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2024-04-27 10:39:40 +01:00

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defmodule Bonfire.Umbrella.MixProject do
use Mix.Project
alias Bonfire.Mixer
@default_flavour "classic"
@flavour System.get_env("FLAVOUR") || @default_flavour
# we only behave as an umbrella im dev/test env
@use_local_forks System.get_env("WITH_FORKS", "1") == "1"
ext_forks_path = Mixer.forks_path()
@use_umbrella? Mix.env() == :dev and @use_local_forks and System.get_env("AS_UMBRELLA") == "1" and
@umbrella_path if @use_umbrella?, do: ext_forks_path, else: nil
if @use_umbrella?, do: IO.puts("NOTE: Running as umbrella...")
# including it by default breaks Dockerfile.release but not including it like this breaks CI...
@main_deps if(System.get_env("WITH_GIT_DEPS") == "0",
do: [{:bonfire, git: ""}],
else: []
@maybe_api_deps if(System.get_env("WITH_API_GRAPHQL") == "yes",
do: [
{:absinthe, "~> 1.7"},
git: ""},
git: ""}
else: []
@maybe_image_vix if(System.get_env("ENABLE_IMAGE_VIX") != "0",
do: [{:image, "~> 0.37", runtime: true, override: true}],
else: []
@extra_deps @main_deps ++
@maybe_api_deps ++
@maybe_image_vix ++
{:ex_aws, git: "", override: true},
# compilation
# {:tria, github: "hissssst/tria"},
## password hashing - builtin vs nif
{:pbkdf2_elixir, "~> 2.0", only: [:dev, :test]},
{:argon2_elixir, "~> 4.0", only: [:prod]},
## dev conveniences
{:phoenix_live_reload, "~> 1.3", only: :dev, override: true},
# {:exsync, git: "", only: :dev},
# {:mix_unused, "~> 0.4", only: :dev}, # find unused public functions
{:ex_doc, "~> 0.31.1", only: [:dev, :test], runtime: false},
{:ecto_erd, "~> 0.4", only: :dev},
{:excellent_migrations, "~> 0.1", only: [:dev, :test], runtime: false},
# {:ecto_dev_logger, "~> 0.7", only: :dev},
# flame graphs in live_dashboard
# {:flame_on, "~> 0.5", only: :dev},
{:pseudo_gettext, git: "", only: :dev},
{:periscope, "~> 0.4", only: :dev},
# {:changelog, "~> 0.1", only: [:dev, :test], runtime: false}, # retrieve changelogs of latest dependency versions
# changelog generation
{:versioce, "~> 2.0.0", only: :dev},
# needed for changelog generation
{:git_cli, "~> 0.3.0", only: :dev},
# {:archeometer, git: "", only: [:dev, :test]}, # "~> 0.1.0" # disabled because exqlite not working in CI
{:recode, "~> 0.4", only: :dev},
# API client needed for changelog generation
{:neuron, "~> 5.0", only: :dev, override: true},
# note: cannot use only: dev
# {:phoenix_profiler, "~> 0.2.0"},
# "~> 0.1.0", path: "forks/one_plus_n_detector",
# {:one_plus_n_detector, git: "", only: :dev},
{:observer_cli, "~> 1.7", only: [:dev, :test]},
# tests
# {:floki, ">= 0.0.0", only: [:dev, :test]},
# {:pages, "~> 0.12", only: :test}, # extends Floki for testing
# "~> 0.2.4",
git: "", only: :test, runtime: false
{:mock, "~> 0.3", only: :test},
{:mox, "~> 1.0", only: :test},
{:ex_machina, "~> 2.7", only: [:dev, :test]},
{:zest, "~> 0.1.0"},
{:grumble, "~> 0.1.3", only: [:test], override: true},
{:mix_test_watch, "~> 1.1", only: :test, runtime: false, override: true},
{:mix_test_interactive, "~> 2.0", only: :test, runtime: false},
{:ex_unit_summary, "~> 0.1.0", only: :test},
{:ex_unit_notifier, "~> 1.0", only: :test},
{:wallaby, "~> 0.30", runtime: false, only: :test},
{:credo, "~> 1.7.5", only: :test, override: true},
# used in furlex
# {:bypass, "~> 2.1", only: :test},
{:assert_value, ">= 0.0.0", only: [:dev, :test]},
{:mneme, ">= 0.0.0", only: [:dev, :test]},
# Benchmarking utilities
{:benchee, "~> 1.1", override: true},
{:benchee_html, "~> 1.0", only: [:dev, :test]},
# for Telemetry store
{:circular_buffer, "~> 0.4", only: :dev},
# {:chaperon, "~> 0.3.1", only: [:dev, :test]},
# logging
{:sentry, "~> 10.0", only: [:dev, :prod], override: true},
# list dependencies & licenses
# {
# :licensir,
# only: :dev,
# runtime: false,
# git: "",
# # path: "./forks/licensir"
# },
# security auditing
# {:mix_audit, "~> 0.1", only: [:dev], runtime: false}
{:sobelow, "~> 0.12.1", only: :dev}
@deps Mixer.mess_sources(@flavour)
|> Mess.deps(@extra_deps,
use_local_forks?: @use_local_forks,
use_umbrella?: @use_umbrella?,
umbrella_root?: @use_local_forks,
umbrella_path: @umbrella_path
# |> IO.inspect(limit: :infinity)
@extra_release_apps @deps
|> Enum.filter(fn
{_dep, opts} when is_list(opts) ->
opts[:runtime] == false and
(is_nil(opts[:only]) or :prod in List.wrap(opts[:only]))
{_dep, _, opts} ->
opts[:runtime] == false and
(is_nil(opts[:only]) or :prod in List.wrap(opts[:only]))
