# Build, dependency and target directories /_build/ /cover/ /deps/ /.cache/ /.hex/ /.guix-hex/ /.mix/ /.guix-mix/ /.nova/ /.npm/ /.config/ /.elixir_ls/ /.cargo/ /doc/ # Ignore .fetch files in case you like to edit your project deps locally. /.fetch /.CodeCount /lib/mix/tasks # If the VM crashes, it generates a dump, let's ignore it too. erl_crash.dump # Also ignore archive artifacts (built via "mix archive.build"). *.ez # Ignore package tarball (built via "mix hex.build"). bonfire-*.tar # If NPM crashes, it generates a log, let's ignore it too. npm-debug.log # The directory NPM downloads your dependencies sources to. /assets # You might have pnpm installed here node_modules/ # ignore package.json lock. assets/package-lock.json # Since we are building assets from assets/ /priv/static/ # App and user data /data/ /db/ .env /.env .secrets config/dev config/prod flavours/*/config/dev flavours/*/config/prod flavours/*/config/test /config priv/seed_data assets/static/data priv/repo # user-local overrides for mess deps.path deps.path.* deps.*.path /libs/ # /forks/ /forks/*/ /extensions/*/ # Dev artifacts .elixir_ls .nix-hex/ .nix-mix/ .direnv/ .bash_history result results/* schema.graphql .pnpm-debug.log .pnpm-store .pnpm-state.json assets/.parcel-cache .tailwindcss/touch/ .local/state/ docs/exdoc bonfire.code-workspace benchmarks/output .vscode/ .local screenshots/ ./assets .elixir-tools flavours/*/config/flavour_assets/components.css flavours/*/repo/migrations # we use yarn, so ignore others assets/package-lock.json assets/pnpm-lock.yaml # huh? flavours/*/classic flavours/*/cooperation flavours/*/haha flavours/*/reflow flavours/*/upcycle .DS_Store tx # archeometer archeometer_bonfire.db reports/ docs/xref_graph.svg tunnel.conf