{% extends 'layout.html' %} {% load i18n %} {% load humanize %} {% block title %}{% trans "Import User" %}{% endblock %} {% block content %}

{% trans "Import User" %}

{% if invalid %}
{% trans "Not a valid import file" %}
{% endif %} {% if not site.imports_enabled %}

{% trans "Imports are temporarily disabled; thank you for your patience." %}

{% elif next_available %}

{% blocktrans %}Currently you are allowed to import one user every {{ user_import_hours }} hours.{% endblocktrans %}

{% blocktrans %}You will next be able to import a user file at {{ next_available }}{% endblocktrans %}

{% else %}
{% csrf_token %}

{% trans "Step 1:" %}

{% blocktrans trimmed %} Select an export file generated from another BookWyrm account. The file format should be .tar.gz. {% endblocktrans %}

{{ import_form.archive_file }}

{% trans "Step 2:" %}

{% blocktrans trimmed %} Deselect any checkboxes for data you do not wish to include in your import. {% endblocktrans %}

Unless specified below, importing will not delete any data. Imported data will be added if it does not already exist. For example, if you have an existing list with the same name as an imported list, the existing list settings will not change, any new list items will be added, and no existing list items will be deleted.

{% trans "Overwrites display name, summary, and avatar" %}

{% trans "Overwrites:" %}
  • {% trans "Whether manual approval is required for other users to follow your account" %}
  • {% trans "Whether following/followers are shown on your profile" %}
  • {% trans "Whether your reading goal is shown on your profile" %}
  • {% trans "Whether you see user follow suggestions" %}
  • {% trans "Whether your account is suggested to others" %}
  • {% trans "Your timezone" %}
  • {% trans "Your default post privacy setting" %}

{% trans "Reading goals for all years listed in the import file" %}

{% if not import_limit_reset and not import_size_limit or allowed_imports > 0 %} {% else %}

{% trans "You've reached the import limit." %}

{% endif%}
{% endif %}

{% trans "Recent Imports" %}

{% if not jobs %} {% endif %} {% for job in jobs %} {% endfor %}
{% trans "Date Created" %} {% trans "Last Updated" %} {% trans "Status" %}
{% trans "No recent imports" %}

{{ job.created_date }}

{{ job.updated_date }} {% if job.status %} {{ job.status }} {{ job.status_display }} {% elif job.complete %} {% trans "Complete" %} {% else %} {% trans "Active" %} {% endif %}
{% include 'snippets/pagination.html' with page=jobs path=request.path %}
{% endblock %}