Mayel de Borniol b95cbd329d 49
2024-04-16 10:59:51 +01:00

174 lines
5.2 KiB
Executable file

import Config
# Please note that most of these are defaults meant to be overridden/extended by:
# 1) flavour-specific config
# 2) instance admins in Settings
cwd = File.cwd!()
dep_ui_common =
if File.exists?("#{cwd}/extensions/bonfire_ui_common/"),
do: "#{cwd}/extensions/bonfire_ui_common/",
else: "#{cwd}/deps/bonfire_ui_common/"
config :bonfire, :ui,
theme: [
# instance_name: "Bonfire",
instance_theme: "bonfire",
instance_theme_light: "light",
instance_icon: "/images/bonfire-icon.png",
instance_image: "/images/bonfires.png",
instance_tagline: "Yet another federated digital space",
instance_description: "This is a bonfire demo instance for testing purposes",
instance_welcome: [
title: "👋 Welcome",
"Bonfire is a federated social networking toolkit to customise and host your own online space and control your experience at the most granular level.
More details at",
links: [
"About Bonfire": "",
Forum: "",
"Community Chat": "",
Contribute: ""
terms: [
conduct: ""
show_activity_counts: false,
show_profile_background_image: true,
# should be enabled if using any extra extensions (other than social) or if you used some in the past and still want to display the old activities
# TODO: check if / how much this slows down the app
feed_object_extension_preloads_disabled: false,
# end theme
hide_app_switcher: true,
rich_text_editor_disabled: false,
# rich_text_editor: Bonfire.Editor.Quill,
# rich_text_editor: Bonfire.Editor.Ck,
rich_text_editor: Bonfire.Editor.Milkdown,
# rich_text_editor: Bonfire.Editor.TiptapLive,
# rich_text_editor: Bonfire.UI.Common.ComposerLive,
# default
font_family: "Inter (Latin Languages)",
font_families: [
"Inter (Latin Languages)",
"Inter (More Languages)",
"Noto Sans (Latin Languages)",
"Noto Sans (More Languages)",
themes: [
# "dark",
themes_light: [
show_trending_tags: [
disabled: false,
for_last_x_days: 30,
limit: 8
smart_input: [
post: true,
cw: true,
title: true,
summary: true
invites_component: Bonfire.Invite.Links.Web.InvitesLive,
# smart_input_activities: [
# post: "Compose a post",
# category: "Create a topic",
# label: "New label"
# ],
# smart_input_components: [ # NOTE: replaced by the SmartInputModule behaviour
# post: Bonfire.UI.Social.WritePostContentLive,
# message: Bonfire.UI.Social.WritePostContentLive,
# category: Bonfire.Classify.Web.NewCategoryLive,
# label: Bonfire.Label.Web.NewLabelLive,
# page: Bonfire.Pages.Web.CreatePageLive,
# section: Bonfire.Pages.Web.EditSectionLive
# ],
smart_input_as: :non_blocking
config :bonfire,
# used by ActivityLive - TODO: autogenerate?
verb_families: [
reply: ["Reply", "Respond"],
create: ["Create", "Write"],
react: ["Like", "Boost", "Flag", "Tag", "Pin"],
simple_action: ["Assign", "Label", "Schedule"]
config :bonfire_ui_common, Bonfire.UI.Common.SmartInputLive,
max_length: 2000,
max_uploads: 4
config :surface_catalogue,
title: "Bonfire UI",
subtitle: "Surface Components Documentation & Examples"
config :iconify_ex,
generated_icon_app: :bonfire_ui_common,
mode: :css,
using_svg_inject: true,
generated_icon_modules_path: "#{dep_ui_common}lib/components/icons",
generated_icon_static_url: "/images/icons",
generated_icon_static_path: "#{dep_ui_common}assets/static/images/icons"
config :surface, :components, [
{Bonfire.UI.Common.Modular.StatelessComponent, propagate_context_to_slots: true},
{Bonfire.UI.Common.Modular.StatefulComponent, propagate_context_to_slots: true},
{Iconify.Icon, propagate_context_to_slots: false},
{Bonfire.UI.Common.ReusableModalLive, propagate_context_to_slots: true},
{Bonfire.UI.Common.LinkLive, propagate_context_to_slots: true},
{Bonfire.UI.Common.LogoLinkLive, propagate_context_to_slots: false},
{Bonfire.UI.Social.Activity.LinkToActivityLive, propagate_context_to_slots: true},
{Bonfire.UI.Common.TabsLive, propagate_context_to_slots: true}
config :surface, :compiler,
hooks_output_dir: "data/current_flavour/config/flavour_assets/hooks/",
css_output_file: "data/current_flavour/config/flavour_assets/components.css",
variants_output_file: "data/current_flavour/config/flavour_assets/variants.js",
enable_variants: true
# variants_prefix: "s-"