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2022-09-12 16:34:14 +12:00

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import Config
## Import or set test configs for extensions
import_config "activity_pub_test.exs"
config :bonfire,
# should match limit hardcoded in tests
default_pagination_limit: 10,
# should match limit hardcoded in tests
thread_default_pagination_limit: 10,
skip_all_boundary_checks: false
config :bonfire, Bonfire.Mailer, adapter: Bamboo.TestAdapter
config :bonfire_search,
disabled: true,
disable_indexing: true
## Other general test config
config :logger, level: :info
# config :logger, level: :debug
# config :logger, level: :notice
config :logger, truncate: :infinity
config :logger, :console, truncate: :infinity
# Configure your database
db = "bonfire_test#{System.get_env("MIX_TEST_PARTITION")}"
# The MIX_TEST_PARTITION environment variable can be used
# to provide built-in test partitioning in CI environment.
# Run `mix help test` for more information.
config :bonfire, Bonfire.Common.Repo,
pool: Ecto.Adapters.SQL.Sandbox,
pool_size: 20,
# show_sensitive_data_on_connection_error: true,
database: db,
slow_query_ms: 500,
queue_target: 5_000,
queue_interval: 2_000,
timeout: 10_000,
connect_timeout: 10_000
config :bonfire, Bonfire.Web.Endpoint, http: [port: 4001]
config :bonfire, Oban,
crontab: false,
plugins: false,
queues: false
config :pbkdf2_elixir, :rounds, 1
config :mix_test_interactive,
clear: true
config :paginator, ecto_repos: [Bonfire.Common.Repo]
config :paginator, Paginator.Repo,
pool: Ecto.Adapters.SQL.Sandbox,
username: System.get_env("POSTGRES_USER", "postgres"),
password: System.get_env("POSTGRES_PASSWORD", "postgres"),
hostname: System.get_env("POSTGRES_HOST", "localhost"),
database: db
config :exsync,
src_monitor: false,
extra_extensions: [".leex", ".js", ".css", ".sface"]
# for headless browser testing:
config :bonfire, sql_sandbox: true
config :wallaby,
otp_app: :bonfire,
# base_url: Bonfire.Web.Endpoint.url(),
max_wait_time: 6_000,
screenshot_on_failure: true,
chromedriver: [
# point to your chromedriver path
path: "assets/node_modules/chromedriver/bin/chromedriver",
# change to false if you want to see the browser in action
headless: true