s %-7s\n", entry->string, getLanguageName (entry->language)); } static unsigned int printBucket (const unsigned int i) { hashEntry **const table = getHashTable (); hashEntry *entry = table [i]; unsigned int measure = 1; boolean first = TRUE; printf ("%2d:", i); if (entry == NULL) printf ("\n"); else while (entry != NULL) { if (! first) printf (" "); else { printf (" "); first = FALSE; } printEntry (entry); entry = entry->next; measure = 2 * measure; } return measure - 1; } extern void printKeywordTable (void) { unsigned long emptyBucketCount = 0; unsigned long measure = 0; unsigned int i; for (i = 0 ; i < TableSize ; ++i) { const unsigned int pass = printBucket (i); measure += pass; if (pass == 0) ++emptyBucketCount; } printf ("spread measure = %ld\n", measure); printf ("%ld empty buckets\n", emptyBucketCount); } #endif /* vi:set tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4: */