_ ->
# Mixer.other_flavour_sources()
|> Mixer.deps_names_list()
|> Enum.reject(&(&1 == :bonfire))
|>{&1, :load})
|> IO.inspect(label: "disabled extensions to still include in release")
# TODO: put these in ENV or an external writeable config file similar to deps.*
@config [
# note that the flavour will automatically be added where the dash appears
version: "0.9.10-beta.62",
elixir: ">= #{System.get_env("ELIXIR_VERSION", "1.13.4")}",
flavour: @flavour,
default_flavour: @default_flavour,
logo: "assets/static/images/bonfire-icon.png",
guides: [
deps_prefixes: [
docs: [
# "zest",
test: [
# "paginator",
# "paper_trail"
data: [
api: [
required: [
localise: ["bonfire"],
localise_self: [
# FIXME: should extract to root app, not activity_pub like it's doing (for whatever reason)
deps: @deps,
disabled_extensions: @extra_release_apps
# |> IO.inspect(limit: :infinity)
def config, do: @config
def deps, do: config()[:deps]
def project do
app: :bonfire_umbrella,
apps_path: @umbrella_path,
version: Mixer.version(config()),
elixir: config()[:elixir],
elixirc_options: [debug_info: true, docs: true],
elixirc_paths: Mixer.elixirc_paths(config(), Mix.env()),
test_paths: Mixer.test_paths(config()),
# test_deps: Mixer.deps(config(), :test) |> IO.inspect(),
required_deps: config()[:deps_prefixes][:required],
# consolidate_protocols: false, # for Tria
compilers: Mixer.compilers(Mix.env()),
start_permanent: Mix.env() == :prod,
aliases: aliases(),
deps: deps(),
multirepo_deps: Mixer.deps(config(), :bonfire),
in_multirepo_fn: &Mixer.in_multirepo?/1,
multirepo_recompile_fn: &Mixer.deps_recompile/0,
config_path: "config/config.exs",
releases: [
bonfire: [
runtime_config_path: Mixer.config_path("runtime.exs"),
# should BEAM files should have their debug information, documentation chunks, and other non-essential metadata?
strip_beams: false,
bonfire: :permanent,
# if observability fails it shouldnt take your app down with it
opentelemetry_exporter: :temporary,
opentelemetry: :temporary
] ++ config()[:disabled_extensions]
sources_url: "",
source_url: "",
homepage_url: "",
docs: [
# The first page to display from the docs
name: "Bonfire",
main: "readme",
logo: config()[:logo],
output: "docs/exdoc",
source_url_pattern: &Mixer.source_url_pattern/2,
# extra pages to include
extras: Mixer.readme_paths(config()),
# extra apps to include in module docs
source_beam: Mixer.docs_beam_paths(config()),
# deps: Mixer.doc_dep_urls(config()),
# Note: first match wins
groups_for_extras: [
Guides: Path.wildcard("docs/*"),
"Flavours of Bonfire": Path.wildcard("flavours/*/*"),
"Data schemas": Path.wildcard("{extensions,deps,forks}/bonfire_data_*/*"),
"UI extensions": Path.wildcard("{extensions,deps,forks}/bonfire_ui_*/*"),
"Bonfire utilities":
|> Enum.flat_map(&Path.wildcard("{extensions,deps,forks}/#{&1}/*")),
"Feature extensions": Path.wildcard("{extensions,deps,forks}/bonfire_*/*"),
"Other utilities": Path.wildcard("{extensions,deps,forks}/*/*"),
Dependencies: Path.wildcard("docs/DEPENDENCIES/*")
groups_for_modules: [
"Data schemas": ~r/^Bonfire.Data.?/,
"UI extensions": ~r/^Bonfire.UI.?/,
"Bonfire utilities": [
"Feature extensions": [~r/^Bonfire.?/, ~r/^ValueFlows.?/],
Federation: [
Icons: ~r/^Iconify.?/,
Utilities: ~r/.?/
nest_modules_by_prefix: [
# Bonfire.UI,
# ValueFlows,
# def application, do: Bonfire.Spark.MixProject.application()
def cli do
default_task: "phx.server"
# preferred_envs: [docs: :docs]
defp aliases do
"hex.setup": ["local.hex --force"],
"rebar.setup": ["local.rebar --force"],
hex_setup: [
"bonfire.seeds": [
# "phil_columns.seed",
# FIXME: this does not update transitive deps
"bonfire.deps.update": ["deps.update " <> Mixer.deps_to_update(config())],
"bonfire.deps.clean": [
"deps.clean " <> Mixer.deps_to_clean(config(), :localise) <> " --build"
"": [
"deps.clean " <> Mixer.deps_to_clean(config(), :data) <> " --build"
"bonfire.deps.clean.api": [
"deps.clean " <> Mixer.deps_to_clean(config(), :api) <> " --build"
"bonfire.deps.compile": [
"deps.compile " <> Mixer.deps_to_update(config())
"ecto.seeds": [
"run #{Mixer.flavour_path(config())}/repo/seeds.exs"
updates: ["deps.get", "bonfire.deps.update"],
upgrade: ["updates", "ecto.migrate"],
"ecto.setup": ["ecto.create", "ecto.migrate"],
"ecto.migrate": ["bonfire.seeds"],
"ecto.reset": ["ecto.drop --force", "ecto.setup"],
"test.with-db": ["ecto.create --quiet", "ecto.migrate --quiet", "test"],
sobelow: ["cmd mix sobelow"]